Chapter 28

You're the cause of this


Farisha lets her body fall on the soft cushion of her bed that seems so inviting after a very long and exhausting day of school and work. As she lays there staring at the dark ceiling of her room, she feels the weariness seeping through every fibre of her system.
She closes her eyelids only to open them again as she heard the faint buzz of her phone. Groaning, she took the phone form her bedside table and yawns as she saw Chanyeol's name on the screen.

"Yoboseyo..." Her voice sounds hoarse and tired contrasting the energetic and lively voice of the one on the other line.
She didn't hesitates to yawn loudly as Chanyeol spoke on the other line. Upon noticing the exhaustion on her voice, Chanyeol didn't take too long and spoke straightforwardly.
"Lotte world, 10:30 am tomorrow, how's that sound?"
"Ummm.. it sounds fun" She chuckled at the giant's straightforwardness. Not even beating around the bush.
"It's final then, you'll go with me tomorrow." Chanyeol wasn't asking for a confirmation he's more likely demanding.

Farisha opens in protest but was cut off.
"I'll just fetch you at your apartment~ See you tomorrow, good night~~~" Chanyeol cooes before cutting off the line.
Farisha just stare at her phone in pure shock but nonetheless, smiles and dozes off to dreamland.

The very next day, Saturday, she woke up to the blinding ray of sun seeping through her lavender curtains that were being swayed by the fresh morning air. She stays seated on her bed for awhile and opens her phone to check her inbox and recalls that she's being invited or more likely demanded to go to the Lotte World today by the giant, Park Chanyeol.

It was still too early, 7:45 am to be exact, she decided to clean her apartment first and rest for awhile.
She finished tidying her place on 9:15 and prepared for the Lotte World later.

Ready to go wearing her pastel-hued chemise, white skinny jeans and her favorite pair of sneakers, Farisha opens the door and saw a beaming Chanyeol standing on her doorway looking stunning as ever. Chanyeol looks so blinding literally, thanks to the rays of sun casting down on him.

"Shall we?" Chanyeol offered his left hand to her and she happily took it, not forgetting to lock the door.
And off they go to Lotte World.


"YAH!! BYUN BAEKHYUN!!! STOP BEING A SISSY!!!" D.O roared early in the morning, making the birds at the nearby trees to fly away at the sound of his loud voice.
"DON'T SAY 'YAH YAH YAH' ON ME, YOU DO KYUNGSOO!!!!" Baekhyun shot back.
"Can please the two of you shut your mouth up????" A not so pleased Kai enters the kitchen to get a glass of water not forgetting to  bump shoulders with his bickering hyungs in process.

"Go cook your breakfast then." D.O hissed, getting the frying pan ready. It wasn't clear if he was referring to Baekhyun or Kai but Kai ignored him.
"I'M NOT THE COOK HERE. IT'S YOU, SHORTIE!!!!" Baekhyun shouted and D.O almost threw the frying pan on him if it was not to Suho who was able to calm the two who were all ready to go on each other's throat.

The other guys were waken up to the loud noise from the downstairs.
"Why are you so angry early in the morning, Baekky?" Tao tries to charm his still heated hyung but it was in vain as Baekhyun snobbed him.
"Yah Baekhyun-ah, don't be so harsh on the maknaes." Lay notifies him, pointing to the obviously scared maknae and the infuriated look on Baekhyun's face was wiped out in a flash at the sight of teary eyed Tao who clungs on to Suho's side and to Sehun's trembling figure who was being comforted by D.O who in return threw daggers at Bakehyun.
Baekhyun bowed his head and apologizes to his disturbed friends.

"Say, why are you so annoyed awhile ago?" Kris asked Baekhyun while all of them were seated for a breakfast.
"eh? someone seems missing." Chen pointed out at Chanyeol's empty chair. Everyone shared a questioning look.
"He's out early in the morning all dressed up and ready to go." D.O said and everyone nodded, questions all answered pertaining to Baekhyun's sudden outburst awhile ago.

At The Lotte World...

"That was really fun!!!!!!" Chanyeol jumps up and down like a kid, an aftermath from the previous rides that made their adrenaline rush to its fullest. "Yeah!!! Can we ride some more??" Farisha giddily asked whilst eyeing the gigantic rides before them.
Chanyeol who was infected by the girl's excitement nodded and dragged themselves to line on the ticket booth.

After hours of experiencing the different blood-curling and risky yet satisfying rides, they made way to one of the bistros found around the place and shared an appetizing lunch together. They also strolled the Magic Island and the inner parts of Adventure Park afterwards with Chanyeol making use of his tall stature and leading the way. They were all so worn out, legs throbbing, sweat dripping yet a happy smile plastered on their faces as they devour their shared large tube of ice cream.

The sun was already cascading its purple and orangey upshot on the sky when the two made their way out the Lotte World.
Farisha has a cute and fluffy Poby clinging on her backwhile Chanyeol was grinning from ear to ear beside her.
"I'll carry Poby for you." Chanyeol suggested but she furiously shook her head.
"Okay okay." He had his arms raised in defeat.
"Hey PobyYeol, you okay there?" She spoke to the bear on her back and laughed at the sight of wide eyed Chanyeol who grinned widely as he realized that Farisha named the bear after him. His heartbeat quickened as Farisha kissed the bear on cheeks and a faint blush rose on her high cheekbones.


"I'm home~~~" A loud and lively voice boomed inside the dorm, startling the people inside.
"Hey Baekky~~~" Chanyeol threw himself at Baekhyun but ended up colliding on the armrest of the couch as Baekhyun hastily dodge the giant. But instead of hissing in pain, Chanyeol chuckled at his foolishness.

"His bolt in head must've loose." Kai muttered, eyes trained on his PSP.
"Chanyeol hyung!!! Have you gone crazy?" Tao hollered through the loud buzzing sound of cars racing coming from his and Sehun's video game. Expecting an answer of opposing, the Chinese maknae was dumb struck as Chanyeol caged him in a tight emrace from the back and kissed his right cheek with a loud, squelch and gross sound according to Sehun.

"Yes Taozi.. I'm crazy... for you." Chanyeol's voice goes an octave deeper. The hair on the younger's neck stood up as goose bumps came visible on his arms. "Wo ai ni, panda" Chanyeol continued, voice husky and a bit y.
Kai and Sehun stared at the two, games long forgotten.
"Waaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! Kris-ge!! Help!!! Chanyeol hyung has gone gay!!!" Tao wailed while Kai and Sehun rolled their eyes at him.
Tao was then attacked by a very energetic and too happy Park Chanyeol all throughout that night with no one saving his piteous soul.



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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
Chapter 1: dont worry Ms.Author , It' not boring actually... Fighting!!!
kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D