Chapter 12

You're the cause of this

Today is a one of a kind day at school neither because there’s a program that makes the class suspended nor something good happened. In fact, everything is normal. The hallway is still noisy as ever; the cafeteria is a mess; the library is filled with the school’s geek and the kiosk outside were all occupied by groups of peers.


‘Why don’t we just head back to library?’ Hanna suggested while stomping her aching foot at the ground.

‘It’s too fille-‘


‘Noona!!!’ A shout from a certain multi-colored headed guy was heard from afar that makes them take a look at. The two girls shared a confounded look.

‘Hey ladies!!!!’ Chanyeol stood from a shady tree at afar while waving his hand enthusiastically in the air. Sehun has already made his way and drags the contemplating girls with him.


The two girls were dragged by a gleeful Sehun and is currently surrounded by a derping giant Chanyeol, big eyed D.O, fidgeting Luhan, flirting Kai and red-faced Baekhyun.


‘BWAHAHAHAHA THE BUTTERFLIES!!’ Chanyeol suddenly pointed somewhere that makes their small crowd look at. He receive a smack from Kai who latter rolled his eyes.

Hanna giggles at the sight and soon her giggle became a virus that spread among the small crowd.


‘Hey, shall we go back?’ Farisha whispered at her friend while wandering her eyes at the still laughing bunch of boys.

‘It’s so good to be here. Let’s stay for awhile.’ Hanna looks like a kid who suddenly found her own friends at park.

‘But...’ You pouted and look at the grass dejectedly knowing that pursuing Hanna will be vain.



Farisha’s POV


You felt a poke at your shoulder and you tilt your head but nothing or likely no one is there.

You focused back your attention at the game you’re watching.

There is it again, a poke on your right shoulder.

Your sight was greeted by an extremely big eyed Chanyeol who is wearing a wide smile. In front of his derping eyes is a butterfly; fluttering its wings calmly. Sure, his look is a bit creepy, but you’re able to maintain your composure.


‘My friend wants to play with you.’ You heard him say as he sets the butterfly carefully at your forefinger while scooting beside you. His deep voice sounds so near in your ears.

‘So cute.’ You coed while examining the butterfly on your hand. ‘Isn’t it?’ Chanyeol’s serene look greeted you as you look at him.

 ‘A-ah.. N-neh..’ He replied while scratching his nape.


No One’s POV


You and Chanyeol played with the butterfly still oblivious to the look Luhan is giving you or more likely Chanyeol. The noise from the guys is blocked from Luhan’s sense of hearing. His full attention drawn towards you two.


The butterfly suddenly flies around the two of you that startled you and made Chanyeol’s amuse smile to creep on his face.


Chanyeol’s POV


‘So pretty..’ Farisha stated while looking at the butterfly that is now flying freely around the flowers.

Like you... I mentally added while looking at her delicate side profile. She has a tan skin tone similarly to Kai’s and a bob hair cut that suits her feature. Thick eyelashes that framed her doe-like eyes and cute little nose hovering over her naturally pink lips. My eyes can’t manage to look away at those pair of lips.


‘... are they?’ a question from her snaps me back to reality. I’m daydreaming about this girl again.

‘HAHAHAHA Neh!!!’ I clap my hands enthusiastically. Farisha looks at me quizzically and a lump suddenly forms inside my throat. My breath hitched as she suddenly lean in and put her hands on my forehead. Deja vu. I thought. The loud thumping of my heart suddenly became deafening and I’m quite lucky she can’t hear it.

‘Hey, I will get something from my bag.’ I abruptly stood up from my seat and get the ‘something’ from my bag.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I drink quickly my cold water in one shot.


Luhan’s POV


My whole attention is drawn at Farisha and Chanyeol as soon as the latter took a seat beside her. Chanyeol brought a butterfly to her and they played for it. Something inside me twitches every time they laugh heartily among themselves. From the look on Chanyeol’s eyes, I can say that he has a thing for her.


I know I’m not in the position but I hate the way they laugh among themselves, like they’re the only people that exist.


Make a move, you pabo. I heard that small voice said again inside my head. For this past few weeks, this voice keeps on popping out whenever I think of Farisha and I even thought that I’m going paranoid.


My body abruptly makes a move as my vision saw Chanyeol standing up and left Farisha alone.

And here I am, awkwardly standing in front of her. She looks up and smiles as soon as she saw me. That smile again.


‘Mind if I sit beside you?’ I stupidly ask.

‘Sure’ and she pats the seat beside her.


A few minutes passed and I can feel the awkward air lingering around us.

I have to say something..


‘About the-‘

‘Umm, Where did-‘

As if on instincts, we spoke at the same time. Sync?

A chuckle escapes my lips as she blushes.


‘Ladies first’ I said being the gentleman I am.

‘Never mind. It’s nothing. What were you saying again?’She waves her hand dismissively.

My heart suddenly drops.


‘Hehehe... The sky is very beautiful.’ Came a stupid alibi from my mouth. I mentally face-palmed my face as she looks at me confusedly. Great. Just great!


Now, it was my time to be dumbfounded as she laughs her heart out as if hearing the most ridiculous joke ever.

And as cliché and weird as it sounds, the air flew a few strands of her hair that makes her look like an angel sent from above. The noise of the guys playing noisily suddenly becomes unbearably soft.  Soft chimes and the loud beating of my heart are the only sounds my ears perceive. She looks so beautiful wearing her gorgeous smile. I can feel my self smile as well and everything seems perfect.


I suddenly had the urge to stop the time and live this moment forever.


‘Yeah the sky is very very beautiful...’ She smiles at me ‘Luhan sunbae’ her smile became mischievous. I heard a snicker at her as soon as a pout shows in my face.

At least this girl is now comfortable around me. Maybe, that’s all I need for now and I will have to wait for her to open up to me. I’ll be her Luhan oppa or if not, the greatest Luhan sunbae she can ever wish for.


And for the rest of our time, we sit beside each other enjoying the calm atmosphere and not minding our crazy friends that were enjoying their own business.


Hanna’s POV


While Farisha and Luhan were enjoying their moment, here I am stuck up with these guys. Actually, they’re very fun to be with but this Chanyeol and Baekhyun guys are very loud and noisy. It’s as if they own the place. The Baekhyun guy is singing his heart out while Chanyeol is teasing Baekhyun’s eyeliner which causes the latter’s wrath.


I was looking at them pointedly half praying that they will go silent for once but it was so useless as every second passes, their noise multiplies into three.


‘Hanna, want to have some of my kimchi spaghetti?’ D.O offered while passing me a fork. I look at the ware where the food was placed.

‘Kyungthoo hyung’th thpaghetti is really delithciouth. I thwear.’ Sehun said while in his big lollipop. I suddenly thought of Haola who hates this guy because of the lollipop incident. This maknae is a very cute one. He’s got the look plus his lisp that seems to be his charisma. Eh?


‘Then, I’ll eat it.’ I was snapped from my dazed state as Kai took the ware from my hold. D.O hits Kai’s head which earned an ‘oww’ from the latter guy.

‘Now, eat it before the monster will.’ D.O said while giving me back the food. D.O glared at the smirking Kai while Sehun was watching the scene boringly.


‘PARK CHANYEOOOOLLLLLLL!!’ I choke on my food as Baekhyun angrily hollered at the retreating figure of Chanyeol. I look at the now angered Baekhyun with a frightened look. This guy is sure a crazy one.

I shook my head as Baekhyun suddenly laugh. Bipolar?

I met his gaze and abruptly got a heart attack as he winks at me.

I found myself stuffing my face with D.O’s kimchi spaghetti. The spicy food made me stop and I look at the guys with my teary eye. I fan my tongue that was stuck out.


‘w-water! I n-need water!!!’ I said while fanning my tongue overly.

The guys panic while searching for a bottle of water.


‘Here...’ I heard a voice said beside me. Bottled water was shown in front of my face. Without thinking twice, I took the water and drank it in one go. I sigh in content while wiping out some water on my lips as the heat temporarily weakens.


‘Thanks’ I muttered while looking at my savior.

My eyes shift from the now empty bottle of water in my hand and to a happy looking Baekhyun. I was dumbfounded for a moment. O.O

‘Kyeopta..’ He suddenly coed while ruffling my hair.

I glared at him for disheveling my hair.

‘Flirt.’ I muttered under my breath.



OMONA.. I'm having a writer's block >//////<


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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
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