Chapter 13

You're the cause of this


No One’s POV


Today is another shift at the Lei’s cafe but unfortunately, your friends had been late for today and the reason’s still unknown to you. Your look shifts from the wall clock on one of the corner of the cafe and to the door, hoping for your friends to arrive. You’re surely bored to death as your sight wanders to the customers enjoying their food wonderfully. You fished out your phone as you felt it vibrate inside your apron’s pocket. A smile automatically appears at your face as Haola’s face appears on the screen.


‘Yah! Where the heck are you?’ You greeted her with your nagging as soon as you two were connected.

A few seconds passed as the other line spoke. Your smiling face slowly turns to a scowl second by second.


‘Okay. Take care. See you guys tomorrow.’ And you hung up. Your shoulders drop, simultaneously with your mood. Your friends’ school stuff were all demanding that’s why they weren’t able to have their shift today and it saddened you knowing that you’ll be working without them. Actually, it’s not your first time to work alone but you suddenly observed that these past few days, you guys had been busy that caused you being unable to had time with each other. You’re missing their company and the girl stuff you usually do. 


Finally, after four hours of working, it’s time to go home.


‘Annie-ah, are you sure you can do it by yourself?’ You ask your co-worker who was assigned to close the shop. She flashes you a smile and nodded while she waves her hand motioning you to go home.


Hoisting your bag at your shoulder, you bowed and made your way out. Outside, you’re greeted by the refreshingly cold air of Seoul. You enthusiastically breathe in the night fresh air while stretching your tired body before proceeding to your way.


With your hands inside your pocket, you trek along the walkway passing by different shops single-handedly. You stop by at a deokbokki stand and bought some before continuing your walk. You’re about to put some deokbokki inside your mouth when you heard your name being called. With the deokbokki still in front of your mouth, you turned around and saw Luhan only a few feet away from you wearing his dazzling smile in which you returned back fretfully.


Every time you’re around this guy, your heart manages to skip some beats causing you to go nervous and clammy in a good way. Your stomach suddenly produces butterflies and you can hear your heart beating loudly against your ribcage. It even worried you if he heard this loud beating of your heart and you hopefully prayed that he wasn’t able to.


‘Hey...’ He greets you with his breathe clearly visible on the cold air. His hands are inside his pocket and he’s standing there in front of you gorgeously. Fortunately, you manages a ‘hi’ back but you’re like a stiff tree there standing with your awkward smile on. He chuckles while nearing you and this causes you to panic.


‘Your deokbokki’ He chuckles while pointing at the deokbokki that is still in front of your mouth, ready to be put inside. You embarrassedly put it back on and cleared your throat afterwards.


‘Are you going home?’ Luhan asks you as soon as the two of you continues to walk along the walkway calmly.

‘Ne. How about you?’ You said. You glance at Luhan beside you and your eyes met his brown orbs that are clearly looking back at you. Hastily, your cheek flushed causing you to avoid his gaze.


‘ Ne. I just meet up with my cousin a few minutes ago. You know, catching up with some stuff.’ He chuckles at his own words which causes you to smile. The two of you comfortably trek the way. Night lights made the surrounding striking.


‘Hey by the way, want to know what happened yesterday.’ He poses while happily skipping along the way. You were again amused at his childlike act. You’re sure that he’s about to tell you something good based on his random excitement. You tilt your head and look at him ‘Go on. I’m all ears right now.’ He cheekily smiles at you and he suddenly stops causing you to follow.


‘Finally, I was able to play with the soccer team......’ He trailed as he examines your face, waiting for your reaction. Slowly, your mouth slightly parted open and you blink for multiple times. The cold wind passed by the two of you causing for a few strands of your hair to flew. Luckily, you manage to smile for him.


‘Really, that was one of the happiest and enjoyable events that happened in my life. Playing soccer again for almost a year is really great. I suddenly miss my family at China.’ He said, his voice tinted with sadness. You stood there looking at his expression. ‘Teach me soccer someday so that we’ll both play and you would have your best playfellow ever.’ you heard him laugh at your statement.


‘Why are you laughing?...’ You feigned upset.

‘It’s just that I just can’t imagine you playing soccer.’ He’s trying his very best to suppress his laughter while you still go on with your act.

‘You’re underestimating me. Aren’t you?’ and Luhan, being he is, bought your little act.


‘Hey, I didn’t mean to, I’m----‘ He said and he was cut off by your laughter. Curiously, he looks at you.

‘You’re really something, huh?’ You said still laughing at his dumbfounded expression. Eyes all round and mouth slightly agape. He really looks like a deer caught in the headlight.


‘Yah! You frightened me.’ He said as he ruffles your hair. You caught his hand before it can cause more ‘damage’ on your hair. ‘So, you were saying....’ You trailed while the two of you continue to walk to the nearest bus stop.


‘I was saying.... Oh! They invited me to join the soccer team and I said I’ll be thinking about it.’ You nodded as his words sink in to your consciousness. ‘You should’ve said yes right at that time!’ Confusion is clearly seen on your face while Luhan casually walks beside you clearly enjoying the night.


‘I was about to, but....’ He breathed out. You look at him expectedly, waiting for his next words.

‘Something stopped me.’ He deeply sighed, his breath clearly seen on the thin air. Respecting his privacy, you didn’t dig in for his reason instead you just nodded.


 Minutes passed by the two of you comfortably. Silently the two of you were walking when a thought struck your mind. ‘By the way, I was not joking by the playfellow thing. You know, you can teach me and I’ll surely beat you.’ You said while showing him a thumb down. He chuckles ‘Yeah sure!’


A sudden gush of the cold wind overtakes causing you to blow some hot air on your hands and you rub it for some warmth. Out of Luhan’s peripheral vision, he saw your action and faces you. His next action caught you by surprise.


He took your hands on his and rubs it with his for some warmth. Upon comprehending his action, different shades of red and pink appears on your face causing your insides and heart to go wild. He continues to rub your hands with his with his determined face on. You stood there stiff, letting him do what he wants. You took in the look on his face. Furrowed eyebrows, gentle eyes and his fringe that is neatly covering his forehead. Your breath hitched when he blows some air onto your hands causing your legs to go weak. Suddenly, it doesn’t felt cold anymore.


‘Are you still cold?’ You only shook your head because your voice has surely vanished.

He pats your head. ‘Don’t catch a cold.’ And, he flashes you his sweetest smile ever.

Suddenly, you felt warmer on the inside as if your stomach threw a party inviting thousand of people in it..


You look at the walking figure of Luhan ahead of you as a smile starts to creep on the corner of your lips.




Exams finally approaching so you need to study your notes. You decided to spend your break at the library for you to start revising your notes. You occupy the empty table at the very back part of the library. There’s rarely no one at this side of the library so it’s very conducive for learning. Putting down your books at the table, you sat at the chair and start your work.


A profitable hour has passed without you noticing it. Providentially, you finished studying your Literature and Calculus and you’re now going on to your Philosophy. You stop midway at opening your notes when someone occupies the seat before you. You look up and were greeted by the smiling Xiumin. You were staggered that you didn’t find to respond back immediately. Xiumin, still wearing his cute smile, waves his hand in front of your face.


You rubbed your nape awkwardly while bowing your head wittingly hiding your red face. The smiling guy chuckles at your mannerism while pulling out the chair for him to sit on.


Your nose is buried in your philosophy notes while you stole glances at Xiumin who was sitting in front of you studying his notes diligently. You peek again at the guy and unfortunately, he caught you stealing a glance on him.


Wishing for the ground to open and eat you up, you mentally kick yourself.


‘Can I help you?’ He cutely blinks. You mentally cooed at his natural cuteness, reminding you of one of your Super Junior biases, Lee Sungmin.


You timidly laugh while waving your hands motioning for him to pay no heed to you. You’re about to highlight an important note on your book when you heard Xiumin talk. ‘You’re friends with Luhan, right?’ He is now leaning his left cheek on his prop up arm while mischievously smiling at your way. His notes were neatly stacked at his left side.


Nodding your head, you replied, ‘You can say so.’


‘I knew it. I knew it!’ you’re shocked by his sudden outburst.

‘That deer....’ he clucked his tongue while shaking his head. Your curiosity growing, you gathered to ask why.


The cheeky guy winks and wiggles his forefinger at you. You resume back to studying when out of the blue, an appetizing bun was held out for you. You almost shriek in surprise when Xiumin hastily put it inside your agape mouth muffling your words. You frowned through the bun stuck inside your mouth while the culprit smiles innocently at you.


‘Hey! It is prohibited to bring food inside.’ You said looking out for any onlooker while pulling out the bun out of your mouth. ‘Aigoo.. kyeopta!’ Xiumin ingenuously giggles, patting your head like a dog.

‘Mogo (eat)’ He said while you scrutinize his soul.

‘I’ll get caught..’ You reasoned out.

‘Mogo...’ He repeated again but now with authority. You fight the giggles that were trying to escape. Looking at a serious Xiumin is such a very rare sight. Coincidentally, your stomach made a noise signifying your hunger. Xiumin blinks at your for numerous times while you blink back at him. Both of you did that for good five seconds, then he chuckles at you causing for the blush to crawl on your face.


‘You’ve been studying hard.’ He commented while munching on his bun. Fortunately, you had finished your own share while Xiumin is still consuming his third bun. He nibbles at his food happily causing him to appear like a hamster enjoying his sunflower seeds. You nodded while smiling at the cute sight in front of you. A piece of crumb was stuck on the corner of his lip. Surely, this guy eats like a child.


‘Exam’s on next week, so yeah..’ You said and your eyes caught the time displayed on a one corner of the building. It reads 11: 35 am. 


‘What are you studying by the way?’ Luckily, he had finished his food and you heaved a sigh of relief for not getting caught of eating inside the library. You stretch your aching back while a satisfied smile is plastered on your face. ‘I had finished my Math, Literature and... Philosophy..’ You said while your eyes linger at the pile of books on your side.


A calm minute pass by when Xiumin asks you. ‘What do you think of Luhan?’ You ponder your mind for a reason why did he ask you about Luhan. You carefully chose your words before speaking. ‘H-he’s a friendly guy..’ Xiumin’s eyes lingered on yours while you get awkward by his stare. You cleared the lump forming on your throat to ease the awkwardness you’re feeling.


‘Is that it?’ He asks and you nodded slowly while fiddling on your fingers.

‘How about Chanyeol?’

‘N-neh?’ You’re curiosity is getting the best out of you little by little. Your mind still can’t make a valid reason why he’s asking about those two.

‘He’s also friendly but a hyper one..’ You said looking at him directly.


‘Xiumin-sshi, why did you ask about them? Is there any problem?’ Your curiosity has now got the best of you. The guy shook his head earnestly while grinning at you. You got wary about his look. ‘Are you sure?’ You inquired making sure about it.

‘Really.. it’s nothing.’ You unleash the topic and proceeded to clean your spot.


You’re about to stood up when you heard Xiumin speak again. ‘Those two....’ He trailed off; at the same time, you stop on what you’re doing. ‘... They had this unusual look on their face when they speak about you.’ You are so sure that his sentence sets your mind to the world of confusion. Because of his unforeseen sentence, you stood there on your spot unbending. Oblivious to you, Xiumin had already walked off the library leaving your rigid figure and stun mind to comprehend his thought.


(A/n): Hope you like it ;)


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I'm having a writer's block >_


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