Chapter 21

You're the cause of this

D.O has no class for today so he decided to spend his time tidying up their apartment. He finished cleaning most of the rooms and is now onto the last room which is shared by Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Upon opening the door to their room, his big eyes became wider, if that's still possible. Piles of dirty clothes are scattered on the carpeted floor, the books are laid on their tables messily and there's even a rotting pizza under their bed that creates the foul smell inside their room. D.O shook his head and hurriedly clean the mess. After 25 minutes of cleaning the dirtiest room in their apartment, he opens the navy blue curtain resulting for the light to illuminate inside the room.

It's still raining. He thought looking at the tiny raindrops that fell on the window cascading down along the thin glass and finally disappeared from his sight when it reached the bottom of the window.

He proceeded to stack the different books on their study table when a small black-covered book caught his curiosity.
His eyes grew even wider when he reads the title of the small book 'How to win her heart.'
He flips the first page of it and saw something written like 'Property of the handsome Park Dobi.'
D.O doesn't knew that his hyung is reading this kind of books.
He thought that Chanyeol is a very masculine lad but he only thought so because the truth is Chanyeol is also a romantic guy and this, the book he just saw, is a prove of it.

Respecting the privacy of his hyung, he didn't scan the book owned by the handsome Park Dobi instead, he stacks it neatly besiide their books and other school stuffs. However, D.O had an idea running in his mind on who is the lady Chanyeol is trying to win her heart.

After he finished cleaning up the rooms of everyone, he proceeded to the laundry room passing by the living room only to see the long limbs of Kris being stretched on the small sofa. He approaches Kris whom he realizes is shivering in cold. He thought that everyone has their classes today that's why he decided to do a general cleaning today.

Putting the back of his hand on the older's forehead, he cringed when he felt the boy's high temperature. Being the caring dongsaeng he is, he set aside first his laundry and attended his shivering hyung. Seeing that the boy can't manage to go to his room, he took a clean blanket from Kris' room and covered him with it before hurriedly heating up a soup for him. After the half of an hour of nursing the sick lad, Kris' temperature fortunately decreases in which D.O was thankful of.

D.O proceeded to continue his delayed business and left the sleeping Kris in the living room.
After some while of tidying up everything in the kitchen, D.O heard the doorbell rung.
He concluded that it's not one of the guys because they don't usually ring the bell, instead they enter the apartment directly.
Wiping his wet hands on his pororo apron, he saw the face of Seohyun on the peep hole.
Sighing, he opens the door and welcomed the guest inside.
Again, Seohyun brought them another bags of groceries in which D.O didn't bother to ask.

'Is Kris sick?' She asks loudly to D.O as soon as she saw the sleeping Kris covered by the thick blanket.
'Yes, he is, so please keep quiet.' D.O hushed, taking out the content of her groceries.
'Oh right! I bought some ginseng and teas. Make some for Kris so that he can recover fast.' She said, flipping the High Cut magazine she saw on the coffee table. D.O nodded, taking out the ginseng and the teas from the grocery bag.
'Do you want something to drink?' D.O asked over the kitchen.
'Do you have low fat milk?' She asked. D.O can't help but roll his eyes. Girls and their diet. He thought.
'Okay! Low fat milk it is.' D.O replied.

D.O put the carton of low fat milk on the coffee table and sat on the sofa opposite her.
'Say, what brought you here?' D.O crossed his legs while starting a conversation.
Seohyun sips from her carton of milk before answering, 'Just came to visit.'
She simply answer but D.O didn't bought it.
D.O scrutinizes her with his eyes and decided to shrug off his curiosity.
'By the way, where are the others?' Seohyun ask after a moment of silence. D.O knew that this was coming so he said the obvious.
'School.' He replied briefly. Seohyun nodded in understanding and stood up from her seat.
D.O followed her with his eyes as she walks back and forth the living room.
'Can I have the address of their school?' Hyemi begs. D.O raised his left eyebrow at her random request.
'Just want to visit.' She simply said while running her slender fingers on her shiny and curly brunette hair.
Although D.O is in doubt of her motives, he can't say no because he surely know that this girl will not stop until she gets what she wants.


Your POV

I was sitting on one of the benches near the school gate waiting for my friends to arrive.
The sky is still grey, looking like rain will pour soon. The atmosphere is getting chilly because autumn is about to end.
Looking again at my phone, I sigh when my friends didn't even bother to reply.
Kicking a stone beside my foot, I felt a figure beside me.
'Mind if I sit here?' I look to my side and saw Luhan pointing to the seat beside mine.
I got a sudden mini heart attack but still managed to respond.
'Not at all.' I said, scooting over to make some space for him.

I didn't know how to initiate a talk with this guy because the scene from earlier is still fresh in my mind and whenever I recall it, it's not that I'm thinking of it but it just always enters my mind and it's so embarrassing, my face suddenly becomes warm.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him puff some air as I felt the awkwardness in the air.
Think of something you crazy brain!!!
'Uh..T-thank you again for the umbrella.' I stupidly said. I bowed my head as I heard him chuckle beside me.
Aigoo.. he even thought that I'm crazy. Pabo Farisha.
'It's not a problem at all, I enjoyed sharing it with you.' He said, sending you to the world of confusion.
'Neh?' I beg for pardon.
'I mean.. that's not a problem at all. It was fun sharing it with you.' He said and I nodded in understanding.
Don't spazz Farisha, he's just being kind during that time. So please, calm yourself.
'By the way, aren't you heading home?' I ask out of curiosity.
'I was about to but then I saw you so I think there's no harm to catch up with each other’s life, right?' He said giving me his charming smile that makes my insides go wild. I can't help but laugh at his look.
'You're so funny.' I chuckled, diverting my eyes again at the building.

'Aren't you bored with my company?' I ask when I felt that it was so silent between us.
Luhan looks at me queerly like I had just grown a beard. 'Why would I?'
'Because you know... I just sit here and do nothing. I don't even know how to start a conversation and I am even a boring person to talk with.' I stated, chuckling at every reason.
'Nah.. That's what makes you unique and who told you you're boring? You're not, in fact you're very fun to be with and I think you're a very good company too.' He says looking at me in the eyes.
Oh Luhan, do you even know that you can melt me with those eyes of yours?
'I don't think so.' I mutter, shrugging both of my shoulders.
'You're not boring.' He says.
'No. I am.' I argued.
'You're not.' he throws back.
'I am.' I argued back.
'You're not.'
'I am.' and we continue to argue about a very silly topic.

'So, to prove you that you're not, prepare yourself on Saturday, 2pm sharp. Meet me at the park near Lei's cafe.' He said non-stop.
You're eyes got wider at what he said. Is he......?
'What for?' You inquired.
'Just be a good girl and follow, neh.' Luhan said while getting on his feet. You pouted when he pats you on your head.
Then, he left you just like that purely confused about what he's planning.
As weird as it would sound, you're feeling jittery about what will happen.

'FARISHAAAAA!!!!' Naila's high pitch cut your thoughts and you smile at her as she caged you in a bear hug.
'I miss you!' She said, and you pat her shoulder.
Regaining your composure, the five of you are now ready to exit the school campus.

'What does it mean when a guy told you to meet him on weekend without any valid reason you can think of?' You whisper to Shairah as the five of you trek the way to the cafe.
'Only the two of you?' She whispers back although she doesn't why you two are whispering. She just felt that it's a private topic.
'I think so.' I shrugged my shoulder and look ahead at Naila, Hanna and Haola who are laughing by themselves.
'OMO!!! It's a date!!' Shairah squeals.
The three turn their head at the two of you when they heard the word 'date'.
'Who's dating who?' They chorused.
I nudge Shairah's ribs, mentally telling her to make an excuse.
'We're just talking about our classmate in Literature who got ask on a date by her crush.' Shairah lied, adding a giggle to make it more believable. Fortunately, the three nodded and continues their interrupted conversation.
I heaved a sigh of relief and look at Shairah dangerously.
Phew. That was close.


A/N: mind checking out my tumblr?




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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
Chapter 1: dont worry Ms.Author , It' not boring actually... Fighting!!!
kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D