Chapter 25

You're the cause of this


Monday will always be one of the most hated days of the week especially by the students and I beg to agree with this.

My alarm clock run out of battery causing for me to wake up very late.
I check the time on my phone and my eyes almost bulged out of their socket.
The time is already 7:48 am and my class starts at exactly 8am.
Without thinking twice, I multitasked everything and at exactly 7:50, I am already dashing my way to the bus stop and fortunately,I saw a bus loading passengers.

The ride took almost 10 minutes and I am so sure by then that I'll be late in my first class.
The moment the bus stop near the university, I hurriedly made my way out and enter the campus only to bump on to someone.

My landed on the ground and I grunt in pain, however I saw a girl in front of me who is squinting her eyes in pain. I hurriedly get up and help her.
'I'm so sorry, I was not looking on my way.' I apologized while helping her standing up. She took my hand and I was awed by her beauty. She is breathtakingly beautiful but her face seems familiar.
I didn't know that I was staring at her for too long until I heard her chuckles. Even her chuckles are so beautiful.

'I am Seohyun, Kang Seohyun.' She held her hand to me for a hand shake while a small smile is seen on her naturally pink lips.
'Farisha here.' I said, shaking hands with her. My eyes caught a sight of a lunchbox wrapped in a peach fabric behind.
'I think this is yours.' I took the box from the ground, dusting off lints from it before passing it to Seohyun who nodded and muttered a thanks.

Then I realized that I still have a class to attend so I apologized again before running off to the path towards the Education Department. I still heard Seohyun yell a thanks from afar.

When I reached the classroom, I was shocked to see a noisy and messy class without the presence of a teacher. I entered the room sluggishly while still panting from the running I just did and took the seat beside Shairah who is doodling aimlessly at the back of her stationary notebook.

'Is Mr. Jung not around?' I asked her whilst resting my tired and sole muscle.
'Fortunately, yes. He's on a leave for a week and the substitute will only arrive tomorrow so we had his class now for rest or whatever you call it.' I nodded and she resumes what she's doing a while ago.

I dragged Shairah with me to the cafeteria to grab some food and she agreed because she too forgot to eat her breakfast.
We bought chicken sandwich and milk before settling ourselves on a table near the window where the morning air is freshly damping our faces. We were conversing while eating about our weekends when I saw Hyemi, the girl whom I bump with earlier, enters the cafeteria. She looks around and meet my gaze. I called her over to us and I introduced her and Shairah to each other.

'Are you new here?' Shairah asks Seohyun who nodded her head cutely.
'Actually, I am here to visit my friends.' She stated.
'So, you're not studying?' Shairah asked her again. I kick my friend's foot under the table to signal her about her nosiness but she ignored me. Fortunately, Seohyun answered her prying happily.
'I already finished studying but I'm thinking about taking up another degree.' She said.
Its as if that my friend is still not contented and ask some more questions.
'How old are you then?' She enquires before sipping on her carton of milk.
'19.' Shairah chokes on her milk and Seohyun passed her a glass of water while I had my mouth slightly ajar at the girl in front of us. She is really worthy to be admired because at such an early age, she had already finished a degree and is planning to take her second degree. How awesome is she.

So since my friend I were so intrigued about Seohyun, we or mostly Shairah, asks her all the way about her life but not those so personal kind of questions, we're just getting to know her and we came to know that she finished Business Management at Harvard University while she works as a freelance model to various modelling agencies at the States in which where she finances her studies from. She's an independent type of girl although she can be considered as a daughter of a chaebol because her family belongs to one of the most influential families in the country. She is thinking of taking up something about fashion and arts when she returns to the States.

All throughout our conversation, I observed that Seohyun is a very cheerful, genuine and straightforward type of person and Shairah and I seem to like her.

After a while, we bid goodbye on her and proceeded to our next class.

Luhan's POV

We are having a discussion about the History of Jazz Music when I felt my phone vibrates from the pocket of my jean. I took it out and read the message.

From: Seohyun
Oppa, are you having a class?
I'm here at your campus :)

I replied her with 'Wait me at the cafeteria'
Chanyeol peeks at my phnoe and I quickly shove it back inside my pocket.
'It's Seohyun. She's here at the campus.' I whispered at him before looking back at the front.
I heard Chanyeol made a popping sound with his mouth and I only ignored him.

So right after my class, I made my way to the cafeteria with Xiumin accompanying me.
We saw Seohyun sitting at a corner with her earphone on. A peach colored box laid in front of her.
She smiles as soon as she saw us and we took the seat in front of her.

'Mom asked me to brought you this.' She said, motioning to the lunchbox in front of them.
Luhan took it and untied the knot. He opened the box and saw mouth-watering variety of foods neatly placed in an appetizing manner. Xiumin who is sitting beside him tugged on his arm, signalling Luhan that he's just beside him.
'Can I share this?' Luhan asks for permission from Seohyun who nodded in response.
'Oh yes!!!! Thank you Seohyun-ah~~' Xiumin cheered while dividing the food into three equal parts.
Luhan and Seohyun only chuckled at the sight of the gleeful Xiumin.

'So, why are you here, Seoyun-ah?' Luhan inquired with his hands clasped on the table.
'I am expected to pay a visit to Uncle Jihoon however I thought that it won't hurt if I I'll visit you guys here.'
'That's a very bright idea, Seohyun-ah' we heard Xiumin stated through his mouth full of foods, crumbs flowing from it.
Seohyun giggles at him while I threw him a disgusted look.
'Just continue eating Xiumin oppa~' She cooes, leaning forward to pinch Xiumin's cheeks.
We only laugh at Xiumin's expression.

Chen's POV

'Hey Lay, where are you?' I walked through the pathway connecting the main buildings and the school's garden while holding m phone on my ear with my left hand.
'At the gymnasium? Why are you guys there?' I ruffled my hair in annoyance as I turn back to the way where I came from only to feel a hard figure bump on to my chest.
'Okay okay.. I'll be there.' I hurriedly hung up and shoved my pocket in my jeans.
I look at the girl who bump on to me. She's currently sitting at the hard ground, rubbing the part of her body that collided with the ground and my chest.
'I'm so sorry. It was my fault for not looking on my way.' I apologized, retrieving her books that are scattered on the ground.
I extended my hand on her as I help her stand up. Her bangs are still covering her face, depriving me to take a look at her face.
I gave her the books that she dropped and that's when I saw her face.

'Hanna?' I called her and she stared back at me.
'I'm so sorry for bumping on to you.' I chuckled whilst rubbing my nape in embarrassment.
She chuckled and waves her hand motioning that it was okay.
'Are you okay?' I put my hands on her arms as I search for any wound on her.
The moment I look on her face, she had her eyes wide open, her body stiff and a blush tinting her cheek.
I look at her curiously and saw my hands holding her arms securely.
I hastily pulled away and bowed my head in embarrassment, comprehending what I just had done.

The atmosphere became awkward and I only chuckled to ease it.
'My bad.' I said, winking at her causing for her pink cheeks to look like tomatoes.
She secure her books on her chest as she hastily bowed on me and dashed away.
I only chuckled at her retreating figure, completely fascinated.

Hanna's POV

I was making my way to the school's garden in search of my classmate whom where I borrowed the books with.
On my way, I bump on someone causing for the books to left my hold.
I rubbed my and forehead in pain as I heard the person whom I bumped with apologized.
I stood up and dusted off the lints on my clothes.
When I look up to get my notebook from the person's grasp, I saw Chen's face.
Instantly, the loud thumping of my heart is booming right on my ears and my throat dried up.

'Hanna?' He called my name and I only stared back.
'I'm so sorry for bumping on to you.' He chuckled whilst rubbing his nape in embarrassment.

Fortunately, I manage to chuckle and wave my hand signalling that it was okay because the words are still stuk on my throat.
The next thing he did, caught me by surprise.
'Are you okay?' He asks putting his hands on my arms as he examined me.
I can feel the heat radiating from Chen's palms that were holding my arms; those were only adding to the loud hammering of my heart and I took a big gulp as he stares at me with those eyes of him.
After a while, he pulled away and bowed his head in embarrassment.

My senses were blocked for a moment when Chen winked on me and I can feel my face getting hot afterwhile.
Before I can embarrass myself inront of him, I hurriedly bowed on him and run off to the path of the bathrooms near the garden to get rid of the heat.

Thank you for those who subscribe and upvotes for this story.
I really appreciated it and you guys are the best !! And for that, here's a y and cute Jongin for everyone~~
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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
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