Chapter 10

You're the cause of this

After the School’s Annual Fest, Luhan and his friends gained fame in the university. They have different fan clubs and supporters from every department. Their popularity has even reached the other universities but the group find it very bizarre how they seem to own the spotlight and everyone treats them extraordinary.


At the cafe....


 ‘Annie-ah, all of the raw products has completely arrived.’ Farisha told her co-worker while checking the checklist she’s holding. The two were assigned to check and store the raw products needed when the delivery truck will arrive.


‘I will call help from others.’ Annie told her and entered the cafe to call for some help.


Farisha is currently counting the boxes of coffee seeds from the delivery truck when someone calls for her attention. She looks back and saw Chanyeol beaming at her. The boy is dressed in a plaid shirt and black jeans looking good as ever with his tousled hair.


‘Oh hey Chanyeol-ssi! Aren’t you going to enter?’ She wipes the sweat that rolled from her forehead with the back of her hand. The boy pressed his lips in a thin line and shook his head.


‘Are you perhaps waiting for someone?’ She questions while Chanyeol stands near her. The guy is sure a giant as she had to take steps back for her to not to hurt her neck in too much twisting just to look at him.


‘I can help.’ Chanyeol told her and suddenly took a box from the delivery truck as if it was the most normal thing he can do. The girl was shocked by the lad’s action. Only then she realizes what happens when he saw Chanyeol enters the cafe with the box of coffee seeds in his grasp.


Annie pops out from the door with a confused look on. ‘He says he can help.’ Farisha says immediately without even hearing what Annie was about to say. The latter shrugged gauchely.


With the help from Chanyeol, Annie and Farisha’s work was finish swiftly.

The lad was resting on one of the tables in the cafe while looking at the passerby.


She approaches her with a cold drink and a parfait on her hand.

The guy looks at her with his big eyes and mouth slightly agape. She chuckles upon taking in the look of the surprise Chanyeol. ‘It’s my treat.’ She said and motioned for him to eat her treat. They sit in silence for a few minutes. The scene outside is so relaxing creating a comfortable atmosphere between the two.


Farisha looks at the guy in front of her enjoying the food. She chuckles when he saw him close his eyes in pure delight. Her action causes Chanyeol to look at her in confusion. She waves her hand dismissively motioning him to never mind her.


‘Chanyeol-ssi, can I ask you a question?’ Farisha questions as something crosses her mind. The baffled Chanyeol stare at her. She unconsciously bowed her head in embarrassment as silence pass by the two of them making the comfortable atmosphere to go awkward.


‘Yes you may but....’ She looks up at him as Chanyeol stops ‘ me oppa.’

‘Neh?’ Her eyes go wide. ‘o-oppa? You want me to call you oppa?’ She confirmed not believing what she just heard. Chanyeol nodded at her eagerly getting excited to be called as oppa.


‘Wouldn’t that be awkward?’ Farisha asks as she ponders herself. Chanyeol gave him a look to continue.

‘I mean, I’m a foreigner so I find it awkward to call someone oppa. I’m not used to it.’ Chanyeol nodded his head as he took in her reason.


‘But you’re currently in Korea, the land of handsome oppas....’ Chanyeol sent him a wink that makes the blood rush in her cheeks. ‘So you must call me oppa because I’m older than you. Arraso?’ He said as if it was the easiest thing to do for the girl.


‘B-but..’ The girl looks at everywhere but Chanyeol and she regrets the time when her vision caught a glimpse of the forlorn giant seated in front of him.


‘N-neh. Chanyeol o-oppa.’ Farisha ducked her head in pure embarrassment still feeling foreign to the word. Chanyeol felt his stomach churned as she heard the girl call him ‘oppa’ in her embarrassed voice that sounds cute in her sense of hearing.


All the way in their conversation, Chanyeol looks at him deviously when she forgot the word ‘oppa’ and she mentally face palmed herself every time she does.

After minutes of talking with Chanyeol, Farisha learned many things about him and gets comfortable around his so called ‘Chanyeol oppa’. She discovered that Chanyeol is a very lively and bubbly companion that you won’t get bored talking with. The way Chanyeol’s right eye twitch whenever he laughs or smile too wide is now recognizable with her. The wide grin and creepy look that invades his face every time is normal to her by this time and she finds it cute in a way. All the way through their conversation, Farisha had proven that Chanyeol is a friend that does everything in exaggeration; but his exaggeration is his charm that makes him unique. Just a few minute of talking with Chanyeol, Farisha felt like she knew Chanyeol all the way and she has created this friendly and brotherly feeling toward him.


As the time pass by, the cafe looks like now bustling with customers and Chanyeol told her to go back on her work but before she can go back, the two exchange contact numbers.


‘I’ll treat you next time.’ Chanyeol told her as soon as she stood up from her seat in front of him.

‘ Neh. And prepare your money.’ She jokingly said and bid goodbye to Chanyeol.



Chanyeol’s POV


‘Hey, giant! Where did you go and why are you late?’ Baekhyun asks me as soon as I entered Kris hyung’s house for our weekly gathering. ‘Why smurf? You’re jealous?’ I jokingly hug Baek from his back as he wiggles from my embrace. This is what I really love from my best friend, his naggings which only explains his concern for me.


‘Eiw dude, are you gay?’ Baekhyun shoots me a disapproving look as soon as he was free from my hold.

‘Only for you my Baek.’ I seductively whispered while mentally laughing my off.

My laugh explodes when Baekhyun looks at me in pure disgust and run off to the kitchen and annoy D.O.


‘Oh Yeol! You’re finally here!’ Luhan hyung patted the empty seat beside him. Kris hyung is beside him taking a nap. Sehun and Kai were at the floor sprawled, their attentions fixed in their game with Tao behind them waiting for whoever loses and he will swap. Xiumin hyung is stuffing his face with the snacks at the coffee table; Chen and Lay hyung were discussing something at the corner of the room; while Suho hyung is reading something in front of the still stuffed Xiumin hyung.


‘Where have you gone? Baekhyun is very worried of you.’ Luhan hyung told me chuckling while juggling his rubik’s cube. ‘I pass by Lei’s cafe.’ I informed him while wearing my usual big smile. Luhan hyung looks at me before continuing what he was doing.


‘I saw Farisha and helped her. She really is a good companion. I was very happy knowing something about her today. Hey, I got something.’ I told the still focused Luhan.


‘What?’ He asks with his attention still on his rubik’s cube.

‘I got her number’ I whisper at him and he suddenly threw his rubik’s cube that landed on Kris hyung’s face perfectly. We look at each other in pure fright as Kris hyung groaned in pain. Luckily, Kris hyung is a heavy sleeper and he only stirred in his sleep. Sigh of pure relief escapes on both of our lips.


Luhan hyung put her attention back to her rubik’s cube and I sent Farisha a message.


To: Far

From: Chanyeol


Hey! Still breathing?


I smile as I wait for her reply back. I hurriedly tap open my screen as a message pop out.


To: Chanyeol

From: Far


What question is that? Haha. Just kidding. Yeah, I’m still breathing. :)


To: Far

From: Chanyeol


Ayy. Don’t overstress yourself. Arraseo?


To: Chanyeol

From: Far


Ne. Eommonim! ;)


To: Far

From: Chanyeol


What happened to ‘oppa’?


To: Chanyeol

From: Far


Gone maybe? Haha


I was interrupted in my conversation when D.O enters the living room with his infamous kimchi spaghetti with a trailing Baekhyun behind holding the forks in his hand.


‘Yay! Foods!’ Xiumin hyung happily cheered as he gets the bowl of kimchi spaghetti from D.O’s grasp. Baekhyun hit his hand ‘Share some for us.’ He said to the now sadden Xiumin.


I unconsciously put my phone at my seat as I lunge for the food.


‘Kyungshoo-ah! Your kimshi sfhagetti ish the beshh!’ Xiumin hyung praises through his mouth full of food.

‘Xiumin-ge, don’t talk with your mouth full.’ Lay kindly told him while all of us laugh at the look of the gloomy Baozi.


Luhan’s POV


I look at the hand phone of Chanyeol beside me that he left as he leaps for the kimchi spaghetti of D.O. The phone is tempting me to take a hold of it and I was contemplating for myself what to do. I look at the guys that were obviously enjoying their food. They seem to be oblivious on their surroundings. Kris hyung is sleeping beside me and if I’ll get a hold of Chanyeol’s phone, no one will notice.


I jumped back in surprise as Chanyeol’s hand phone screen lit up indicating a new message.

My finger unconsciously tap open the screen and Farisha’s name greeted my face.

I read the message.


To: Chanyeol

From: Far


You’re busy? :D



I open the message information and copied her contact number in my phone.

I sneakily put back Chanyeol’s hand phone and pretend that nothing ever happen.


Mianhae Chanyeol.



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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
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