Chapter 26

You're the cause of this

The fragrance of the newly brewed coffee and freshly made cookies lingered inside the cafe indulging the soul and mind of every nidividual inside.
Customers go in and out of the coffee shop with smiles placed on their faces.
All of the employees work with an approachable aura surrounding them.
The sun is starting to set on the west while cascading orange and purple colours on the surroundings.
The sight is such a breathtaking panorama and the girl who is helping with the guys to carry the boxes of coffee beans inside the coffee shop had stopped for a moment to admire the spectacular sight the nature is had before her.

Naila's POV

'Such a beautiful scene, isn't it?' I nodded in response as I heard a strangely velvety voice murmur beside me and an undeniably sweet scent enters my nostrils whilst I keep on staring still at the setting sun from afar. Believing that the voice and the sweet scent belongs to one of my co-workers, I sigh dreamily and continue watching the setting sun.

'It's very relaxing to gaze at scene like this.' I muttered, hugging the box of coffee beans tighter in my arms. The person beside me spoke nothing; he might also be enjoying so much the sight before us like me. However, we are the complete opposite because when I appreciate something, I can't control myself but to speak how I feel.
'I think it's a lot better if I'll just stay here, stop the time and cherish this sight forever.' I ended my words with a light chuckle. However, I still got no response from the person beside me. My curiosity got the best of me and I feebly detached my eyes to the setting sun to look at the person beside me.

Nevertheless, my jaw litterally dropped and my eyes visibly grew wide as the pair of eyes owned by Kris, the owner of the coffee shop's nephew, is staring at me blankly. I kept on staring at him with my surprised look, convincing my self that I'm imagining things but I was wrong when his lips opened and words spurt from it.

'I think it's a lot better if you continue your work.' He stated and a smirk was tugged on the corner of his lips.
My whole body froze as he looks at my eyes, as if looking right through me with his piercing eyes.
I only managed to move my body when he leaned on to my left ear and whispered the words 'Right now.'
After that, I found my feet running on its own towards the coffee shop without turning my head back at Kris' chuckling stature.

Farisha's POV

The moment Kris entered the coffee shop all of a sudden. I observed a strange and sudden change on Naila's behavior.
Sweats trickled on her temples, her moves are stiff and her eyes always darting to Kris' way.
When Kris informed us that he'll be the one managing for a while the shop until Aunt Lei will fully recover from a heart seizure, a noticeably rigidity in her was seen. Shairah, Haola, Hanna and I all shared a curious look at her but in the end we shrugged it off.
So it was then final that Kris will be our temporary manager for awhile until Aunt Lei will fully recover.
Our daily routine continued until our closing time came.

Kris is counting out the today's profit at the counter with Shairah assisting him while all of us, the workers, are busy tidying up the cafe. I am arranging the tables and chairs when the door chime rang indicated the entrance of a person.
"Sorry sir but we're already closed." I heard Taehyung said to the newcomer.
"I'm here to fetch my friend." I heard a undoubtedly familiar deep voice and I looked up seeing Chanyeol bowing his head back to Taehyung. When he looked up, our eyes met and he gave me his wide smile as usual and I smiled back at him as he approached Kris at the counter.
He greets Kris who had a confused look on his face upon seeing him inside.
"Bro, I'll be fetching you today." Chanyeol chuckled and Kris' almost tripped on his footing.
"Okay then. Just hvae a seat somewhere and wait for me." Kris said after regaining his composure.

Chanyeol then pulled out the chair of the table beside where I stood.
"Mind if I sit here?" he asked. He folded his hands on the table and smiled at me innocently.
I shook my head because he is seated already. "Not at all."
I continued on my job and not long ago when Chanyeol spoke to me.

"Do you know why tarsiers have big eyes?" He asked out of the blue.
I stop for a moment on my business and looked at him weirdly.
"What?" I asked laughing and Chanyeol only pouted, demanding for my answer.      
"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders and was about to continue on my work when Chanyeol scolded me for not paying attention.
"Calm down, dude." I chuckled at his attitude.
"Then why is it then?" I play with his game and he had a happy face on as he saw me giving my full attention.
"Because..." He trailed off, making himself comfortable.
"They're star strucked when they saw me pass by." He said, face showing seriousness while I unconsciously raised my left eyebrow.
"Seriously??" I confirmed whilst Chanyeol laughed so hard. Seriously, that was so corny but I laughed when I saw him almost dying of laughing at his oh-so-dumb joke. His laughter is purely contangious.

"Okay okay Chanyeol, you just sit there while I continue my work, neh?" I said as I collected my cleaning items.
"Wait.. I still have one more." He called.
I looked around the inside of the cafe and saw that everything were almost set and there's nothing left to do so I decided to sit for awhile and listen to him.
I settled myself at the seat before him. "What is it?" I sat there, limbs spread wide. I heard Chanyeol laugh at my position.
Chnayeol's answered was too senseless that he laughs too hard at it.
Well, what was I expecting from this giant. haha

While I sat there, Chanyeol continued to blabber and blabber about something that he said was too funny laughing by himself manically. I watched him in pure intrigue looking energetic as ever. His happy aura is infecting me.
Moment passed and Chanyeol and I were having our time laughing by ourselves at something he just said and so far from all the stuff he just told me, This is the only one so far that I can say suits to be called as a joke.

"Ohmy God! H-how... can be... someone so fool .. like Mr. P" I was catching for my breathe as I spoke, my hands clutching my aching stomach from too much laughing. Chanyeol clapped his hands like a seal and was laughing too loudly.
"Hey, Park Chanyeol! Stop flirting with one of my workers!" Kris yelled out of nowhere. We turned at the sound of his voice and saw him leaning on the counter, arms crossed and a small smirk on his small lips.
Chanyeol and I looked at each other for awhile. Chanyeol winked at me and I tried to contain my laughter before clearing my throat.

Kris' POV

"Keep safe everyone!" The girls bid goodbye to everyone as they made to the bus stops.
When everyone were already out of sight, Chanyeol and I made our way to my car.
"That was so surprising of you to fetch me here, Chanyeol." I opened the door to the driver's seat and entered.
"I was just too bored at the dorm anyways so here I am." Chanyeol grinned at me, putting on his seatbelt.
I looked at him skeptically knowing that he's one of the laziest among us and as much as he loves it, he's fond of staying at the dorm especially during these wee hours. And why the heck will it be boring in the dorm when most of the guys are surely crammed inside, for sure it's a mess when we get there and Chanyeol loves to go wit the mess created by the guys.
I think I knew the reason why and I'm sure I had witnessed it just awhile ago.
Instead of arguing with this denying giant, I only shook my head and put the gear on.

No One's POV

"Oh Hey Farisha! You work here?" Unexpectedly, Seohyun appeared before Farisha ordering for a cup of peppermint chocolate and sugary treats.
"Ne!" The latter girl replied enthusiastically. Seohyun manages to joke and chat for awhile before she proceeded to find herself a seat somewhere.

After the ample minutes of serving as the cashier, Farisha shifted on attending the orders.
She made way to the familiar silhouette of a girl wearing peach-hued coat seated near the windows.
"Hello ma'am, here's your order." She said, flashing the girl a smile as she placed her orders on the table.
"Oh Thank you, my dear." The said girl winked at her playfully.

"Can you join me here for awhile?" Seohyun asked her.
"But I still have a work, Seohyun-ssi." She said truthfully, clutching the tray on her arms.
"Just for awhile. Pretty please, with a cherry on top." Seohyun showed her aegyo and Farisha cooes at her undeniable cuteness.
"Kris will understand it." When she mentioned Kris' name, it caught you by surprise.
"You know him?" You inquired and Seohyun only winked back at you muttering something like "We're friends."
Seeing that it won't hurt to spend a spare of your time entertaining or accompanying Seohyun, you pulled of the metal chair and sat causing for Seohyun to giggle.

The two of you conversed comfortably and exchanged thoughts for the past minutes.
You even introduced to her your friends who happened to pass by giving you curious looks.
You admired this girls bubbly personality and it wasn't a question how she charmed your friends.
Seohyun is currently tapping on her phone when you heard a familiar voice called from the cafe's door.
You looked up and saw Luhan approaching the table where you and Seohyun are seated at.
You nodded in acknowledgement as Luhan greeted you with his smile.

The moment Luhan stands beside Seohyun, she introduced the two of you to each other believing that you two don't know each other.
"Nice meeting you, Farisha." Luhan smiled, pulling his hand out for a handshake.
You shook hands with him uncertainly and bid goodbye to the two.
"Thank you for accompanying me, Farisha." Seohyun chirped as you bowed at them in response.
You even caught Luhan's eyes on you as you turn back.
However, you and Luhan were completely oblivious from that pair of eyes looking at you probingly.



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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
Chapter 1: dont worry Ms.Author , It' not boring actually... Fighting!!!
kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D