Chapter 11

You're the cause of this

Your POV


That night, the girls and I were very tired from our shift.

We walk through the busy sidewalk of Yongnam in pure silence.

Eye bags were visibly seen from Hanna, Naila and Haola’s eyes, a prove that these three were staying up late to study their lessons. Shairah and I are also busy these past weeks for school expenditures but ours is beyond incomparable with those three’s.


We all took the bus and mindlessly drag our tire and sole body inside. All throughout the ride, the four of them had slept while here I am fully awake.


As the bus runs through the busy street night, I can feel the fatigue start to seep through my system. My calves throb in weariness, my body is begging for the bed while my eyes are seeking for a good sleep but I can’t find my self to rest. Somewhat or somewhere in me is contradicting with my body’s need. I was startled by Hanna’s head that suddenly drop on my shoulder.


It is a habit of mine that whenever I felt tired and sole from work, I would release stress by listening to music and after awhile I found myself leaning to the bus window with my head. Involuntarily, my eyes drop.


My short nap was interrupted by a sudden vibration from my lap. I look out for my hand phone and saw a message. I smile when Chanyeol’s random quirkiness greeted me. A few messages were exchanged between the two of us. This guy is really funny even in terms of conversing through the use of technology. My thoughts shift on the day I first met this tall and awkward guy; the bumping event at the school’s cafeteria with his petite friend, Baekhyun. Giggle suddenly escapes my mouth at the sudden notion.


‘Hey. I think it’s your stop.’ I nudge Naila who is seated in front of us as soon as I saw the familiar stop she always took off. She groaned in response and tiredly drags her self to hop off the bus. She managed a tired wave at us as soon as the bus started to run once more the busy street.


Time came when Haola and Shairah also step off the bus and it was only Hanna and I left.


‘Far, can I sleep over at your place tonight?’ I heard her muttered as she removes her head that was rested on my shoulder.

‘Why? Are you sick?’ I put the back of my palm in front of her forehead to feel her temperature. I grimace when I felt that her’s is normal.


‘I’m just too tired to wait for my bus stop and my body needs to rest, asap.’ She pouts when she saw me gave her a disagreeing look. I am fighting the urge to agree but with the look plastered on her tired face and realizing her situation, my mouth came up the most contradicting response. ‘Ne.’ somewhat, the exhausted Hanna had gone energized upon hearing my response.




‘Hey, I’m just getting the spare blankets and pillows from my room.’ Farisha told Hanna who is eating her bag of Lay’s.

‘Remember to leave me some.’ Farisha calls whilst opening the door to her room. Hanna was sitting in front of the television coat up in the warmth of blanket whilst searching for an interesting drama. Her hand stops pressing the remote control upon stumbling on Inkigayo featuring her favorite kpop boyband.


Farisha enters her living room only to see her friend fully focused on watching the show, she shook her head as her friend suddenly giggled upon seeing her bias’ face on the screen.


She places the pillows and blankets on the floor without disturbing her fangirling friend. The sudden light from her hand phone on the small coffee table caught her attention. She finishes what she was doing and attended her phone. Upon opening the new message, a look of confusion was seen on her face as an unknown number was seen. Her confused look turns into a flabbergasted one as soon as she receives a call from the unknown number.


Her fangirling friend shushed her whilst dismissively waving her hand in the thin air motioning for her to keep quiet. She enters her small kitchen to have some privacy and answers the call.


‘Yoboseyo?’ Her voice came nervous.

‘Farisha?’ the other line ask her. The look of confusion is plastered again on her face as soon as she hears a male voice from the other line. The only guy who got her number was Chanyeol but the voice from the other line is beyond comparable to Chanyeol’s deep and raspy voice.


‘Who is this?’ She didn’t intend to sound rude but she can’t help it.

‘It’s Luhan.’ The other line answers her back.

‘S-sunbae?’ She suddenly clamps her hand at when it suddenly became formal to Luhan. But she can’t help it. Luhan is his sunbae in whatever angle she will look for and he is also different now from what she had just remember.


Luhan’s POV


‘S-sunbae?’ My heart drops upon hearing what she calls me. Luckily, were not talking in personal and she can’t see the look of disappointment in my face. The line goes awkward as no one spoke again.


I laughed off the awkwardness away. ‘Why the sudden Sunbae thing?’ The guys who were doing their own business turn to look at me. I exit the living room and took a seat at Kris’ patio to have my own privacy.


I hold the phone in my left hand as I fidget in my seat waiting for her reply. Running water is heard from the line. ‘Isn’t that what I’m supposed to call you, Luhan Sunbae?’ I chuckle upon hearing her. Silly girl, I mentally told her while a wide grin sneak on my lips.


‘I thought we were friends?’ I told her while purposefully making my voice sad.

‘H-hey... did I make you sad, sunbae?’ I’m starting to hate the word ‘sunbae’.

I nodded as if she can saw me. ‘Ottohke?’ I heard her mumble from the other line. Pabo. I want you to call me oppa.


‘Neh?’ I was taken aback. Did I say it out loud?

I rubbed the back of my head while looking at the stars from above. ‘Yes. I want you to call me oppa.’ My voice came as a whisper as my heart beat doubled.


The other line goes quiet and I am really sure that my heart beat rate tripled as a negative thought crossed my mind.


What if she gets awkward after this?

Is this karma?

Aish. I should have never stolen her number from Yeol’s phone.

She hung u---


‘Okay, Luhan oppa.’

Beep... beep... beep....And the other line went off.

Did I just hear it right? She called me oppa? Luhan oppa?

I found myself jumping in happiness and throwing a flying kiss to the stars from above.


‘Yo dude! You sure a crazy deer!’ Chen uttered while poking his head out of the window.

I grinned back at him and he only shook his head.

I lay a hand on my racing heart beat against my ribcage.


What is this?



(A/n: OMOGEE!!!! I feel like flying right now because of those who subscribe in this story.

Because of that, I posted Chapter 11 in advance as a sign of my gratitude...

I love you guys.... Mwaahhh.. EXO loves you.)

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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D