Chapter 16

You're the cause of this


‘I didn’t know you could do that!’ You pat your now hurting abdomen because of too much laughter. Naila told a very hilarious story which set your sanities to nowhere. The 5 of you were now on the campus gate and on your way to Lei’s cafe when someone grabs your wrist.


‘OMO!!!’ You suddenly yell as you were dragged somewhere. You can clearly hear your friends yell on the backdrop. You stare at the culprit’s back and heaved sigh a relief as you look at the familiar back of Luhan. After a while of hard core running, you even proved to yourself that you’re qualified for a marathon. Panting, you look at the milieu and saw a park from afar.


Curiously looking at Luhan, you ask while still catching your breath. ‘W-why are w-we here...?’

‘You’ll grant me your promise.’ He said and cheerfully drags your still breathless body. Upon reaching the inner part of the park where a soccer field is seen, you astonishingly stare at a grinning Luhan beside you. He has his hands on his hips and glances at you before he spoke. ‘I just prepared you for our lesson.’


After 15 minutes....


There you are standing in front of Luhan who is performing the basics of soccer for you. The two of you are dressed in complete soccer apparel. He even prepared a spare one for you. Using his right foot, he passed you the soccer ball and you did the action he had just done a while ago.


‘You’re a fast learner, huh.’ He complimented you as you grin at him.

‘Are you ready now to play?’ He asks while pulling out his hand for a handshake. You gladly shook his hand. ‘Ready as ever.’


For the first 10 minutes of your game, you can hardly keep up with his flexibility and speed. He is mocking you to steal the ball from him but because of your low stamina, you failed to do so. When you successfully stole the ball from him, you were so glad and inspired to make it to the goal but Luhan being he is, didn’t let you. The two of you continues to run around the soccer field, chasing each other and mostly it was you who is doing your very best to steal the ball from him while he effortlessly run around like a mother being chased by his 3 year old toddler.

After a half of an hour of playing and goofing around, Luhan won but you still make a point but that was just an out of the blue shot.


The two of you contentedly laid your sweaty body at the grassy side of the field. Still catching his breath, Luhan cut the silence. ‘I really didn’t expect you to play that good.’ He said as he put his hand above his moving chest. You chuckle at his words as you look at the setting sun. Silence overtook and the two of you enjoyed the mesmerizing view of the setting sun. Luhan took his phone from his pocket and motioned you to come closer.


‘Let’s take a picture of this.’ He said when he saw the hesitant look of you. When he saw that you’re not even making a single move, he closes the distance between you two. Your shoulders and bodies come into contact with each other resulting for the dancing butterflies to surface on your belly. You candidly look at the camera as you try to hold back the strange feeling.


Luhan chuckles at your candid look and you snatch his phone and look at the picture. Indeed, you look haggard but Luhan told you the opposite. He snatches back his phone from your grasp when he saw that you’re planning to press the delete button. He wiggles his phone in front of your pouting face and suddenly you snatch his phone back. You look at your recently taken photo and laugh at your face. His surroundings became silent whilst he stares at your amused face. It’s as if everything doesn’t matters. The only sound he can hear is your delighted laughter that seems like a sweet melody to his ear and the loud pounding of his heart that he wonders if you can hear right now. A smile certainly crept on his face as he watches your gleeful self.


‘Shall we go?’ His train of thoughts was interrupted as he saw you sat beside him while dusting off the lint on your body.

‘Let’s just rest for awhile..’ He whines like a child as he goes into a fetal position. You silently cooed at the sight. ‘But I still have a work..’ You don’t even want to interrupt this moment but you have to no matter how you hate it.


‘That isn’t a problem. I already excused you from Aunt Lei.’ He smiles as he rolls on his back.




Luhan’s Flashback


‘Oh my child, how are you?’ I kissed Aunt Lei’s cheek and guided her inside her coffee shop. I waited for her at one of the table inside as she enters the shop’s kitchen to have some words to her workers. I smile as she took the seat in front of me.


‘What can I help you, my dear?’ Aunt Lei asks me like a mother. Actually, the 12 of us treats her like our second mother because she is always acting like one to all of us. Even though it is just Kris-ge who is her nephew, she treats all of us like her biological sons and we’re really grateful for that. 


‘Actually, can I ask for a favor?’ I shyly rub the back of my neck as I spoke. I was then answered by a big bold sure from her.


‘C-can I excuse Farisha for today?’ I expectantly look at Aunt Lei who has now had her curious eyes on me. ‘For what, my child?’ I can really feel my self shrinks on the soft sofa as she folds her hands on the table. I look everywhere but to her as I answer.


‘I just want to take her with me as I play soccer..’ I said and caught the small smirk on the corner of her lips. She nodded thoughtfully as I fiddle with the hem of my shirt.


‘Okay’ she answers happily while folding her arms in front of her chest. In instinct, I stood up from my seat and kissed Aunt Lei on the cheek to convey my gratitude. She chuckles as she pats me on the head and whispers.


‘I knew you like her.’ And I was left there stiff as ever as she enters back on the kitchen of the coffee shop.


End of Luhan’s Flashback



‘Kamsahamnida.’ You utter while you sat beside Luhan who has now had his head over his folded arms.

‘I really appreciate this lesson stuff you did.’ From my peripheral vision, I saw Luhan nodded. And for the meantime, we enjoyed the soothing tranquility and the beautiful ambiance surrounding us.


(A/n) Just a warning guys, the drama is soon to arrive :)))


I wanna give credits to MOIETY GRAPHICS for making this awesome poster...  Kamsahamnida!!!!



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I'm having a writer's block >_


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