Chapter 34

You're the cause of this

It’s a Saturday morning; the sun shining out so bright yet the morning is still young.

I lazily rolled on my bed and groaned at the sound of my joints snapping.

The chirping of the birds from a nearby sapling wakened me as I stare dumbly at the ceiling of my room.


I sluggishly detach my still tired body on my warm and inviting bed as I recalled that we still have to go to the café today because Kris is throwing a welcoming party for Aunty Lei who will be coming back to work this Monday. I proceeded to make myself a breakfast and watched what is broadcasting on the tv at this hour.


“Hello” I answered the call from Shairah as I was about to spread some nutella on my bread.

I munched on my bread as Shairah told me from the other line that we’ll just be meeting at the café later.

“Okaysh. Meykshuw to wake Noilo up.” I mumble with my mouth full of the food.

“She’s already up and ready to go.” I laughed at the excitement of Naila.

“Okay okay. Call you later.” I hung up and continue on my breakfast.


An hour later, at exactly 8 am, I left my apartment and made my way towards the café.

I texted my friends to know where they are. The moment I entered the café, everyone were already doing their own work so I went to do my own work too.


Actually, there’s really nothing to do aside from cleaning and rearranging the place.

Since the café isn’t operating every weekend, no costumer is expected to enter the café.

We placed the cushioned chairs and tables on the side and lined them up neatly.

There at the centre is a built-in platform where a set of musical instruments were being arranged by some boys.


I helped on putting the decorations while the others were tasked to make the balloon.

Some were also teaming on putting the banner where there is written in big and colourful letters the words “Welcome home Aunty Lei! We miss you so much”

The crew will not be cooking anything aside from brewing some drinks for the gathering later because Kris had already ordered for the foods from a trusted restaurant down the town.


Five minutes to 10 o’clock, everything is already settled; the visitors, relatives and closest friends of the family are starting to arrive by pair, group or by themselves. Kris’s friend too had already arrived at the place. You recognized the guys and waved at them when they called for you.


Kris told all of you, the staff, to join at the party and all of you were very happy at the spontaneous invitation.

When the clock strike at 10:31 am, Aunty Lei arrived at the café. She was teary-eyed when everyone greeted her cheerfully. She also thanked everyone who were present on the event and assured everyone that she’s doing sound and good. After that, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chen sang her a song while Chanyeol play the drums with Kris taking the bass and Lay playing the piano. Everyone were enjoying their performance especially your friend, Naila, who kept on gushing about how handsome and princely Kris is while strumming the bass with all his glory. A number of performances also followed the first one. Kai and Sehun danced to some upbeat song causing for everyone to move with the music.

Chanyeol, Tao and Kris followed suit with a rap performance.

Lay and Luhan serenaded the ladies with their charming and melodious voices. The elderly cooed at the duos cuteness and lastly, the 12 of them performed a series of lively song. After that, some of the visitors performed too while the buffet table was finally open. Slowly, the visitors lined up for the food while enjoying the performances prepared by the friends and the family of Aunty Lei. Three cute and lovely boys also performed at the stage with their own dance number choreographed by their amazing hyung, Kim Jongin. Everyone applauded the kid’s amazing performances while Jongin was all flushed from the compliment given by the elderly women who were unable to detach their eyes on the kid’s performance.


When the performances were all done, games followed.

The kids enjoyed the games prepared and the prizes that come with each game.

Nonetheless, the elderly also joined on the flexibility game and everyone had a fit of laughter as some of the players, the elderly men and women who were invited, had a hard time passing on the string of band kept at a low level.

A jolly and vibrant player made all the people laugh when he dances to Michael Jackson’s song while doing the game but was still in vain when the rubber band touches his ear upon passing by.  


This time, Suho and Baekhyun took over the stage as they ordered everyone to look for a coloured sticker below their seats. Everyone look below their seats and I heard Haola squealed as she holds a yellow sticker on her right hand. I looked at my seat hoping for nothing but a brown sticker pasted on it.

I took it and frowned at the offending piece of paper. The least thing that I want to do is to join on this game so I whispered to Naila to swap with me since she wasn’t holding any sticker on her hand.

She pursed her lips in thought at first before looking at somewhere.

“I don’t want to.” She stuck her tongue on me and I ignored her before calling for Shairah’s attention.

She was about to agree on me when Baekhyun sees us and told me indirectly that “No swapping is allowed.” So I ended up accepting the game.


“Since everyone already checked their seats, may we request for those who got the stickers to please stand up.” Suho smiled as those who got the stickers stood up. He nodded while smiling as his eyes roamed around the place.

“Now, go and find your matching color.” Baekhyun giggled over the mic and everyone proceeded to look for their matching color. I roamed my eyes and saw unfamiliar faces searching for their partners.

I heard Haola’s voice from nearby saying, “Don’t tell me were partners?”

I looked at his partner and saw that it’s Oh Sehun. I chuckled at her twisted fate before proceeding to search for a brown sticker. I still didn’t find who the heck owns the brown other sticker and I’m panicking as almost everyone had already paired up. I was about to give up and leave the game without being noticed when a tap on my shoulder alerted me.

I tilted my head back and saw Luhan standing there, a sheepish smile on his lips as he’s holding to a brown sticker on his left hand.

“Hey, we’re partners.” He says, motioning to the brown sticker on my hands.

“Oh” Was all I said while nodding.

“Come on, let’s stand over there.” He ushered me to the right corner near the stage and I caught sight of Hanna, Shairah and Naila who were all smiling at me. I breathed a deep sigh as I stand there beside Luhan, looking at those few who were still searching for their partners and waiting for the further instruction. This will be awkward.


“I- I’m sorry.” I heard him mutter and I hastily looked at him. I throw him a questioning look and he rubbed on his nape shyly.

“You know, for ignoring you these past weeks.” He had his eyes on me and I stare at him too.

“Why are you apologizing? It’s not even your fault.” I reasoned out.

“But I feel like it’s my fault.” He said as a faint tinged of pink covered his cheeks.

“A-actually, I’m at fault too. I admit that I really am ignoring you so I apologize too.” And now, it’s my turn to blush as he kept his eyes on me intently, not even blinking.

A pregnant silence reigned between us as I looked at everywhere but Luhan.


He ended the silence after a while when he noticed my uneasiness.

“Why are you ignoring me?” He inquired and I kept my mouth shut at that.

“It’s okay if you won’t tell me but are we quits right now?” He offered his hand for a handshake and I took it, shaking his hand with mine in agreement. His warmth seeped on my right palm as our skin stayed connected for a while. He squeezes on my hand and when Suho get everyone’s attention, we smiled on each other and listened to the instruction given by Baekhyun.

The game was called Paper dance. Everyone is familiar on the game’s mechanics so Baekhyun skips the mechanics of the game instead enumerated the do’s and don’ts of the game. When all of the players are settled and ready to play, Go Crazy by 2pm started to play on the music box and all the pair started to dance. Luhan and I danced freestyle on the song with me keeping an eye on the paper and forming a plan on how to stand on the newspaper that is folded into half. When the music stopped, we hurriedly get into position with Luhan hugging me on my waist. I was kept flushed on his chest as he hugs me tightly. Thankfully, no one can see my heated face and I tried to cool down the heat on my cheeks.


After a few rounds of playing, a total of three pairs were eliminated from the game leaving me and Luhan, Sehun and Haola, a pair of Uncle and niece and a pair of boy teenagers. The newspaper is now folded into 1/8, a tight fit for us to put our feet on it. Mamacita by Super Junior was palying and when it stopped at the chorus, Luhan lifted me bridal style. I automatically wounded my arms on his neck and he was laughing at my shocked face. Sehun piggy backed Haola and the uncle and niece pair had also successfully did the game. However, the teenager pair didn’t make it as they tumbled on their limbs on the ground. The audience laughed at the awkward entangle on bodies on the floor and the game resumed soon.    


However, when the game came to a stage when the newspaper was folded into a perfect 1/16, Luhan and I were eliminated as Luhan loses his footings resulting for us to be eliminated. We proceeded on our seats and watch the battle between the Uncle and niece pair and Sehun and Haola pair.

When BTS’s Danger stopped playing, the newspaper that is folded into 1/32 failed to cater Sehun’s foot causing for them to lose. The uncle and niece pair won the game finally.


It was already 12:13 pm when the party ended successfully.

The visitors started to leave the place one by one as we, the staff, helped in tidying the place.

Kris’s friends also helped in cleaning the place and within an hour, the café was put into its original look again. Kris ordered for ten boxes of pizza, five family buckets of chicken and a big case of soda for everyone. Those who stayed to clean the café shared the food and we had a happy time laughing on the jokes shared by everyone. It was nearing 2pm when everyone left the place.


Luhan invited you to ride with them but you kindly shake the offer as you are planning to have a bonding with your friends today. The guys bid you goodbye as they entered their vehicle.



A/N: Weeeee~ 4 chapters in a row ♥♥♥♥♥♥

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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
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