Chapter 18

You're the cause of this


'Andwae!!!! I'm not going with you!!' Sehun shrieked as he tries to free his wrist from Luhan's tight grip.
But he was in vain because Luhan is much stronger than him.
Seeing that he has no other option, he bites Luhan's hand that is latched around his wrist and  hurriedly ran inside their apartment as soon as he got himself free from Luhan. The latter guy ruffles his hair irritatingly and drove himself to the airport while Sehun sighed in pure relief as he saw from their apartment's window Luhan's car driving away...
As soon as Luhan reached the airport, he waited for Seohyun at the waiting area and not even a minute passed and he already heard the familiar squeal of his childhood 'friend' form afar. He forced a smile as he saw her running towards him like usual.
She launched herself on him rather hardly causing for him to regret fetching her here.
'Oppa, aren't you happy to see me?' Seohyun batted her eyelashes on him while her arms still around Luhan's waist.
No I am not. Not even a speck
Luhan wants to said to her but knowing her, she's too sensitive and he might regret it if she told him the truth.
Luhan being the gentleman, helped her with her bags.
As soon as they exited the airport, a limousine stopped in front of them and Luhan fights back the urge to scoff at that.
Seohyun's family is one of the richest family in South Korea. Owning the most luxurious hotel and resorts in the country and abroad, running the 3 biggest companies and managing several charities, it's not a surprise if seohyun gets everything what she wants.
Seohyun is not a spoiled brat and that's what Luhan liked about her however her parents loved to brag their wealth which in turn, she despised the most.
Luhan and her are quite experiencing this kind of treatment from their family and it's also one of the reason why Luhan decided to live with the guys, to show his parents that he can live without their wealth.
He and Seohyun are childhood friends because of their parents.
Their families are neighbors in a wealthy subdivision and during their childhood years, the two are always left behind their spacious house because their parents are always busy with their work that they forget to spend some quality time with them.
Finding the comfort of a family, the two kept each other in company which in return, making their friendship stronger.
Luhan treated Seohyun as a sister that he never had however Seohyun treated him more than a friend and a brother.
All those years they shared, Seohyun holds an admiration towards him.
She tries many times to get rid of the feelings but all her walls came tumbling whenever Luhan manages to made her admire him more by his simple acts.
Allthrough their 6th to 11th grade, Seohyun succeeded on hiding her feelings from him however an incident during their 12th grade changed everything.
Luhan is one of the hearththrobs back then and most of the girls are admiring him.
However, no one dare on confessing him nor giving him a letter because the girls thought that he and Seohyun are an item.
Thier assumption proves the bonding of the two who is seen by everyone in a romantic way, making them girls jealous and admire from afar.
White day came by and Luhan received chocolates form a girl named Hyemi.
She's petite and has a bob-hair that suits her small face.
She is beautiful however she's just a mere wallflower.
As Luhan took the gift from her, he saw how she blushed and Luhan who was faced to this kind of treatment for the first time, nervously accepted the present.
Seohyun who was about to gave Luhan her present was shocked at the scene unfolding in front of her very own eyes.
She dropped her box of chocolates at the floor and clenched her fist in pure jealousy.
That day, Seohyun came home broken-hearted.
She enters their cold and life-less mansion and head straight to the comfort of her room.
She lied on her bed and stared at the ceiling.
No one loves me.
No one cares for me.
Not even mom and dad nor Luhan.
She thought as a tear rolled from her left eye.
'I shall make myself happy, right?' She whispered, glancing at the photo of her and Luhan on her bedside table.
She smiles as she looks at their smiling faces and right then and there, she made the decision.
The next morning came by and Luhan was confused when a news broke out on the campus.
'Hyemi dropped out???' He asks Lay who told him the news, not believing it a bit.
How will he believe it if Hyemi gave him a box of chocolates just yesterday and then she just disappeared just like that?
'Yes, and I think this will shock you the most.' Kris joined their conversation, setting himself beside Luhan.
Luhan looks at him and Kris spoke.
'There's a rumor going around that Seohyun threatened her.'
'W-what??' Luhan asks, still unconvinced.
'Seohyun will never do that.' Luhan convinced himself and Lay and Kris agreed with him.
'Hi guys!' Seohyun sat on the empty chair in front of them.
The guys shared a knowing look before Luhan asks her.
'Can I talk with you outside?' and the two exited the classroom.
After minutes of arguments and persuassions, Seohyun told him the truth.
The truth that it was all her doings why Hyemi dropped out of the school.
She admitted too that she treathened her if she didn't follows her order.
All the way, Luhan looks at her disgustingly and unbelievingly especially when she admitted that she did all of those because she wants him for herself.
She wants him for herself only and that no one shall stole him away from her.
Luhan tried to be understanding on her side, but he can't find himself to do it.
It's like Seohyun, her sister and childhood friend, was replaced by a stranger.
She's not whom she used to be.
And after that, their friendship changed. Seohyun became possessive of him and Luhan did everything to avoid her.
Everything changed no matter how much effort Seohyun did to restore it back.
Luhan treats him like a friend but not like what he treated her several years back.
They're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.
Right after they graduated, Seohyun, decided to continue her study at US and left South Korea.
Honestly, when Luhan heard the news, he felt free again and he was happy.
End of Flashback
'Luhan, let's go?' Seohyun's voice brought him back to reality and he enters the limousine and they drove to somewhere he doesn't know.
(A/N: Another update ^^)
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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
Chapter 1: dont worry Ms.Author , It' not boring actually... Fighting!!!
kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D