Chapter 31

You're the cause of this

Your POV

“Hey girl, are you already through with your workbook?” Naryoung who owns the locker beside mine asked as I put all my books inside mine. “I’m not yet near on end. How about you?” She shook her head too as she closes her locker and hoisted her bag on her left shoulder. “Mrs. Song said that it will be due this Friday.” I gasp at her words. “But I thought it will be passed before the end of the month?” She shook her head and is about to walk on her heels, “Nah, I don’t think that’s the case. See you, bye” She bid me goodbye and I proceeded on my business.


I looked at my wrist watch and calculated the time.

I still have an hour free before my shift at the café starts. Better use it wisely.


I made my way to the library and looked for a table that is free of students.

When I saw one, I walked towards it and put my bag. I took out my workbook and opened it to the page where I last worked at. After a few minutes of brainstorming and analysing the answers I want to jot down, I started working, hoping to finish this as soon as possible.


After almost an hour of non-stop writing and answering, I am already at the last page of my workbook and I mentally cheered at the thought of finishing this soon.


I am already finish on the workbook and just resting for a while before making my way out when someone took the empty seat before me. I looked up and saw Luhan flashing me his smile.

“Hey” He greeted as he leans back on his chair.

“Hey you too.” I greeted back, stretching my arms while yawning.

“It seems that you’re tired. Did you do an over time?” He asked, peering at me.

“Uh yeah. I finished my work just now. How about you?”

“I just saw you over there” He pointed at the glass window beside me. “..and decided to stop by.” He smiled and I felt overwhelmed at his words.

“So, where are you going after this?” He was looking at his watch now while I stood up from my seat.

“On my way to Lei’s café.” I hoisted my backpack on myself and he too gathered his bag from the table.

“Can I walk with you?” I was dumbfounded at his words. Did I hear them right or am I just hearing things?


I shrugged his words, thinking that it was nothing. But he was looking at me expectantly, hands placed on the table, his body leaning towards me. I was so thankful that the table is wide enough that separated us, providing us an ample space of barrier.

“Can I?” He confirmed, batting his eyes on me.

I pursed my lips in thought and shrugged my shoulders.

We walked our way out of the library and out the hallway.


“You know, there is this soccer game this Thursday and I am thinking of inviting you to watch.” Luhan cut the silence between us as we were walking down the pathway of the campus.

“I am not forcing you though..” He whispered the words and I fought the small smile that is threating its way on my lips. He is so naturally cute.

“When is it again?” I inquire and he replied giddily, “This coming Thursday.” He has his hands on the straps of his backpack as we were making our way out the campus’s gate. I nodded and I swear I heard him laugh.


Upon entering the café, Shairah who is wiping on one of the tables near the door saw us and throw me a knowing look. I shook my head and she stuck her tongue at me.

Luhan sat on one of the tables while I made my way on the staff’s room to change on my uniform.

After logging in on the employee’s record, I helped Naila who seems to be having a hard time with roasting the coffee beans.

“Hey, I saw walk in with the doll boy huh.” She wiped the sweat forming on her forehead with her hanky and I took over at her place.

“I think the guy got a thing for you. Is he courting you already?” She pestered me with question and I only ignored them.

“Yah why aren’t you answering?” She nudges me with her foot.

“Yah, I’m older than you so don’t use those “yah” on me and please stop nudging me with your foot, it stinks.” I scrunch my nose but she only annoyed me more by doing the opposite of my words.

“Yah!!!!” I glared at her laughing face and throw a hot bean, fresh from the roasting machine, on her foot. She yelped at that and I smirk as she left me.


Thursday, 4pm, soccer field


Your POV

Thursday came by quickly and I took my friends with me to watch the soccer game where Luhan invited me. Actually, they didn’t want to come here with me but I literally drag them here to accompany me.


We sat by at the benches and I immediately looked for Luhan. He is stretching with the players on one side of the field and when he saw me, he waved at me and I reciprocated the act while doing a fighting motion. My friends looked at me and I blushed at their stare.


Soon enough, the game started and the benches are filled with students who came to watch the game.

Blue team, on which Luhan is a member, is leading the game so far with the score of 1-0.

Though my friends were not really into games like this, they were pulled from their seats whenever Luhan has the ball on him while running around the field dodging the opponent’s members with such ease they never expected on him. The game got intense at some point when the scores were almost neck to neck with Luhan’s team still leading with one point.


And finally, one of the members in Luhan’s team kicked the ball successfully in goal which made their team winning the game. After a good hour of the game, both teams shook each other’s hands as a form of sportsmanship. When Luhan looked at us, I and my friends gave him double thumbs up and he waved at us.


I sent him a message saying that he did a good game a while ago and that we’ll be heading on our way.

We walked on our way to the café as usual and go on with our shifts.


We’re already through with our works and just waiting for Hanna who is assigned to calculate the money for today. Shairah, Haola, Naila, I and a few of our co-workers were resting our exhausted bodies on the chairs silently. The close signage by the door is already plastered so we’re confident that no one will enter by the door at this time. So, when the wind chime rang, all of us looked at the people who dared to enter the café at this hour. And there stood our second boss, Kris. We all greeted him and he nods at us in response.


He stopped by to check on the shop and told us that Aunty Lei is already coming back next week.

We were okay with the news except for Naila who seems unhappy at that. She kept saying this “we will miss you so much oppa” thing repeatedly with her high-pitched voice and Kris assured her that he’ll be visiting some times to help his aunty at supervising the business. Haola and Shairah scoffed at her obvious crush on Kris only to receive a gummy smile from Naila.


The moment I am settled at my cosy bed and ready to drift off to sleep, my phone vibrated at the bedside table. I look at the caller and saw an unknown number calling. I clicked the green button and put the phone on my left ear.


“Hello?” The girly voice from the other line said. The voice sounded familiar and I scan for names to match with the voice.

“Hello?” I asked and the voice chuckled.

“Yah Farisha, it’s me, Seohyun.” The voice, Seohyun, giggled and my mouth formed a circle.

“Hey Seohyun, long time no talk. How are you?”

I heard her breathe in deeply from the other line and she sounds troubled.

“Still breathing and living. How are you by the way?” But her voice re their vibrant sound.

“I’m okay.. but I think you’re not. Come on, tell me what’s bothering you.” She stayed silent at the other line and I thought I offended her and she already cut the line.

But I heard her chuckle before she spoke again. “Before anything else, I want to confess something on you first. We’re friends right?” I nodded and answered yes.

“So….. I got this crush on my childhood buddy but got no chance to confess..” She trailed.

“Why? You’re very beautiful Seohyun and I bet every guy will fall for you.”

“That’s what everyone tells me but this friend of mine is very hard to get and I believe you knew him.” I stopped for a while to ponder for who this guy is. After a few seconds of thinking it suddenly clicked.


“You got a crush to Luhan?” I almost shout and she shushed me up telling me to keep it low for he might hear. I laughed at that though I felt something churning badly at the pit of my stomach.

I cleared my throat, “So what’s the issue now?”

It was silent for a while and her next words weren’t processed easily by my brain.

“What?” I asked again.

“I said, can you please help me on him?” I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

“Since you’re also friends with him, maybe you can help me.” I wanted to protest and say that I don’t have the ability to do that but nothing seems to be coming out from my mouth. Instead, a low “sure” made its way out of my lips and I literally bumped my fist on my head.


Later that night, I sleep with thoughts fogging my mind in a messy heap.

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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
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