Chapter 30

You're the cause of this

No One's POV

Four familiar brown locks are at sight from a nearby kiosk and Farisha dragged herself towards her friends.
"Good morn----- Hey! What is that?" Haola chuckles the moment she saw her face. Dark circles surrounding her eyes and her hair in a messy ponytail that looks quite unpleasant. Farisha glares at the girl who was trying so much on stifling her chuckles but was in vain.
"What's so good in the morning??" She snapped as four pairs of judging eyes are looking at her. Hanna shook her head in disapproval, Naila fishes out her phone and snaps a photo of Farisha, causing for a very ridiculous pout to make its way on the latter one's lips. Haola sips on her banana milk noisily with her eyes darting everywhere but to Farisha. Nonetheless, Sharah blinked at her, figuring what she had done to look like this at this time of the day.
"Did you have a rough night?" Naila asks, her words oozing with straightforwardness as she casually puts her phone back inside her pocket whilst Haola chokes on her drink, Hanna face palming herself and Shairah clucked her tongue finding the talk a useless one.
"Shut up or i'll cut you into pieces!!!" A not so famous menacing glare was thrown to Naila as she dramatically shuts .
And the four curious beings resumed to do  their own business, hesitating to ask for more information after being thrown multiple daggers from the not so annoyed Farisha.
Not long while when they heard a deep voice calling for their attention. They looked at the approaching figure of a tall guy who owns the obviously deep voice and Shairah was so sure that she heard Farisha groaned beside her, burying her head at the crook of her arms.
Chanyeol took the space beside the still hiding but failing Farisha and looked at her with his eyes wide, amused grin on and the famous twitching in which only Park Chanyeol owns. He shook her shoulder to catch her attention and he only received a groaned from her. He looks at the girls before her but they only shook their head in response. Chanyeol's eyebrows furrow as he thought of an idea on how to get the attention of the said girl and his almost break as a very wide grin stretched on his lips.
*poke* no response
"poke poke poke" no response
*tickles tickles tickles* and  loud laughters erupted at their space, startling the people around, as Park Chanyeol successfully got her attention.
"What do you want?" Farisha wipes the tears at the corner of her left eye as Chanyeol watch in pure shock at her state.
"What happened to your eyes?" Chanyeol's voice was almost a whisper as he leans forward and reach out for Farisha's hair that was on her eyes. In response, Farisha's eyes go wide as she backed out, looking at the still leaning Park Chanyeol.
"Yah! What are you doing?" She stuttered, her back was almost breaking because of too much bending. She even caught sight of her friends; Hanna and Shairah's mouth were agaped whilst Haola and Naila's eyes were sporting an interested kind of look and she makes a mental note to kill those two for having those kind of looking as if enjoying her state.
"Your eyes..." Chanyeol's voice was velvety, minty breathe greeted Farisha's face and she shivered at the nice smell.
"Wait... Ch-Chanyeol." She stuttered.
And it's like the heaven saved her when a loud yell of Chanyeol's name was heard from above.
They both look up and saw Xiumin's shocked face.
Farisha scrambled on her seat while Chanyeol greeted the bun-faced guy as if nothing was wrong.
"Kris says you still have some works to do." Chanyeol got up and left just like that, leaving a stiff Farisha on the seat who was being surrounded by her shocked and grinning friends.
"MY LIFE IS SO DOOMED!!!!!!" She flails her arms in the air and buried her head back on her arms.
Later that afternoon....
Farisha already got her sanity back and she can be talked to normally. Shairah grabbed this chance as they made their way towards the coffee shop where they walk. Hanna, Haola and Naila are walking a few feet afar from them while the two of them decided to take small steps as Farisha shared her misery to her friend. However, Shairah promised to tell the other three about it later when they're out of sight of Farisha but for now she has to listen from her.
"Those two were like retards sending me messages out of nowhere. Asking me if I am cold, hungry, fine and whatsoever. I was so intrigued on why the heck do they care. It was so out of the blue... I mean. Do you get me?????" Shairah nodded, foreseeing the next story. "Go on."
"So like I said, I was so tired last night and all I wished was to sleep and rest to which is I was about to do so not when Chanyeol texted me. At first, I smiled because that was so thoughtful of him to ask if I was okay but when Luhan texted me too and asked the same, I can sense that there is something wrong with those two. Like, I caught them glaring at each other the other day at the cafe but when I look at them, it was a 360 degree of persona. The hell!!! I don't know anymore. I want to tell them last night to please stop texting me and just let me sleep but that sounds so impolite that's why I ended up sleeping at 3:45 am! It's a freaking morning when I already dozed off to sleep!! And you know me, right???" Shairah nodded again, amazed at her friend's non-stop rambling.
"I'm not immune to staying too late for chit chatting so that's why I ended up looking like Sadako early in the morning." Farisha ended her speech by a harsh tug on her hair and Shairah took her hands off before she can scraped her scalp.
"Don't worry, I'll tell those two to not burden you again." Sahirah patted her back and Farisha sniffed as she embraced her friend, grateful to have her.
"So, shall we go now?" She leaned her arms and Farisha clung on to it. Grateful smile  showing on her lips.

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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
Chapter 1: dont worry Ms.Author , It' not boring actually... Fighting!!!
kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D