chapter 24

You're the cause of this

Luhan is idly sitting on the couch in the living room the next morning, sipping on a hot chocolate drink with his right hand whilst his other hand is playing with Lay's hair who had his head rested on the former's lap. The two are watching a random drama early in the morning while everyone are still enjoying the warmth from their duvets and soft bed.

'I like you' said the male character from the drama.
The female character had her eyes wide open whilst stuttering to form words.
'I like you' the boy repeated with his low voice causing for the girl to blush and bow her head.
The boy tipped her chin up and looks lovingly on her eyes pouring all his feelings for her.
Seconds had passed and the girl still continues to be silent.
'Don't worry, I am not forcing you to answer.' The boy chuckled, wandering his eyes anywhere but to the girl.
'I just want you to know what I really feel for you.' He continues after some tense seconds, now looking deeply on her eyes.

On the other hand, Luhan had his eyes blinking for numerous times at the scene unfolding before him while Lay looks up at him with a small smile plastered on the corner of his lips.

Lay get up from resting on Luhan's lap and proceeded to the kitchen, leaving the latter boy by himself at the living room. Lay makes himself a cup of coffee with creamer and toasts some bread for him and Luhan. He waited for a few minutes for their toasted bread when he heard Luhan's voice from the living room. He pokes his head out from the kitchen's door and saw Luhan looking defeated and irritated. Lay was about to approach his friend when he saw from his peripheral vision their toasted breads are ready. He put the toasted bread on a plate and made his way to the living room only to see Luhan pressing the call end button feebly.

Lay carefully placed the food on the coffee table and took a seat beside Luhan who is still staring at his phone vaguely. He nudge the boy by his rib and he successfully got his attention.
Taking a sip from his cup of coffee, Lay pointed with his eyes Luhan's hand phone, motioning something like 'what-was-that?'.

'Seohyun' Luhan waves his phone boredly and heaved a heavy sigh afterwards before munching on a toast bread. Lay threw him a pitying look.

10:16 am, COEX Mall

'Oppa! How about this?' Seohyun stood up before Luhan who is sitting on a cushion inside a dress shop. Seohyun had already tried a total of eight dresses and for the upteenth time, Luhan motioned an 'okay' sign with his hand.
A few minutes passed and Seohyun came out again from the fitting room with another dress and she twirls herself around and waits for Luhan's reaction and as usual nodded his head again for the umpteenth time, motioning to Seohyun that it looks good on her. And these scene repeated for numerous times and Seohyun got irritated at Luhan's reaction because the boy kept on nodding his head or motioning an okay sign. Seohyun wants to hear his thoughts and not those mere signals she is getting.

Seohyun stomps her left foot on the shining tiles before trudging to Luhan who is currently too engrossed on his phone. Seohyun stands before him with her arms crossed over her chest and pouts when Luhan was still so oblivious about the look she is giving him. Realizing that the boy will not notice her, she bent down to his ear level and whisper, 'I'm done.'

Hearing Seohyun's whisper, Luhan looks up at her gleefully, automatically standing from his seat, his face clearly shows excitement.

Seohyun sighs at his reaction then she decided to take all the dresses she had tried. She took a seat and drags Luhan down to take a seat beside her, wrapped her arms around his and rested her head on his shoulder.

Luhan looks at the girl oddly
'I thought we'll be going already?'
He tries to remove himself from her grasp but he was in vain for Seohyun took a firm grip on him.
'Let's take a rest first,please?. I am too exhausted to walk now.'
Seohyun said before snuggling deeper on his neck, inhaling his manly scent while Luhan only shrugged his shoulder.

'Where are we going next?' Luhan asks her mindlessly while entertaining himself with his phone.
'I am thinking of visiting Gold's Gem, Victoria's Secret, Gucci and Girl's Paradise after this.' Seohyun named different stores with her fingers resulting for Luhan to mentally kill himself for agreeing on this even though he knew it from the very start that he will end up dying of boredom in this shopping thingy. He should've take Sehun or any of the guys with him but knowing them, they won't go with him knowing that Seohyun is with them.

The two left the dress shop bringing with them four shopping bags each.
They entered a Gucci shop and Seohyun starts to busy herself on admiring the different latest stocks on a corner while Luhan excused himself for awhile. He went to the nearest comfort room.

While Seohyun is examining herself on a human-sized mirror inside the shop, a girl in red coat and plaid skirt with a wavy brunette hair pop behind her causing for her to squeal in joy.

'Seojin-ah!!!!!!!!!!' She caged the girl in a bear hug and the two jump in pure joy.
'Aigoo, you've gone so beautiful girl.' Seohyun complimented her friend while running her slender fingers on the girl's soft locks.
'You too, my dear.' And they giggle by themselves, completely disregarding the fact that they're making a scene.
'Say Seohyun-ah, are you still planning to go back to States?' Seojin asks.
'I'm still thinking about that Jin-ah but for now, I want to enjoy my stay here at Seoul.' Seohyun answers, a genuine smile plastered on her pink lips. Seojin nodded and the two decided to do the shopping together.

Coincidentally, the moment the two finished shopping is also the moment Luhan came back.
Fortunately, Seojin was there to accompany Seohyun around, saving Luhan from Seohyun's nagging about disapperaing so long. Seohyun introduced her friend to Luhan in which the guy gladly shook hands with. When Seohyun introduced Luhan to Seojin as his bestfriend, the latter girl threw her friend an eloquent look saying 'is-he-the-one-you're-talking-about?' in which Seohyun winked, signalling a silent 'yes'.   

The two decided to eat lunch on a nearby restaurant dragging Luhan with them.
They get to know and caught up with each other and Seojin keeps on sharing stories on Luhan about Seohyun's doing when they were still at States. She told Luhan everything that her mind can still recall about Seohyun whether it's funny or sad stories, her achievements and downfalls and even the guys who lined up to court her friend. All through out the conversation, Seohyun threw her friend a 'you're-dead' type of look but Seojin only smirks at her.

They enjoyed their lunch thanks to Seojin's bubbly and funny personality.
Luhan was informed that Seohyun and Seojin worked on one of the prestigious modelling agencies at States as models and they are also taking up photography course at Brooklyn University. On their staying at the States, Seohyun and Seojin shared an apartment in which they shared the fundings on it. They too lived a demanding life at the States because they didn't ask any help from their parents in terms of financial. The reason is because they want to experience something new however, they still enjoyed every moment of their life back then which made them stronger and who they are right now.

Luhan admires this characteristic of his friend. A mature-thinking and independent Seohyun. From all the stories she heard from Seojin, Luhan hopes that his friend had really changed and become the Seohyun that he calls as his bestfriend.

After their satisfying lunch, Seohyun and Seojin bid goodbye to Luhan. The two have to run an errand and Luhan was about to accompny them but they told him that he doesn't have to. They thank him for his time and Luhan settled on enjoying his time at the COEX. Since he had brought with him an enough amount of money, he decided to buy something for the guys.

Luhan's POV

'I had already bought Kai's, Baekhyun's, Suho's, Xiumin's, Lay's, Tao's, Kyungsoo's, Chanyeol's and Chen's gift and .... who else??' I mutter, checking the shopping bags I am holding.
'Oh! I still didn't get Sehun's and Kris'..' I snapped.

After contemplating for a few minutes on what to buy for those two, I decided to walk my way to the nearest bookstore and right now, I am currently searching for the self-improvement pocket book that I'll be giving to Kris when a small French-English dictionary on the other shelf caught my attention. I put back to its place the pocket book I am holding before making my way to the shelf where I saw the French-English dictionary. I open its leaves and scan its content. I read a few words from it before deciding to purchase it. Before exiting the bookstore, I had managed to purchase the self-improvement pocket book for Kris and a manga for Sehun.

And I hailed a taxi..


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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
Chapter 1: dont worry Ms.Author , It' not boring actually... Fighting!!!
kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D