Chapter 23

You're the cause of this

A/N: It's the date ;))) Enjoy!


The brown crispy leaves were scattered along the pathway and the atmosphere is pretty warm eventhough the autumn air still lingers in the air. Luhan and Farisha walked along the narrow road towards the bus stop without saying anything. Although it was quiet but it did not feel gawky at all. Instead, they felt a lot more comfortable. It's just that they don't know how to initiate a conversation.

'Where do you want to go?' Luhan asked her as they stand side by side at the bus stop.
'Anywhere is fine with me.' She answered, pulling off a smile. Luhan nodded and shoves his hand inside his jean's pocket.
They stayed silent for a few seconds and Luhan stole some few glances at Farisha who is looking very happy beside him.
Luhan knew that Farisha is feeling delighted and happy proving the smile that never left her face and he can't help but be infected by her positive aura.

Luhan saw the bus from afar.
'Hey.' he softly called her who turned to him immediately.
'I think you got something on your left palm.' Luhan said, but before she can look at her left palm, Luhan grabs and interlaced it with him leaving her dumbfounded and blushing. She was not used to skinship so she stood there like a stone with red cheeks.
When Luhan felt her stiffness, he flashed him an encouraging smile.
'Let's go?' Luhan said as he tugs on her hand that is clasped on his, dragging her delicately towards the bus like she's a very fragile glass.

Oh God.. Please give me the strength...
Farisha silently prayed as they sat on the backseat of the bus.
During the bus ride, they conversed about random stuffs that starts from soccer, weather, flower, hello kitty, food, sky, cherry blossoms and end up to movies. The two realized that they have few things, likes and characteristics in common and they found out too that each other is a good company.

Farisha chose the first stop and it was at the amusement park.
She jumps like a kid as they stand at the entrance of the big amusement park. People were screaming here and there, loud music beating around the place and the different rides are before them.
She looks at the different gigantic rides with glistening eyes but oblivious to her, Luhan is turning pale beside her.
'What shall we ride first?' Farisha asked excitedly as she roams her sight around, finding the most nerve-wrecking ride her eyes can land with.
Luhan forced a smile.'You c-choose.' He said, unable to hide his nervousness but Farisha didn't noticed nor heard it because of the noise surrounding them and she was too distracted by her surroundings.
Farisha pointed happily at the giant roller coaster from afar and Luhan agrees with her despite his uneasiness.

They were now seated at the roller coaster with their seatbelt on.
Farisha wanders her sight around her and when she looks at Luhan beside her, she grew worried.
Luhan is now obviously pale and sweating wildly but he still smiles at Farisha when she saw her worried look.
'Let's get off, come on.' Farisha stated as she removes her seatbelt but she was stopped when Luhan hold her hands that were undoing her safety gear. She looks at him confusedly but with a mixture of concern.
'No, Let's just ride this one.' Luhan forced a smile in which she pouts in return.
'But you're not comfortable with this one.' She said.
'Come on, let's just find another ride.' She continues completely out from the hold of her seatbelt.

The worker shouts something indicating that the ride is about to start.

Luhan put on her seatbelt back and smiles before nodding his head despite his nervousness.
Farisha only then sighed and took Luhan's hand. She interlaced their hand and smiles back at him.
And the ride starts.
Allthroughout the ride, Farisha shouts to the top of her lungs while Luhan had his eyes closed.
She squeezes her hand tightly like his life depends on it.
Farisha manages to stole some glances at him and she admires him more because he even took this ride with her eventhough it was very clear that he's not into this one. Just to please her, he's willing to suffer and she can't help but feel lucky about it.
After the 5 minutes of intense ride, they got off the roller coaster and took a seat on a bench under the now leafless maple tree.
After some minutes of resting and calming their selves, they are now trekking towards the arcade games.

They played for almost 45 minutes at the different arcade games and Luhan won him a giant rillakuma and a deer plushie.
They're now heading to nowhere and decided to stroll around the beautiful city of Seoul since the weather is very ideal for strolling around. Luhan, being the gentleman he is, volunteered to carry the giant rillakuma despite Farisha oppossing the idea. They entered different shops and tried wearing those cute stuffs that they can see. They really had fun teasing each other and laughed like there's no more tomorrow.
As they exited a certain shop, Luhan caught a sight of a familiar little booth from a distance.

'Over there!' Luhan called excitedly dragging you with him. It seems that he's not even carrying the giant rillakuma with him.
'W-wa-it! Slow down!' you cried as he zigzagged through the sea of people.
You kept on bowing your head eveytime you bumped with random people. He finally stopped.
'This one!' he cheered cutely bringing your arms up in the air.
He was pertaining to a photobooth where you can decorate and make it cute.
'You're serious?' you asked still panting.
You looked down at your hand and saw that it was still in Luhan's hold. You found yourself holding on a little tighter.
Luhan nodded frantically, 'Of course' he said and you both enter the booth.


'What do you think those two are doing?' Shairah asked. Hanna shrugged as she swtiches the channel.
Haola butted in 'Probably acting all lovey dovey in a public place.'
Naila raised her left eyebrow 'What's your definition of lovey dovey?'
'Kissing!!!' Haola and Shairah chorused before sharing a sly look only to receive a disgusting-kind of look from Hanna and Naila.


'Aigoo, I bet I look so silly.' You laughed, fixing your fringe.
Luhan laughed loudly before nodding his head frantically. You slap him teasingly and he pointed at the timer beside the camera.
'10 seconds.' He cheered. You smile at his child-like attitude before wiggling yourself on your seat.
'Are we going to make another silly faces?' You asked looking straight at the timer which now had 6 seconds displayed.
'Or are we going to smile?' You continues as the timer shows 4.
'How about we act like enemies?' You continues again, the timer showing 2.
'Aigoo, that's too scripted. Let's just sm-----------'

And the camera clicked along with the sudden skip in your heartbeat.  

You continues to sat there in pure shock as Luhan attended the photos. He was too distracted decorating the photos that he didn't notice your state. When your mind replayed what happened a while ago, different shades of red and pink glows on both of your cheeks.
Luhan kept on gushing about how cute and silly the photos are but you can't hear him because of the loud pounding of your heart.

You were getting ready for the camera to snap.
Your fringe was fixed as well as your posture but you don't know if you'll smile or make another silly faces.
So you kept on asking Luhan about how you should you pose.
Shall you smile? Make another silly faces? or act like enemies?
But when you're about to decide to just smile and just when it was about to snap, Luhan chose to wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head in the crook of your neck. He cuddled you tightly like a teddy bear and the action caught you by surprise.
Your eyes widened and your mouth agape.

Luhan took the seat beside you again before showing you the printed photos.
'You're so cute yet funny here.' He points at the photo where he caught you by surprise.
You flushed red when you saw the actual photo, 'N-not funny.' you say trying to calm down your heart.
It really wasn't funny how he was able to make you react like that.

Luhan pulled out his wallet as he stucked his tongue out at you playfully.
He slipped that photo of you two into his pocket.
He looked at the photo before smiling softly at you.
You felt him look at you so you turned and looked at him, your cheeks were still red.
'You look cute.' he smiles at you, pinching your glowing cheeks. You smile through the loud beating of your chest.
'Let's go.' He said grabbing your hand and exitting the booth.

After having fun around the city of Seoul.
Farisha and Luhan enter an ice cream parlor along the street of Hongdae.
The ice-cream shop looks very cute and bubbly. It was decorated all in pink. As soon as they stepped inside it, they were welcomed by a very friendly waitress. She gave them a couple table and asked for their order.
The two waited for their order and played air hockey on Luhan's phone.
Farisha always lost because according to her, Luhan is cheating in which Luhan always denies.

Their orders finally came and they savoured the delicious cold treats like they haven't ate ice cream for a decade.
Ice cream is one of Farisha's favorite so everytime she would put some inside , she would mutter a compliment on how delicious the ice cream is.
Luhan looks at her unbelievably so she offered her ice cream on him, pushing it towards Luhan.
Luhan scoop a spoonful from it and savoured the delicious treats.
He smiles in approval and stuck his thumb out.
Farisha blushes again but not with Luhan agreeing on her but with the fact that they just had an indirect kiss.
She thought that Luhan would use his own spoon but instead he scoop the ice cream using her spoon.
For the umpteenth time today, Luhan managed to made him blush deeply.

It was nearing sunset when they finished eating and the time is already 5:34 pm.
The two of them rested contentedly as they pat their tummy.
Luhan wiggles his eyebrow at her and she laughs at the look he's giving her.
'You look so creepy.' She commented. Luhan only continues and they laugh hysterically as Luhan makes random faces.

The two are now heading to 'somewhere beautiful' according to Luhan.
Along the way, they passed by a soccer field and she thought that this is where Luhan is referring to 'somewhere beautiful' but it wasn't. Instead, they continued to walk an uphill pathway until they came to a meadow where the setting sun greeted their faces.
The view is very beautiful, orange and violet colors are cascaded in the place creating a tranquil atmosphere.
The air is freshly damping their skin and the two decided to rest under a big tree nearby where they watched the sun slowly setting.
Smiles were plastered on both of their faces as they enjoy this very comforting silence away from the noise of city.

6:00 pm strikes and the sun has completely set.
Little twinkles are starting to become visible up the sky and the temperature is starting to drop however, the two didn't mind at all. They sat beside each other and talked randomly.
'I really enjoyed today. Thank you again, Luhan' Farisha said out of nowhere as she pricks the grass below her.
'It's nothing. Besides, I should thank you too for sharing your day with me.' Luhan mimicks her action.
'It really is my first time to experience this kind of adventure.' Farisha admitted as she bowed her head in shame.
Luhan turned to her. She was expecting him to but instead she got nothing in response.
She look up and saw Luhan looking at her with his attractive eyes.
'I promise you, this won't be your last time to experience this.' He smiles at her charmingly.

She stared at him wide eyed. 'So, there’ll be more outing after this?' She asked, quoting the words outing with her fingers.
Luhan nodded not even noticing her action. 'If you don’t mind.'
'You know I don’t.'
'Deal.' He smiled.


They walked side by side and arrived in front of Farisha's apartment.
For the umpteenth time today, Farisha muttered another thanks to Luhan before she bids him goodbye.
'I’m going in now.' She said although she didn’t want to leave.
'Alright. Take care.'
'Ok.' She smiled at him for the last time as he opened the gate for her. She waved at him and he waved back. Then she turned around and backs him.

Suddenly Luhan felt that this wasn’t supposed to end this way. There was still an un-finish business that he had to do and he wants to do.
She stopped and turned around. Luhan opened the gate, went inside and approached her.
When he was standing in front of her, he grew nervous and he lost his voice, the reason, he didn't even know.
Farisha looks at her curiously but he only stares at her.
'Hahaha... nevermind.' He said, scratching his nape in embarrassment.
Farisha chuckles at the sight of a shy Luhan.

As soon as she turned around he quickly grabbed her left arm, pulled her body onto his and kissed her on the forehead.
It lasted for 5 seconds and there was it again, the loud beating of her heartbeat but unknown to her, Luhan also felt the loud thumping of his heart. She still had her eyes wide when Luhan detached his lips on her forehead.
Luhan smiles at her lovingly as she guides her back inside.
'Sleep tight.' Luhan whispers on her left ear as soon she enters her apartment wobbly.

'KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!' Farisha squeals as soon as she enters her apartment, shocking her friends who are watching movie.
She threw herself beside Hanna and screams against the pillow.
She flails her legs around and hit Hanna with it endlessly.
Everyone shared a knowing look as she continues to contain her feelings.

On the other hand, Luhan smiles as he heard a squeal after Farisha enters her apartment.
He treks his way back home with a smile plastered on his face.
He shoves his hands inside his pocket and hums a tune by himself.


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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
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Thanks for the new updates :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
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