Chapter 20

You're the cause of this

It was a rainy Monday morning and you're currently trapped at a waiting shed near your school waiting for the rain to diminish but 15 minutes had already passed and the rain seems to be pouring heavier second by second. You impatiently tap your foot on the wet ground, thinking for a plan on how to get at the school without getting drenched. You thought of different plans like:

1. wait for someone you know  
2. share umbrella with the others
3. run all the way to the next waiting shed.

The plan numbers 1 and 2 sound impossible to you because of the fact that besides from your friends, everyone is a stranger to you and you won't have the guts to share an umbrella to someone you don't know, so thus leaving you to plan number 3.

Making sure that all of your stuffs inside your bag are safe, you prepared your legs for a sprint but before you can run under the rain, a familiar voice calls you from afar, stopping you. You saw Luhan approaching you and you instinctively heaved a sigh of relief when you saw his umbrella.

'Were you planning to run under the rain?' Luhan asks as soon as he approached you. You nodded your head.
'My class will start 10 minutes from now but the rain seems to be getting heavier.' You look up at the gray sky. Luhan chuckles.
'Come on, let's get you to your class.' He said and put you under the shelter of his umbrella. The umbrella he had is a medium-sized one so you had to squeezed yourselves. You blush when you felt his right arm draped on your shoulder.
'Scoot closer so you won't get drench.' He said and you managed to spoke a stuttered yes.

You appreciated his effort to cover you with his umbrella although his left side is getting drenched by the rain.
Althroughout the walk towards the campus gate, you felt his warm body and smell his scent engulfing your soul; calming your panicking heartbeat. You're even marveled that you manage to make it to the campus despite your legs woobling along the way.

Finally, the long walk to the campus ended and you thank Luhan for sharing his umbrella with you eventhough he gets himself drenched. But before he let you go, he wipes off the water droplets on your shoulders. For the second time of today, you blush at the act and you can't help but get moved by his simple act.

Luhan, do you know that I'm falling for you?

After your first class, you get a canned coffee from one of the vending machines at the hallway on your way to your art class.
You envelop your cold fingers around the warm can and drank some of it.
Shairah texted you awhile ago that you'll be sharing class again with Luhan's class and with just the thought of it, You felt your stomach grew butterflies.

Just act normal. You constantly remind yourself as you're nearing the room .

As soon as you enter the room, Shairah points at the empty seat beside Luhan whilst wearing a creepy grin on her face.
You shook your head and was about to find another empty seat when Luhan calls you. Crap.
You forced a smile when he points the empty seat beside him and your legs moved on its own towards him.
He pats the empty seat beside him, motioning you to take it.
Surrendering from your self-contemplations, you take a seat and curse yourself mentally.

Althroughout the class, Luhan had his full attention to the lecture while here you are sitting like a good girl but your insides are having World War 3; your sub consciousness had its own lecture inside driving you insane. You sat there like a stone, letting the lectures enter your ear and exit at the other. You tried to calm your hammering heartbeat but you always fail.

Without you knowing, you're starting to fidget.
You're startled when you felt a soft and warm hand over your palms.
Luhan secretly passed you a note.
You look at Luhan and he smiles, closing your palm with the note. You look down at the note and smile at the sentence. Are you cold?
You wrote at the crumpled paper with, I'm not :) Why? and passed it back to him.
Your hands are trembling. He wrote back.
To prove himself, he points at your trembling fingers causing for you to blush and clench your hands hoping for it to stop trembling to save you from further embarrassment.
Seeing how you struggle to get rid of the trembling thingy, he did a heart-stopping act.

He brings your left hand under the table and interlaced it with his right hand.
You always said to your sanity that it's just an act of kindness from him, or so you thought.
You blink, looking at your hand clutched by his and cleared your throat silently to ease the tension inside you.
And as weird as it sounds, the trembling of your hand stopped and you wished for Luhan to not notice it.

Without you knowing, Shairah saw everything and she grins at seeing your expression.
How you constantly puff air to calm yourself up to the way you bow your head to hide your red face, she saw all of those and she can't  help but think if Luhan knows about your feeling or he's just plain dumb about everything. If she's going to judge, your action speaks on its own, so there's no way that Luhan doesn't know it.

'Uhm...Thanks?.' you said, retrieving your hand from his grasp. Even though the sudden lost of contact disappoints you and you want to hold his hand forever, you insist on pulling it back so that you can focus on the lecture or so you thought.
You mutter a thanks to Luhan who winks at you in return and tried to act normal.

Lunch that day....

Your friends except Shairah look at you strangely as you kept on muttering the word stupid by yourself.
Seriously, they're starting to think that you've gone crazy. Everyone are enjoying their warm soup while you're mourning to something they don't even know. They ask you about it but you always shrugged off their curiosity.

Shairah who also got irritated by your paranoia, decided to spill the seed.
She told them everything she knew and got a jaw drop from Naila, a squeal from Haola and a questioning look from Hanna.
They all look at you, asking for a confirmation.

Getting pressured by your friends, you pull on your hair and clench your teeth.
'What to do?? I'm going crazy!' You said, seriously troubled.
Haola and Naila start to laugh hysterically at your troubled state leaving you, Hanna and Shairah in pure confusion at their bipolarness. They laugh so hard that they are almost creating a scene.

'You look so lame, Farisha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA' Haola laughs, still clutching her abdomen.
Naila wipes the tear at the corner of her left eye and tries to catch her breathe.
'You're so easy to read. Can you at least act normal in front of him?' Naila mocks at you jokingly.

'Just shut up the two of you.' You cut them off before they can open their mouth again.
'What ever.' The two high fived each other and giggled by themselves.

'You know what? He doesn’t even know that you like him. So maybe you should make the first step.' Hanna suggested, stirring her soup mindlessly. 'Are you kidding me? No way!' You half-yelled, the thought of it make you die already in pure shame.
'Ask him out.' Shairah suggested too the most impossible thing you'll ever do.
If you think that most of the people think before they speak, well, your friends are the total opposite. And what they suggested just now was one of the most perfect examples.

'You know guys, you’re nuts.' You said, throwing each of them a disagreeing look.
'So, we're delicious?' Naila said, only to receive a slap in the head from Haola.
'Yah! I'm older than you!' She snaps.
'You're older than me but
 you're so pabo.' Haola stucks her tongue out. Naila snobs her and harrumphed.

'You want me to set you up?' Now here’s the creepy Haola.
'Don’t you ever dare.' You seethed under your breathe. Haola surely enjoys your pissed off expression.
'Let's see.” She smirked.
All throughout your 18 years of existence on earth,  that was the creepiest smirk that you've ever seen.
'You're doomed.' Shairah whispers. You didn't want to sound exaggerated but her whisper sounds like Lucifer's.


here's EXO for you guys <3

(C) Photos are not mine ^^



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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
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