Chapter 15

You're the cause of this


Days passed by with Chanyeol constantly invading my dwelling. He usually attacks me with surprises and one of those is an unplanned loitering around the city. It’s not that I despised the idea of loitering around the town but I am the type of person who only goes downtown only if it is needed. But with this baby giant around, I experience the feeling of just enjoying the city with nothing to worry about. I chuckle when I recall what he has told me one time during our ‘walk’.




‘I think that’s why you’re socially awkward...’ Chanyeol interrupted the silence between us. We were sitting on the grasses under the shade of a big oak tree. The comforting gush of the wind is passing by, whilst the river before us is shining like crystals under the beaming sunlight.


‘Because you limit yourself to everything.’ He pointed out while smiling at the beautiful scene before us. I think about his words and thought of how I limit myself with ‘everything’. It’s as if he read my thoughts and continued.


‘Whenever you want to do something, you think twice. Whenever you want something, you think twice. I just notice that in everything you do, you always think twice. It’s like you can’t make decisions without letting everything behind. You always hold back..’ All this while, I was just listening to everything he said.


‘But... h-how?’ I dumbly ask Chanyeol who was currently leaning on the big oak tree.


‘Simple... Just follow your heart.’ He simply stated to my baffled thoughts.


End of Flashback


So here I am, walking through the College of Education’s hallway while taking into account the useful idea of Park Chanyeol.


‘Far!’ I look ahead when I heard my name being called and saw my best friend, Shairah, beaming at me. I jog on her way and put my arms on her shoulder. She looks at me and to my arms draped on her shoulder strangely. I only grin at her goofily.


‘Oi, you’re adapting the smile of Chanyeol.’ She jokingly said while the two of us were walking to our lockers. ‘Like this?’ I said and mimic Chanyeol’s derping look. Big eyes and all teeth smile. She rolled her eyes and continued to get her needed books from her locker, ignoring me.


‘See, you’re acting like his minion already and what’s next?’ She questioningly looks at me while I stood by next to her side absolutely enjoying her random expressions. ‘You’ll leave us behind...’ My eyes almost bulged out of their socket when I heard her said that. It never crossed my mind that she’s thinking up to this extent.


‘M-mwo????’ I exaggeratedly exclaim. My friend’s still wearing a scowl on her face.


‘You always hang out with him. Last week, every time we visit you on your apartment, you’re always out and one time I saw you and Chanyeol hanging around the shops at Hongdae. I always try to call you but your phone is always off...’ I wasn’t able to say something because I was guilty. Instead, I comfortingly hug my best friend.

‘I’m so sorry. I thought you won’t visit me because you were all busy these few weeks so when Chanyeol appears on my doorstep and invited me to hang out around, I agree because..... I was so lonely and bored.’ I said while avoiding my best friend’s eyes, getting awkward with my reasons. I was silent for awhile when she spoke.


‘So.. tell me, is it only the two of you who always hang out?’ She wiggles her eyebrow at me while wearing her impish smile. I nodded, blinking my eyes for multiple times.


‘Ayieee... I knew it!!! You two always go out for a date.’ what came out from caught me by surprise. ‘D-date??’ She nodded at me eagerly clasping her hands below her chin while looking at me playfully.


‘I-it’s not!!! It’s just a friendly b-bonding!’ I stutteringly said

‘Bonding.. tsk!... It’s a date if it is only the two of you. Girl and boy walking around, eating together or simply enjoying the beautiful view is called a date. DATE!’ She lectured like a real educator. I shook my head at her extreme thinking.


‘T-that won’t happen... and it’s NOT a DATE.’ I finally said concluding the topic.


No One’s POV


Oblivious to the two ladies conversing around the locker area of the Education Department, a lad from the Music Department had absolutely heard their banter. The boy wears a naughty smirk on his small cherry lips and afterwards made his way out the building.. He cheers mentally because he now makes out the reason behind.




9:28 pm


The 9 guys were all crowding inside their spacious living room, doing silly stuffs and enjoying the rest of the Friday night.


Suho and Chen are laying their long limbs on the folded couch while Xiumin and D.O were bickering at the kitchen. The bun boy annoys the chef of the group endlessly which causes the deafening noise to echo through the house. Sehun and Kai are literally ripping each other’s throat in front of their playing console. Whilst Chanyeol who had just finished his shower, sat beside the sleepy Baekhyun.


Park Chanyeol gets bored sitting beside at the once in a blue moon silence of his best pal, Byun Baekhyun. His eyes wander around the four corners of the building looking for something entertaining he can do. His ears perked up at the sight of the two maknaes who were noisily betrothed in their game. He naughtily grins as he reaches his right foot towards Sehun’s left side of the stomach. A satisfied smile sneaks his face as the younger one slaps his infuriating foot. He did the irking act again and again as his laughter gets louder gradually.


‘Monster Yeol, feet off my side please..’ Sehun irritatingly rebuke his hyung who is clearly enjoying his aggravated look. He is now clearly losing at Kai, his opponent. ‘Stop it, hyung!!!’ Sehun reprimand, his lisp clearly showing, at the same time laughing because of the tickling sensation he is feeling.


‘Woah! Game over!! I won!! It’s payback time, Sehun!!!’ Kai cheered, his stature doing the happy dance with the playing console still in his hold. The younger one annoyingly focuses his attention at his too much entertained giant hyung. Invisible hot air steams suddenly sprout out of his nose and ears as he nears the sitting figure of Chanyeol beside the now wide awake Baekhyun who shifts his eyes from him to Chanyeol.


‘You leave me with no choithe (choice), hyung.’ Chanyeol wore his irrevocable amused look as Sehun calls the attention of everyone inside. Xiumin and D.O emerge from the kitchen; Suho, Chen, Kai, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol’s attention were on the smirking Sehun.


He inhales a gulp of air before he spoke. ‘I know all the secrets behind Chanyeol hyung’s frequent trip...’ He trailed off as his sight scans the living room. Everyone was now all ears on him while Chanyeol is having his mental seizure.


‘So, who is it that he always visits at XXXXX?’ D.O asks while drinking some from his cup of water. Suho interrupted Sehun ‘He told me that he’s visiting his favorite cousin. The one named as ‘Sunshine’.’ Sehun caught the surprised look of Chanyeol.


‘But, the question is, who really is this ‘Sunshine’?’ Chen quoted in the air. Everyone looks at him keenly except for Chanyeol and Sehun. They nodded their head before looking again at Sehun and Chanyeol who were clearly murdering each other.


Chanyeol made the wrong move as he strode his long legs towards the sneering maknae. He strangles Sehun’s air passage as he loops his slender arms around the younger boy’s neck.


‘Yah! Dobi!!!! Get off of me your freaking arms!!!’ The maknae manages to choke out his words as he beckons his hands on the air for any help. The onlookers scurry to help the now suffocating maknae. Sehun wheezes as he gets out of the mighty hold of Chanyeol. He shook his head as he smirks towards the pleading Chanyeol.


He smirks before he speaks ‘Sunshine is Farisha and he was hanging out with her all through his busy weekends.’ And off Sehun he goes with a chasing Chanyeol behind. ‘Yah! Brat! Come back here!!!’ The two male chased each other around their spacious dorm.


At the moment Sehun told them the secret behind, simultaneously the dorm’s door unlocked revealing the four Chinese men who were blinking naively at the chaotic sight before them. Sehun is frighteningly running around while screaming for help from his hyungs with Chanyeol looking like a monster as he chased the mischievous maknae around. They go in and out of the different rooms and even leap from couch to couch. Fortunately, they haven’t knocked out yet any stuff inside. Tao and Lay proceeded to the kitchen to store the groceries inside; Kris took the empty spot on the couch between the conversing Suho and Chen while Luhan pokes Kai who was fully occupied in his game.


‘What happened?’ He said as he took a seat on the bean bag placed beside Kai.

‘Sehun spills the secret behind Chanyeol hyung’s busy weekend. And know what? He was hanging out with Farisha all those times without us knowing.’ Kai shook his head as he moves his body simultaneously with his video game. Luhan thought he heard it wrong and he asks for a confirmation form Kai.


‘I said it already. No need to repeat.’ Kai curtly replied as he tips his game console firmly.


Luhan sadly sat beside D.O who is reading a cookbook with Xiumin before them munching on a single piece of bun. D.O and Xiumin shared a knowing look before the older man go on with stuffing his never filled stomach. D.O put the cookbook on the coffee table and diverts his attention at Luhan.


I think I know the reason. He thought as a smile made way to his lips.


Concurrently, a grinning Chanyeol emerges from the laundry room with a defeated Sehun trailing behind looking like the cutest creature ever. Sehun sat beside Luhan and snuggles on his hyung’s torso while Chanyeol happily grabs the quarter eaten bun from Xiumin who angrily shoots daggers at his enthusiastic dongsaeng. Almost immediately, a war erupted between them creating a mess inside the dorm. Luhan looks at Chanyeol glumly without the latter one noticing.


(A/n) I know it ... Mianhae 

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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
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