Chapter 19

You're the cause of this

A/N: Hello guys!!! we get our laptop back after the long months of waiting!!! Ang guess what?---- this means that I'll be updating a lot now.. ¬¬¬¬ So, here's my gift for everyone, Enjoy;)


It was a cozy morning, Luhan and Sehun are comfortably lounging around the living room when a girlish shriek disturbs their coziness.

'Hello guys!!!' Seohyun stands at the apartments' doorway, a big grin on her face whilst on both of her arms were bags of groceries. At the sight of her, Sehun rolls his eyes and scoffs whereas Luhan had a forced smile on. Suho who saw her struggling with the groceries decided to help and invites the guest inside their abode.

'Thank you Suho.' and she launched herself towards Sehun and Luhan.

Seohyun pushes Sehun away receiving a grunt from the latter and a seat was made for her between the two.
She clings on Luhan's right arm and puts her head on his shoulder getting a sneer from Sehun.

Sehun decided to busy his self with the movie he's watching while popping some green peas inside his mouth.
He’s too engrossed with the movie when Hyemi block his view. He thought that she's just getting something from the cabinet where the television is placed but his blood boils. Seohyun stopped the movie and put on a chick flick movie.

'MWOYA???' he raged and threw her his most fear-provoking look. Seohyun who seems not affected at all, snatches some peas from Sehun's hold. Having annoyed by the visitor, Sehun vacates the living room leaving Luhan and Seohyun by themselves.

'This is what I love. A peaceful moment with Luhan.' She mumbles and snuggles closer to Luhan's neck inhaling his manly scent.

Seohyun successfully made him agree to attend the mini reunion of their families despite his protest and rejections.So here he is, standing in front of his mirror, grooming himself at least.
After 15 minutes of tidying himself up in which he did the fastest so far, he get out of his room and saw Hyemi in a cocktail dress ready to go. He bid goodbye to his friends who shooed him in that instant, ready to get rid of Hyemi who intrudes their peaceful life.

As soon as they enter this luxurious restaurant, they were led to a table in which his and Hyemi's parents greeted his sight. Luhan hated luxury and Hyemi knew that. Upon seeing his crumpled expression, Seohyun caresses his arm to soothe him.
All throughout the night, all he did was to poke his expensive yet unappetizing steak whilst muting the conversation of their parents which is about business, as usual. He wore a bored expression and is fighting the urge to yawn loudly.

Seohyun made some effort to include him to their conversation but he doesn't make an effort to keep with it.
He still had a few conversations with his mom but doesn't last because his and Hyemi's mom were too caught up with each other; they too include Seohyun onto some point, leaving him by himself like a loner.

His eyes droopily close whilst his head bobbed up and down. Seohyun nudges him awake and he hastily woke from his dozing state. He excused himself from their table when his phone rings. Suho calls him, asking how he's doing. Luhan told him the truth, how boring it was how pitiful he looks and how much he wants to go home and so forth. Suho comforts him, reminding him that he must be good for the sake of his parents.
After the minutes of rattling his feelings to Suho, he hung up and his wallpaper, which has you and him from your friendly football competition, greeted him. A smile crept on the corner of his lips and somehow your dazed look gave him the fighting spirit to hold on through this night.

After the 3 hour of his most tedious dinner ever, his family finally bid goodbye to Seohyun's family.

What saddened Luhan the most is the fact that his parents will be leaving to China back right after they'll drop him to their shared-apartment, depriving him of the opportunity to spend some family time with them. Sometimes, he gets jealous with their business because right from the moment their business boomed, his parents especially his father spent most of his time working. He has even wished that their business shouldn't escalated because he misses so much his loving parents who always makes time for him despite of their stressful works. He misses the cook of his mom and the fatherly bonding with his dad. He wants them back to his life without any hindrance.

'Take care son, always call me when you have problems.' his mom kisses him on cheeks. Their currently infront of their apartment building, biding goodbye to each other. Luhan's emotion drop down to it's lowest level, thinking of his parents leaving.
'Hon, I think our son doesn't need us anymore.' his father said in which Luhan abruptly denied.
'No.!' He half yelled. His parents look at him.
'In fact, I w-want you to s-spend your t-time here w-with m-me.' He mutters lowly.
His parents shared a miserable look, seeing their son's heartbroken state.

'Don't worry, your dad and I are doing this for you.' His mother comforts.
Luhan shook his head and decided to enter the building, not even turning back to look at his immovable parents who seems to be contemplating where they had gone wrong.

'Oh hyung! how's the dinner?' Kai asks when he saw Luhan enters the living room. Kai is carelessly drying his wet hair with the towel drapped around his neck whilst watching a music show beside Lay who seems to be so engrossed by the going program.
'Fine.' he mutters and ascended the stairs to his room.
Kai followed him with his eyes and he puckers his lip in thought when he saw the gloomy Luhan which is a very rare sight.

'What happened?' He asks Lay who looks at him with a questioning look back.
'What? Is there something wrong?' Lay dumbly asks and Kai ignored his always spacing out hyung.
'Nevermind.' He mumbles, covering his chest with the small towel.

Later that night at Farisha's apartment, her friends surprised her and decided to have a slumber party.
Knowing that her refrigerator is empty by now, she drags Shairah and Haola to do a rushed grocery shopping with her, leaving her apartment by Naila and Hanna's care.

They were trying a free taste at the meat station when Chanyeol and Baekhyun saw them.
'Hey ladies!' Baekhyun beams while approaching them.
You swallowed the food and smile at them, waving your hands in the air.

'Are you by any chance followed us here?' Shairah jokingly said when the two guys approached them.
'Are you shopping for groceries too?' Chanyeol asks while getting a free taste from the tray, ignoring Shairah's question.
'Yes. The girls decided to invade my abode unpredictably.' Farisha protested like a kid sharing to her mother a very hot issue.
'Aigoo. That's so fun! Can we join?' Baekhyun cheered, jumping like a 3-year old kid. The girls look at him disapprovingly and he chuckles while rubbing his nape. 'I guess I can't. Hehehe'
And Shairah's question was left unanswered and lingering in the air.

The 5 of you decided to go together at the cashier to pay for your groceries.
'How was life, Baekhyun?' Shairah asks as all of you fall in line.
Baekhyun sighs and pats his cheek lightly as if waking himself up from a deep slumber.
'Life gets too stressful, moreover an annoying fairy attacks our apartment. See, I'm getting dark circles! It's so ewwwy like Tao's. Arghhh!!!!' Beakhyun dramatically explained, pointing at his non-existing eyebags while pulling his hair like a mad man. The people at the line looks at him strangely while you try to supress your chuckle.

'Annoying fairy?' Haola asks, putting the groceries on the counter.
'Baekhyunie here is talking about a friend of ours.' Chanyeol chuckles receiving a glare from Baekhyun.
'Friend? Huh! Are you serious, Chanyeol?' Baekhyun scoffs like a diva.
Moments passed and the two still argue.
You ignored them and took your bags of groceries from the counter.
The three of you left the bickering duo that are now attracting attention.
Haola and Shairah chuckle as Chanyeol rubs his head that was being slapped by Baekhyun.

You bid good bye to the bickering duo and dragged Haola and Shiarah with you back home.


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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
Chapter 1: dont worry Ms.Author , It' not boring actually... Fighting!!!
kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D