Say You Love Me

Without Knowing I Fell In Love With You (Like A Fool I Don't Know Anything Else But Love)



Hyun Joong: Pulls away. “Hye Ri this can’t happen. We can’t be together.”

Hye Ri: “Why? Are you worried about what Min Ho will think?”

Hyun Joong: “No.”

Hye Ri: “Then what is it?”

Hyun Joong: “I’m in love with someone else now.”

Hye Ri: “No you can’t be. You’ve been pretending to like Hye Sun all this time…”

Hyun Joong: “It started out as that, but…now…now I’m not pretending anymore.”

Hye Ri: “Oppa…”

Hyun Joong: “I’m sorry. Whether you’ll marry my brother or not, I can’t be with you. All I can offer you is my friendship.” Extends his hand out.

Hye Ri: Slap’s Hyun Joong’s hand away. “I won’t be your friend. You said you would wait for me! Why didn’t you wait?”

Hyun Joong: “I waited and waited…but in the end everything turned out this way. I don’t expect you to forgive me.”

Hye Ri turns and walks away as Hyun Joong watches her leave.

Hye Ri: “Kim Hyun Joong. I’m letting you go for now but I’ll be waiting for you to come back one day because destiny is stronger than will. In your heart you know this too.”
***********************************END FLASHBACK**************************************
Hyun Joong: “No matter what the obstacle is I won’t let anything stop me from being with Hye Sun.

Hye Sun: “Min Ho.”

Min Ho: “I can’t lie to myself any longer. I love you Hye Sun. Please say you love still love me too.”

Hye Sun: Releases herself from Min Ho: “I like Hyun Joong.”

Min Ho: “Is Kim Hyun Joong the one you love?”

Hye Sun: “Isn’t two people liking each other enough for not being with anyone else?”

Min Ho: “Even if you like him a million times more than anyone I won’t give up on us unless you tell me you love him.”

Hye Sun’s Thoughts:
My heart aches at the thought of hurting Hyun Joong could this be love?

Hye Sun: “I..”

Min Ho: “You don’t have to answer me right away. I’ll wait patiently for your answer. I’ll wait.” Grabs her hand. “But don’t make me wait forever.”

Hye Sun: “I have to go.”

Hye Sun runs until she’s out of breath and takes rest outside the music room. She hears Hyun Joong’s voice and peeks in sees Hyun Joong’s backside. She listens in and soon learns of Hye Ri’s love for him. From afar she witnesses Hye Ri and Hyun Joong’s kiss. Hye Sun runs away in tears.
Hye Sun’s Thoughts:
Why Hyun Joong? WHY!?

Finally she collapses on the cold street.

Hye Sun: “Why did it have to be in that same room I witnessed her and Min Ho kiss.”
***********************************END FLASHBACK**************************************

In her dark bedroom Hye Sun cries.

Hye Sun’s Thoughts:
Hye Ri’s love Hyun Joong since she was five? How could have she known Hyun Joong since she was five? I don’t understand. I don’t want to. Hyun Joong you’re breaking my heart. I can’t believe in you anymore.

Next Morning…

Hyun Joong’s Thoughts:
I have to tell you the truth. We can continue on like this Hye Sun. Our love can start on lies.”


As Hyun Joong approaches Hye Sun’s house he finds Hye Ri walking in the same direction.

Hyun Joong: “What are you doing here?”

Hye Ri: “I just came to talk to Hye Sun.”

Hyun Joong: “I thought you said you wouldn’t interfere.”

Hye Ri: “I said I would let you go for now Hyun Joong. I never said I wouldn’t tell Hye Sun what’s going on. She has the right to know I was your first love…the one you waited for even when you were with her.”

Hyun Joong grabs Hye Ri’s wrist and places her against the wall.

Hyun Joong: “Listen. You have every right to be angry with me, but I won’t let you hurt Hye Sun.” Lets go of Hye Ri and walks away.

Hye Ri: “So you’re just going to keep this a secret forever?”

Hyun Joong: “No…not forever.” Walks away.

Hye Ri runs and hugs Hyun Joong from the back.

*****************************Song: Shinee: Y Si Fuera Ella************************************

Hyun Joong: “Why can’t you love me again?” With tears streaming down her face.

Hyun Joong: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Hye Ri: “Can you just tell me what this love contract meant?” With the paper crumbled in her hand. “Just do this one last thing for me.”

Hyun Joong: “Do you need to know that bad?”

Hye Ri: Nods. “I do. I need to know why we can’t be together.”

Hyun Joong: “Since I was young I’ve always known Hye Sun’s been in love with Min Ho. Although he would never show it I knew my brother felt something for her. Everything changed when you came. I started falling for Jeon Hye Ri not for that little girl I met so many years ago, but you already belonged to Min Ho. I was ready to let you go but then I found out you’re true identity. So I pushed Hye Ri to Min Ho. At first he didn’t seem to react but slowly his true emotions started coming out. I couldn’t bear not being by your side, so out of my selfishness I proposed a love contract between Hye Sun and I. If Min Ho thought we were a real couple then he could figure out his true feelings. Hye Sun accepted once I convinced her Min Ho would come to her in the end and you….you would realize he didn’t love you saving everyone heartbreak. Being with Hye Sun felt natural like breathing, how could it not be after knowing each other for so long? I thought it would be easy to break you up but it turned out to be harder than I thought. As time went by I was starting to give up hope…give up hope I could be with you. It’s kind of funny…the person you love most is right in front of you and you don’t realize it.

Hye Ri: “All this time. You’ve kept everything a secret even from Hye Sun. You used the love contract to get close to me…waiting for the day it ended so we could be together.”


Hye Sun: Teary eyes. “Jerk!”

Hyun Joong: Releases himself from Hye Ri. “Wait!”

Hyun Joong runs after Hye Sun and grabs her arm.

Hyun Joong; “Please let me explain.”

Hye Sun: “There’s nothing left to explain. You used me…in the end you got what you want so stop pretending. That night you said you wanted to be with me you were still pretending…Just forget about me…that an us ever existed. I set you free Kim Hyun Joong. Its over.” Slams the front door.

Throughout the night and break of dawn Hyun Joong stood by Hye Ri’s front door, but she never came out.


Hyun Joong sits on his bed looking through old pictures of him and Hye Sun. By his side he has a letter:

Ji Hye Sun, forgive me…
Soon darkness falls again. Hye Sun roams the cold streets until she unknowingly returns to the childhood park that she long ago played with Min Ho and Hyun Joong. She sit down on the swing.

Hye Sun’s Thoughts:

********************************Song: Ft. Island-Don’t Love***********************************
Hye Sun: “How would you know Hyun Joong, have you even been in love?”
Hye Sun: “Oppa, why are you doing this?”

Hyun Joong: Sigh. “I just want you to be happy. I can’t stand to watch you cry. I don’t mind comforting you, but still…so if I can help you get together with Min Ho I’ll do it.”
Hye Sun: “I felt so touched when I heard you tell Hye Ri your heart could only belong to one person. Eun Hye could have been a perfect partner for you but you rejected her for me…”

Hyun Joong: With a hurtful expression. “What makes you think I did that for you? What makes you think you were the person I was referring to?”
**********************************END FLASHBACK***************************************

It’s always been Jeon Hye Ri…how could I have been so blind?

Suddenly Hye Sun feels someone wrap their arms around her.

Min Ho: “You’re going to catch a cold standing her all alone.”

Hye Sun: “Oppa.”

Min Ho: “Oppa? What’s wrong?”

Hye Sun: “I…I don’t want to talk about it.”

Min Ho: “Ahh…let me guess it has something to do with Hyun Joong.”

Hye Sun remains silent.

Min Ho: “Wasn’t I the one that used to make you be feel so happy…and yet so sad at times? Can’t I be that person again? Making you smile…and even making you mad, so we could make up.”
Hye Sun: “Biane…Biane Min Ho.”

Min Ho: “For what?”

Hye Sun: “For lying to you. For fooling you all this time.”

Min Ho: “Was it really all pretend? You said the one you like is Hyun Joong, but does Hyun Joong feel the same way?”

Hye Sun: “Do you even care what I did to you?”

Min Ho: “You wanted to break up Hye Ri and I.”

Hye Sun: “Biane. In the end it was my fault you two can’t be together.”

Min Ho: Shakes his head. “She’s not the one I want…It just took me a while before I realized it. But you still haven’t answered my question. Does Hyun Joong like you? Does he love you the way I do?”

***************************Song: A & T: My Heart Had A Brain Freeze***************************

Hye Sun: “I…” Stumbling.

Min Ho: Kneels and lowers his head. “I would give up everything…just to be with you…to touch you, to love you.”

Hye Sun: “Let’s date.”

Min Ho looks up with a confused look.

Hye Sun: “The one I want to love is Lee Min Ho.”

Hye Sun sits there motionless. Min Ho slowly approaches Hye Sun and tenderly kisses her lips.

Min Ho: “I love you Ji Hye Sun. I’ve always have. I’ll always will.”

Hye Sun’s Thoughts:
After everything that’s happened you still want to be with me Min Ho. You put my sadness and happiness first before your hurt and pride. I think I should love you….I will love you…I’ll forget Hyun Joong.

Min Ho walks next to Hye Sun with his arm around her. They find Hyun Joong sitting on the front doorsteps.

Hyun Joong: Looks at Min Ho and then back at Hye Sun. “We need to talk.”

Hye Sun: Nods and looks at Min Ho. “I need to talk to Hyun Joong right now. Its late you should go home.”

Min Ho: With a hesitant look. “Mmm…I’ll see you at home little brother.” Leaves.

Hyun Joong: “Do you still love him?”

Hye Sun: “I’ve never stopped.”

Hyun Joong: “Not once?”

Hye Sun: “No. Just like you’ve never stopped loving Hye Ri.”

Hyun Joong: “Hye Sun…”

Hye Sun: Smiling. “Congratulations.”

Hyun Joong: “For what?”

Hye Sun: “You finally got the girl. It seems like Hye Ri and you are reunited and she seems to return your feelings.”

Hyun Joong: “I don’t….the one I want to be with is…”

Hyun Joong’s Thoughts:
The one I want is you…I love you Hye Sun.

Hye Sun: “Hye Ri…I know…” Smiles. “I guess it’s a double congratulations we accomplished our objective…Min Ho and Hye Ri are officially over. You got what you wanted and I…I’m soo happy. I finally have Min Ho’s love. The only love I’ve wanted.”

Hyun Joong: “You mean?”

Hye Sun: “He asked me to be with him. I accepted.”

Hyun Joong; “Ohh..”

Hye Sun: Nods. “I’m sorry I overreacted earlier today. I was really angry with you because you lied to me. You had never lied to me. I felt a little hurt.”

Hyun Joong: “Was that the only reason?”

Hye Sun: “Yeah….So friends again?” Extends her hand.

Hyun Joong: “Forever till the end of time.”

With bloodshot eyes Hyun Joong holds onto Hye Sun’s hand never wanting to let go. Hye Sun can feel Hyun Joong’s warm hand making her heart race.

Hye Sun: Lets go. “It’s cold out here. Do you want to come in for some tea? I’ll make the one you like.” Smiling.

Hyun Joong: “I have to go.”

Hye Sun: “Night.” Closes the door.

As soon as Hye Sun closes the door she collapses in tears. She reminisces on the memories she shared with Hyun Joong: Hyun Joong carrying her home drunk, their first kiss together, the times they made up.

Hye Sun: Holding her necklace. “Goodbye Hyun Joong.”

Hyun Joong collapses on the streets. Tears stream down his face as his letter becomes drenched in his sorrows.

Hyun Joong: “The one I love is you Hye Sun…only you.”


Min Ho: “Can we talk?”

Hyun Joong; “It’s late. I’m tired can we do this later?”

Min Ho: “I know about your love contract.”

Hyun Joong: “You want an apology?”

Min Ho: “No. I just need to know…Even though you’re relationship was based on a love contract, did you develop feelings for Hye Sun?”

Hyun Joong: Silent. “You don’t have to worry about anything Hyung, the one she chose is you.”

Min Ho: “Hyun Joong, if you do love her then…”

Hyun Joong; “I’m already in love with someone. So don’t worry. Just be Hye Sun’s side from now on.”

Several weeks later


Min Ho walks with Hye Sun.

Min Ho: “I missed you so much. I had to leave work early just to see you.”

Hye Sun: “The weather is nice today.”

Min Ho: “I guess it is…Are you hungry?”

Hye Sun: “Mmm…a little.”

Min Ho: Smiling. “Lets go eat.”

As the walk to the restaurant Hye Ri is walking holding onto Hyun Joong. Hye Sun’s heart stops from shock.

Min Ho: “Ohh Hyun Joong.”

Hyun Joong; “Hi.”

Hye Ri: “I’m happy for the both of you.”

Min Ho: Sincere smile. “Thanks. Hyun Joong let me in what happened. Congratulations.”

Hye Sun: “Unnie. You look really nice today.”

Hye Ri: “Mmm I’m going out with Hyun Joong today so I have to.”

Min Ho: “Since everyone is happy today lets have lunch together.”


Hyun Joong and Hye Sun remain quiet and somber as they glance at each other across the table.

Min Ho: “Hey, I remember this restaurant. This is the first one we came to when we first met Hye Ri.”

Hye Ri: Laughing. “I guess it is. You were such a jerk back then.” Looks at Hye Sun. “What’s wrong Hye Sun? Are you uncomfortable Unnie is here today?”

Hye Sun: “Is not that. I’m glad you’re here today with us.”

Hye Ri: “I know everything is different now, but we should be able to laugh and reminisce about the past.”

Hyun Joong: “Hye Ri’s right. Waitress please give me a bottle of soju.”

Hye Sun: “But you don’t drink strong alcohol…or any for that matter.”

Hyun Joong: “Things change right?”

The waitress brings a bottle of soju. Hyun Joong pours himself a shot and fills another cup.

Hyun Joong: “Hyung drink drink with me.”

Both Hyun Joong and Min Ho take a shot.

Hyun Joong’s Thoughts:
I learned to drink because of you Hye Sun…

Hyun Joong pours himself drink after drink until there’s nothing left but empty bottles on the ground. Hye Ri approaches him and takes the drink out of his hand.

Hye Ri: “You need to stop this.”

Hyun Joong: “Why? Min Ho’s happy, Hye Sun is happy…everyone is happy!”

Hye Ri: “I’m not happy.”

Hyun Joong: “Because of me right.”

Hye Ri: Holds Hyun Joong’s hand. “Because you’re like this.”

Next day…

Hyun Joong awakens in Hye Ri’s bedroom.

Hye Ri: “Have some water.”

Hyun Joong: “No. I’m fine. Sorry for whatever I did. I should go.”

Hye Ri: “For that love you once had for me…can you let me be by your side.” Runs and hugs Hyun Joong. “You don’t have to love me back, just say I can stay by your side. If we’re together it’ll make things easier for everyone especially for Hye Sun.”

Hyun Joong nods.
*******************************END OF FLASHBACK***************************************

Hye Sun’s Thoughts:
Was it that long ago when I was the one by Hyun Joong’s side?

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Choichai #1
Chapter 40: Love the ending!
Hyung jun is so cute :D
I loved this story! <3
an awesome one!
Aww glad you did :))
i enjoyed it ^^
peanadss #6
like this fanfic <3
so cute!!! :3
mecheko #8
yeay! finally...the end...and a happy ending it is! everything wraps up nicely...thank you for a lovely fic.
@mecheko sorry it's so long lol I just wanted everyone's relationship to develop. And as for Hyun Joong and Hye Sun don't be too disappointed. In the end they'll both be happy. It's just gonna take them a little longer for them to realize their true feelings. Thanks for reading. =)
mecheko #10 many chapters...and what? just when hye sun and hyun joong finally able to be together for real...they come and try to get each one to their side? aiiggooo....