I Like You Kim Hyun Joong

Without Knowing I Fell In Love With You (Like A Fool I Don't Know Anything Else But Love)

A week passed, it seem like there was no hope for Hyun Joong and Hye Sun’s relationship to get better. On the other hand Min Ho’s heart was now back at ease with Hye Ri. The kiss was put aside in Min Ho’s mind and heart. Eun Hye on the other hand held onto the possibility of Hyun Joong and Hye Sun’s breakup.


Hyun Joong’s Thoughts:
This room, this night feels so empty. Sometimes I think it would have been better if I never found out about Hye Ri. If I hadn’t known she was that little girl, maybe my feelings for her would have been gone by now and I wouldn’t have to think about her being with Min Ho. I wouldn’t have to worry about anything…….and Hye Sun wouldn’t be keeping secrets from me. My plan was to get her and Min Ho together, but I felt a cold dagger in my heart when I saw them kissing. It’s not that I like her, its just…….its just….she couldn’t tell me about it. Didn’t we always used to tell each other everything? *Sigh.

Knock knock knock

Eun Hye: “Surprsie!”

Hyun Joong: “Hi.” Half smile. “What are you doing here?”

Eun Hye: “You haven’t been to classes the last few days I thought maybe you’re sick.”

Hyun Joong: “I was. Thanks for caring.”

Eun Hye: “And I thought you might be a little lonely too.”

Hyun Joong: “Mmm…but you’re here now. Do you want to go out to eat?”

Eun Hye: “I’m not really hungry.”

Hyun Joong: “Okay I’ll let you decide.”

Eun Hye: “Let’s go on a trip together.”

Hyun Joong: “Trip?”

Eun Hye: “We have been getting closer these last few weeks.” Moves closer to Hyun Joong on his bed.

Hyun Joong: Flustered look. “Eun Hye…I don’t think a trip is the best thing right now, with Min Ho’s dad...”

Eun Hye: “Its okay…we can have think of something to do here.”

Eun Hye: Running her finger along Hyun Joong’s lips. “You’re the one Hyun Joong, you’re the one I want to be with.” She places herself over Hyun Joong and starts kissing his neck.

Hyun Joong: “Eun Hye, we can’t.”

Eun Hye: Still kissing Hyun Joong. “I can’t hide my feelings anymore. You’re the one Hyun Joong. Let me show you I can be the only one for you.”

Hyun Joong: Stands up. “We can’t. I’m sorry Eun Hye I don’t feel the same way. I have a girlfriend.”

Eun Hye: “Do you?  You act like complete strangers. Before you at least acted like friends around each other but now…but now”

Hyun Joong: “It doesn’t matter how it was before, or now…I only love one person, I can only love them, there’s no room for anyone else. She’s the only one I see, the only I want to be with, my past, my present, my future.”

Eun Hye stares into Hyun Joong’s eyes and for once sees such sincerity in them as he speaks from his heart. Outside the door Hye Sun is listening in.

Eun Hye: “You love her that much?”

Hyun Joong: Nods. “More than she’ll ever know.”

Hye Sun quietly leaves the house.

Hyun Joong’s Thoughts:
I think I can love only Hye Ri…only Hye Ri.

Later that day…

Knock Knock

Hye Sun: “Hyun Joong. Can we talk.” Smiles.

Hyun Joong: “I just want to be left alone.”

Hye Sun: “Lets just talk for a little bit” Nudging Hyun Joong with her elbow.

Hyun Joong: “I’m not in the mood right now. Why don’t you go find Min Ho?”

Hye Sun: “I want Hyun Joong right now not Min Ho.”

Hyun Joong: Smirk. “ No ones around you can drop the act.”

Hye Sun: “It’s not an act.”

Hyun Joong: “Then what is this, is this guilt?”

Hye Sun: “Guilt?….” Looks at Hyun Joong. “Ohh, you knew I was listening in?”

Hyun Joong: “What?”

************************************Song: Stay: I'm A Fool****************************************

Hye Sun: “You said you didn’t want secrets between us. I was listening in when you spoke to Eun Hye earlier today. I’m sorry.”

Hyun Joong: “So you’re happy then? Happy I rejected her? If I did like Eun Hye that would mean our love contract would have to end, wouldn’t it? But since I rejected her it means our relationship can go on. Min Ho and Hye Ri will continue to think we’re a couple, and you can continue…continue with Min Ho…You’ll still get what you want.”

Hye Sun: “Hyun Joong how can you say that? You’re making it sound like I’m just using you.”

Hyun Joong: “Aren’t you? Have you ever thought about my feelings?”

Hye Sun: “I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel that way. I didn’t mean to. You’ll always be my Oppa I would never hurt you.”

Hyun Joong: “But you have, you made me feel like the last person you think about. You act like nothing’s happened, but something did happen. You kissed Min Ho and didn’t even tell me.”

Hye Sun: “Kiss?”

Hyun Joong: “At the hospital.”

Hye Sun: “I….”

Hyun Joong: “Aren’t you tired of keeping secrets? From me…from Hye Ri. You smile at her and Min Ho with such sincerity. If you’re going to try to take Min Ho away from Hye Ri shouldn’t it be at least a fair fight? Without sneaking around.”

Hye Sun: “I’m not the only one that’s keeping secrets remember that Hyun Joong… This relationship was your idea. You’re as guilty as I am. Do you even know what I’m going through? Why are you making me feel guiltier about everything? You wanted me to pursue Min Ho because you wanted my happiness now you’re treating me like I’m doing something awful.” With teary eyes. “I felt so touched when I heard you tell Hye Ri your heart could only belong to one person. Eun Hye could have been a perfect partner for you but you rejected her for me…”

Hyun Joong stands there quietly with a tight fist.

Hyun Joong: With a hurtful expression. “What makes you think I did that for you? What makes you think you were the person I was referring to?”

Hye Sun: “Joong.”

Hyun Joong rushes out the door. Hye Sun is left crying in Hyun Joong’s room. In the cold Hyun Joong sits in the middle of a wooden bridge.

Hyun Joong’s Thoughts:
You only come to me so I can stand in for Min Ho. You come to me when you’re afraid that I’ll leave your side. Can’t you just come to me once when it’s not about Min Ho or Eun Hye?

Several minutes pass and Hyun Joong just watches the trees’ flowers fall gently into the water sorting out his feelings.


“Did you forget it was Hye Sun’s lap you used to cry on when you first came to this house?”

Hyun Joong/Hye Sun – 7 years old

Hyun Joong is resting his head on Hye Sun’s lap.

Hyun Joong: “I want to go home.” Crying.

Hye Sun: “Oppa this is your home.”

Hyun Joong: “I want to go back with the one with mommy.”

Hye Sun: “If you do Auntie will miss you, Min Ho will miss you, I will miss you. You can’t be mean and leave us.”

Hyun Joong: “But this isn’t my home, I don’t fit here.”

Hye Sun: “You belong here Oppa. You belong to me…..and to Min Ho, you belong in this house. So please stop crying….”

Hye Sun leans in and whispers something into Hyun Joong’s ears. Hyun Joong stops crying….

***********************************END FLASHBACK**************************************

Hyun Joong’s Thoughts:
Babo. Isn’t what you’re doing with Hye Sun the only wrong here? You pretend you have nothing to hide when in reality you have everything to hide. How can I lecture Hye Sun in secrets when I’m the only one an ulterior motive. I chose to stand by Hye Sun as not only her friend but as her partner even if it’s just for a moment…


Knock knock

Hyun Joong stands in front of Hye Sun’s door with his head down holding a box out to Hye Sun.

Hye Sun’s opens the box and finds a necklace with two hearts and an H in the middle.

Hye Sun: “Hyun Joong.”

Hyun Joong: “I can’t express my feelings very well so I end up saying stupid things.”

Hye Sun: “Do you think this will make everything better?”

Hyun Joong lifts up his head and looks into Hye Sun’s eyes.

Hye Sun gives a cold expression until finally she slowly smiles. She tightly embraces Hyun Joong.

Hye Sun: “Now this makes it everything better.”

Hyun Joong: “I’m sorry I said those things. I was just hurt that you couldn’t tell me about the incident. Didn’t we used to tell each other everything?”

Hye Sun: “I promise I’ll never keep a secret from you….and if you really like Eun Hye we can break up.”

Hyun Joong: Smiles. “You think I came all the way here to break up? Silly girl. Wouldn’t I take you on a farewell trip or something if I did? Like those corny dramas.” Laughs. “ I don’t like Eun Hye. The only girl for me is Ji Hye Sun.” Lightly taps Hye Sun’s nose.

Hye Sun: “But what about what you said earlier?”

Hyun Joong: “When I said I didn’t do it for you and that I was talking about someone else I lied. But even though I made those things up in front of Eun Hye, I still meant them. I care for you a lot as my friend, my little sister, and as my girlfriend.” Grin.

Having made up with Hye Sun Hyun Joong walked with a foolish smile to his house. In his room he finds a letter.

To: Kim Hyun Joong
From: Yoon Eun Hye

Hyun Joong although I really like you, I know you can’t accept or return my feelings. I’m sorry for trying to come between you and Hye Sun. Its true what they say the more you try to pull two people apart the closer they’ll cling to each other. I couldn’t see the love you have for Hye Sun at first but slowly you revealed your heart. I know now that I can never take you away from her. Live happily, be good to Hye Sun and think about me now and then even if it’s for a second.

Goodbye Kim Hyun Joong.

Hyun Joong: Grin. “Goodbye Yoon Eun Hye.”

Min Ho: “What are you looking at?”

Hyun Joong: “Hyung. You’re home.”

Min Ho: “I just came to get something.”

Hyun Joong: “Is that our photo album?”

Min Ho: “Yeah my dad wanted to look at some pictures. We were so cute back then. You were so quiet back then, but yet so mischievous. I was always getting in trouble for things I didn’t even do.” Laughs.

Hyun Joong: “Sorry…but thanks for always covering for me.”

Min Ho: “You’re my little brother isn’t that my duty as your Hyung?” Messes with Hyun Joong’s hair.


Hyun Joong stands in front of his mother’s memorial and bows.

Hye Sun: “Did you think I would forget what day it was today?”

Hyun Joong:  “You didn’t have to come.”

Hye Sun: “I did.”

Hye Sun grabs Hyun Joong’s hand as they stand in front of his mother’s memorial.

Hye Sun: “Don’t worry auntie I’ll take good care of Hyun Joong.”

Hye Sun’s Thoughts:
Whatever his happiness may be I’ll do it for him. I promise you this.


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Choichai #1
Chapter 40: Love the ending!
Hyung jun is so cute :D
I loved this story! <3
an awesome one!
Aww glad you did :))
i enjoyed it ^^
peanadss #6
like this fanfic <3
so cute!!! :3
mecheko #8
yeay! finally...the end...and a happy ending it is! everything wraps up nicely...thank you for a lovely fic.
@mecheko sorry it's so long lol I just wanted everyone's relationship to develop. And as for Hyun Joong and Hye Sun don't be too disappointed. In the end they'll both be happy. It's just gonna take them a little longer for them to realize their true feelings. Thanks for reading. =)
mecheko #10
waaa...so many chapters...and what? just when hye sun and hyun joong finally able to be together for real...they come and try to get each one to their side? aiiggooo....