Forgotten Past

Without Knowing I Fell In Love With You (Like A Fool I Don't Know Anything Else But Love)

3 Months Later…

Hyun Joong, Min Ho, Hye Sun, and Hye Ri graduated high school and entered the same college. Min Ho and Hye Sun got accepted to the most prestigious conservatory, but Min Ho couldn’t bear to leave Hye Ri behind and Hye Sun couldn’t go without Min Ho.


Hye Sun: “I’m leaving.”

Hyun Joong: “What?”

Hye Sun: “I don’t know if I can ever change his heart.”

Hyun Joong: “Hye Sun. You can’t, even if you wanted to, you can’t. Unless you can tell me you no longer love Lee Min Ho than I won’t agree to break up.”

Hye Sun: “I’m not asking to break up. I’ll only be gone for a month. There’s a one-month study session in Italy. I need time to figure out if I can keep doing this. Sometimes I just want to confess everything to him and there’s other times I’m happy just to be by his side.”

Hyun Joong: “Okay. If that’s what you need than go.”

Hyun Joong didn’t feel sad about Hye Sun’s departure, but did felt a little lonely without her. Lee Min Ho missed Hye Sun, but found it easy to laugh and smile bye Hye Ri’s side.

1 Month Later…


“Ohh who’s that girl? I haven’t seen her before.”
“Could it be a new transfer student?”

Girl: “LEE MIN HO!”

Min Ho: “Do I know you?”

Girl: “I’m your fiancé.”

Min Ho: “What?!”

The girl grabs onto Lee Min Ho and kisses him.

Min Ho: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”  Wiping his lips.

Hye Ri: “Min Ho.”

Min Ho: “Hye Ri it’s not what it looks like. I don’t even know who this girl is.”

Girl: “Quit saying that. I’m your fiancé”

Hye Ri: “Fiance?”

Min Ho: “Ehh. You’re not actually going to believer her? I’ve never met her in my life.”

Hye Ri: “Who are you really?”

Girl: “I’m Lee Min Ho’s fiancé. Who are you?”

Hye Ri: “I’m…I’m his..”

Min Ho: “She’s my girlfriend.”

Girl: Smirks. “I guess this is going to be a challenge.”

Min Ho: “What?!”

Girl: “You’re better looking than your picture, and adorable and even a better kisser than I’d imagined.”

Min Ho: “You really are crazy! I’m not you’re fiancé!”

Girl: “Whenever you’re tired of playing games come find me.” Writes her phone # and address and hands Min Ho on a card.

Min Ho looks at the card and flips it over and has awed look on his face.
Yoon Eun Hye
3245 East District

Lee-Ji Tech Corp.
President/CEO Lee Ji Hoon
4536 Downtown Seoul

Hye Ri: “Who was that?”

Min Ho: “ I have to go.” Walks away.

Hye Ri’s Thoughts:
What’s going on? First this girl comes and kisses Lee Min Ho and says she’s his fiancé and now Min Ho is acting strange.

Min Ho’s Thoughts:
What is this?



Hye Ri: “Is Min Ho here?”

Hyun Joong: Shakes his head. “He got home late last night. I thought you were with him. When I woke up this morning Min Ho was gone.”

Hye Ri: “Yesterday must have meant something.”

Hyun Joong: “Yesterday? What happened?”

Hye Ri: “Some girl came to school looking for him claiming to be his fiancé.”

Hyun Joong: Chuckle. “Wow I didn’t know girls were that crazy over my brother.”

Hye Ri: “It’s not funny. She…she kissed him. Before she left she left him her card.”

Hyun Joong: “What did it say?”

Hye Ri: “I didn’t get a chance to look at it, but something on the card must have upset Min Ho.”


Min Ho: “I want to see Lee Ji Hoo.”

Woman: “I’ll ask if the president if he can see you.” Dials phone. “President Lee, I’m sorry to bother you but there’s a young man waiting to see you….Young man what’s your name?”

Min Ho: “Lee Min Ho.”

Woman: “The president says you can go up and see him. His office is on the 20th floor.”

Min Ho nervously takes the elevator to the 20th floor. Outside the man’s office laughter can be heard.

Eun Hye: “Uncle is too kind.”

Man: “Nonsense. You’re practically part of the family. Don’t worry he’ll come around. I’m sure your warm and caring heart will win him over.”

Receptionist: “Are you here to see President Lee?”

Min Ho nods and follows the receptionist to the man’s office.

Receptionist: “President Lee, your guest has arrived.”

As soon as the double doors open Min Ho stands there intensely looking at the man.

************************************Song: So Sad (Inst)**************************************

Mr. Lee: “Let me look at you.” Smiling. “You’ve grown up to be a handsome man.”

Eun Hye: “Uncle he is handsome right?”

Mr. Lee: “Of course.”

Eun Hye: “Min Ho I’m glad you’re here we can start planning for our wedding.”

Min Ho stands there without saying a word holding his anger in.

Mr. Lee: “There’s plenty of time for that Eun Hye. Why don’t you drop by my office another time? Send your parents my deepest gratitude.”

Eun Hye: Smiling. “I will. We’ll talk later Min Ho.” Leaves.

Mr. Lee: “Sit down and we can have a talk.”

Min Ho approaches the chair and kicks it across the room.

Mr. Lee: “I know you must be very upset with me. You’re feeling hurt and even angry with me, but please sit down so I can explain to you what all this is about.”

Min Ho: “Upset?! How the hell do you know how I feel?! Who are you to make any judgments on my emotions?! Answer me!”

Mr. Lee: “Son…”

Min Ho: “DON’T CALL ME THAT! You’re not my father!”

Mr. Lee: “Lee Min Ho, I won’t tolerate your disrespect for me. No matter what I’m still you’re father.”

Min Ho: “Father? You abandon my mother and me when we needed you the most! Do you think I’ll ever forgive you for that? You left my mother for another woman. No, you’re not my father! I wish I could strip myself from the surname Lee. From now on don’t ever call me the word son. Forget about me like you have for the past 14 years.”

Mr. Lee: Sigh. “I’m trying to make up for my past mistakes. Please let me make it up to you. I’m making you the sole heir to my company. I’ve arranged a marriage between you and the heiress of one of the biggest hotel names in Korea. You remember Yoon Eun Hye? You two used to play together when her family and ours lived in Busan. Do you remember?”

Min Ho: With teary eyes. “I remember nothing.” Walks away.

Min Ho’s Thoughts:
Because of you President Lee I closed off my heart, I never wanted to see a woman sad, I never wanted to fall in love. If I fell in love I feared I would become like you and cause her pain and one day cause that pain to my son.

Min Ho drives in the moonlight with teary eyes. He finally stops at the park where he, Hyun Joong, and Hye Sun used to play as children. Min Ho sits down on the swings, he looks at his cell phone: missed calls from Hye Ri and Hyun Joong.

Hye Sun: “What’s this little prince doing here all alone?”

Min Ho turns around and sees Hye Sun. He immediately runs to her and holds onto her with all his strength.

Hye Sun: “I missed you too.”

Min Ho: With teary eyes and a weary voice. “You should have come earlier. It would have been better if you came earlier.”

Hye Sun sits down on a park bench with Min Ho’s head lying on her lap.     

Hye Sun: his hair: “It’s alright now. I’m here”

Min Ho: Crying. “He’s back. How can he do this to me? I wanted to forget the past but he won’t let me.”

Later that night…


Hye Ri: “Min Ho, we were so worried about you.” Hugs Min Ho.

Hyun Joong; “Hye Sun you’re finally back.”

Hye Sun: “Hi Hyun Joong.”

Hyun Joog: “Since everyone is back why don’t we celebrate with a welcome back dinner for Hye Sun. I’m buying.”

Min Ho: “I’m not hungry. I just want to sleep...”

Hye Ri: “What happened Hye Sun? Please tell me. I want to help Min Ho.”

Hye Sun: “I’m sorry I can’t tell you. You’ll have to wait patiently until he’s ready to open his heart again.”

Hye Ri’s Thoughts:
Why is it you always run to Hye Sun first? Why can’t you let me in Lee Min Ho?

Hyun Joong: “Why don’t the three of us go out to eat then?”

Hye Ri: “Sorry Sunbae. I don’t feel like eating much.”


Hyun Joong: “You look great. How was your trip?”

Hye Sun: “Good.” Smiles. “Italy is so beautiful. I wish you and Min Ho could have come with me. It was kind of lonely at first, but after a while it was quite nice.”

Hyun Joong: “About our relationship…”

Hye Sun: “I realized something when I was in Italy. I love playing violin but I wasn’t working hard enough, it’s the same with Min Ho. I love him, but I’m too afraid to fight for his love. I don’t want to be afraid of the outcome no matter what it is.”

Hyun Joong: “Let’s work hard together.” Smiles.

Hye Sun pours herself and Hyun Joong a Soju.

Hyun Joong: “Don’t drink so much. I don’t want to carry you home.”

Hye Sun: “What happened to your chivalry? You’re my boyfriend so even if I get drunk you have to take care of me.”

Hyun Joong: Laughs. “Fine fine, but you’ll have to do something in the near future.”

1 hr later….

Hye Sun: “Oppa you’re so cute.” Pulling on Hyun Joong’s cheeks. “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?”

Hyun Joong: “I do. You’re my girlfriend.”

Hye Sun: “No I mean a real one. Why is love so unfair? I love Min Ho but he loves Hye Ri. Why can’t he love me, and why does Hye Ri have to be so nice?”

Hyun Joong: “Okay you’ve had enough to drink lets go home.”

Hyun Joong place the rambling Hye Sun on his back.

Hye Sun: “Oppa. I really want to work hard to be a good woman for Min Ho. Help me be a good woman for Min Ho….”

Hyun Joong: “What did you eat in Italy? It feels like I’m carrying a ton of bricks.” Laughs.

Hye Sun doesn’t say anything Hyun Joong looks back and sees Hye Sun already sleeping.

Hyun Joong: “You know you’re a whole lot cuter when you’re quiet. Sigh. “Everything would be much simpler if I did fall for you Hye Sun. I wouldn’t be pushing you to doing something that you’re not ready for and I wouldn’t feel so guilty trying to steal my brother’s girlfriend. Love isn’t fair is it Hye Sun?”

Next day…
Hye Ri: “I’m glad you came with us to school.”

Min Ho: “Mmm.” Looks at Hye Ri.  “I have something to say..”

Eun Hye: “OPPA!”

Hye Sun: “Oppa?”

Eun Hye: “Its nice to see you this morning.”

Min Ho: “What are you doing here?”

Hye Sun: “Who is she?”

Min Ho: “She’s…”

Eun Hye: “I’m Lee Min Ho’s fiancé.”

Hye Sun: “Fiance?”

Min Ho: “Lets go.” Grabs Eun Hye.

Hye Sun: “Why did he leave with her?”

Hye Ri: “I’m going to class.”

Hye Sun: “Wait Hye Ri.”


Eun Hye: “Oppa you should really tell everyone who I am so they won’t get shocked when I show up.”

Min Ho: “Yoon Eun Hye!”

Eun Hye: “Do you remember me now?”

Min Ho: “I remember a sweet little girl back then, but the Yoon Eun Hye that’s in front of my eyes I don’t know her.”

Eun Hye: “Then get to know me. We have enough time before the wedding.”

Min Ho: “I’m not going to marry you Eun Hye. I have someone I already love. I never agreed to this marriage. It was all his idea.”

Eun Hye: “You mean uncle? Uncle is really a kind man.”

Min Ho: “I don’t want to hear about him. Since you seem like a nice girl, I can offer you friendship, but please don’t have any other expectations of me.”

Eun Hye: “You know Min Ho. I was really happy when my parents first told me they had arranged a marriage to you. I really respect my parents so any man they picked for me I would have accepted but I was so happy it was you. Although we hadn’t seen each other for so long, I smiled at the idea of being your wife.”

Min Ho: “Eun Hye I’m sorry. I can’t marry you. Marriage shouldn’t be based upon a business contract, status or for any other reason but love. One day you’ll find someone you really like and then you can marry them.”

Eun Hye: “So there’s no chance you’ll be able to love me?”

Min Ho: Shakes his head. “I’ll get everything straighten out so don’t worry about telling your parents.”

Eun Hye hugs Min Ho.

Eun Hye: “She must be really lucky. I thought I had a chance even when you said you had a girlfriend, but I can feel your love for her in your words. I hope I can find a man that can do the same for me in the future.”


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Choichai #1
Chapter 40: Love the ending!
Hyung jun is so cute :D
I loved this story! <3
an awesome one!
Aww glad you did :))
i enjoyed it ^^
peanadss #6
like this fanfic <3
so cute!!! :3
mecheko #8
yeay! finally...the end...and a happy ending it is! everything wraps up nicely...thank you for a lovely fic.
@mecheko sorry it's so long lol I just wanted everyone's relationship to develop. And as for Hyun Joong and Hye Sun don't be too disappointed. In the end they'll both be happy. It's just gonna take them a little longer for them to realize their true feelings. Thanks for reading. =)
mecheko #10 many chapters...and what? just when hye sun and hyun joong finally able to be together for real...they come and try to get each one to their side? aiiggooo....