Taste Sweet Love

Without Knowing I Fell In Love With You (Like A Fool I Don't Know Anything Else But Love)


Hyun Joong: “Hye Sun.” Waves his hand.

Hye Sun: “Hi.”

Min Ho: “We’re back.”

Hye Ri: “It’s good to have you home.” Smiles.

Min Ho: “Did you two have fun while we’re away?”

Hyun Joong and Hye Ri at the same time. “No. We didn’t do anything.”

Min Ho: “Okay.”

Hyun Joong; “How was you’re trip. Did everything go well? I’m sure you two made quite an impression on the teachers.”

Min Ho: “Of course.” Smiles

Hye Ri: “Did you have a good time Hye Sun? Was Min Ho any trouble? He sometimes plays too much.”

Min Ho: “Uhh…no it was fine.” Looks down.

Hye Ri: “Are you okay?” Touches her forehead. “Your warm.”

Min Ho: “Let me see.” Lays his hands on Hye Sun’s forehead.”

Hye Sun: “I’m FINE!”

Min Ho: “Hye Sun?”

Hye Sun: “Lets go home Hyun Joong. I want to go straight to my house.”

Hye Ri: “Ehh..Bye Hye Sun, bye Sunbae.” Waves. “Am I suppose to take you home now? I kind of don’t want to.”

Min Ho: “Ah..you better be taking your boyfriend home.”

Hye Ri: Embraces Min Ho. “I missed you. Welcome home.”



Hyun Joong: “So everything went okay?”

Hye Sun: “Yeah. I think we have a good chance of being accepted.”

Hyun Joong: “That’s not what I meant. I meant did anything happened between you and Min Ho?”

Hye Sun: “Why would anything happen?” blushing.

Hyun Joong: Smirk. “There you go again. You’re face is all red again like it was at the train station.”

Hye Sun: “Nothing happened.”

Hyun Joong: “Okay….but if something did happen or can…don’t waste the opportunity. Don’t walk away from this with regrets.”

Hye Sun: “I’m going to take a bath Oppa.”

Hyun Joong: Smirk. “I guess I’ve completed my duties as the perfect boyfriend. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Hye Sun’s Thoughts:

Nothing did happen….but why do I still feel Min Ho’s warmth? I spend two nights held by him.

Hyun Joong’s Thoughts:

It was torture and bliss lying next to Hye Ri. For the whole night, it was just Hye Ri and me….but at the same time I couldn’t hold her and I couldn’t kiss her.



Hye Ri: “Are you hungry?”

Min Ho: “A little.”

Hye Ri: “I’ll go make you something to eat.”

Min Ho: “Mmm…that sounds great.”

Min Ho sits down on the couch as Hye Ri cooks in the kitchen. He picks up a magazine from the coffee table, but he can’t seem to concentrate. Flashes of those nights holding Hye Sun run through Min Ho’s head. To his surprise it’s not only the flashes he can’t seem stop thinking about, but also the sensation of Hye Sun’s smooth skin sliding past his.

Hye Ri: “Min Ho I made you a nice bean paste soup. Here have some.”

Hye Ri places a spoonful of soup in front of him, but Min Ho gently grabs the spoon and puts it down. He slowly approaches Hye Ri and gazes into her eyes.

Hye Ri: “What are you doing?”

Tenderly he holds Hye Ri and they lie down together on the couch.

Min Ho: “Lets just stay like this…just for a little bit.”

Hye Ri’s Thoughts:

Lately Min Ho has become quite affectionate…I wonder what could have caused this change?

The next day…

Hyun Joong: “It’s kind of boring today don’t you think?”

Min Ho: “Yeah.”

Hye Ri: “We could do something.”

Hye Sun: “Let’s have a picnic.”

Min Ho: “Picnic? I can always eat” Smiles.



The four place a few blankets underneath a shady tree. Hye Sun and Hye Ri have made the most of the dishes, whereas Min Ho and Hyun Joong have bought a few store bought dishes.

Min Ho: “I’m hungry. Can we eat now?”

Hyun Joong: “Is your stomach all you can think about Hyung?”

Hye Ri: Laughs. “YES!”

Min Ho: “Hey! I know someone else who only thinks of food.”

Hye Ri: “Hmm!”

Hye Sun: “Okay okay. Lets just stop arguing and eat.”

Hyun Joong: “Is there eggrolls?”

Hye Sun: “Yeah. I made you a bunch of them since I know you like them.”

Hyun Joong: “Thanks.”

Min Ho: “What did you make me Hye Ri?”

Hye Ri: Slap behind the head. “Ashh..do you think I’m your maid?”

Min Ho: “Ehyy…I was just asking….Hyun Joong you have a nice girlfriend on the other hand mine is….”

Hye Ri: “Is what?!”

Min Ho: “Also sweet.” Smiles.

Hye Ri: “That’s better. I made you kimbap and some pickled vegetables….and for dessert I brought a custard dessert from the French bakery down the street.”

Min Ho: “Ehhh…”

Hye Ri: “What you don’t like it?”

Hye Sun: “Min Ho doesn’t eat sweet custard. He’s never really liked it, and especially after that one time. We were 8 and Min Ho was forced to eat it and ended up throwing up all over the place.”

Hye Ri: “Sorry Min Ho. I didn’t know.”

Min Ho: “It’s okay. I don’t have to eat dessert.”

Hye Ri: “Don’t worry Oppa. I brought a fruit dish.”

Min Ho: “Thanks Hye Sun. You know me too well.”

Hyun Joong: “Don’t I get dessert?”

Hye Sun: “I brought you a tiramisu cake.”

Hyun Joong: “Good we can have some after eating lunch”

Min Ho: “That was delicious. Do you want some fruit Hye Ri?”

Hye Ri: “It’s okay I really prefer baked goods.”

Hye Sun: “Really Unni? Hyun Joong doesn’t eat many sweets but he adores baked goods.”

Hye Ri: “Really Sunbae. Do you want some sweet custard?”

Hyun Joong: “It’s okay.”

Hye Ri: “Come on Sunbae.”

Hye Ri gets a piece of custard and brings it to Hyun Joong’s mouth. With a slightly look of embarrassment Hyun Joong accepts.


Min Ho: “Come one lets go play by that playground.”

Hyun Joong: “Hyung sometimes you act like a 5 year old. Who’s the little brother here?”

Min Ho: “Say what you want but I love parks.” Smiles. “Come on Hye Ri.”

Hye Ri: “The sun is really strong right now and it’s too hot to leave the shade.”

Min Ho: “It’ll be fun.”

Hye Ri: “I have to clean up here before we leave.”

Min Ho: “Hye Sun, Hyun Joong?”

Hyun Joong: “I just want to lie under this tree and rest.”

Hye Sun: “I’ll play with you Oppa.”

Hyun Joong and Hye Ri stay behind as they watch Hye Sun and Min Ho run around like 5 year olds.

Hyun Joong: “That sweet custard was really good. Maybe you can make it for me sometime in the near future.”

Hye Ri: “What?”

Hyun Joong: “That dessert wasn’t really from the bakery down the street was it?”

Hye Ri: “How did you know?”

Hyun Joong: “I go there frequently. The wrapping is completely different.”

Hye Ri: “Please don’t tell Min Ho.”

Hyun Joong: “Why did you lie?”

Hye Ri: “I wanted to do something special for Min Ho. If I told him I baked it, even if he hated it he would never tell me. Even if he would throw up every bit of it he would still smile and ask for more.”

Hyun Joong: “I guess Min Ho has always been kind with his actions towards girls, but still you could have told him. If you don’t study art in the future you can be a pasty chef.”

Hye Ri: “Pasty chef? I don’t know about that.”

Hyun Joong and Hye Ri look again at Min Ho and Hye Sun’s smiling faces.

Hye Ri: “Sunbae. Do you believe two completely opposite people can be together?”

Hyun Joong: “I think they can be together..but to whether it lasts, who knows?”

Hye Ri: “Will you and Hye Sun last?”

Hyun Joong: Smirk. “Maybe. I’ve known Hye Sun for most of my life. There’s not many people that can know a person so intimately like Hye Sun and I know each other.”

Hye Ri: “I guess you’re not to worry then. Even though you and Hye Sun are completely different, you still believe in your relationship.”

Hyun Joong: “Ahh..you’re worried you and Min Ho are too different?”

Hye Ri: “It’s just…we’ve been dating a for almost a year now and I still don’t know a lot of things about Min Ho, not like Hye Sun knows. Our relationship isn’t like yours and Hye Suns. We don’t share a past, I don’t know his fears, I don’t know if his real dream is to study music….in a way we’re still strangers.”

Hyun Joong: “Hye Sun doesn’t know everything about me…but it’s okay. I think what we have is enough….so ask yourself Jeon Hye Ri, is what you have with Min Ho enough?”

Hye Ri: “I…don’t know. I only seem to know Min Ho’s likes, but I know nothing of his dislikes.”

Hye Ri’s Thoughts:

I don’t even know what promise he broke to be with me.

Hye Ri: “It’s funny. With you Sunbae I seem to only know a lot of you’re dislikes and nothing of your likes.”

Hyun Joong: “Then get to know my likes.”

Hye Ri: “What?”

Hyun Joong: “I’m going to go join them it looks like fun.” Runs off.

Hye Ri’s Thoughts:
I know a lot of Min Ho’s likes but nothing about his dislikes. I know a lot of Hyun Joong’s dislikes but nothing about his likes…and Hye Sun…she seems to know both their dislikes and likes.

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Choichai #1
Chapter 40: Love the ending!
Hyung jun is so cute :D
I loved this story! <3
an awesome one!
Aww glad you did :))
i enjoyed it ^^
peanadss #6
like this fanfic <3
so cute!!! :3
mecheko #8
yeay! finally...the end...and a happy ending it is! everything wraps up nicely...thank you for a lovely fic.
@mecheko sorry it's so long lol I just wanted everyone's relationship to develop. And as for Hyun Joong and Hye Sun don't be too disappointed. In the end they'll both be happy. It's just gonna take them a little longer for them to realize their true feelings. Thanks for reading. =)
mecheko #10
waaa...so many chapters...and what? just when hye sun and hyun joong finally able to be together for real...they come and try to get each one to their side? aiiggooo....