Chapter Five

When You Were Mine

"Minji... Can we talk?" L approached her when the lunch bell rang. She bit her lip, "Um..."

"Minji~" Woohyun beamed at her as he bumped L into a desk, "Could you show me where the cafeteria is?" She glanced between L, who had a frown painted on, and Woohyun, who had a smile painted on.
Right now, she needed time away from L. She knew if she talked to him, she would forgive him and take him back. She didn't want to forgive him. She didn't want to take him back. I mean, she did--she loved him, after all. She just needed to sort her thoughts. Was L worth it? Did he really love her? Does he love her as much as she loves him? Was he really drunk? She very highly doubted that the answers to any of those were 'yes'.
"Of course! Let's go!" Minji faked a smile at Woohyun, and they both left together.
L stood there, dumb-founded. *This... is the second time... she ditched me... for him.* He ruffled his hair and kicked a chair. *What is this?! This wasn't part of the plan! She was supposed to forgive me. We were supposed to go back to normal. She would give me more money. Argh! Woohyun, that er!* He took his wallet out and opened it.
It was empty. The 5,000,000 won Minji had given him a few days ago was gone. He had spent it all on those es.
*I need to win her forgiveness, soon.* He pouted at the empty wallet before he put it back in his pocket and left the classroom.
Woohyun and Minji skipped to the cafeteria together, with their arms linked. Students stared at them and gossiped.
"Did Minji and L break up?"
"Is she cheating on L?"
"Who cares?! As long as they're not together! She doesn't deserve him!"
Girls squealed and scattered to find L so that they could console him and make him fall in love with them.
"Do you wanna eat with me?" Woohyun asked Minji when they entered the cafeteria. Her eyes twinkled. "Really? You want to eat with... me?" She gaped at him. He blinked at her, "No. I want to eat with the unicorn next to you." She pouted a bit. He blinked at her again, "I'm kidding. You really didn't think I was serious... did you?"
"No! It's just that... nobody's ever wanted to eat with me!" She went red. He raised a brow at her, "Not even L?" She pouted as her shoulders slumped, "He always ate with Infinite, so I always ate alone."
Woohyun felt his fists clench. *What kind of boyfriend makes his girlfriend eat alone?* He sighed but smiled, "Let's get lunch~" He grabbed her hand and led her in line. They got their lunches and looked around.
"Where do you usually sit?" Woohyun asked her, because all the tables were full. She shrugged. "I usually eat in the garden." She pouted when she saw L asleep at Infinite's table--like usual.
"Then, to the garden we shall!" Woohyun held the door open with one hand as he held his tray in the other. Minji giggled and did a small curtsey, "Thank you."
"You're welcome, milady." He winked at her, and she chuckled. They both headed to the garden that was on the other side of the academy. They settled down against the large tree, by the small pond, and sat with their trays on their laps.
"You know..." Woohyun looked at her. She blinked at him, "I know what?"
"I just realized something." He blinked at her. She blinked back at him but smiled, "What? That I'm amazing?" He raised a brow at her and laughed, "Sorry to burst your bubble... but no." *I already knew you were...* He secretly thought.
"Then what?" Minji pouted and stabbed her food. Woohyun laughed, "Wait. Are you butthurt over the fact that you're not amazing?" She looked up at him, made a face at him, and looked back down at her food.
"Come on. I was kidding!" He chuckled and nudged her arm.
"Kidding? You indirectly and directly called me un-amazing!" She pouted and nudged his arm right back. He smiled at her as he nudged her arm again, "I was kidding! Really. You're amazing. You're more amazing than me. You're more amazing than- Hey!" He gasped when she burst out laughing.
"Okay. Okay." Minji wiped an invisible tear and smiled, "What were you saying?" Woohyun cleared his throat, "Weeeellll... I just realized that your glasses don't have lenses in them." He reached out and put his finger through her frame, where her lenses were supposed to be.
"Ow! Yah! Are you trying to stab my eye?!" She laughed and slapped his hand away. He blinked, "Oh, right. I forgot that there weren't lenses." She gaped at him, "You're such a liar!"
"You don't have lenses in your glasses." Woohyun stated again.
"And?" She blinked at him. He blinked back at her, "Why do you wear them, when they don't even have lenses?"
"Because they're cuteeee~" She giggled as she pushed her glasses up. Woohyun scoffed at her, "Sureeeee..."
"Okay. First, you call me un-amazing. Then, you try to stab my eye. Now, you insult my glasses? I'm really starting to think you hate me." She scrunched her nose and pouted.
He looked at her with soft eyes. *I would never hate you.* "I'm kidding. They're cute." He winked at her. She made a face at him. He chuckled, "Really!"
"I don't know what to believe anymore." Minji sighed dramatically. He rolled his eyes and bonked her forehead, "You're a terrible actress."
"How many times must you insult me?! You've already insulted me a million times!" She whined and plopped kimchi into . He blinked at her, "I've only insulted you three times, you idiot." Her face fell, "It's four times, now!"
"I was kidding." He smiled after he swallowed a mouthful of food. Minji frowned, "You... ." She stuck her tongue out at him before she stuffed rice into .
"Minji-ah..." He looked at her, with the softest gaze ever. She stared back; she felt guilty already.
"I'm sorry... I really am... I didn't mean any of it... I swear... I was only kidding... Please forgive me... Please...?" He caressed her cheek. gaped at him, "O-Okay! I forgive you! I-I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't have s-said you ! Y-You don't! I w-was kidding, t-too! Y-You don't have to apologi- Hey!" She gasped when he burst into laughter.
"Now THAT... is how... you act..." He told her, in between his laughs. She frowned as she watched him laugh.
"I'm mad at you." She declared with a 'hmph' in her voice before she looked away. He laughed and wiped a fake tear, "Why? Because I'm a better actor than you?" Minji looked at him, made a face at him, and looked away.
"Okay. Okay. I think that's enough bullying you for one day." Woohyun chuckled and patted her shoulder. She scowled at him, "You think?"
"Weeeellll... I don't know. You're really fun to pick on." He chuckled again. fell open, "You're a big, fat bully- Mmmmffff!" Her eyes widened when he stuffed food into .
"Eat quickly! Lunch might be over, soon!" Woohyun warned as he stuffed even more food into and laughed at her chipmunk cheeks. Minji tried to talk but ended up spitting food at him.
He froze, with his mouth open in shock, as the combination of rice, kimchi, and saliva stuck on his cheek. He clenched his jaw shut as he grabbed a napkin and roughly wiped the disgusting combination off his face.
Minji pointed at him and laughed. She didn't laugh for long, though, because she ended up choking on all the food in . She kept coughing and coughing as her face went paler and paler.
Woohyun began to worry. He was about to pat her back or help her. That is, until she spit out more food at him.
"Whew..." She swallowed the rest of the food in , which wasn't much since she spit most of it at him. She opened her eyes and blinked at Woohyun's face that was all covered with rice and kimchi and spit, "Oops." She giggled and wiped his face clean with a napkin.
"Oops?" He raised a brow at her, "OOPS?!" He raised his voice at her. She squeaked and scurried off with her backpack, grateful that the bell rang.
"Yah! Get back here!" He stood up and ran after her.
"Yah! Don't just leave your trash there! Clean it up!" The gardener yelled at him and pointed at the trays of food, "Aish! Kids these days! Leaving their trash everywhere!"
Woohyun cursed under his breath when he saw that Minji had already left the garden. He went back to the tree and threw away the trays of food. He picked up his stuff and left to the class.
*I am so going to kill her, later.*
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yooamie #1
Chapter 58: omg woohyun ;;;
i totally did not expect that ending!! T__T
good story though, i enjoyed it a lot! ^^
Chapter 58: awww woohyun, its still a good story though (: !
Chapter 58: I just got to read this now xD //Sowwyy for that~ 'cause I'm practically busy to read all the stories I'd subscribed// and honestly, I love how the story did go! 'Cause I never thought or imagine that the ending would be like that after Minji and Woohyun were so a happy couple >0< Eventually, the ending turned out sad plus heartbreaking because of it but it was GOOD. I love the last words (sentence) he thought. It pains me and probably inspires me. So yeah, I just want to say I love how the story did go. Just like what she(Smile-cheeks) had commented, don't regret for creating this story and the ending! Because the STORY TITLE actually tells the WHOLE STORY. I just did know about it, because of the ending. I was like "oh, that's why the story tile is "When You Were Mine" See? =D Actually, I expected at first that this story will be sad or will have a sad ending because of the title but yeah, the poster and bg plus the description tells another that it would be romcom. (Which is a RomCom but with a sad ending xd) Well, you did a good job! (Y)

If Woohyun doesn't have a girlfriend, well I'm available! JOKE! //I'm just kidding, Woohyunnie's Fans don't threaten me! I was just kidding! ^0^//
Chapter 58: Seriouslyyy, you are really that amazing to don't regret it? ... So I will regret it for you! xd But truthfully, it's sad that she's not with Woohyun :( Now, he feels what Myungsoo felt earlier... But it's also fair towards Myungsoo... But in other way... it's still not fair to they end... but... ahh~ it's too hard >.<
Anyway, thank you for your hard work and everything :) I hope you are doing well~ :) Fighting <3 Good luck in the future~
PS. Jihyun got married with Sunggyu oppa~ <3 KYAAAAAAAAAAA, THEY ARE THE BESTTTTTTTT <3 :) x
Chapter 1: I love the story but le ending.. waaaaaaa.. but it's not cliche, though.. but stillllll woohyun waaaaaaa..
Chapter 58: I love ur story but i didnt like the ending ^^
Gemslover #7
Chapter 58: Well, I'm done! It was good actually but yeah, I didn't like the ending!
Gemslover #8
Chapter 26: Omfg, the heels part made me laughed out loud! Random used Christmas present, LOL!
Chapter 58: just finished reading the whole story omgg Woohyun TT so sad right now but still I love your writing style!^^ Thank you for this amazing fanfic!
Chapter 58: Omg very long but worth it! Sooo sad, the ending :'( I thought it'd be about Minji and Woohyun! :( Aww I feel bad for him! Anyways, great fanfic author-nim!! Wish there was an alt ending though. :((