Chapter Thirty Two

When You Were Mine

Momentarily, Minji had forgotten about L and Hyuna. Momentarily, Minji was happy with Woohyun. He made her smile. He made her laugh. He made her feel warm and loved. It was a different kind of love her boyfriend had given her. It was... real. And it made her happy, happier than L has ever made her feel, which she never knew was possible.


Then, this happened.




Minji and Woohyun stopped their conversation and turned around. Her eyes began to sting and blur, within the one second she had turned around.


"I didn't expect to see you here! With Woohyun, at that." Hyuna winked and giggled as she linked an arm with L.


L didn't even realize that she linked her arm with his, because his attention was on Minji and Minji only. That hurt look in her eyes. Those tears that filled them. L didn't feel guilt. He didn't feel proud. He didn't feel upset. He felt heart-broken. Why? Why did he feel heart-broken? He didn't know.


"Are you two on a date?" Hyuna asked. Woohyun raised a brow and frowned, "You're a , and I hate you." He bluntly told her before he grabbed Minji's hand and skated off.


"Hey! That's no way to talk to a lady." L grabbed his shoulder. Woohyun turned around and scoffed, "She's not a lady. She's a . I'm sorry, but I classify s as es, and es are dogs, so that makes her a dog." Woohyun shrugged at Hyuna, who had the most hurt and shocked expression ever.


"Woohyun." Minji grabbed Woohyun's arm before he could say any more. Woohyun looked at her and sighed before he grabbed her hand and led her away.


"Minji." L grabbed Minji's other hand. "We need to talk." His eyes softened at her.


"Don't touch her." Woohyun yanked Minji into his chest, which almost caused her to fall because they were on ice.


"She's my girlfriend. I can touch her all I want." L yanked her into his chest. Woohyun yanked her back. "If you think that gives you the right to harass her, you're dead wrong. And she's your ex-girlfriend." L yanked her back. "We never officially broke up."


"Then let's break up!" Minji blurted and blinked at her own words. L let go of her wrist in shock. "W-What?" Woohyun burst into laughter, "Yeah! What now, a?!" He childishly stuck his tongue out at L and skated off with Minji.


"Okay. That's it." L grabbed Woohyun's shoulder, turned him around, and punched him. Woohyun's head whipped to the side as he fell onto the ice and slid across it.


Other skaters screamed and watched in shock. Woohyun steadily stood up and laughed, "That's it? What was that? A flick? A poke?" Woohyun tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Then again... flicks and pokes hurt way more than that did." He smirked.


"Guys! Don’t-" Minji tried to go over, but Hoya held her back.


L clenched his jaw and tackled Woohyun into the ice, and they both slid backwards. Once they stopped, L raised his fist and punched Woohyun's face.


"L! Stop!" Minji wanted to skate over, but Hoya’s grip was too tight.


Two skaters managed to pull L off Woohyun, but L punched them both, and they nearly flew out the rink. Woohyun laughed as he stood up and wiped a bit of blood, "My turn."


He yanked L forward and punched him in the face, and L slammed into the wall of the rink. As L slid down against the wall, Woohyun grabbed his collar again, pulled him straight up, and punched him again. L fell onto the ice and slid a bit. Woohyun stumbled over and got on top of him before he punched L’s face so hard and so many times that L didn't look like L anymore.


When they saw how badly he was getting beat up, though, the other members stepped forward to back him up.


"What? You need your sisters to back you up? That's pathetic." Woohyun spat at L before he stood up. L glared at him and held a hand up for Infinite to stop as he stood up.


As soon as he managed to stand up, L skated towards Woohyun at full-speed, tackled him into the wall of the ice rink, and punched him in the stomach. Before he could punch again, security skated out onto the rink and pulled them away from each other.


"You're supposed to be the most skilled fighter and feared gangster in Seoul?! Really?! My grandmother could punch harder than you!" Woohyun laughed.


The security guard that held L back got elbowed in the stomach. L charged at Woohyun, but other security guards grabbed him before he could even reach Woohyun.


"You know? My family owns a few gyms around here! I’ll give you a free pass and a person trainer, since you seem like you really need one." Woohyun snickered, "Then again... even a free pass and personal trainer wouldn't be able to help a little girl like you." This time, though, L tackled Woohyun into the wall so hard that Woohyun coughed up a bit of blood.


"Hey! Look at all these innocent people!” The security pointed around, just as L was about to punch Woohyun. "They just want to have a good Christmas, okay? Don't ruin it for them. If you do, the police will ruin it for you." The security threatened.


There were couples all around the rink. Some got so scared that they left. There were families, too. The children all cried and hid behind their parents, who debated on whether to leave or watch the drama.


Woohyun, though, immediately felt guilty when he saw the children. He bowed and apologized to all the families. L rolled his eyes and eventually did the same. Even then, people were still scared to come onto the rink.


They all went and sat at the bleachers. Infinite and Hyuna all took their skates off and returned them. Despite her protests, Woohyun crouched in front of Minji and untied her skates. He took her skates off for her, returned them for her, and put her sneakers on for her.


"I have hands, too..." Minji pouted, guilty that Woohyun did all that for her. Woohyun looked at her and smiled, "Shut up." Minji pouted and made a face at him.


L watched them, with a heavy heart. He felt so many emotions that it drove him crazy. He was upset. He was surprised. He was angry. He was hurt. He was shocked. He was... jealous? *Jealous? What? No.* L shook his head. He saw the smile on Woohyun’s face and frowned a bit before Infinite and Hyuna all left and decided to go to Inspirit.


"Oppa..." Soyoung whimpered as she stood behind Jihyun when they walked over. Woohyun looked at her and flinched guiltily when he saw her hide behind Jihyun. *...Did I scare her that much?*


"A-Annyeonghaseyo! Minji-imnida..." Minji timidly bowed to the Nam's and the Jung's. They all greeted her happily, while his parents shot their son a look that made him flinch.


"Well... This... was quite a Christmas..." Jihyun raised a brow in amusement as she stared at her brother, who stared only at Minji.


Minji looked at Jihyun and raised a brow. *Isn't she his girlfriend? The one at the movie theater?* She then looked at Soyoung and frowned. *But she's the one who was all hugging him at school and earlier.*


"This is Jihyun, my older sister, and this is Soyoung, my little cousin." Woohyun introduced them. Minji's mentally face-palmed herself. *Oh, geez... I need to stop jumping to conclusions.*



I got a few comments about this... Lol! Yes, guys... The fight scene is meant to be a bit funny and childish, but if it's not, oh well XDD

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yooamie #1
Chapter 58: omg woohyun ;;;
i totally did not expect that ending!! T__T
good story though, i enjoyed it a lot! ^^
Chapter 58: awww woohyun, its still a good story though (: !
Chapter 58: I just got to read this now xD //Sowwyy for that~ 'cause I'm practically busy to read all the stories I'd subscribed// and honestly, I love how the story did go! 'Cause I never thought or imagine that the ending would be like that after Minji and Woohyun were so a happy couple >0< Eventually, the ending turned out sad plus heartbreaking because of it but it was GOOD. I love the last words (sentence) he thought. It pains me and probably inspires me. So yeah, I just want to say I love how the story did go. Just like what she(Smile-cheeks) had commented, don't regret for creating this story and the ending! Because the STORY TITLE actually tells the WHOLE STORY. I just did know about it, because of the ending. I was like "oh, that's why the story tile is "When You Were Mine" See? =D Actually, I expected at first that this story will be sad or will have a sad ending because of the title but yeah, the poster and bg plus the description tells another that it would be romcom. (Which is a RomCom but with a sad ending xd) Well, you did a good job! (Y)

If Woohyun doesn't have a girlfriend, well I'm available! JOKE! //I'm just kidding, Woohyunnie's Fans don't threaten me! I was just kidding! ^0^//
Chapter 58: Seriouslyyy, you are really that amazing to don't regret it? ... So I will regret it for you! xd But truthfully, it's sad that she's not with Woohyun :( Now, he feels what Myungsoo felt earlier... But it's also fair towards Myungsoo... But in other way... it's still not fair to they end... but... ahh~ it's too hard >.<
Anyway, thank you for your hard work and everything :) I hope you are doing well~ :) Fighting <3 Good luck in the future~
PS. Jihyun got married with Sunggyu oppa~ <3 KYAAAAAAAAAAA, THEY ARE THE BESTTTTTTTT <3 :) x
Chapter 1: I love the story but le ending.. waaaaaaa.. but it's not cliche, though.. but stillllll woohyun waaaaaaa..
Chapter 58: I love ur story but i didnt like the ending ^^
Gemslover #7
Chapter 58: Well, I'm done! It was good actually but yeah, I didn't like the ending!
Gemslover #8
Chapter 26: Omfg, the heels part made me laughed out loud! Random used Christmas present, LOL!
Chapter 58: just finished reading the whole story omgg Woohyun TT so sad right now but still I love your writing style!^^ Thank you for this amazing fanfic!
Chapter 58: Omg very long but worth it! Sooo sad, the ending :'( I thought it'd be about Minji and Woohyun! :( Aww I feel bad for him! Anyways, great fanfic author-nim!! Wish there was an alt ending though. :((