Chapter Twenty Seven

When You Were Mine

"OPPPPPAAAAA!" Soyoung screamed as she ran into his room.


"Oh, !" Woohyun fell onto his bed when she tackled him for a hug. Soyoung giggled and hugged him tightly, "Merry Christmas, Oppa!"


"Christmas is tomorrow, you idiot." Woohyun rolled his eyes and chuckled as he pushed her off and sat up.


"Whoa, Oppa!" Soyoung squealed and covered . Woohyun blinked at her and gasped when he realized he didn’t have a shirt on, "Stop checking your cousin out! That's gross!" He threw a pillow at her.


"But Oppa! I looooovvvvveeee youuu! We should get married, right?" She jokingly giggled and jumped on his back.


"Oh God. Did I walk by at the wrong time?" Jihyun raised a brow as she stood at the doorway.


Woohyun couldn’t help but laugh as he spun in circles, to get her to let go. Soyoung eventually fell off and onto the bed, and they all laughed.


Out of nowhere, though, Minji popped into his head. He stopped laughing and pouted. *I wonder what she’s doing right now… Should I go visit her again? No… The security might chase me out… again.*


"Yah." Jihyun slapped his cheek, and he snapped back to reality. "What?" He blinked at her and rubbed his cheek.


"Stop trying to seduce your cousin and put a damn shirt on." She threw a shirt at him but took a quick glance at his abs.


"What? Why would I try to seduce a child like her? And don’t think I didn’t see you glance at my abs!" Woohyun flicked his older sister’s forehead before he put his shirt on. *I’ve never felt so violated, in my life.* He pouted and hugged himself protectively.


"Oppa! I’m not a child!" The 15-year-old girl whined and rolled around on the bed as a sign of protest.


"Well… You have the body of one." Woohyun snickered at her. Soyoung sat up and gasped, "OPPPPPAAAAA!" Her cheeks turned a bright red as steam shot out of her ears.


Woohyun bolted out the door when Soyoung was about to tackle him. He waved bye to his parents and aunt and uncle before he left to the convienence store. His aunt caught a cold, and he offered to go buy medicine for her.


*Maybe I should go visit Minji?* Woohyun scratched his head as he walked down the street. *But her mansion’s really far…* He pouted a bit. *I could take a taxi! Oh… But what if she’s not there?* He pouted even more.


"Aish!" He angrily messed up his hair and stomped his foot. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and pouted as he looked around. *I wonder if she thinks about me, like I think about her…* He stared at and kicked at the snow as he walked down the street.


Before he could even blink, someone screamed his name and tackled him into a hug. He stumbled back from the impact of the hug but didn’t fall.


"What the-? Who-?" He looked down. He could only see her long and straight light-brown hair, because her face was buried into his chest.


"…Minji?" He blinked in realization. She nodded and sniffled as she hugged him tighter.


"What-? Why-? You-? What are you doing out here?" He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away.


His heart suddenly felt heavy when he saw the mix of mascara, eyeliner, and tears run down her cheeks.


"W-What happened?" He furrowed his brows as he wiped her cheeks. Minji’s bottom lip trembled before she hugged his waist and buried her face into his chest. "Y-You… Y-You w-w-we-were r-right…" She told him, in between her cries.


"I was right? About what?" He was so confused that he couldn’t hug her back and stood like a statue.




That was all it took for him to know what she was talking about. He silently hugged her back and the back of her head as she cried into his chest.


*I’m gonna kill that bastard.* "What happened to your elbows?" He frowned worriedly when he saw dried up blood around them, but she didn't respond.


He made her sit on the sidewalk, ran into the convienence store, and bought some supplies. He paid for them and ran back. He was relieved to see her still there, but he was hurt to see her still crying.


He sat next to her and treated her elbows before he put bandages on them. He also wiped the mascara and eyeliner off so that only tears would stain her cheeks.


"Wait… Why are you barefoot?" Woohyun blinked when he saw her bare feet all red with blisters.


"…I... hate high... heels." She sniffled and rubbed her wet eyes as she kicked her feet in the snow. Woohyun sighed and called a taxi over.


They both got in and left to Minji’s mansion. Minji had fallen asleep almost as soon as they got in. Woohyun lightly smiled at her as he rested her head on his shoulder.


His heart, though, hurt to see her cry like this. He was going to find L, no matter what, and he was going to kill him.


Once they arrived at her mansion, Woohyun paid the driver and carried Minji on his back. He went up to the gate and rang the bell.


The security guards opened it and let them in. Woohyun was thankful they didn’t recognize him, after all the times he’s crept outside their mansion.


"Woohyun-ssi." Soohyun blinked when he saw Woohyun walk in. All the maids and butlers turned around.


"Whoa! Oh God! This guy is hot…" Aeyoung’s eyes popped out as a large smile broke out onto her face. Soohyun glared at Woohyun and looked back at Aeyoung. "Yah! Yah! Stop it, you pedonoona." He flicked her forehead, and she stuck her tongue out at him.


"Minji?" Jaehwa popped out from behind the tree and blinked at the sleeping figure on Woohyun’s back.


"What are you doing here? What happened?" Soohyun worriedly asked. Woohyun shrugged slightly as he adjusted Minji on his back. "I’m going to take her up to her room." He headed up the staircase as maids swooned over his good looks.


"Is that Minji’s boyfriend?" Aeyoung asked Soohyun. Soohyun frowned and shook his head.


"Oh! That’s great! Now... I can pursue him freely!" Aeyoung giggled and clapped her hands.


"He’s still in high school, you pedo!" Soohyun jealously muttered under his breath. Aeyoung blinked at him, "What? Oh… Are you… jealous?" She poked his arm. He cleared his throat and continued to decorate the tree.


"Huh? Huh? Are you jealous? Just admit it. You’re jealous." Aeyoung giggled as she continued to poke his arm. "Aish! If you don’t shut up, I’ll fire you!" Soohyun threatened. She smirked at him, "You won’t fire me! You can’t fire me! You looooovvvveeee me~~~" She poked his cheek. He angrily slapped her hand away. "I’m sorry, but I’m not into pedonoonas!" Aeyoung pouted and shoved him, "I’m not a pedonoona! You’re just jealous that I’ve never called you hot!"


The other maids and butlers all sat on the ground and ate cookies as they watched the free show.


"Where are your parents?" Woohyun asked curiously as he walked down the hallway. Minji moved her head around on his shoulder and mumbled, "China..."


"It’s Christmas, almost. When are they going to be here?" He opened the door to her room and walked in. Minji sleepily mumbled again, "They’re… not…"


"Oh…" Woohyun felt bad that her parents couldn’t even spend the holidays with her.


He laid her gently on the bed and tucked her underneath her Super Junior blanket. He frowned when he saw the tears still fall from her eyes.


"You’re going to flood your mansion, if you continue to cry." Woohyun joked lightly as he wiped her cheeks. Minji pouted and pulled the blanket up to her nose, "…L… and Hyuna…"


"H-Hyuna?" Woohyun blinked in surprise as he sat on the edge of the bed. Minji sniffled and nodded before she burst into another round of tears. Woohyun sat there and panicked as he tried to figure out what to do for this heart-broken girl.


"Here… Hug Donghae. He’ll make you feel better." Woohyun shoved a pillow with Donghae’s face into her arms. Minji couldn’t help but laugh at his attempt to cheer her up, and Woohyun smiled at the sound of her laughter.


"Woohyun…" Minji put the pillow aside and pulled the blanket up to her chin. "What?" Woohyun mumbled as he gently her cheek and tucked her bangs behind her ear.


Her bottom lip began to tremble again. Woohyun sighed as he crawled next to her and held her. She to her side, wrapped her arms around his waist, and buried her face into his chest as she cried.


"M-Mi-Mianhae…" Minji sniffled when his shirt became soaked with tears. He only chuckled and held her tighter, "I expect you’re buying me a shirt as a present for Christmas?" Minji laughed but cried, at the same time, "I’ll buy a water-resistant one…"


"They have those?" Woohyun blinked in surprise but eventually smiled, "That’s awesome…" Minji laughed but sniffled, "Woohyun..."


"What?" He looked down at her. She sniffled again, "C-Can you... sing me a song?"


After a bit of hesitation, he cleared his throat and began to sing.


At the sound of Woohyun's soothing vocals, the heavy weight on Minji's heart was lifted and soon felt as light as a feather. Her tears slowed down and eventually stopped. The way he held her made her feel warm and loved. The way he sang to her made her heart melt. She felt safe, because she was in his arms. She felt calm as she listened to his rapid heartbeat but couldn't figure out exactly why his heartbeat was so fast. Eventually, though, she fell asleep, comforted by his protection.


Woohyun's voice trailed into silence when he saw she fell asleep.


He knew he should leave and go home. He knew he forgot to buy his sick aunt medicine. He knew his family would be worried. But he couldn't. He couldn't leave. He didn't want to leave.


"Because I love you too much to leave you..." Woohyun whispered to her as he held her closer and kissed the top of her head before he, too, eventually fell asleep.

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yooamie #1
Chapter 58: omg woohyun ;;;
i totally did not expect that ending!! T__T
good story though, i enjoyed it a lot! ^^
Chapter 58: awww woohyun, its still a good story though (: !
Chapter 58: I just got to read this now xD //Sowwyy for that~ 'cause I'm practically busy to read all the stories I'd subscribed// and honestly, I love how the story did go! 'Cause I never thought or imagine that the ending would be like that after Minji and Woohyun were so a happy couple >0< Eventually, the ending turned out sad plus heartbreaking because of it but it was GOOD. I love the last words (sentence) he thought. It pains me and probably inspires me. So yeah, I just want to say I love how the story did go. Just like what she(Smile-cheeks) had commented, don't regret for creating this story and the ending! Because the STORY TITLE actually tells the WHOLE STORY. I just did know about it, because of the ending. I was like "oh, that's why the story tile is "When You Were Mine" See? =D Actually, I expected at first that this story will be sad or will have a sad ending because of the title but yeah, the poster and bg plus the description tells another that it would be romcom. (Which is a RomCom but with a sad ending xd) Well, you did a good job! (Y)

If Woohyun doesn't have a girlfriend, well I'm available! JOKE! //I'm just kidding, Woohyunnie's Fans don't threaten me! I was just kidding! ^0^//
Chapter 58: Seriouslyyy, you are really that amazing to don't regret it? ... So I will regret it for you! xd But truthfully, it's sad that she's not with Woohyun :( Now, he feels what Myungsoo felt earlier... But it's also fair towards Myungsoo... But in other way... it's still not fair to they end... but... ahh~ it's too hard >.<
Anyway, thank you for your hard work and everything :) I hope you are doing well~ :) Fighting <3 Good luck in the future~
PS. Jihyun got married with Sunggyu oppa~ <3 KYAAAAAAAAAAA, THEY ARE THE BESTTTTTTTT <3 :) x
Chapter 1: I love the story but le ending.. waaaaaaa.. but it's not cliche, though.. but stillllll woohyun waaaaaaa..
Chapter 58: I love ur story but i didnt like the ending ^^
Gemslover #7
Chapter 58: Well, I'm done! It was good actually but yeah, I didn't like the ending!
Gemslover #8
Chapter 26: Omfg, the heels part made me laughed out loud! Random used Christmas present, LOL!
Chapter 58: just finished reading the whole story omgg Woohyun TT so sad right now but still I love your writing style!^^ Thank you for this amazing fanfic!
Chapter 58: Omg very long but worth it! Sooo sad, the ending :'( I thought it'd be about Minji and Woohyun! :( Aww I feel bad for him! Anyways, great fanfic author-nim!! Wish there was an alt ending though. :((