Chapter Seventeen

When You Were Mine

"Where's L? I haven't seen him all day." Hyuna bit her lip when it was lunch. Minji frowned a bit, "I... don't know."

"L? I heard Infinite got hospitalized from this fight they got into at Inspirit last night." A classmate informed them. Minji's eyes nearly popped out. "They got into a fight?! Again?!" She bit her lip, worried sick about L but also the other members.
"No way! Infinite? Hospitalized? There's no other gang out there who could beat Infinite that badly!" His friend chuckled as they walked out the classroom.
Minji relaxed a little because it was true--nobody has ever beaten Infinite. *They ditch quite often, so don't freak.* She told herself.
"Let's get lunch." Woohyun said. She bit her lip and nodded as she walked out with Woohyun and Hyuna.
"Does L go to Inspirit often?" Hyuna asked as they walked to the cafeteria. As much as she hated to admit it, Minji nodded.
"Really? Huh..." Hyuna smiled thoughtfully. Woohyun looked at her and frowned but didn't say anything.
As they ate in the garden, Hyuna would continue to ask about L. She'd ask about his favorite color, his favorite food, his favorite sport, his favorite brand, whether he had allergies, what he liked to do, what he didn't like to do. Minji would answer every question happily, completely oblivious to the fact Hyuna was so interested in her boyfriend.
L turned around from Infinite and looked towards the girl with a lunch box held out for him. He raised a brow at her, "What is this?"
"I made you lunch." Hyuna smiled and set the lunch box in front of him. He kept his brow raised at her but smiled, "Thanks?"
"Uh-huh." She smiled back as she walked behind him and trailed her fingers along his shoulders and neck as she walked by.
"Whoa." Infinite's jaws all dropped as they watched her walk away.
L smirked at her and opened the lunch box. *All my favorites. How'd she know?* He took out a folded piece of paper in the middle and opened it. *A phone number?* He blinked at it and looked around for her. She looked up at him and smiled. He was about to smile back, but his gaze drifted off to Woohyun and Minji, who were laughing like as if they were high or something. He furrowed his brows and unconsciously crumpled the paper a bit. *Why are they always together?*
"Guys." L looked at Infinite. They stopped talking and looked at him.
"I need a favor." He smiled at them before he looked towards Minji and Woohyun as he told him a plan. Infinite all followed his gaze and smirked as they listened. *Is L actually... jealous?*
"Yo! Woohyun!"
Woohyun looked down the hall and saw Infinite come towards him. He warily raised a brow at them but smiled, "What's up?" He closed his locker and looked at them.
"We know you have that class with Hyuna and all..." Dongwoo started shyly.
"And we were wondering if you could tell us what she's like." Hoya continued.
"Yeah. Our maknae here has developed a little crush." Sunggyu looked at Sungjong, who blushed and looked down.
*Poor maknae. He's going to get his heart broken if he goes after her.* "Really? Errr... I don't think... that's the best person to like..." Woohyun chuckled and patted Sungjong's shoulders. Sungjong blinked at him, "But why? She's really cute."
"Yeah. She's cute and all. She's really annoying, though. Like... seriously annoying." Woohyun shrugged as he walked off to class.
"She's annoying? I thought you were friends with her. I mean, you hang out with her at lunch every day." Sungyeol blinked at him as Infinite walked beside him.
"That doesn't mean I like her. Trust me, Sungjong-ah, she's annoying." Woohyun looked at Sungjong again. Sungjong pouted, "How is she annyoing?"
"Well! First off, she's always talking about L. Oh God. You have no idea how much she talks about him! It's so boring to hear her talk about him every single day!" Woohyun frowned, "And she's always flirting with me. I don't want to sound conceited or anything, but it's true. She's always touching my arm and sitting close to me and following me around."
"Really? She sounds like... a ?" Hoya said unsurely. Woohyun shrugged. "I haven't know her for long, so I can't say she is one, but she seems like one. She always acts all cute and innocent, but it's pretty obvious she's not."
"Look, maknae. I don't want to crush your spirits or anything. If you like her, then go for it. Don't blame me if you get your heart broken." Woohyun ruffled Sungjong's hair before he went into his classroom.
"Did you get it?" Sungyeol nudged Hoya's arm. Hoya smirked and pulled his phone out before he pressed the stop button, "Loud and clear."
"Great. Let's go show L!" Dongwoo chuckled and hi-fived Hoya. Sunggyu rubbed his chin. "Do you guys think L actually likes Minji?" He blinked at Infinite, who blinked back.
"Like... for real 'like'?" Sungyeol's jaw dropped. Sunggyu nodded and raised a brow, "Why else would he want Minji to not be friends with Woohyun? He seems... jealous, almost."
"As long as he gets money from her, I really don't give a damn, so let's go." Hoya laughed as he walked off in search of L.
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yooamie #1
Chapter 58: omg woohyun ;;;
i totally did not expect that ending!! T__T
good story though, i enjoyed it a lot! ^^
Chapter 58: awww woohyun, its still a good story though (: !
Chapter 58: I just got to read this now xD //Sowwyy for that~ 'cause I'm practically busy to read all the stories I'd subscribed// and honestly, I love how the story did go! 'Cause I never thought or imagine that the ending would be like that after Minji and Woohyun were so a happy couple >0< Eventually, the ending turned out sad plus heartbreaking because of it but it was GOOD. I love the last words (sentence) he thought. It pains me and probably inspires me. So yeah, I just want to say I love how the story did go. Just like what she(Smile-cheeks) had commented, don't regret for creating this story and the ending! Because the STORY TITLE actually tells the WHOLE STORY. I just did know about it, because of the ending. I was like "oh, that's why the story tile is "When You Were Mine" See? =D Actually, I expected at first that this story will be sad or will have a sad ending because of the title but yeah, the poster and bg plus the description tells another that it would be romcom. (Which is a RomCom but with a sad ending xd) Well, you did a good job! (Y)

If Woohyun doesn't have a girlfriend, well I'm available! JOKE! //I'm just kidding, Woohyunnie's Fans don't threaten me! I was just kidding! ^0^//
Chapter 58: Seriouslyyy, you are really that amazing to don't regret it? ... So I will regret it for you! xd But truthfully, it's sad that she's not with Woohyun :( Now, he feels what Myungsoo felt earlier... But it's also fair towards Myungsoo... But in other way... it's still not fair to they end... but... ahh~ it's too hard >.<
Anyway, thank you for your hard work and everything :) I hope you are doing well~ :) Fighting <3 Good luck in the future~
PS. Jihyun got married with Sunggyu oppa~ <3 KYAAAAAAAAAAA, THEY ARE THE BESTTTTTTTT <3 :) x
Chapter 1: I love the story but le ending.. waaaaaaa.. but it's not cliche, though.. but stillllll woohyun waaaaaaa..
Chapter 58: I love ur story but i didnt like the ending ^^
Gemslover #7
Chapter 58: Well, I'm done! It was good actually but yeah, I didn't like the ending!
Gemslover #8
Chapter 26: Omfg, the heels part made me laughed out loud! Random used Christmas present, LOL!
Chapter 58: just finished reading the whole story omgg Woohyun TT so sad right now but still I love your writing style!^^ Thank you for this amazing fanfic!
Chapter 58: Omg very long but worth it! Sooo sad, the ending :'( I thought it'd be about Minji and Woohyun! :( Aww I feel bad for him! Anyways, great fanfic author-nim!! Wish there was an alt ending though. :((