Day 2 (Part 1)

Why Do I Have 2 Train With YOU?

As I was sleeping calmly, I felt a shake on my body. I kept mumbling and I heard some shouting. "Hurry! Get up!" It was all I heard. It sounded like and emergency. I sprung up to see the girls dressing themselves in their uniform. They went to the same school, but SeungHi was in her brown and red uniform. It was easy to tell brown and blue from brown, even though I was half asleep. "WAKE UP! WE HAVE TO GO!" I looked at the clock. It was 7:30! I arose from my bed like a zombie and put on my uniform without taking my shower. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and ran out.

"I forgot my bag!" I ran in and grabbed my bag with pretty keychains and buttons. I especially had a old school U-KISS button with my celebrity crush, Kevin SeungHyun Woo. (He's my crush!)


I ran out while SeungHi ran after me. "HyunJae wait!"

"I can't eonni! I need to grab a dosirak!" (Korean name for bento.)

I ran as fast I could to the corner store a block towards my school. I packed as much food I could into my corn bento box and ran off. I just spent 5,000 won! It's expensive for such little food! I didn't forget my banana and strawberry milk. I reached my class right before the bell rang. I was so close to detention. I'm panting heavily and I could see some girls looking at me in disgust and boys with flirtacious eyes. Odd. I never had this type of attention.

"Is she trying to be a hooker or something?" "Is she crazy? Why would she wear that to school?" "Innapropriate much!" I heard girls saying these things. I walked to my desk. I sat next to a guy. I couldn't see his face, but he was very built. He turned around and saw my face then looked down.

"I think you should button at least 2 more buttons. I can see your bright orange bra." He said to me.

"Ahhhhhh!~" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Was that why all the guys were looking at me that way?"

"I'm guessing so." He replied trying not to look as I button my shirt.

"Thanks dude. You look awfully familiar. Where did I see you before?"

"I was the guy who saved you from that Kris guy."

"Oh thank you so much the other day!" I gave him a hug and girls choked on spit in their mouths and guys had their eyes widened.

"I don't think you should hug me right now. You still have another button to button." I completely forgot.

"That dude is so freaking lucky." "Are they going out? He took her already? No fair." "I was just going to confess today." "Why him? Why not me?" Guys behind us started to chit chat.

"Wait aren't you older than me? Why are you in this class?" I asked the guy beside me.

"Yeah. I'm DongHae.Lee DongHae. I fell asleep in most of my classes so the principal told me to stay in this class. I didn't flunk though. It's just that I'm intelligent and I snore in class. I'm still at the top of my class."

"Oh that's nice. Oppa? Should I call you oppa?"

"If you'd like." DongHae oppa smiled and went to look out the window again.

"Hey. I was wondering why did you save me the other day?" I asked quietly since the teacher was lecturing the class.

"You know TaeMin? He's my brother. Well half brother. I think he likes you."

"Bwo? He's your brother? I never knew he had a brother. I guess I'll be seeing you more from now on."

"Sure. But don't tell him that I know he likes you."

"Bwo? He likes me? Are you sure? Impossible." I said with a shocked face.

"I said I think and weren't you listening to me? I think he likes you don't tell him that though."

"Ne. Still... How about you eat with me today. I'll introduce you to my friend."

"Uh... Okay. I don't make much friends, but I think another one won't be such a bother." He said with a smirlk and put his head down and fell asleep.

"Jalijayo. Sleep big oppa." I smiled. How is he so much like TaeMin. TaeMin didn't sleep in class, but he was very much like him.

The bell rang after 30 minutes and I woke DongHae oppa up. "Oppa! It's time to go!" He woke up quite quickly and wiped his mouth and we were off to lunch. I spotted SeungHi with her hot pink and black Chunck Taylor's.


I'm guessing she spotted mee when she started running towards us. She stopped about a meter away from us. "Annyeongha~" was wide open and I closed for her when her drool was about to come out. "Meet my oppa! TaeMin's hyungnim."

"Oh. Annyeonghaseyo." he bowed 90 degrees and looked up at me and nodded. We made our way to the cafeteria. I sat next to SeungHi and DongHae oppa sat across from me eating from my dosirak. SeungHi nudged me.

"Do you know who that is?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah. He's TaeMin's brother and he's the one who carried me bridal style. I'm assuming he's a trainee too."

"He's Lee DongHae and he's my crush who's been training for about 4 years."

"Bwo?! Crush?!" I almost fell off my chair to the floor, but I landed on someone.

"Get off me!" He screamed and flipped around from his chest to his back making my torso and head bounce, but landed on his chest. Guess who this guy was.

"HyunJae get off me!" He yelled.

"Kris!" I got up, but fell again. "Sorry!"

"What the hell!" He screamed in English.

"I said I was sorry okay! Push me up then!" I replied with such an attitude in English as well. He pushed me up and I landed on SeungHi was standing right by her seat.

"What are they saying?" "I think they're fighting." "Well, duh!" "Do they know each other?" "How?" It's all I heard until DongHae grabbed Kris' wrist.

"Wae?! Don't you know how important she is to dongsaeng?! Don't do that!" He yelled at Kris even though Kris was towering over him.

"What? I didn't do anything to hurt her." He looked at him then at me. He smirked! That evil giant! SeungHi asked, "Who's dongsaeng? How do they know eachother? Are they brothers too?"

"Dongsaeng is TaeMin oppa and he rooms with Kris at SM. No. They aren't brothers. They just know each other because of TaeMin oppa." I responded.

"Oh...." She said in awe. She's obviously slow at solving puzzles. "What does DongHae oppa mean when he said... uh... 'important she is to dongsaeng' hmm?" She asked another question.

"DongHae and Kris oppa say that TaeMin oppa likes me. It's impossible right?" I asked her back.

"I guess you never saw TaeMin using his phone. He has a picture of someone quite dear to his heart." She said and winked. It can't be me. Can it? The bell rang and our three way arguement was over and also SeungHi's interview. Class went by quickly and I went back to SM with DongHae and SeungHi in DongHae's beat up HyunDai and Kris behind us in his red sports car.

Vocal training went by quickly, but there came dance. I was stuck with the instructor! I waited until Instructor Lee came in. "Who's ready to perform?"

Holy crap! I didn't practice! Group after group came me and Instructor. Whoo... I breathed out shaking my hands trying to concentrate on the moves. Oh no! I forgot the dance! Then the music started playing. What was I supposed to do?

~No One's POV~

As the music started.

"Wow! She's really good!" a dude in the back started to comment.

"Psshhh! She isn't that good. Stop flattering her." a girl towards the front said diva like. Sort of like Key.

"Can y'all shut up! Look!" The guy from Busan said.

HyunJae was in perfect sync with Instructor Lee EunHyuk. He was looking upon her with a smile and continued to dance. Then the music changed. Why did the music change?

"This is the next challenge. Freestyle. Impress me." He stopped dancing and looked at the confused HyunJae. He motioned a start. Every one started to bob their heads to the beat and then HyunJae started to dance a mixture of dances. Some what like Super Junior, SHINee, then Infinite's BTD. She went on to Shock by B2ST then finally ending with her favorite band U-KISS. She did every important aspect of every one of their songs that had dances. EunHyuk, the instructor, had his mouth hanging. Even the crowd of hating girls and love struck guys had their mouths seperated. She was ushered to sit by Instructor Lee EunHyuk. She sat then another girl came up feeling the groove and when she walked up the song had been changed from Bang Yong Guk's I Remember to IU's Peach. This girl was stuck. She just stood there like a statue. "You are now dismissed! Except HyunJae." They waved at the handsome teacher and proceeded out. HyunJae was now alone with Lee EunHyuk, the 26 year old hot instructor.

"You were really good. When did you start dancing? It made me gasp if you didn't see my mouth hanging." He said as they walked over to sit on the speakers.

"Well I don't really. I just like to have fun, so I dance to my favorite bands. It was my first time dancing in front of people. I didn't even notice I was dancing." She responded quietly and smiling.

"It's talent then. How about we go get something to eat huh?" They get up and walk over to the nearby samgyeopsal place. (Samgyeopsal is that barbecue place they go to drink soju and grill meat. It's in almost every drama that is about the present time.)

"Delicious!" They said in unison walking out of the door. He dropped her off at the dorms and went back to the company. Then there she saw Kris looking at her with his arms crossed and tapping his foot. "Why were you with him? He's our teacher." He said to her. "Why? You worried?" She said in a mocking tone. "No definitely not." He walked away and left her in the streets.

Back to...

~Your POV~

I just got free food and an offer to be in a commercial. It was a commercial involving a Coca Cola soda and a dance sequence with the actors named Lee HyunWoo from To The Beautiful You and that one guy who is MinHo from SHINee's rival in the show. He looks so much like Eli oppa from U-KISS. I'm thinking of gooing for it. I need the money anyways. I have to go see TaeMin oppa, no matter how awkward I may feel. It's impossible to like me right?

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Chapter 3: Oh no!!
Chapter 54: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i am so happy yet sad..
i am happy that they are happy but sad becuz of taemin, that is why i dont like love doesnt end well.
Chapter 39: puahhahahaah,,twilight on me!! so funny
Chapter 53: :O she's engage awesome
Chapter 53: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Is it really done? Tell me it's not!!! Andwaeeee!!!!
Chapter 53: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool~ NICE STORY! I LOVEYOUR STORIES! THEY'RE SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS CHAP PLS!! ;3 ~~
Chapter 52: Oh they're so cute!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Priincessg1 #10
Chapter 52: Bonus please *creepy smile* =D