Fan Wars... Down with HyunJae!

Why Do I Have 2 Train With YOU?


Outside the company was our fans. Not really. More like my fans against Kris and TaeMin fans. I could here chanting from outside. I stood by the window on the third floor with my trainee friends.

"Wow, they hate you." One said.

"Nice... Way to make her feel worse." Another said. I turned around and smiled.

"It's okay." I looked out to the fans. It hurts to see Free Fall fans go against each other. It was a fan war. 3 groups from the same group. I have to say it's my fault.

"She's such a bad person! In a few months she already moved onto TaeMin!" Kris' fanclub leader yelled earning nods from the rest of his fanclub.

My fanclub's leader shouted, "What ever makes her happy. Maybe because Kris wasn't treating her right. He must've been a complete jerk!" They yelled in cheers. They were right. He's was a jerk. He kissed another girl right in front of me.

"It's because TaeMin is just better than Kris!" The TaeMin groupies yelled.

"How dare you say that!" Kris' leader yelled and charged for the TaeMin leader. It was then they began to fight between the two groups.

"It's because of HyunJae that Kris is emo!" Kris' fans I'm guessing yelled and that's when my fanclub went crazy. They then had another crazy fan war. It isn't my fault really. He got what was coming to him.

"How's it going HyunJae?" Someone hugged me from the back.

"I'm fine oppa." I pulled his hands off me and was walking away. Then he pulled my wrist bringing me into a hug.

"I know you're not fine. I can sense it." TaeMin said as he hugged me. It was then when I heard a loud bang and then I looked at the direction and TaeMin let me go. That 190 cm giant had punched a hole in the wall and he was walking off with his head down. I can't believe he would actually kiss a girl in front of me. Sure he didn't notice I was there until after, but why the hell would he kiss a girl?


How can she move on so quickly? I guess I really did make the wrong move. I DID make the wrong move. I'm so stupid. Good luck TaeMin. Treat her better than I did. Don't fall for those hors.

"Hey, do you want to go out with me?" A trainee asked me.

"No, if you haven't noticed, but I'm straight." I said. I'm really not in the mood.

"You can always experiment." He winked at me and that's when SooMan came down the hall.

"Can you get that gay guy off my nuts?" I asked and walked to the elevator and closing the doors, I went down.

"You okay, JiaHeng?" My mom asked as she was waiting at the dorms.

"Not really, but I'm doing alright." I spoke as I plopped myself on the couch.

"You know you can tell me. I know you're not really taking this break up well with erxi." She sat beside me. (Erxi means daughter-in-law.)

"We didn't actually break up. I was just being stupid." I said as I sat up and looked at my mom.

"What did you do to make you seem so guilty?" She asked patting my long back.

"I kissed someone else. I didn't kiss her; she kissed me. I was stupid enough to fall for her tricks." I told her.

"Who's this girl? I'll kick her !" My elderly mother stood up and threw her fist in the air.

"No need to curse mother." I said sarcastically and smiled.

"I mean it. Who is she? I'm going kick her ugly little to Alaska!" She was going through my phone, or more like attempting to turn it on.

"Mom, she's not in my phone and I don't even really know her name."

"Then tomorrow you take a picture of her and send it to me. When I walk into your school, don't stop me from kick her sorry a-"

"Mother!" I yelled at her. She was going to say . That's just not a thing my mom would say.

"What? I'm going to kick her sorry apple bottom jeans!" She threatened again.

"How do you even know about that brand?" I asked.

"I got it from that song you youngsters been listening to." She started to pretend she was a hip hop rapper. She sang the song she heard it from.

"Apple bottom jeans!~ Blahblahblahblah! FUR! Fur! Blahblahblah! Shorty go low, low, low." She sang with confidence.

"It's 'shawty' and that song is so old." I smiled.

"Just happy to see my baby smiling again."

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Chapter 3: Oh no!!
Chapter 54: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i am so happy yet sad..
i am happy that they are happy but sad becuz of taemin, that is why i dont like love doesnt end well.
Chapter 39: puahhahahaah,,twilight on me!! so funny
Chapter 53: :O she's engage awesome
Chapter 53: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Is it really done? Tell me it's not!!! Andwaeeee!!!!
Chapter 53: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool~ NICE STORY! I LOVEYOUR STORIES! THEY'RE SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS CHAP PLS!! ;3 ~~
Chapter 52: Oh they're so cute!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Priincessg1 #10
Chapter 52: Bonus please *creepy smile* =D