Like a Broom?

Why Do I Have 2 Train With YOU?


HeeJin was screaming at AeSook. She must've been hella annoyed. She just met her and she already knows how we feel. I think I might like her already.

"HeeJin calm down." HyunJae tried to pull her away before she would strangle everyone of them.

"You don't know me, so don't talk to me that way. Just forget it, trash doesn't even deserve to talk to me." AeSook puffed and flipped her hair and tried to hug TaeMin's arm again. TaeMin flung his arm making her let go and he put his hands over HeeJin's ears to block the sound.

"It only takes a millisecond to know a hor." TaeMin spoke calmly and walked off with HeeJin who was rubbing her hand together. AeSook was envious and she was shocked to hear her favorite man in the whole earth call her a hor.

"You know I was willing to take you back after treating me like . You just lost your second chance." AeSook yelled as TaeMin, HeeJin, DongHae and SeungHi walked out. HyunJae came towards me and held my hand.

"I wonder why he even dated you." HyunJae told.

"You're not even worth liking. You can't be beautiful if it's only your shell." I walked off with HyunJae in my arms. Her head was leaning on my arm and we walked in sync. To the car we went and I saw the happy HeeJin again. She was eating her coffee bun.

"Hi! Where you guys?!" HeeJin asked hyperly.

"Getting ready and are you by chance bipolar?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Maybe, I should get that checked out." She finished her bun and saw the ring HyunJae was wearing.

"Is that a dragon?" She said examining the metallic thing on HyunJae's finger intently.

"It's Kris oppa." She said smiling. "TaeMin helped me pick it out." She continued. I noticed that TaeMin's head shot up when the mention of his name was said. He blushed. Why is it that I feel like he has a crush on HyunJae?


When she said my name, it made my heart stop. She would usually talk about Kris, but now she was talking about me. I think it might have been a bit to obvious to have Kris staring at me like an owl. His eyes were large and he slowly cocked his head to the left. I smiled at him and looked down to hide my flushed face.

"You think that girl is worth it?" HeeJin asked HyunJae.

"Well, she is SeungHi's cousin. I believe we should at least try to talk to her, but I can't hate her." HyunJae answered. Why must you lie HyunJae? I know you want to pulverize her. She always bullies you.

"No way!" HeeJin yelled.

"Yes way!" SeungHi screamed sarcastically.

"No... You're SeungHi. She's Ae-Hor." HeeJin laughed.

"I know. I'm disappointed myself." SeungHi said as she poked DongHae's sleeping face. For some reason she only poked his cheeks.

"Is everything alright? We're almost back at your school, so hold your nuggets." The manager said and we finally felt the van stop. We walked out and the fans were bombarding us again.

"Hey!" We heard a cheerful greeting. We all knew who it was and we knew it was all an act. How can she at being an actress, but excel in acting nice? Well that's her only talent. She can sing or dance .

"Time to go!" HyunJae yelled doing the cute natural aegyo she does without notice.

"Bye guys!" DongHae who finally woke up waved and HeeJin followed behind still eating.

"Bye babe! Bye eonni!" SeungHi waved and smiled widely. We waved and ran after HyunJae who jetted when she saw the two college students enter the gates.

"HyunJae wait!" SeungHi yelled as she grabbed HyunJae's shoulder and HyunJae slowed down. They walked side by side and I was about to follow. Kris had stopped me. He put his arm in front of me. He wiggled a finger and I followed him to the empty corridors.

"Tell me honestly, do you still like HyunJae?" He asked me seriously. I tried to put on a poker face, but my butterflies are still active.

"Well..." I said to answer.

"Don't sugar coat it." He demanded. He sat on the floor and told me to sit beside him. I did as so and he looked at me. It felt like he was looking into my soul.

"" I finished and he sighed.

"I understand. She's just so loveable. If you-"

"Don't worry. I won't do a thing to make her unhappy. Be by her side and I will let you be, but if you hurt her I won't hesistate to step in and sweep her off her feet." I said and got up and then out to the filled halls. Girls came to follow me.


I walked out to the bustling halls after 5 minutes in deep thought. What does he mean sweep her off her feet?

"Hey oppa, can I borrow you for a moment?" A girl asked. She seemed tiny. Well compared to HyunJae, she's huge.

"I guess." I helped her up to get her lanyard the bullies threw on top of the door frame. It just happened to be stuck up there. I felt suspicious. How can a lanyard get stuck so easily? It's like 2 feet long and on a surface only 1 inch wide. Is she just using me to get my attention. I felt her adjust her postion as she sat on top of my shoulders. IS SHE ONLY WEARING UNDERWEAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Thanks." She got down and I took off the jacket and put it in a random locker. Let's get rid of it all together. I then remembered she's the girl they bullied because she likes to date a lot of guys. Just be nice...

"No pr-" I was cut off by a monster eating my face. I pushed her away as soon as I heard a gasp and books fall. By the time I looked to the direction I heard it from, SeungHi had her hand clasping over and someone running away. Her hair swaying back in forth in the style she gotten during the photoshot. Her hand upto and one swinging as she ran quickly. Damn it HyunJae. It's not what it you think.

Just after that warning, I already messed up. I guess this is when TaeMin sweeps her off her feet.

"Thanks a lot. Now my girlfriend hates me because of a attention seeking . No wonder why they mess with you. You're easy." I said and the girl started to cry. I ran towards the direction HyunJae ran off to, but a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked back to see SeungHi smiling a faux grin. She shook her hear and pointed to blonde hair bouncing in the distance.




















Good luck TaeMin. You'll need it.

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Chapter 3: Oh no!!
Chapter 54: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i am so happy yet sad..
i am happy that they are happy but sad becuz of taemin, that is why i dont like love doesnt end well.
Chapter 39: puahhahahaah,,twilight on me!! so funny
Chapter 53: :O she's engage awesome
Chapter 53: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Is it really done? Tell me it's not!!! Andwaeeee!!!!
Chapter 53: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool~ NICE STORY! I LOVEYOUR STORIES! THEY'RE SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS CHAP PLS!! ;3 ~~
Chapter 52: Oh they're so cute!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Priincessg1 #10
Chapter 52: Bonus please *creepy smile* =D