The Truth or Is It...?

Why Do I Have 2 Train With YOU?

"Come to my office right now!" He yelled through the phone.

"Yes, sir." TaeMin said and we ran to Kris' car while the couple went into DongHae's car.

"I bet it's about the rumor." TaeMin said.

"I'm positive." I said.

"Shut up! We're in trouble. Think what we have to do to stop this rumor." Kris instructed. He was always so scary, but when SooMan called... he's a dragon on its period.


We arrived at the door of the building to see reporters and fangirls and fanboys sitting with banners of support. Another group of fans were standing farther away with banners opposing the 'relationship'. We walked in after Kris gave one of the workers his keys. The two groups got up as we walked by and the reporters heard the ruckus and crowded us as well.

"Make way!" Kris was pissed. He's in trouble which makesnhim nervous and people are in his personal bubble. Girls were touching his chest and he let no one do that, but you.

"Don't touch me or you're going to get it!" He stared down all the reporters and fans backed off, but attacked TaeMin and not to mention you.

"Ahhhh!~ Oppa!" She was getting dragged off by fangirls.

"Put down HyunJae right now! Damn it! YAH! BOSS! Where's the security?" as he shouts up. The girls dropped you leaving a stinging pain on your bum. The security guards held back the group and we walked in unhurt except you, but no one knew that other than yourself.


"This rumor has to stop! Kris! Taemin! Think of a way to fix it!" He hollered like a wild pig.

"Should we just tell them the truth?" TaeMin asked.

"The truth? What is the truth?" SooMan questioned me in particular.

"Don't bully HyunJae. It's our fault." Kris said trying to calm himself down. I could still sense how pissed he is, but he was trying.

"The truth as in tell them why actually happened in the picture." TaeMin answered.

"What picture? The first one? The second picture? Third? Fourth? Or maybe even fifth?" SooMan was very sarcastic.

"Which picture in particular?" Kris asked with fiery. Just then the door opened to see the lovely couple come in. I still didn't know what to do as I sat there listening to  them think of a way to get rid of the rumor. Kris told me to not worry and let them take it, but I couldn't help it. It had to do with me.

"Just bury! Give them a lie or give them the ugly truth!" I said as I stood up.

"Tell me the truth!" SooMan yelled.

"I was looking at her zit because TaeMin told me about it. TaeMin was just giggling on the side like he always does." Kris said to get it over with.

"Why not just tell him the whole truth?! I'm tired of keeping you guys a secret." I threw the tantrum and sat back down.

"What more is there to tell?" Kris asked.

"What is the WHOLE truth?" SooMan was suspicious and was putting a lot of emphasis on WHOLE.

"We just told the whole truth about the picture." TaeMin was confused to what I meant.

"I mean everything from training with you two!" I got up again.

"Isn't that a little far?" DongHae asked suddenly.

"Now you come into the convo?! I thought you weren't even here." I snapped. I don't know why I was so pissed, but I was. Maybe for this boss' of a daughter and her silicone crew.

"Fine we'll leave." DongHae took SeungHi by the wrist and left. Some guilt came over me. I just yelled at them for no apparent reason. I'll just have to apologize later.

"HyunJae calm down. Have some water." TaeMin said as he ordered for 4 glasses of cucumber water. Kris sat down and so did the rest of us in the pig's office.

"Here's the whole truth." Kris started. "I know you heard about that fight me and TaeMin went through about this girl. This girl is HyunJae. We developed feelings for her since we were all best friends back then. I just happened to see TaeMin kiss her and we fought. It got big when these three brats came into the fight as well." Little did he know that the leader of the brats was SooMan's daughter. That stupid AeSook.

"I know. Continue..." SooMan said as he finally had calmed down, but yet I wasn't that calm. I was just mad not pissed.

"We still have feelings for her, but now we had to grow up a bit. We don't fight over her. We just give glares to each other. In other words we just decided to share her. That explains one of the pictures." TaeMin concluded.

"I'm not an object to be shared. It all depends on me picking who I want to date." I spoke up.

"Remember no dating!" SooMan instructed.

"Araseoyo." We said. We really seemed like children being disciplined. We knew what would have happened if we didn't follow this rule. If we didn't we'll be booted. SeungHae couple was lucky. They had gotten fans asking them to stay together. They mostly shipped the couple anyways. It showed a lot of publicity and gain sponsor ships for couple clothing lines.

"So how will we resolve this confusion." I asked.

"Should we bury it?" TaeMin asked.

"That'll be cowardly." Kris answered.

"It's up to you three. You can either tell a fib or tell the truth and break your fans hearts." SooMan warned them.

"I don't want to lie to them." Kris said as he rubbed his head.

"Me too." TaeMin said. He face-palmed himself. "What are we going to do? I don't want to hurt them either."

"I don't think that can happen. You'll have to hurt them at least once. You are a human who loves romance." Kris said.

"How would you like to fake date just for publicity? Good publicity not the negative one we have now." SooMan asked.

"Who is the question?" Kris was semi-interested, but as long as it kept me out of trouble he was into it.

"I was thinking TaeMin can date Sully from f(x)." SooMan suggested.

"You like peaches right? Sully's head is like a peach." Kris joked a bit because he didn't like the subject.

"I don't like dating what I eat." TaeMin said

"SNSD and the rest of f(x) is dating Super Junior and TVXQ, so all we have left is the Queens. Would you like to date one of the twins?"

"Why can't Kris date someone?" TaeMin asked.

"We need to have the ultra manly one for hopes." I said laughing at him as the mood lightened up.

"Fine, but I don't want to date half of one ." TaeMin said.

"Language." Kris said warning the little one.

"Then do you want AeSook?" SooMan said. He knew his daughter would be thrilled for him to be her boyfriend.

"I rather have paper cuts all over my body then dipped in lemon juice. Then be walking on hot coals and fal face flat. then be dangeling of rusted chains towards a pool of sharks after bleeding like crazy. Then being tied up to a table and having a sharp blade spiraling towards me. Then have me cut up to pieces than date her." TaeMin was really against the whole AeSook thing. I oppose of it as well. I hate her so much my stomach is chi=urning at the thought of one strand of her hair.

"AeSook it is! I'll get HyunJae then." Kris made up the decision and I could see the father of the witch smirking.

"Yah!" I yelled at Kris but he just pointed at me dying of laughter. TaeMin stared at him with lasers and was about to pounce him until SooMan called AeSook in.

"Nae appa?" She answered very loudly. Kris who was drinking water choked and TaeMin who was dancing paused and turned. Caught!

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Chapter 3: Oh no!!
Chapter 54: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i am so happy yet sad..
i am happy that they are happy but sad becuz of taemin, that is why i dont like love doesnt end well.
Chapter 39: puahhahahaah,,twilight on me!! so funny
Chapter 53: :O she's engage awesome
Chapter 53: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Is it really done? Tell me it's not!!! Andwaeeee!!!!
Chapter 53: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool~ NICE STORY! I LOVEYOUR STORIES! THEY'RE SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS CHAP PLS!! ;3 ~~
Chapter 52: Oh they're so cute!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Priincessg1 #10
Chapter 52: Bonus please *creepy smile* =D