Welcome Back Mother and Twerp.

Why Do I Have 2 Train With YOU?

"Ne omma, I'm fine." I tried to calm my crazy mother on the other line.

"No you're not! I'll be right there!" She yelled at me popping my ear drums. Like mother like daughter right? Well not me, but HyunRi my sister. Well I hope not me too. In only a few moments poked in my stuffed pig and in came my sister. Wow. She matured. No longer dressing like a boy. I'm like OMG.

"Wow you matured." I told my sister.

"Shut up." She flicked my forehead.

"Well still a twerp." I punched her back lightly since I didn't have much strength.

"Woah! HyunJae calm yourself. You can get worse!" Kris came running back into the room after he went to take a trip to the little boy's room.

"FIne. By the way oppa, thanks." I said forgiving him almost completely.

"No problem. I should help your mom." He went to open the door wider and took the neatly wrapped box the was enveloped in a salmon pink cloth.

"Omma!" I yelled hugging her tightly.

"Omma-nim, you'll kill her." Kris pulled my mom's stiff arms off of me.

"You're right." She unwrapped the bento box and was about to feed me, but I just took the spoon from her.

"Your grandma's been talking a lot about you at home." She spoke to Kris.

"Oh really? She must be proud." He did a check with his fingers and put it to his chin.

"Cocky as ever." HyunRi muttered. Kris glared at her and she began playing with her phone again.

"Kris, can you leave for the moment? I'm sure you have a schedule to get to." My mom excused him.

"I actually took as much time needed to take care of HyunJae, but since you want privacy I'll go home and comeback tonight."

"Can I go with you?" HyunRi asked and Kris just gestured to follow. he put on his disguise and I watched outside the window until they were out. I stared outside for 10 minutes or so unitl my mom interupted my thoughts.

"So who are you going out with? TaeMin or Kris?" She asked suddenly.

"Neither. Last  night I had a fight with Kris and TaeMin was there to help me through the tough times." I answered eating my porridge.

"I can tell when you lie." She told me.


"I know you have feelings for Kris... and for TaeMin." She figured.

"I do not." I held my head up high.

"Pssh." She stood up and kissed my forehead and ran off saying she needs to get to work and that she needs someone to babysit HyunRI since she's only 15! Geez mom, stop babying her.


"So how have you been?" I asked HyunRi.

"So is it true you and HyunJae broke up?" She asked.

"I asked you a question and you should answer it." I said sternly.

"Well I became a Citizen." She said tapping her chin. Why was that our fanclub name? I have no idea.

"Nice, who's your bias?" I asked.

"It would be you." She answered. "Now answer my question."

"No we didn't, but at the moment I don't think we are in a relationship either."

"Does that mean I have a chance?" She questioned.

"Sorry, but no."

"Wae?!~" She whined.

"First of all, you're immature. Second of all, you are too young for me. Third of all, I still love HyunJae." I said smiling at the thought of her smiling face.

"Damn it!" She cursed and stormed up the stairs to our apartment number.

"Watch your mouth and my mom and other members are up there, so be quiet. It's only 8am."

"Shouldn't they be awake?"

"It's a free day for them." I opened the door and there was my mother rushing to me.

"Is she okay?" She held my arms.

"Yes mother. She's fine; just a little weak."

"Whew. So who are you?" She looked at HyunRi.

"Jeoneun Kim HyunRi-ibnida. Naneun HyunJae eui dongsaengiaeyo." She bowed respectively. that my mother doesn't speak very much Korean. She only speaks in broken hangul.

"She said that her name is HyunRi and she's HyunJae's sister." I translated into Mandarin.

"Oh okay." She went to grab tea and that's when DongHae and SeungHi came out of their rooms bumping into each other. They were frightened, but then they hugged and proceeded down the hall.

"Did you see HyunJae?" SeungHi asked me and waved at HyunRi.

"She's at the hospital." I answered kinda monotone and SeungHi went biserk.

"What happened? Did she get really hurt? Does she have leukemia? Is she okay? How is she feeling? Who brought her there? Does the press know? Does SooMan know?" She kept asking questions continually.

"She's fine, just she's lacking sleep and food. That's it and no one knows except us."

"Well then who's she?" DongHae pointed to HyunRi and TaeMin just came out rubbing his eyes.

"Oppa!" She screamed waking up TaeMin completely. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly making him jump.

"HyunRi, how've you been?" She patted her back.

"Fine." She smiled and kissed his cheek. She sure is boy crazy. Typical teenage girl thing. Come to think of it; Is HyunJae even a girl? She wasn't like this before.

"I'm home!" Someone yelled at the door. All of our eyes must have deceived us.

"What the hell AeSook get out!" We all yelled at her, but my mom and HyunRi stayed quiet.

"What? I can't see my own boyfriend?" She sashayed her small to TaeMin. HyunRi blocked the way.

"You must be that who likes to mess with HyunJae." She smirked.

"I happen to love messing HyunJae and by the way, who the hell are you to block me from my love?" She pushed HyunRI away and was about to carress TaeMin's face. I saw TaeMin grin and I know he thought of the same thing. * she's HyunJae's sister. Yes the sister of the girl who beat your trio up.* HyunRi pushed her to the ground making AeSook stumble with her heels.

"I'm HyunRi. HyunJae's sister." She grabbed AeSooks arm and kicked AeSook's leg making her collapse a bit before flipping her.

"Naga." She pointed to the door.

"I'm not leaving." AeSook stood up slowly do to being hurt.

"Should I do again? This time I'll do it judo style. It'll hurt a bit more." She cracked her knuckles and started to warm up.

"When she means a bit, she means hell." TaeMin said and he walked towards me and the couple who was astonished.

"Do it again! DO IT AGAIN!" My mother clapped and I chuckled at her. What a violent mother.

"One two THREE!~" HyunRi yelled. She flipped AeSook who attempted to fight back.

"Good bye." She shut the door in the face of AeSook and I went to lock the doors.

"Good job." TaeMin complimented.

"I learn from the best."

"Who's that?"

"HyunJae and my dad." She clasped her hands together and went into the kitchen and took out whatever she could find and what she grabbed first was the banana milk.

"That's mine!" TaeMin whined.

"Oppa, you're rich you can buy more." She pushed TaeMin away by the face palming him. He stepped out with a pout.

"I was going to buy a car." He mumbled.

"Shut up, so who wants to visit HyunJae?" I asked and everyone was jumping except for HyunRi.

"Can I stay here?" She asked.

"Sure, but don't do anything bad okay?" I said and we loaded into my car.

"Let's go pick her up some food first." I said and parked infront of a small mall in a secluded area. TaeMin and I went to buy her snacks, while my mother went on a shopping spree for herself. The lovely couple went to go buy flowers... for SeungHi.

We met up again and we went to the room she was located in. I knocked on the door, but heard nothing. I opened the door slowly and saw a peaceful HyunJae sleeping. We put the food on the counter.

"I'll stay with her for tonight." TaeMin volunteered.

"Fine then." I was jealous, but right now isn't the time to say no. He is her best friend after all.

And lastly, why are you so indecisive HyunJae? You are so complicated. You love me, but you also love him. Don't pull this Twilight on me.

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Chapter 3: Oh no!!
Chapter 54: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i am so happy yet sad..
i am happy that they are happy but sad becuz of taemin, that is why i dont like love triangles..it doesnt end well.
Chapter 39: puahhahahaah,,twilight on me!! so funny
Chapter 53: :O she's engage awesome
Chapter 53: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Is it really done? Tell me it's not!!! Andwaeeee!!!!
Chapter 53: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool~ NICE STORY! I LOVEYOUR STORIES! THEY'RE SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS CHAP PLS!! ;3 ~~
Chapter 52: Oh they're so cute!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Priincessg1 #10
Chapter 52: Bonus please *creepy smile* =D