Am I His or His?

Why Do I Have 2 Train With YOU?

Your Pov

What did he just say? Am I hearing things? What's happening? My head hurts.

"What the hell did you just say?" I saw him marching towards TaeMin oppa. AeSook standing in shock next to the group of girls with a stack of papers, while Kris's pile was on the ground scattered on the ground. Kris towered over TaeMin, but TaeMin didn't look away from Kris's stare.

"What the hell did you just say?! TELL ME!" He yelled at TaeMin.

"I didn't say anything that has to do with you." He said it in such a low tone. I could only that much until all I heard were the loud amount of gossiping from girls. They were just talking in the middle of the room. Kris kept pointing at TaeMin oppa forcefully.

"Boys stop. This isn't relevant to dancing. We still need to learn the dance." EunHyuk oppa said over the girls' gossip, so TaeMin could look at him and so did the fire breathing dragon. All was silent until Kris looked back at TaeMin.

"What do you mean she's yours?"

"She is mine. We were just sleeping in the same bed not that long ago!"

"Yeah so what? That doesn't make her yours."

"Closer to mine then yours! Jealous?!" TaeMin shouted with a completely different attitude from the usual innocent attitude. EunHyuk nudged me. "You guys slept on the same bed?" I didn't answer and the girls began to spread their horrific rumors.

"No! I'm definitely not jealous of you!" Kris raised his voice very loudly.

"Then why do you care?"

"Why do you care so much. You don't like me anyways. It's not like I would want to be a retarded, hot tempered dragons girlfriend!" I couldn't take it anymore.

"She's mine then." TaeMin said with quite a joyful voice.

"I'm not yours either. Oppa, will I be excused."

"She's calling him oppa now?" "She already has TaeMin!" "And Kris!" "How about DongHae?" "Don't take the only thing that makes me like dance!" These girls are psycho.

"Go ahead." EunHyuk said and pushed me out the door and I heard the door slam and I looked in through the window to see EunHyuk oppa scold them. AeSook was outside? I didn't notice her leave; maybe because that arguement.

"Appa come here quickly. You know Lee TaeMin oppa right? The best dancer? Help me! He's fighting with Kris oppa, the giant! Hurry appa!" She ended her call and waited then up came Lee SooMan. SM's Lee SOO MAN!

"Where?" He asked AeSook. She pointed the direction of the door and I scurried over to hide behind a cut out of Kai of EXO. She's his daughter?


Then came break time. I went to my room to get some money for dinner. I was definitely avoiding the guys and AeSook. AeSook is the daughter. The daughter of SM Entertainment's Lee SooMan. Is that why she's the worse at everything, but still gets a better ranking in all us girls? She's always the best girl and Kris and TaeMin are always tied. Why bring up those trolls again?

"Yah! Want to go eat with us?" DongHae oppa called out from behind me as I was about to walk out the building.

"Let's go to the stall by the café."

As we walked over we saw a AeSook eating with her friends with her eyes bullging out red and tears falling down her face. I can't pay attention. Thank goodness I didn't see those damn trolls.

We arrived at the stall and I saw one troll. Kris was drunk in his own little world. "She sohould've been mine! What is wrong with that idiot?" He screamed out with hickups. Does he like me?

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" DongHae oppa asked.

"How about you?" I asked SeungHi.

"Sure. I don't care." She replied. We ended up going to the stall about a block away from him. We were basically broke. 10,000 won. We bought dokbokki, fish cake and some mini kimbap. (For you Crystal!)

We were completely broke. Just enough. We had walked back, but DongHae pushed up to TaeMin's room. He sat there still thinking I was Kris, perhaps.

"Hey, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It's just that you aren't my boyfriend and neither is Kris so don't worry. We haven't even kissed yet, so we can't be like that yet." I sadi as I sat down right next to him.

"Are you sure?" He looked up and hugged me with a little smile.

"Um, I'm not sure you should do that. We aren't like th..." I was cut off by a kiss.

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Chapter 3: Oh no!!
Chapter 54: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i am so happy yet sad..
i am happy that they are happy but sad becuz of taemin, that is why i dont like love doesnt end well.
Chapter 39: puahhahahaah,,twilight on me!! so funny
Chapter 53: :O she's engage awesome
Chapter 53: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Is it really done? Tell me it's not!!! Andwaeeee!!!!
Chapter 53: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool~ NICE STORY! I LOVEYOUR STORIES! THEY'RE SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS CHAP PLS!! ;3 ~~
Chapter 52: Oh they're so cute!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Priincessg1 #10
Chapter 52: Bonus please *creepy smile* =D