My Heart Beats Only For You


Of course, I didn’t have a chance to scold you because for the first time in my life, I watched as you unveiled your aegyo abilities just so you can wiggle your way out of punishment. Being a normal guy, I couldn’t resist those cute actions that you were showing towards me. So, in the end, I gave up trying to scold and just kissed you goodnight before waiting around for Donghae to go back together. The next day, you burst into my dorm, waking everyone up with Hyuna and Soobin. You dragged me out of my bed and forced me to go and wash up for my birthday party later on. After we were all done washing up, we all went downstairs to the cafeteria for a nice American breakfast.

“That was nice!”Ryeowook smiled, satisfied with the breakfast.

“Your school sells good food,”Soobin nodded her head to show her contentment.

“And let’s get the ball rolling,”Donghae clapped.

He turned to look at you and you eyed him before standing up. I watched warily as you made your way towards me.

“What are you trying to do?”I asked as I craned my neck to look into your eyes while you stood beside my chair.

“Nothing,”you smiled innocently.

“I’ve a bad feeling about this,”I eyed Donghae from the corner of my eyes and he was on his phone, messaging someone.

And before I know it, it was all dark as I felt a cloth being tied tightly covering my eyes.

“Why are you blindfolding me?”I asked.

“Here, hold my hand,”you said in a soothing voice to calm me down.

You held onto my hand tightly and asked me to stand. Slowly, you led me towards somewhere. Though I couldn’t see a thing, I felt really safe with your hand holding onto mine and your other arm on my waist.

“Careful, a step,”you tightened your grip on my hand to warn me.

“Wow, Hyukjae, you won’t have to worry if you ever turn blind next time. Haemin’s so good at guiding you around,”Donghae joked as he laughed.

“Shut up,”I hissed at the direction of his voice.

“Okay, we’re here,”you held my waist tighter to make me stop.

The blindfold came off and I saw the same group of friends from last night right in front of me with another birthday cake and presents lined up in the dance studio of our school. Streamers decorated the room and as if on cue, music started playing out of nowhere and with Donghae counting to three, everyone sang the song for me again. Feeling so touched at the enthusiasm of all my friends, I smiled and unknowingly a tear fell.

“Aigoo, is our Student President tearing?”Junsu teased.

All I could do was laugh a little as I wiped it away. You turned to look immediately to make sure I was alright and I gave you a smile.

“Come, birthday boy, time to blow out the candles!”Ryeowook motioned for me to go over to the cake.

I grabbed your hand and pulled you along towards the cake.

“It’s not even my birthday!”you looked at me with eyes full of confusion.

“But it’s your boyfriend’s birthday so you should be beside him when he blows the cake,”I grinned as I put my arms round you.

“Haemin ah, are you blushing?”Donghae asked cheekily.

“Lee Donghae!”you exclaimed.

I chuckled as I made you face the cake to blow out the candles with me. After I was done taking all the candles out, I cut the cake together with you. Immediately, I used my index finger to get cream off the cake and wipe it on your nose.

“YAH!”you screamed after seeing what has happened.

I laughed while you whacked me for all I was worth.

“It’s only a little cream,”I laughed as I helped you get it off.

As I used a napkin to wipe it off, my eyes drifted towards yours and seeing how soft your eyes were as they looked back into mine, my heart melted once again.

“There, pretty again,”I smiled before caressing your cheek.

You rolled your eyes while nudging me. After we were done eating the cake, Donghae and you prepared everyone for games. Donghae lined up chairs in a circle with the help of Ryeowook while you announced the rules for ‘Musical Chairs’. It started quite fun with Junsu being eliminated first, then Yuri and so on and so forth. When it came down to only one chair, there was only Donghae and me left.

“Ready, guys?”you asked from where you were standing, near the radio.

We nodded our heads and you clicked play. The music started and Donghae and I continued circling nonchantly till all of a sudden, the music stopped and as I rushed for the chair, Donghae knocked me away with his big .

“WHOO HOO! I WON!”Donghae cheered.

“So, Eunhyuk has to do a forfeit!”you said.

“WHY ME?! Junsu was last!”I exclaimed.

“Didn’t you hear the rules earlier? The one who’s second will have to do a forfeit!”Ryeowook smiled.

“Your forfeit is to dance for us. Isn’t that very easy for a dancing machine?”you raised an eyebrow with a cheeky smile.

I admitted defeat and when the music started playing, I looked at you in disbelief. It was a nightclub music normally used for y dances.

“Come on, Eunhyuk! y dances aren’t all that difficult! Just do a body wave!”Yuri smiled.

“LEE EUNHYUK! LEE EUNHYUK!”everyone cheered.

And for the fun of it, I did those typical y moves that girls always do on television which made everyone laugh. I was having fun myself and was rather engrossed till I saw Ryeowook filming the whole process with his video camera.

“YAH, RYEOWOOK!”I shouted.

“Go on,”Donghae urged.

“The music hasn’t stopped yet,”Soobin joined in.

I sighed and continued dancing, though half-heartedly now that I discovered the video camera. The music finally stopped and everyone cheered for me. The games continued with an amazing race that was filled with games like taking out the sweets amongst the flour (my team lost and they all voted me to do the forfeit), truth and dare which I ended up doing a lot of dares for and piñata. The party came to an end at around evening time and everyone was in a good mood.

“Alright, everyone please settle down! Let’s invite our birthday boy to share his thoughts about today!”you announced.

I grinned and went in front and stood in front of everybody.

“Thank you to each and every one of you for coming down today! And thank you for the presents. I’ll open them tonight! This party wouldn’t have been possible without you all! Thank you to Ryeowook, Hyuna, Donghae, Soobin and lastly, my girl, Haemin for planning it. I really enjoyed myself today though I still think that you all ganged up to make me do every forfeit. But it’s okay! I had fun doing it! The memories that we created today will be etched in my mind forever. Thank you all for an unforgettable birthday! I love you all!”I smiled.

Everyone clapped for me and I bowed. The party ceased and we all helped to clean up the place though you refused to let me help, pulling me out of the room so that I wouldn’t be able to help them.

“Where are we going? We should be helping them!”I pointed towards the dance studio.

“Let them clean up, my boy. We have to go somewhere else!”you said as you reached into your pocket for something familiar.

“Isn’t that my car key?”I asked.

“Yes, I’m borrowing it,”you unlocked my car.

“Wait, wait! Where are we going? The rest are still in the studio!”I asked.

“Hmm, let’s just say I need some time alone with you,”you smiled, imitating me.

I raised my eyebrow, not knowing where it was heading to.

“Get in. We’re going out to celebrate your birthday. Just you and me,”you winked.

End of Chapter


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darkxangel #1
Woaa *does 90° bow*...I never thought I would love so much a story where one of my 15 precious babies dies, but I have to admit that your talent made me love're really great! I have read "take care of my girlfriend" first and I loved that one too, so I tried another one of your stories and I wasn't dissapointed...really became a fan now, so I am going to read all the other completed stories while I wait for you to finish "take care of my wife"...really daebak, author-nim!!
Rinwook #2
Chapter 53: The last part GOSH I can't stop crying TT_TT
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 53: ; - ; waiiiii?! it's so sad yet so amazing!! D': thank you for a great story once again, i swear reading fan fiction at school xD i'm such a bad student
Chapter 53: Aish! I hate crying! I somehow love sad endings. . . . Good job author-nim :')
sparklingjewels #5
Chapter 53: OMG, this story is soooo beautiful! Gosh, I didn't even realize I've finished reading it even though it's a sad ending story (normally I would prevent myself from reading sad ending stories, to be honest)
Anywaaayyss, I LOVE your writing style, seriously. Keep writing beautiful stories about Hyukkie and keep updating 'Take Care of My Girlfriend', because I love it to the core :DDD
Chapter 44: hi! again, I'm here as a new subscriber of your story ^^ I'm actually at the near end of "my heart beats for only you". I can say that
you do have an amazing skill in writing. This story did a swirl in my heart. I felt mixed emotions reading this really and your thoughts are the most ideal when it comes to sweet moments and stuff. I do hope you'd continue to write fanfics of Eunhyuk and Haemin coz' now I became a shipper ^^.

author-nim, hwaiting!! *hugs* ^0^
Awwwee :( you're really a good writer!
those hae's point of view was the saddest part ;;;;;
I cant stop crying rn ;;;;;
you wrote it so beautiful <333
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
I can't stop crying!!! <3
~I cant help myself but to cry :""""""""<

Ms. Author Thank you for making this Story!!