My Heart Beats Only For You

A/N: I would like to credit my friend, summertime for coming up with the ideas for the chapters on Hyukjae's birthday!! :) THANK YOU!

That night I couldn’t really sleep very well since I was tearing a little. Hearing me sniffing in the silence of the room, Ryeowook turned over to squint his eyes at me. I turned to the other side to face the wall so that he wouldn’t see.

“Yah, did you fight with Haemin again?”I heard him shifting in his bed and saw that he had switched on the night stand that was in between our beds.

“Not exactly,”I replied, voice quivering a little.

“Then why are you crying?”he asked.

I kept quiet, not wanting to answer. If I were to ever open my mouth, I think I might sob out loud.

“Why don’t you call Donghae then? Maybe you’ll feel more comfortable confiding in your best friend,”he suggested.

Immediately, I sat up and turned to face him. His eyes widened at my sudden action.

“Please don’t misunderstand. It’s not that I’m uncomfortable confiding in you. It’s just…,”but he cut me off.

“Enough. It’s not like I don’t know you well, Eunhyuk,”he chuckled.

I smiled at how understanding he was.

“Go on and call Donghae. You can sob loudly over the phone without worrying about your image,”he teased.

“You!”I threw my pillow at him.

“Here, go go!”he passed my phone to me.

I hesitated after grabbing my phone from his hands and he stood up to push me. I was really bewildered at why he was so insistent on me going outside to cry over the phone.

“Okay, stop pushing! I can go out by myself. Gosh, you’re so weird…,”I opened the door and immediately a balloon popped causing me to jump in shock.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”a crowd of people exclaimed into my face.

“What the…?”I held in my curse just in time.

Everybody whom I know from the university was right in front of me. Ryeowook was laughing his off behind me. And I could see Donghae and Soobin waving at me while standing beside them was you. You walked towards me as you counted to three. Everybody sang me the birthday song. As you came nearer, I saw that you were holding onto a strawberry cheesecake. After it ended, you smiled, waiting for me to make a wish.

“Why are you hesitating? You really thought I forgot about your birthday?”you asked.

My mouth fell open when I found out that that was all a trick. Your smile disappeared in that instant.

“You really thought I forgot?! Geez, Eunhyuk, I didn’t know that I was such a lousy girlfriend in your eyes,”you muttered.

“At least he still cares a lot about this lousy girlfriend of his. He was…,”I quickly covered Ryeowook’s big mouth.

“Crying,”Donghae whispered, finishing the sentence.

I was really thankful that Donghae had whispered, only allowing Ryeowook, him, you and me to hear his word. I would have died from embarrassment if he had announced it loudly to the group of friends right beside us.

“Did you really?”you asked with those bright eyes.

“Let’s blow the candles,”I avoided the topic.

I hurriedly made a wish and quickly blew the candles. Donghae handed me a knife and after I cut the cake, everyone cheered and clapped. They all left after giving me a handshake and promising to be there at my birthday celebration later in the noon.

“We’re having a birthday celebration? I thought I was going out with you,”I asked.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, Eunhyuk. But our date is actually a cover-up for this surprise celebration that I planned. Have fun later,”you grinned.

“What did you all plan?”I asked, suspiciously.

“You’ll see, friend,”Donghae eyed you and the two of you smiled.

“I hate those smiles on your faces,”I frowned.

That caused Ryeowook, Donghae, Soobin, Hyuna and you to laugh really loudly.

“Don’t worry about later. Just go back to sleep!”you pushed me a little.

“Goodnight everybody,”Donghae walked into my dorm.

“What are you doing?”I grabbed Donghae’s collar, pulling him back.

“I’m sleeping here tonight!”Donghae explained.

“What?”I exclaimed before I could stop myself.

“Then where do you think I’ll sleep tonight? Soobin is bunking in with Haemin and her roommate too. Our dorms are too far from here. You can’t possibly ask me to drive my poor princess back when we’re both so tired, right?”Donghae looked at me with those ridiculous puppy eyes.

“Actually you don’t have any choice cause I agreed to let him bunk in when we were arranging this surprise,”Ryeowook cut in.

Everybody laughed.

“Yah, Ryeowook, this is my room too,”I protested.

“And I’m your best friend,”Donghae smiled as he pushed Ryeowook and I in.

“What about you girls?”I turned to ask, suddenly remembering the three girlfriends standing outside.

“We’ll make our way back ourselves,”Soobin replied nonchantly.

“But it’s so late already,”I looked at the clock.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a short distance,”Hyuna shrugged.

“I still think we should send them back,”Ryeowook looked at us.

“Me too,”I nodded in agreement.

“Come here, babe. Sleep with me. I’m tired. I can’t walk anymore,”Donghae motioned for Soobin to walk over.

“Lazy bum. Let’s go,”I pushed him a little.

The three of us then led the way down the corridor to send our own girlfriends back. Ryeowook and Hyuna parted ways with us at the entrance since Hyuna didn’t stay in the same dorm as you.

“Your university is rather huge,”Donghae commented.

“Yours isn’t too bad either,”I smiled.

“Too bad I can’t come over anymore. You’re graduating,”he sighed.

“You really bonded with Ryeowook, didn’t you?”I chuckled.

After our infamous fight, Donghae was fond of coming over to stay over at my dorm to spend more time with me. He would turn his visits into a drinking session, and thanks to these drinking sessions, he had bonded with Ryeowook.

“What do you think they’re talking about?”Donghae asked turning a little to look at Soobin and you.

“Girl stuff. I don’t know,”I replied.

“I didn’t know the two of them could get along so well,”Donghae commented with an eyebrow raised.

“Of course they can. Their boyfriends are best friends,”I said as we entered the entrance of your dorm.

“True. Alright. I need some time alone with my girl. What’s the unit number?”he asked.

“08-08,”I smiled.

“See you later. Babe, turn around. We’re going somewhere first,”he directed the last part at Soobin.

You looked at Donghae, clueless at what he was doing. We watched in silence as Donghae led Soobin out and disappeared from our sight.

“What are they doing? Isn’t he supposed to send Soobin back to my dorm?”you turned around to ask me.

I walked towards you with a smile.

“Well, Donghae needs some time alone with her just like me,”I explained.

You raised an eyebrow.

“Why? We’re just going to go upstairs and say goodbye,”you replied.

“Let’s just say I need some privacy when I kiss you goodbye. And I know you hate it when I do it in public. Moreover, I still haven’t scolded you for tricking me,”was my reply.

End of Chapter


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darkxangel #1
Woaa *does 90° bow*...I never thought I would love so much a story where one of my 15 precious babies dies, but I have to admit that your talent made me love're really great! I have read "take care of my girlfriend" first and I loved that one too, so I tried another one of your stories and I wasn't dissapointed...really became a fan now, so I am going to read all the other completed stories while I wait for you to finish "take care of my wife"...really daebak, author-nim!!
Rinwook #2
Chapter 53: The last part GOSH I can't stop crying TT_TT
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 53: ; - ; waiiiii?! it's so sad yet so amazing!! D': thank you for a great story once again, i swear reading fan fiction at school xD i'm such a bad student
Chapter 53: Aish! I hate crying! I somehow love sad endings. . . . Good job author-nim :')
sparklingjewels #5
Chapter 53: OMG, this story is soooo beautiful! Gosh, I didn't even realize I've finished reading it even though it's a sad ending story (normally I would prevent myself from reading sad ending stories, to be honest)
Anywaaayyss, I LOVE your writing style, seriously. Keep writing beautiful stories about Hyukkie and keep updating 'Take Care of My Girlfriend', because I love it to the core :DDD
Chapter 44: hi! again, I'm here as a new subscriber of your story ^^ I'm actually at the near end of "my heart beats for only you". I can say that
you do have an amazing skill in writing. This story did a swirl in my heart. I felt mixed emotions reading this really and your thoughts are the most ideal when it comes to sweet moments and stuff. I do hope you'd continue to write fanfics of Eunhyuk and Haemin coz' now I became a shipper ^^.

author-nim, hwaiting!! *hugs* ^0^
Awwwee :( you're really a good writer!
those hae's point of view was the saddest part ;;;;;
I cant stop crying rn ;;;;;
you wrote it so beautiful <333
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
I can't stop crying!!! <3
~I cant help myself but to cry :""""""""<

Ms. Author Thank you for making this Story!!