The Key To Your Heart

My Heart Beats Only For You

I flipped the page to the next page and my heart sank. It was of you that I took secretly at your house. You were smiling your most charming smile but not at me. But a guy you were facing and holding hands with. Two weeks after our Zoo date, I had caught a glimpse of your phone wallpaper and saw a picture of you and a guy smiling. Jealousy had gotten the better of me and I vowed to find out who that guy was. With my super spy skills, I had found out he was your boyfriend at that time. You two were dating for two years already and his name was Kim Kibum, better known as Key from another college just down the street.

A week after I found out who he was, he began to have a bigger role in my life. I would always see him standing outside our school, waiting for you while girls giggle as they look at him. As I walked pass him for the first time, I could see why the girls in our school liked him so much. He was a pretty boy and tall. An ideal guy of almost the whole female teenage population in South Korea. I would walk in a state of blurriness with Donghae to the bus stop. I could hear him rattling about you not taking the bus with us today.

As I waited for the bus, I see you walking out the school gates and gasp in surprise when you see Key. Key reached into his bag for a small bouquet that has teddy bears. I could feel my heart wrenching for all its worth. I watch you hold his hand as you make your way back home by walking which was ridiculous. The school is so far from your house. I wanted to beat up that stupid Kim Kibum guy. How could he make you walk under the scorching sun? But I figured, you wouldn’t mind. I sighed as I got up the bus. As the bus drove pass, I saw him taking out a tissue to wipe away your perspiration for you. I turned back towards the front, trying to erase that scene out of my mind. As I walked back home alone after getting off the bus, tears started flowing down my cheeks. Aren’t I very stupid? From the first day that I’ve met you, that day was the 61st day that I’ve had a crush on you. When I was back at home, I found it hard to do my homework without getting frustrated over myself for not being able to get the answer. I decided to go out and get some fresh air. But it was the first mistake of the day.

It was raining but that didn’t stop me from getting my fresh air. I got my umbrella and walked right out. I was walking down the street towards your house. No, it wasn’t on purpose. Then, I saw two people running. I stopped in my track and started squinting. I could hear a familiar laughter. They ran towards your driveway and I recognized the laughter as yours. I had stopped walking by then and was just staring at you and Key. The two of you didn’t have an umbrella. But that didn’t deter you two from smiling. You reached out to help him wipe away the rain from his face and vice versa. You were smiling like you always did but this time a little more joyful looking. Then, my heart stopped. I let go of my umbrella as I looked at Key lean in to give you a kiss right on your lips. In my heart, I wanted you to push him away but you didn’t. How foolish of me. You two have been dating for two years! I closed my eyes, not wanting to see. Yet I still want to see. I opened my eyes again to see Key smiling at you. Then, you invited him into your house. As the door closed, I heard thunder. I didn’t have the energy to walk anymore. I let myself sit on the pavement as the rain just came pouring. My tears mixed with the rain. I kept calling myself a fool in a mumble. This crush on you has turned into love within the 61 days. That, I didn’t realize.

Slowly, I let my head fall to the ground and I closed my eyes. That was the second mistake. When I finally opened my eyes, I was in an unfamiliar environment. It was warm unlike awhile ago. I heard voices.

“Haemin, your friend’s awake,”

Haemin? Am I in your house? That was the first thought that came to mind. Your face appeared right in front of me.

“Hey, are you feeling better now? We saw you lying unconscious on the pavement two hours ago. You have a fever right now,”you told me.


That was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

“Oh, Key and I,”you gestured towards the monster that was in disguise of a pretty boy.

“Hello. Nice to meet you!”stupid Kim Kibum had smiled at me.

“Eunhyuk, this is Kim Kibum. Call him Key. He’s my boyfriend. Key, this is Eunhyuk. Donghae’s best friend,”you introduced.

“Nice to meet you,”

Not. I added in my heart. I looked at where I was. I was in a room and wearing a hoodie that was not mine.

“Oh, erm, your hoodie was wet. So, I put it into the washing machine. That hoodie belongs to Key. He has extra clothes here so you can change later on,”you smiled.

HE HAS EXTRA CLOTHES IN YOUR HOUSE? HE MUST STAY OVER A LOT THEN. I turned to survey the room. This room was painted blue. There was a plasma television right in front of the bed, a DVD player, surround speakers and……….. a picture of Key and you.

“You can sleep here tonight if the rain doesn’t stop. This is the guest room though it seems more like it’s Key’s room,”you laughed as I looked curiously at the table that was littered with accessories that belonged to a guy.

“My parents won’t mind. And Key won’t too, right?”you turned your head to face Key who smiled and nodded.

I felt like punching him in that instant. My stomach then growled which cause me much embarrassment. You looked at me then my stomach.

“You’re hungry?”you asked with a grin.

I nodded sheepishly.

“I’ll go make some porridge for you,”you stood up.

“Like you know how to cook. I’ll help you,”Key laughed.

“You rascal! How dare you look down on me,”you smack him.

“Let’s see if you can cook the porridge you promise your friend all by yourself then,”Key ruffled your hair.

“Be right back! Rest while you wait!”you smiled at me before walking off.

As you closed the door, I could hear what you said to Key.

“No, I’m not cooking it all by myself. You know I’m not good at cooking. You have to help me and you will,”

That was all I heard before I closed my eyes to shut everything out. Why am I in your house? Why the hell am I being taken care of by that stupid Kim Kibum? Awhile later, the door opened and you appeared with the idiot who was holding onto the hot porridge. He placed it on the bed side table.

“Go on, eat it! Key won’t poison you,”you joked.

That was exactly what I had in mind. Who knows what this monster will do if he finds out I like you. Key sat down on the arm rest of the arm chair that you’re sitting on. Immediately, you reached out to hold his hand. Again, my heart felt like a sponge which has been squeezed really tightly. I took the bowl of porridge and began eating slowly.

“I’ll go wash up,”Key stood up to go to the kitchen.

You nodded proudly at the direction of your boyfriend.

“You seem to love him a lot,”I mustered up the courage to mumble.

“Uh huh. He’s amazing! He can do a lot of things! Very talented!”you grinned.

Whatever! I bet I can dance better than stupid Kim Kibum. So what if his other name sounds nicer than Eunhyuk? Hyukjae still sounds cooler than Kim Kibum! At the thought of that horrid creature, he was back in the room and at his original position.

“Has the rain stopped?”you asked.

“No. It’s super heavy,”he replied.

“You wanna stay over? You can’t possibly go home in such a heavy downpour. Moreover, there’s no school tomorrow,”you said to Key.


“Is there a place for me to sleep?”Key laughed.

“There’s always my room. Just get a mattress,”you suggested.

“He can take back his own room. I’m going home!”I quickly said.

The idea of him sleeping in the same room as you irked me.

“How are you going home? Getting your father to come over to drive you home?”you asked, concerned.

I took out my phone to message my father to get him to fetch me.

[Son, I can’t. I’m flying to China, remember?]

And my mother too. I totally forgot about it. Looks like I’ll be stuck here.

“Just stay here. It’s not as if you don’t know me,”you laughed.

“I’ve no clothes,”I replied stupidly.

“Key has clothes here!”you exclaimed.

And I’ve to wear that horried being’s clothes. Major tsk!

“Why don’t you go take a shower and change out of the wet clothes? I’ll wash it for you and dry it with the dryer! It’ll then be ready by tomorrow morning!”you smiled.

“The clothes are all there. Just pick which ever you want to wear,”Key gestured towards the wardrobe.

“You need to go shower too,”you pushed Key a little.

He nodded and went to get his clothes from the wardrobe. You two left the room. I stood up and walked towards the wardrobe. When I opened the wardrobe, I was greeted with different types of clothing. Is the guy a permanent resident here? Why does he have all these clothes here? I rummaged through his stuff. There was pajamas, normal shirts, vests and many more. It seems like he moved all his property here. As I rummaged through shirts, I spotted one with his own face. Is he a narcissist? I took the shirt and unfolded it. My heart sank. It wasn’t a picture with only his face. But yours as well. Both of you. Smiling. I quickly folded the shirt back. This isn’t working. I can’t stay in this room! I have to get home! But I can’t. I’m having a fever. I grabbed another shirt and a pair of shorts before heading towards the bathroom. In the bathroom, I saw a post-it that was pasted on the mirror.


LOCK?! It must be you then. I covered my face and sat down on the toilet bowl. This is killing me. I’m going crazy. AISH! I walked into the shower stall and began showering. This house maybe warm and lovely compared to my cold house. But this is HELL as long as that Kim Kibum is around! You can’t blame me for my jealously really. I know you love him a lot. To just remove him from your life would be just like removing oxygen. I sighed as I wiped myself dry. After I was done, I made my way downstairs. Before I reached the bottom, I heard voices and decided not to go all the way down. I peered round the corner and saw the same smile that would only appear in front of Key. It was a really sweet smile. At that point of time, I thought you would never ever smile that smile at me. I wanted to keep that smile with me. I took out my phone and secretly took a picture of you. Unfortunately, in my haste, Key was included in the picture as well. Though it was only his side view, I have to admit, Key was really good-looking.

I returned to the room and lay on the bed. What am I going to do now? Then, I could hear the front door open. The door to the room that I was in opened and I could see two strangers.

“So, you’re Haemin’s friend? Are you feeling better?”the woman, who turned out to be your mum asked.

“Yes, a little. I’m sorry for causing all this trouble,”I bowed with my head.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. With another person in the house makes it merrier,”your father smiled.

Then, you poked your head in.

“Mum, dad, why don’t you two go and shower? Dinner will be ready in a minute or two,”you grinned.

“That’s fast. Key’s such an efficient young man,”your mum nodded.

“Hurry shower! Or the food will turn cold,”you gently pushed them.

I sighed. Dinner, cooked by that monster.

“Are you feeling better?”you walked in.

“A little. Thanks,”I smiled.

“No problem!”you grinned.

Dinner then commenced. When I saw what was laid out on the table, I could hardly believe it was all cooked by a guy.

“Eunhyuk, try the food. Key’s a really good cook,”your mum pass me some of the chicken that he cooked.

“I’m not that good,”Key smiled.

I tasted abit of the chicken. Though I hate the guy, I had to agree that he was really good at cooking.

“It’s really delicious,”I did my best at smiling at him.

“Thank you,”Key smiled.

We all then started eating. After dinner, I went back to the room to ‘rest’. That was an excuse. I just didn’t like seeing you being all close with Key. Though I retreated into the room, I couldn’t totally block you two out. I could hear both your laughter as you two played video games.

“AH AH AH!”Key exclaimed.

“I’M WINNING!”you squealed.
“The Almighty Key can’t lose like that! Take that!”Key was getting all excited.

There was silence before I heard a loud voice calling out K.O!

“HA!”was all I heard of Key’s victory.

Then, I heard a smack.

“You’re such a sore loser,”Key laughed.

“Treat me to an ice-cream,”you demanded.

“Okay okay!”Key agreed.

“Wait, I’ll ask Eunhyuk whether he wants to join us,”I heard you say.

You bounded up the stairs before knocking on the door. You peeked in after opening the door.

“Hey! Feeling better?”you asked.

I nodded.

“Wanna go for ice-cream with us?”you asked again.

“It’s okay. You two go ahead. I’m a little tired,”I lied.

“Alright then! Sleep well!”you smiled before closing the door.

I heard you bounding down the steps.

“Let’s go!”you announced.

“What about Eunhyuk?”Key asked.

“He’s a little tired. Fever always does that to you,”you said.

“Like how you can sleep for 19 hours,”Key chuckled.

“Like you don’t!”you argued back.

The front door opened and closed. And there was silence in the house. I got out of bed and looked out the window to see you holding hands with Key while walking towards the park. I sighed before settling down in the chair of the study table. The table was filled with different accessories plus photos of you two. Tears rolled my cheeks. Should I give you up? I really love you, Haemin. What will happen to me if I don’t love you?

End of Chapter

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darkxangel #1
Woaa *does 90° bow*...I never thought I would love so much a story where one of my 15 precious babies dies, but I have to admit that your talent made me love're really great! I have read "take care of my girlfriend" first and I loved that one too, so I tried another one of your stories and I wasn't dissapointed...really became a fan now, so I am going to read all the other completed stories while I wait for you to finish "take care of my wife"...really daebak, author-nim!!
Rinwook #2
Chapter 53: The last part GOSH I can't stop crying TT_TT
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 53: ; - ; waiiiii?! it's so sad yet so amazing!! D': thank you for a great story once again, i swear reading fan fiction at school xD i'm such a bad student
Chapter 53: Aish! I hate crying! I somehow love sad endings. . . . Good job author-nim :')
sparklingjewels #5
Chapter 53: OMG, this story is soooo beautiful! Gosh, I didn't even realize I've finished reading it even though it's a sad ending story (normally I would prevent myself from reading sad ending stories, to be honest)
Anywaaayyss, I LOVE your writing style, seriously. Keep writing beautiful stories about Hyukkie and keep updating 'Take Care of My Girlfriend', because I love it to the core :DDD
Chapter 44: hi! again, I'm here as a new subscriber of your story ^^ I'm actually at the near end of "my heart beats for only you". I can say that
you do have an amazing skill in writing. This story did a swirl in my heart. I felt mixed emotions reading this really and your thoughts are the most ideal when it comes to sweet moments and stuff. I do hope you'd continue to write fanfics of Eunhyuk and Haemin coz' now I became a shipper ^^.

author-nim, hwaiting!! *hugs* ^0^
Awwwee :( you're really a good writer!
those hae's point of view was the saddest part ;;;;;
I cant stop crying rn ;;;;;
you wrote it so beautiful <333
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
I can't stop crying!!! <3
~I cant help myself but to cry :""""""""<

Ms. Author Thank you for making this Story!!