The First Crack In Our Hearts

My Heart Beats Only For You

I took a little break from looking at all those pictures and looked at the ring I’m wearing on my left hand. When I let your hand slip away from mine, you were still wearing it. Isn’t fate playing a dirty joke on me? Isn’t a ring supposed to tie a person down? But in your case, it looked like it didn’t. Even with the ring tying you down, you still left. Wiping my tears away, I looked at the following photograph. It was taken during a Dinner and Dance at our school. The Dance took place two months after my birthday which meant at that point of time, I’ve known you for one and a half years. That picture always brought back sad memories.

As Donghae’s girlfriend, Soobin attends a different school from us, Donghae didn’t know who to choose for his partner. Amongst us, you were the only female and you didn’t want to choose between Donghae and I in case the other party gets upset. So, you chose to go with the boy who confessed to you on Valentine’s Day since he asked. That boy was named, Kwon Jiyong. Since you weren’t available as a partner anymore, I had no choice but to ask a girl who I was quite close to from my class. I don’t remember being excited for that day at all. I doubt I was going to enjoy myself. I had arrived early at the girl’s house but she was already standing outside.

“Oh, Taeyeon, you’re early!”I said as she walked down her driveway.

“I knew you’ll be early,”she smiled.

Although she is a nice girl, she wasn’t someone I like. We were close just like normal friends. We took a taxi to school and when we entered the compound, I saw you wearing a white dress with black heels. But I was even more astonished at your new hairstyle. For the occasion, you even had your hair cut short and styled. When you saw me, you smiled and brought Jiyong over. How I wished I was that guy that day. We talked for awhile before Jiyong brought you somewhere else.

“Eunhyuk, don’t be upset. You own her heart,”I felt a tap on my shoulder then.

I turned to find Donghae with his partner, a girl from our class named, Im Yoona. The rest of the night was a blur for I just danced and ate. I tried to find you on the dancefloor but you were nowhere to be found. When it was time to leave, you finally appeared with Jiyong.

“Where did the both of you go?”Donghae asked.

“We were just at the fountain. I don’t like to dance,”you replied.

The fountain as we knew was the most secluded spot during events like the Dinner and Dance. What the hell were you doing with him at the fountain? My heart felt like it could explode that time.

“Let’s take a picture,”I tried to clear my mind.

We asked someone nearby to take a picture for all of us. Since, it was time to go home, I brought Taeyeon home.

However, the torture doesn’t end there because from that day onwards, you became friends with the Jiyong guy. I was getting really worried for Jiyong was really good-looking and talented.

“Didn’t I ask you to confess? Look, what happened! Jiyong’s going to steal her away!”Donghae hissed as we watched you talk to Jiyong.

We had bumped into him on the way home and you two were talking at the bus stop, ignoring Donghae and I. My phone rang and when I saw who was calling, I had a mini heart attack.

“Hello?”I answered.

“Eunhyuk…are you free now?”the other person was crying.

“Ae-young, what happened to you?”I asked.

“My boyfriend broke up with me,”she started sobbing.

“Where are you?”I asked.

She told me that she was at a park.

“Just stay still. I’ll be there soon,”I told her.

I then hung up and Donghae looked at me with an anxious expression.

“What’s going on?”he asked.

“Ae-young’s boyfriend broke up with her. She’s crying,”I told him.

“And you’re going to go comfort her? What will Haemin think?”he asked.

“But Ae-young is my friend as well. I can’t possible let her cry alone in a park,”I replied.

After saying that, I went up to Jiyong and you.

“Haemin, I’m going off now”I told her.

“Oh, where are you going?”you asked.

“Ae-young’s crying now. I’ll explain to you when I get home,”I smiled.

“Oh…,”you sounded crestfallen.

I hurriedly flagged a taxi to go to the park. In the taxi, I received a text message from Donghae.

[You’re going to regret your action, idiot. Haemin looked so disappointed when you said you’re going to find Ae-young! –Donghae]

I ignored it and when I finally reached the park, I called Ae young. I began walking to where she was and found her sitting under a tree, crying.

“Ae-young,”I called out.

“Eunhyuk, thank you for coming. I’m so miserable,”she sobbed.

Though I have faced the same situation before, the feeling was different. I still feel helpless, but I had no urge to pull her into my embrace and protect her. She wasn’t the one I love, after all. I reached out and patted her back.

“Cry it all out,”I said softly.

With that, I sat beside her as she continued crying. After she was done, she looked up.

“Thanks for coming,”Ae young smiled.

“What are friends for?”I smiled so naturally when I said that.

“If only we got together that time, I wouldn’t be facing this heartbreak now,”she sighed.

It was the same topic again. Ever since the day at the ski resort, whenever we talked on the phone to catch up, she would mention it.

“Let’s go home,”she said when I didn’t answer it.

We took a taxi and sent her home.

“You’re alright by yourself?”I asked.

She nodded and smiled at me.

“Take care,”I smiled.

The taxi drove off towards my house. At home, I took out my phone to send you a text.

[Ae-young’s boyfriend broke up with her. So, I went to comfort her. –Eunhyuk]

[Oh, I see. Is she okay now? –Haemin]

[Yeah. What are you doing now? –Eunhyuk]

[Now? Eating ice-cream at the parlour. –Haemin]

[With Donghae? –Eunhyuk]

[No, he went home. I’m with Jiyong. –Haemin]

That was when the period of heartbreak began.

End of Chapter


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darkxangel #1
Woaa *does 90° bow*...I never thought I would love so much a story where one of my 15 precious babies dies, but I have to admit that your talent made me love're really great! I have read "take care of my girlfriend" first and I loved that one too, so I tried another one of your stories and I wasn't dissapointed...really became a fan now, so I am going to read all the other completed stories while I wait for you to finish "take care of my wife"...really daebak, author-nim!!
Rinwook #2
Chapter 53: The last part GOSH I can't stop crying TT_TT
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 53: ; - ; waiiiii?! it's so sad yet so amazing!! D': thank you for a great story once again, i swear reading fan fiction at school xD i'm such a bad student
Chapter 53: Aish! I hate crying! I somehow love sad endings. . . . Good job author-nim :')
sparklingjewels #5
Chapter 53: OMG, this story is soooo beautiful! Gosh, I didn't even realize I've finished reading it even though it's a sad ending story (normally I would prevent myself from reading sad ending stories, to be honest)
Anywaaayyss, I LOVE your writing style, seriously. Keep writing beautiful stories about Hyukkie and keep updating 'Take Care of My Girlfriend', because I love it to the core :DDD
Chapter 44: hi! again, I'm here as a new subscriber of your story ^^ I'm actually at the near end of "my heart beats for only you". I can say that
you do have an amazing skill in writing. This story did a swirl in my heart. I felt mixed emotions reading this really and your thoughts are the most ideal when it comes to sweet moments and stuff. I do hope you'd continue to write fanfics of Eunhyuk and Haemin coz' now I became a shipper ^^.

author-nim, hwaiting!! *hugs* ^0^
Awwwee :( you're really a good writer!
those hae's point of view was the saddest part ;;;;;
I cant stop crying rn ;;;;;
you wrote it so beautiful <333
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
I can't stop crying!!! <3
~I cant help myself but to cry :""""""""<

Ms. Author Thank you for making this Story!!