
My Heart Beats Only For You

A few days later, you decided to make it up to me by bringing me out on a proper date. ‘Let’s exchange roles for today. Let me pamper you this time round,’ was what you told me when you appeared at my doorstep right on time for our date. I was surprised to see you there for I was usually the one who went to pick you up at your dormitory room.

“Come on, baby,”you grabbed my hand and led me out.

I was in quite a bit of a shock with you leading me on the date. Normally, you were quite nonchalant about everything. Whenever, I said cheesy lines, you would rebut me with something like, ‘don’t be disgusting,’ but I knew deep down inside, you enjoyed listening to them. You always tried to seem as if you don’t care about everything but I know deep inside your heart, you cared too much that you were afraid that I would take it as a sign of possessiveness. I knew because you confided in me about how your first relationship failed. You always showed how much you cared till your ex thought it was a little too much. Hence, with our current relationship, you always held back your care and concern. Though I didn’t mind, for I knew inside your heart, there was me.

“Where’s the key to your car? I’ll drive us out,”you held out your hand, wanting the key to my car.

I rummaged through my bag and got it out for you. You led me to the passenger seat and opened the door for me.

“Get in. I’ll treat you like a prince for today,”you said when I hesitated to get in.

“Only for today?”I teased.

“Yes, only for today. Cause from tomorrow onwards, you’ll have to continue my princess treatment,”you grinned.

I could only smile at how adorable you are before getting into my car. You closed the door and went over. I watched as you adjusted the seat before starting the engine.

“So, my dear prince, what are you craving for today?”you asked as you drove out of campus.

I chuckled to myself at how well you imitated me. I was always fond of asking you this question when we went out on dates before all the madness started.

“Hmm, how about sushi?”I suggested your favourite food.

“Yah, Hyukjae, are you sure you’re craving for it or are you just trying to give in to me again?”you eyed me a little.

I could only laugh for you knew me like the back of your hand.

“Fine fine, let’s go have some traditional Korean cuisine,”I smiled.

“That’s more like it,”you reached out to pinch my cheek just like how I did.

“You really seem like the guy in our relationship now,”I shook my head.

“Why don’t you try to act like me then?”you suggested.

“Are you sure? You’ll die from my lack of response,”I teased.

“YAH! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! Am I really that cold?”you exclaimed.

“Apart from you blushing a little here and there, you’re really lacking in responses,”I replied.

That caused you to laugh and I loved the atmosphere that we had created in the car. It was as if we were back to how we used to be.

“I’ll try to be more expressive next time,”you smiled.

“I like you just the way you are now. There’s no need for you to change, babe,”I reached out to your hair.

And that was when I noticed a tinge of redness on your cheeks. That habit of yours haven’t changed at all. We reached a nice Korean ramen house and got out.

“Wait, let’s take a picture first,”you suggested.

I took out my camera and took a picture of the both of us. We got out of the car and headed inside. A waiter came to our table, wanting to take our order.

“Hello, welcome to Kimchi Ramen House. These are the menus,”he passed one each to you and me.

After passing the menus to us, he continued standing there, introducing a lot of their signature dishes to us. But what really got to me was that he was standing dangerously near to you and was pointing at the dishes on your menu. You looked up and caught my jealous expression.

“Er, sir, my boyfriend and I will slowly think of what we want to eat. Could you give us a moment?”you said nicely to the waiter as you gestured towards me.

“Oh, sure. Just give me a wave when you’re done,”the waiter grinned at you before walking away to somewhere behind me where you could easily wave him over.

“Don’t worry, he’s not as good-looking as you,”you reassured me before looking at the menu.

“You’re the best girlfriend anybody can have,”I smiled at you as I reached out to hold your hand across the table.

“ And I belong to you,”you gave me a dazzling smile.

My heart started banging really hard against my ribcage and I struggled to focus on the menu. It was as if every time I look at you, I fell in love all over again. I guess this is what true love felt like. After we were done deciding, I looked around for a waiter to take our order but only got the same stupid waiter. He came over and gave you a smile.

“What would you like to have, miss?”he asked, completely ignoring me.

“The both of us will be having the kimchi ramen,”I replied.

“Any drinks for you, miss?”he asked again.

“Orange juice for her and strawberry milk for me,”I answered.

“Is that all?”he asked, eyes on you.

“Sorry, sir, if you continue serving us like that, I’ll have to complain to your manager. Why aren’t you looking at my boyfriend when he’s talking to you?”you spoke up all of a sudden.

I turned away from the idiotic waiter to look at you. You had a neutral expression on your face but I knew that you were fuming mad. However, the stupid waiter didn’t know and went on to step on a landmine.

“Sorry, but it’s just that you’re too pretty,”the waiter admitted.

His reply made me furious. What the hell was the waiter doing to you right in front of me?!

“Thank you but can we have a change of waiter? I believe my boyfriend isn’t too happy about your way of serving us,”you turned to give me a smile.

“Sorry, miss,”he took off right away to get another waiter.

The new waiter took down our order and everything went on smoothly.

“You looked so cute while being jealous,”you commented as we dig into our ramen.

“Excuse me?!”I exclaimed as I looked up from my ramen.

“Maybe I should make you jealous more often,”you giggled.

That was when I knew that you loved guys who were a little possessive. Like how I was always getting jealous when guys were being too nice to you or when you would purposely pull away from me as I hug you so that I can pull you back in a tighter embrace. You just loved how I always claim you as mine.  

“Don’t you dare, Kim Haemin! I’ll never ever let any guys near you,”I said firmly.

All I got was a smile from you and I knew that you were already feeling giddy from the happiness that you were feeling. What I said was true and I really would do anything to protect you from all evils. But I guess on the day that we parted, I didn’t do my duty well. I wasn’t able to shield you.

End of Chapter


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darkxangel #1
Woaa *does 90° bow*...I never thought I would love so much a story where one of my 15 precious babies dies, but I have to admit that your talent made me love're really great! I have read "take care of my girlfriend" first and I loved that one too, so I tried another one of your stories and I wasn't dissapointed...really became a fan now, so I am going to read all the other completed stories while I wait for you to finish "take care of my wife"...really daebak, author-nim!!
Rinwook #2
Chapter 53: The last part GOSH I can't stop crying TT_TT
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 53: ; - ; waiiiii?! it's so sad yet so amazing!! D': thank you for a great story once again, i swear reading fan fiction at school xD i'm such a bad student
Chapter 53: Aish! I hate crying! I somehow love sad endings. . . . Good job author-nim :')
sparklingjewels #5
Chapter 53: OMG, this story is soooo beautiful! Gosh, I didn't even realize I've finished reading it even though it's a sad ending story (normally I would prevent myself from reading sad ending stories, to be honest)
Anywaaayyss, I LOVE your writing style, seriously. Keep writing beautiful stories about Hyukkie and keep updating 'Take Care of My Girlfriend', because I love it to the core :DDD
Chapter 44: hi! again, I'm here as a new subscriber of your story ^^ I'm actually at the near end of "my heart beats for only you". I can say that
you do have an amazing skill in writing. This story did a swirl in my heart. I felt mixed emotions reading this really and your thoughts are the most ideal when it comes to sweet moments and stuff. I do hope you'd continue to write fanfics of Eunhyuk and Haemin coz' now I became a shipper ^^.

author-nim, hwaiting!! *hugs* ^0^
Awwwee :( you're really a good writer!
those hae's point of view was the saddest part ;;;;;
I cant stop crying rn ;;;;;
you wrote it so beautiful <333
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
I can't stop crying!!! <3
~I cant help myself but to cry :""""""""<

Ms. Author Thank you for making this Story!!