Christina Seonsaengnim?

Good Girl Gone Bad?

Red - English

You and everyone had done eating breakfast. As usual Kris and Exo except for Kai and Sehun wear some disguise so that the other classmate won't know that they are here. You and everyone had to go to XXXXXX highschool to just tour and how they teach their students and more in Los Angeles...


In the bus~


You looked at the phone and kinda sighed cause you are bored that Kris is not with you cause he and the other Exo members except Kai and Sehun. They can't follow you and the other students cause they are wearing disguise and they are not allowed to follow that's what Ms Hyosung said to you. Suddenly your phone rang and you beamed as you was happy cause Kris had text you. You opened it.


To: Sohyun <3
'Hey :D'


To: Kris <3
'Hi. I am bored cause you are not with me *pout*'


To: Kris <3
'Aigoo.. You miss me already, huh?'


To: Sohyun <3
'Yup I am *pout*


To: Kris <3
'Aigoo... Later do you want to have dinner with me?'


To: Sohyun <3
'Yup but I want a expensive restaurant, okay?'


To: Kris <3
'Okay anything for my princess.'


''Students, we have arrive to XXXXXX Highschool.'' The teacher announced.


You sighed then text him back.


To: Kris <3
'Oppa, I text you later okay cause we have arrive to the highschool.'


To: Sohyun <3
'Alright, princess :D Love you! <3'


To: Kris <3
*Giggles* 'Love you too! <3'


You then put it in your handbag and left the bus. You looked at the school. 'So this is how their school looks like, huh? I bet there's kingkas and queenkas around here.' You thought to yourself as you look around. Your school teachers greet their teachers and to your surprise you saw someone who was so familiar to you. 'Who is that woman? She looks kinda familiar. Have I met her somewhere?' You thought to yourself then shrug it off as Kai called you.






''Are you coming?''


''Yeah.'' you say as you went to him and join the others for the tour.


On the other hand, the woman looked at you and smiled. 'You did grow up and change, huh? I hope you remember what I thought you.' she thought as she follow the other teachers.




It was break time for you and usual you seat with Kai and Sehun in the cafeteria. As usual the girls and boys are jealous at you and Kai and Sehun. Suddenly the woman that you saw earlier went to you and the boys. You look up and met the woman.


''Yes?'' you ask coldly.


She smirked.


You rolled your eyes annoyance. Kai and Sehun just carry on with their food as they want to involve.


''Hyunnie-ah, you forget about me?'' she say as she pout.


''Huh? What do you mean I forgot you? Do I know you or something?'' You asked as you raise and eyebrow as you were confused of this stranger of you who was infront of you.


She sighed and leaned forward to you and whisper to you.


''My little cold princess.''


You eyes widen. It was someone who was so close to you and had given that name to you before when you were little and was home school. It was your private english teacher who gave you that name. She was the one who call you Cold Princess and she was like a second mother to you. She stop teaching you when you were just 11 years old cause she had some things to do.


''Christina seonsaengnim?'' You look at her confused.


She nod her head and smile at you.


''Yes, my dear.'' she pat your head.


You hug her as she smile and pat your back and return your hug.


''I miss you.''


''I miss you too, my dear.''


''How are you?''


''I am fine. How about you?''


''I am fine too.'' You smiled.


She then took a seat beside you.


''So who are this two boys?'' she ask as she look at Kai and Sehun.


''Oh yeah. They are Kai and Sehun my new friends in my school.''


''Kai and Sehun. This is my private homeschool teacher.''


''Nice to meet you, Kai and Sehun.'' she smile.


''Nice to meet you too.'' they smile.


She then look at you.


''I heard you transfer from Woolim Art High to TS High and your dad married with your favourite maid Sora. I knew it that he love her but don't know how to express his feelings to her.''


''Yeah. Hahaha.''


''He sure is so stubborn, huh?''




''So I heard you change from good to a bad girl, huh?''


''Yeah kinda.'' you say as you rub the nape of your neck.


She then whisper to you.


''Hahaha.... You still cute and I heard that you got lots of fanboys and your dad gave you a mission to kill a guy, huh?''


You whisper back to her.


''Yup hehe... I killed one guy in Korea and he was my first prey in my first mission that dad gave me and a few days ago dad gave me another mission to kill my second prey at here and he was a korean too. My second prey took what belongs to dad.''


She laughed.


''You really did a good job, huh? I am so proud of you and you already becoming like me but not most of it.'' she say as she hug you.


You return her hug and smile.


''Yes I am btw are you coming back home?''


''Well I guess I should. You should tell me when you are going back to Korea, okay?''


''Okay. Do you need my number?''


''Don't worry I can ask your number from your principal who name is Ms Hyosung.''


''Okay if you say so and btw I already got a boyfriend.''


''Eh? Really? Who is it? Is he hot? Is he in a gang too? Does your parents and brother know it?''


''Erm.. He is hot and he is same gang with Kai and Sehun. They don't know but it is early for them to know it.''


''Ah.. Really? Okay I promise that I won't tell your secret to them.''


''He is in a gang in Exo. His name is Wu fan but he prefer to be call as Kris.''


Her eyes widen at the name of it but put on her poker face.


''Oh well dear. Just be careful with him alright?''




''Well I have to go now.''


''Bye seonsaengnim.''


'She must be careful with that Kris guy. I have a feeling that he might hurt her one day. I guess I should look after her nowadays.' she thought to herself as she went to your principal to get your number.

A/N: Sorry the late update. New character and it is Christina Aguilera. Hahaha... Her video 'Your Body' gave me a idea so yeah and she is Sohyun's private english teacher.

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syazayu #1
Chapter 87: author-nim why you delete the sequel i already subscribe it i want to read it again can you make another sequel pls author-nim
stardust3001 #2
Chapter 87: What happen to exo???
Chapter 87: Ah~ Damn good! but what happen to exo?
Damn it was goo!! But I wanna know what happen to exo!!
ShinByulRin #5
Chapter 79: I love ur story but I dont like simon..sorry
Chapter 44: Where are these GIF's from?
tiffany93 #7
Just starting this fic, but why is the dad only 13 years older than Jiyong?
Chapter 88: Loved it!!!! I thought Sohyun and Kris would get back together but it was still a good story! I couldnt view some of the pictures though...
babyyoshi90 #9
Chapter 14: love it the story is good where did you come up with it
Mi-young #10
Chapter 87: I love the story it was really nice please make the sequel since I was left with so many questions and the story WAS REALLY REALLY NICE