Ask some questions

Good Girl Gone Bad?

So now we are gathering at the beach.

I am just drinking my ice lemon tea and btw the weather is so HOT!

I know I can take off my sweater but I don't want cause the wounds of my hands are not yet healed.

Well the boys are playing volleyball or whatever which is I don't care what they are doing.

Now I feel a pair of eyes is staring at me, I then turn to look but nothing as the person look somewhere else.

I just ignore it and drink my ice lemon tea.

I feel a pair of eyes is staring at me again, I sigh.

''Can you stop staring at me.'' I say as I look at the person who is D.O.

D.O eyes widen in shock. -Insert O___O face-

''H-how d-do y-you know that I am staring at you?'' he stutter.

''I don't know. I can sense that someone is staring at me.'' I shrug and continue drinking my ice lemon tea.

''Sohyun!!'' I heard Beakhyun yell my name as he came running towards me.

I look at him.

''Now its time for us to ask you some questions so be prepared to answer all the questions we ask.'' he say.

''Erm.. Okay.'' I say.

''So who's going to be the first person to ask her some questions?'' he ask as he look at the others.

''Me!'' say Chen.

''Okay.'' say Beakhyun.

''So are you single or attached?'' Chen ask.

Xiu Min then hit Chen's head.

''Oww!! What was that for?'' he say as he rub his head.

''For asking a stupid question in the first place.'' say Xiu Min.

Chen then pout.

''Well for Chen's question, yes I am single not attached.'' I answer.

''Next question, do you have any crush on anyone?'' Kai ask.

''Nope.'' I simply answer.

''Next question, do you have any ideal type of guys you like?'' Chanyeol ask.

''Nope.'' I simply answer again.

'Please don't ask me about my previous school.'

'You can just lie to them.'

'Yeah I know.'

''Next question, what previous school are you from?'' Xiu Min ask.

''I am schooling TS high till now.'' I lie.

''Next question, how do you know Infinite?'' Lay ask.

''Well Infinite's dads are my dad's friends so from then on we know each other.'' I lie.

'Well nice going. Some of them are true.'

'Oh shut up will ya.'

''What about B.A.P?'' Suho ask.

''Same but B.A.P are my childhood friends.'' I simply answer.

''Infinite and B.A.P are enemies right?'' he ask.

''Yup they were but then when my dad got a reunioun with his friends B.A.P and Infinite were shock that their dads are friends so now they are okay with each other.'' I say.

''Ooooooh.'' they say. -Insert :O face-

''Next question, what is your favourite bubble tea flavour?'' Sehun and Luhan ask.

''Well I got three different kind of bubble tea flavours and they are my favourite.'' I say.

''Name them.'' they say.

''Oreo-chocolate ice blend, strawberry ice blend and chocolate.'' I say.

''You like Chocolate bubble tea?'' Sehun ask.

''Yup.'' I nod.

''Yay! You like chocolate bubble tea, same as me! Is oreo-chocolate ice blend bubble tea nice?'' he ask.

''Yup.'' I say.

''Really? How about tomorrow after school, we go to the bubble tea store and buy it?'' he ask.

''Okay.'' I answer.

''Next question, what is your favourite food?'' D.O ask.

''Something sweets like desserts and dubbokki and some meats.'' I answer.

''Next question, what is your favourite candy flavour?'' Baekhyun ask.

''Strawberry.'' I answer.

''Next question, do you like Gucci?'' Tao ask.

Kris facepalm.

''Tao, why do you have to ask her if she likes Gucci?'' he ask.

''Gege, girls love Gucci well boys too I mean not all of them.'' Tao reply.

Kris sigh.

''Well for Tao's question, I don't just like but I love Gucci.'' I say.

''Yay! Me! See, gege, she loves Gucci!'' he say as he points out his tongue to Kris.

Kris just roll his eyes in annoyance.

''Well I got tons of Gucci bags in my closet.'' Tao say.

''Really?'' I ask.

''Yup.'' he nod.

''Wow!'' I say.

''Last question, what happens if one of us fall for you?'' Kris ask.

That time I was eating some chips and suddenly Kris ask me that BONUS QUESTION and I got choke and cough.

He smirk.

''Here you go.'' Luhan say as he give me a glass of water.

I took it and drink it.

''Thanks Luhan.'' I say.

''No problem.'' he smile.

I then look at Kris.

''For your question, I will reject all of you guys as I am not interested.'' I say as I stand up.

They look at me.

As I was about to walk away, I feel someone grab my hand, I then turn behind and it was Kris.

''Wait, you can't go yet. You forgot to ask us some questions.'' he say.

''Well I don't need to ask all o you some questions cause I already know.'' I say as I let go of his hand from mine.

''How?'' Xiu Min ask.

''Internet.'' I say/

They were shock and kept silent.

I smirk and then walk away as I had left the beach house.

I waited outside of the beach house until I heard a bike and it was my brother of course.

He hand me the helmet, I put it on my head and hop on the bike.

He then drive.

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syazayu #1
Chapter 87: author-nim why you delete the sequel i already subscribe it i want to read it again can you make another sequel pls author-nim
stardust3001 #2
Chapter 87: What happen to exo???
Chapter 87: Ah~ Damn good! but what happen to exo?
Damn it was goo!! But I wanna know what happen to exo!!
ShinByulRin #5
Chapter 79: I love ur story but I dont like simon..sorry
Chapter 44: Where are these GIF's from?
tiffany93 #7
Just starting this fic, but why is the dad only 13 years older than Jiyong?
Chapter 88: Loved it!!!! I thought Sohyun and Kris would get back together but it was still a good story! I couldnt view some of the pictures though...
babyyoshi90 #9
Chapter 14: love it the story is good where did you come up with it
Mi-young #10
Chapter 87: I love the story it was really nice please make the sequel since I was left with so many questions and the story WAS REALLY REALLY NICE