looks can be very D.

The Kim's

Myungsoo hated long, tiredly land travels. It makes his brain purge out from his skull due to dizziness and an add on exhaustion since he can't stretch his limbs straightly comfortable. Even hated it more when the girl he was sitting with made her ultimate life goal of ignoring him like he never really existed . Even hated it thrice more when the nuisance guy she was talking to was impersonating some talk show host who can't seem to zip his mouth shut for a moment to breath.

He doesn't understand what's so intriguing about how dogs undergo labor and puppies first cry , which is the two's newly hotspot topic that they've been hooked up with for 30 full freaking minutes.

"over ninety-eight percent of all dogs deliver their puppies without assistance or complications. " Siwan states, showing minhae some puppy pictures in his phone which the latter interestingly gazed upon.

" Oh. Spare us the bloody details doctor swan, you should set your eyes on vet school, suites you well ." muttered Myungsoo , making it more louder for everyone to hear which minhae delightfully ignored again .

" Ohh they are so cute . " she complimented, the picture with her dainty finger. Myungsoo rolled his eyes in distraught.

" guys were here! " Onew stepped out of the vehicle , urging the others to meet their halmuhnee who was waiting for them at the grand main door of the mansion .

The gigantic mansion was radiant and surreal as minhae last seen it. Few of the housemates were welcoming them with the warmest smile. The elderly women was standing firm but couldn't fight the feeling of happiness and excitement to see her grandchildren once again.

one by one they got out and each of which greeted their loving grandmother .

" owwww my grandchildren ! how are you ? I really missed all of you . " she gave them a choking hug and kisses which the rest of them reciprocated with equal enthusiasm.

" Uee ??" the old granny croaked out seeing the latter standing smilingly while enjoying the family's getting together.

she politely bowed with . " halmuhnee annyeonghaseyo . " the old women hugged her wish equal passion .

" my goodness your all grown up and beautiful . " she complimented, making the teenager beauty blush in flatter. She spun at minhae , giving her a warm embrace . " I'm so glad your here dear . " looking at the younger with a happy eye smile until she noticed someone.

" and this is ? " halmuhnee inquired, seeing an unfamiliar fair boy beside key , with his all out smile .

" I'm key's friend . Im Siwan . " the boy introduced himself without any help from his so called friend key who wanted nothing else but to kick him outside the lawn.

Their grandmother hugged Siwan, pulling apart to see his features closely. " owwww just call me halmuhnee . friends of my grandchildren are always welcome here. " she stared at him more intently before ," you're so handsome ! I've never seen anyone so handsome and-

" eherrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm. " Myungsoo interrupted, crossing his arms across his chest. his cousin jonghyun did the insulted expression at their grandmother.

" except from my grandchildren of course. boys , don't get jealous . all of you are the apple of my two eyes without bias. I'm just appreciating beauty. " she spazz violently , cupping siwan's handsome face and hauling him inside the mansion .

Myungsoo rolled his eyes defiantly before following the group.


They were like campers who had a stop-over for free tea time. the helpers served freshly baked muffins , brownies and cups brewing with healthy green tea. their halmuhnee's typical afternoon hobby.

" I wanna hear new things about you kids , how is school ? any troubles? " glancing beside her right, the eldest . jinki dig his head for anything but chicken.  

" the usual , there's nothing to worry about halmuhnee. though, Myungie is a part of a theatre play . " he replied , nudging Myungsoo to say anything .

" a theatre play !!! " the elderly applaud , eyes sparkling . too bright for Myungsoo 's liking .

" it's not that important . the storyline is actually boring . " he casually sipped some warm tea , gulping it down . his eyes never leaving the girl sitting in front  of  him , he smirked perkily as he observes how her facial expression speaks death threats .  

" the plot is not boring , minhae did a great Job actually . " Siwan said , chewing some muffins . minhae sighed in happiness that someone deeply appreciate her work.

" great? huh. " Myungsoo snorted , placing the cup down . that awkward tension started building piles up that key, immediately came to remedy , starting with a dry laugh.

" enough with the play . halmuhnee ! you can come to watch . " he squealed , mimicking his younger brother's aeygo , hoping he has some of those.

" why of course ! This is my grandson's play . " she giggled wondrously . " but, sad to say , I won't be joining you precious in any activities . I have important meetings to attended to this afternoon." a saddening elderly sulked on her seat , earning some disapproving groans from her grands. Except one .

" really halmuhnee ?!! " couldn't hide her happiness , EUN ah cheered in a pure " YES! " with  fist up .

All of them glared at her . Even the butlers .

" ah- I mean. wow. that's a big turn- off. " she looked down on her plate , feigning a broken hearted sniffle. Mir , patted her sisters head for comfort ?

" but not to worry . " a forefinger , swaying a no , their grandmother straighten her back . " I called few people to keep you kids company . " an old grey haired man appeared from behind , reminding the elderly of her urgent afternoon meeting which the latter nodded . " just have fun , oh Siwan and Uee , please enjoy your stay . " she smiled , the rest standing up as they bid a temporary good bye to the elderly .

" hyo jin. " she called before stepping out. " I need to talk to you . " EUN ah rose up , struggling to keep her feet moving . " great. " she muttered , her momentary happiness for freedom is doomed. knowing very well what awaits her.

jonghyun and mir were teasingly blabbering about how EUN ah will face a library of reading for the next 24 hours.

" that's enough guys . " Onew silenced the two by striking a spoon against the small cup like those in wedding receptions, which didn't bother them much and continue blabbering .

"yah . " the autocratic tone coming from Myungsoo himself casted the two noisy duo out of the place , leaving Uee , Onew , minhae and Siwan who still kept talking about nonsense , key who was suddenly no where to be found and Taemin asking a maid to hold his beloved pet for him for a moment while he tie his shoe laces properly .

" Myungie, will you please accompany Siwan to his room ? i'll be showing  minhae and Uee their's . okey? " he asked politely with two thumbs up . Myungsoo grinned. more than happy to their annoying guest to his room which is situated outside the mansion. Backyard , way way way backyard. grabbing Siwan away from minhae , he trundle , muffling a menacing " with pleasure . " along the hallways .

The  four remaining individuals wrinkled their foreheads on how Myungsoo literally grabbed Siwan by his blazer rather harshly . Onew clapped his hands together to disturbed the three's trance of weird thoughts . he led the two female to their respective rooms. walking through the long hallways and escorting them to their doors with the maids trailing from behind.  

" catch up with you guys later okey? " Onew beamed a pretty smile before leaving them behind with two helpers.

" minhae , I'll just crash your room after I'm done unpacking . " minhae nodded in response as Uee entered her room. the helper took her belongings and was begging to let her assist with unloading her travel bag , no matter how she strongly declined.

" o-okey . " she gave in.

Just when she was about to trundle to her room, she heard a faint short sniffles from somewhere, making her pause for a minute to take quick glancing from her sides, and thinking Taemin must be standing behind her, with a playful smile, she whirled around quickly with the intention of frightening the youngest.  but she was the one left frightened when she found no one. she was standing all alone outside of her room, the entire area was dead quite. not a trifle of noise can be heard. she was certain  she heard something though.

" Marie ? " like how the maid introduced herself moments ago , " i'll be right back . " she heard a " yes young miss . " from the humble housemate, busy with arranging her clothes inside the big wooden dressers.

Striding quietly, she headed to her left. the long hallways that looked like never ending  was calling her interest. her feet seems to have the minds of their own ,were pulling her to walk more further. she walked passed countless of guest rooms, do they always have hundreds of guest that  the mansion had more than enough rooms?

She was getting a bit dizzy with the dull walls , feeling like trapped in a labyrinth. She reached the end of the hall , taking a step around the corner she heard it again.

She turned around to looked for its origin. but she was sure she heard it somewhere onwards.  

" maybe I should just get back . " shaking her head , she must be just imaging things. Hungry , hearing things because her stomach was already crying for food , that's must be where its coming from . Her hungry stomach. decided to leave  , she the turned back until the sniffles that were faint and shortly audible earlier were getting a bit louder that lasted only for moments.

no . That was not just a normal Auditory hallucinations she just heard.  And not her stomach, it was too noticeable to be considered " nothing ." and this time she was certain she heard it down the hall.  

The urging feeling to follow it was domineering she was enchantingly walking along the place , ignoring the big portraits hanging on the walls. Her attention was pinned at the last room . she was walking towards it .  

she shifted her foot on the floor as she came face to face with a big wooden door. she palmed the door only to feel the coldness of the wall like door . and then she heard it again .

" hello ? Is anybody there ? " she noised out, leaning her left ear against the coolness of corpse-felt door. She heard some those gentle soft sniffles again, she saw some passing shadows when she tried to sneak a peek into the small  space below the door.  

" are- are you hurt ? " worriedly knocking.

she leaned against the door again , she tried opening the door but it was locked. she scanned for anything to open the door . maybe some magic key was hidden under the carpet , or probably deep inside the flower pot . but nothing .

When she tried leaning her ear against the door the faint sounds were gone.  

she chewed her lower lip in dismay. when she attempted to just leave to ask for assistance to open the door, she felt a cold feeling running down her arms. It sent crazy shivers radiating across her spine. She couldn't even gulped , stiff and her entire body was iced frozen, she could feel it . Someone. . . Someone was standing behind her .

"you shouldn't be here young miss . "

minahe automatically jumped , bumping her head at the door in shocked. the butler, mr. Chow was looking at her with meteor rock like stern expression , judging by it, he wasn't pleased seeing minhae .

" I - well- I'm sorry . but , I heard someone and , " she stuttered, still couldn't recover with the thunder of shock , patting her chest to calm her frickin heart.

" you were not suppose to be wandering around the west Wing young miss. you have to leave the area immediately ." minhae wanted to say more about what she heard but the butler who bowed and remained on that position told her she needed to drop the topic and go bubble away.

She sprinted Through the hallways like a professional runner . She could still feel that scary butler's glares , creating deep holes through her head that she thinks its streaming of hot gas.

She almost came rolling down the grand staircase with her hasty running. when she reached the ground surprisingly unscratched, she plunged herself deep down the cotton cushion and stared at the ceiling blankly.

" that was hella weird of a butler. "

Funny , she finds the butler weird but not the things she just heard and felt. There was something about that room.

" who was that ? " mumbling more to herself.

She rose up and sat slowly and thought for a moment. that voice , If she's not mistaken . he or she was crying . She wanted to comfort whoever it was .

" I wonder who it was and , what happened - "

" NOOOONNNAAAAA !! " the hyperactive Mir snuggled next to her , grinning so widely it scared her a bit.

" hey Mir ! " she chimed with the same high definition grin. then she gazed at the glass mir just placed on the table. in front of her . " you like milk too ? " she asked, though the sight of the iced milk , some drops of cold tear like liquid slipping down the glass was making dry with sheer thirst.

" that's for you noona! drink it drink it !! " he clasped the glass of milk and taunt her to drink it. minhae was more than happy to oblige . It was her all time favorite drink, but Mir's weird grin and eyes occasionally magnifying to different sizes were rather suspicious.

" is there some poison in this mir?" she glared . The kid might be pranking her again like the last time she ate the cake he offered , turn out that the cake was oozing with ants . and she had to stuck her tongue out like a mad dog while pressing some Ice cubes. Placing the glass down and ranting inside her head  how her life was more than important than a of glass milk.  A glass of cold icy milk which she really really love.

the younger of the two leaned closer to take a whisper. " it's Myungsoo hyung. He asked , err- no. He threatened me to give this to you and make sure you drink it . Or else I'm toast. " he kept looking at someone around  the room .

minhae faced got probably deformed to it's awful contour when she heard Myungsoo's name . the glass of milk and her life ruiner himself , there standing not too far from them, Myungsoo was leaning against the doorframe . his head dropping over the book he was keenly reading or pretending to be reading maybe.

 "no. " she shook her head , straightening her knees to stand. no way on earth will she ever fall into one of Myungsoo's stunts to sway her. ignoring him was the best decision she ever made in her 19 years of existence.

" please noona, I still have a life ahead of me ! I wanna Marry nana and have kids. Hyung will DEFINITELY KILL ME . so just drink the damn milk . " he pleadingly wrapped his arms around minhae's leg tightly and used his doe puppy eyes ,  thought taemin was the only capable one to aeygo cutely . she could see an imaginary tail wiggling right to left behind Mir's like a puppy asking for love.

" argh. " she exasperatedly  took the milk and force-drink it to herself . she couldn't bear seeing someone die just because she didn't drink the damn milk.  sighing in pure relief, Mir took the glass away thanking minhae for saving his life.

She went straight to Myungsoo , snatching his book away that the latter looked momentarily lost when the book was flying no where as If he just lost his favorite toy. she couldn't care less, as if he was even reading it."yah! , " bellowing , she gawked him a little bit much . " what was that ? Using a kid ? threatening ? have you lost your mind??" she Unceremoniously spanked his arm abusively. but the poker face Myungsoo was smiling with tranquility.

" I knew it . "

" knew what ?! " she retorted.

he inched closer that minhae leaned back to counteract any close contact and the urgency to slap him across the pretty face, she can't afford getting kick out of the mansion because she mistreated their " young master " .  Myungsoo was using those glares again with a glint of whimsical sparks.

" that you can't really ignore me . " he cackled.  

Her entire blood was rising towards the tip of her ears , threatening to combust . With her left free hand  she raised it up to Myungsoo's face level , wanting to crumple that handsome face she loathes so much .

" you---- "

" yes ? " he teasingly smoothers.

no. There's no use on arguing with him. She'll only get wrinkles.

She chose to calm her guts and left him, trotting Out of the living room to go and talk to a post or a wall or someone with more sense. someone like Onew , uee or Siwan .  

Myungsoo watched her sprinting out of his sight. An amused smile curved its way across his face. he was devising some plots to annoy her all day and prepared his ears for her impending outburst and yells. he won't give her any chance to get away .

" not this time . "

~ 3rd floor

" have you seen Eun ah? "

key had been desperately running in circles around the mansion looking for his cousin. she wasn't picking up her phone and he was panicking at the moment.

" young miss Eun ah had been staying for the last 2 hours inside the library . " the humble maid stated. thanking the kind women, key didn't waste any time and  hurriedly ran to the library which was not too far from where he was standing.

He pushed the big doors that leads to their spacious library with gigantic book shelves and saw his cousin Eun ah, engrossed with reading and researching through the piled books around her. flipping pages while mumbling the text out loud. some helpers were placing some books the latter probably asked to search.

" Eun ah . . " he stepped inside , walking up to her .

" was it mascot ? Or mansoon? Or -? What was it ? The -"

" Eun ah! " he exclaimed . now with more force and power. the busy one popped her head up and glared at him with obvious irritation.

" can't you see I'm busy key ?! " she shot back , waving her hands over the books and table face down . " you don't know how many things to read and answer halmuhnee left me ! She even took my phone away! I can't goggle search and  I can't believe her ! I'm not a candidate for ms. universe to do all of this ! I'm tired I want to go back home . Home where I'm safe and sane . " she brood through her notepad, venting her heavy frustration with stomping foot and slamming the poor table.

If key wasn't into a bigger problem on hand he would've felt bad and pity her, but there was  far more important than books and assignment.

" Eun ah . WE HAVE A BIGGER PROBLEM here . " he whined, shoving all the building piled books . he placed his hands over her shoulders , shaking her to convey his fear and nervousness that he can't refrain from fidgeting.

" what could be bigger than this ?!" she showed him a list of geographical questions and some books she needs to read.

" there is and it's the retarded SIWAN. " he screamed with emphasized profanities.

The other one arched her brows, questioningly studying key's down and wrecked features. the news must be very serious that made his always confident cousin key , this lost .

" what do you mean ? "

key turned to the innocent bystanders and asked them to leave for a moment. The handmaids, without question, left the library and closed the door securely shut.

" our plan somehow backfired EUN ah . "

" backfired ? how ? "

" well, "

~hours ago .

key wrapped his long arm around siwan's shoulder securely as they made their way to the empty backyard. when they were finally free from his cousins curious ears and eyes , he faced Siwan .

" change of plans Siwan , stop flirting  with minhae . " he stated , getting a chair and casually sitting on it, still spazzing of the thought of success was overpowering his state of mind. Siwan on the other hand was left standing and looking down on him with an unreadable expression.

" why ? "

key pulled the other down, " because our plan is finally working. it's making a very beautiful progress . I was right about everything . Myungsoo just needed a little push after all, now the next thing we should do is , you keep distance for the two to finally -"

" I'm not gonna do that . " Siwan said bluntly .

key was deaf for a moment.  

" w-what ?? What do you mean your not gonna do it ?" his rough voice was roaring in front of the flawless Siwan.

" my plan has changed also . " he shot up, key who felt like a tiny bug at the moment , got up at Siwan's eye level and glared out at him .

" what do you mean " my plan" . what changed ?! what are you talking about ?! " he splattered , Siwan who's always gentle looking and calm , chuckled softly and sounded a little vicious to key's ear.

" I like her . I like minhae for real key , and I'm not gonna let some abnoxious Myungsoo to snatch her away that easily . " he smirked, his angelic features were wearing off as a newly devilish smile was flashing at key.

"WHAT YOU MUST BE JOKING! " key lost it . he was literally shouting so loudly he could wake some evil spirits who's been sleeping for a thousands of years.

but Siwan's unmasked dark cunning face was unchanging.

" I'm not . for the shortest time I've been with her , I really started liking her. and i don't think some guy like Myungsoo , who's overly confident and a certified is fit to be with her. " he mocked , key's redden face didn't flickered fear inside him at all .

" we had a DEAL Siwan !! you make friends with her, be nice , make Myungsoo jealous . like her but not LIKE HER LIKE HER ! Then i'll keep your little secret. This is not part of our plan . you better not ruin our contract or else I'll give your daddy a wake up international call in china and tell him your here when you were supposed to be in  one of the high schools in Singapore ! his pretty son have been lying about school just to attend to various auditions. I know very well how your parents disapproves about your singing dream. " he shrieked , shaking from too much effort. He didn't expected this to happen at all . Siwan is his friend and as much as he didn't like to bust him out and ruin his dream plans. he's not giving him any  logical options .

he just cocked his head to one side , unintimidated with key's blackmails he already expected to drop.

" okey then , go and tell my dad. I'd be happy to tell minhae how her so called trusted friend key had been plotting schemes and playing with her feelings like some thrilling chess game where she's the center of jokes. And your cousin Myungsoo ? I wonder how he'll react ? you think the two of them will thank you ? Ohh and jinki hyung , my my . I don't think he'll be proud how his cousins key and eun ah didn't take his words to heart. never stop blackmailing others just to get their  own ways."

key stood there , agape with the mind blowing speech siwan just said. too stunned that he's reactions we're as slow as snails .

 " what- "

" who will minhae believe ? Me , who's been extremely nice to her or you who's been intruding at the all wrong places ? " he laughed for what felt like forever to key , he gripped his hands into fist so Tightly  his knuckles were turning pale.

" so just sit back and stay out of my way. " Siwan grinned, bumping into key's shoulder on purpose before leaving the other one wincing and under nervous breakdown.

What the just happened ?

~ presently .

if key was feeling all the heavy earth over his shoulder , EUN ah was wailing in madness and breathing out fire.  

" that bastard !!! I told you Kevin was better !! now look where that pretty face and Perfect acting skills got us ?! " she yelled infuriatingly agitated on how their main actor just pointed a gun at them.

" how could I possibly fly someone across the globe ?he's busy with theatre plays in australia, and I didn't know Siwan have that Darth Vader side of him which was very deceiving ." his voice  faltering to a stop and a long pause . " the person I blackmailed weeks ago just blackmailed-attack the best blackmailer me . " he said in disbelief. " WOW. "

Eun ah brushed her long fingers through her long straight hair and spun around , her back facing the repenting key.

" what are we going to do hyo jin?? I know I screwed up real bad and guilt is toasting me up already. but we can't let Siwan get away with this ! and , minhae will hate us. and i don't want to think about myungsoo. I can't imagine jinki Hyung's reaction if he finds out about this . He'll condemn us to death . " he sobbed , looking down on his shoes as his  lips squirming  with fears of getting exposed.

" so you wanted my help ? "

He looked at his cousin's back , EUN ah's lack of energy was troubling.

" yes ! That's why I'm here ! your the best strategist in the family and , we actually planned this together from the very beginning  so we better formulate a plan fast ! "  

" not helping . " she shrugged nonchalantly .

" WHAT?!! " key hissed , this was more of a shocker news than Siwan's revolution.  

" I'm busy . go ask somebody else . " she crossed her arms over her chest. Leaning against the corner of the table, her back still facing his cousin while leisurely yawning.

Key had the feeling he knew why. " is this about the bet? It is isn't it ?? "

EUN ah smiled , totally got her .

" I hate losing as much as you do key. sorry . " she chuckled .

" EUN ah , this is Siwan were talking about ! He's about to sabotage everything.  Will you forget about the bet for a second ??"

key face palmed himself , of course he was thinking about the bet also and how he'll surely  lose his allowance If no intervention will be on action. but he can't do this all alone . he needs EUN ah by his side to succeed . And he couldn't possibly ask help from the others , that Would be suicide. and since he knew her well ,

" fine ! If I win, which I will eventually , i'll give you 1/4 of the money i'll be collecting . "

" 1/4 ? Don't make me laugh . " she sarcastically giggled.

Key wanted to burn all the books in the library .

" alright !! 1/2 . Happy ?! " he Exclaimed, brushing his clammy palm against his stressed face .  

losing half of it would be worth it . If he wouldn't see jinki's wrath which is pretty much deadly , minhae's anger and myungsoo's cold treatment. he'll have to surrender it.    

The other turned to face him. Her face was radiantly glowing . excited to get into action.

" okey then , let's get down to business . we have a delusional Siwan to kick out from the love triangle portrait . " she gestured key to come closer which the other did in haste  and  started their impeachment plan .

Her add- on rule to their bet : no scheming , Was hidden behind the white ink .  


Looks can be pretty much deceiving huh?? Ohh poor key .

Is Myungsoo getting a bit desperate ?


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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen