
The Kim's

Myungsoo turned to his younger cousins. Scratching his temples in confusion  . " I think we're lost ,  what was the direction again ? " he asked . They took buses and had a night jog with Taemin and his phone as their map .

Taemin tapped his phone as it lit brightly in front of his vary eyes . "
Take Subway Line 2 to Hongik University. " he reads .

" check! " mir said , with his forefinger waving a check motion at the imaginary checklist .

the older nod and peeked at taemin's phone .

" and go out of Exit 4 , a Turn right at Seven Springs corner and pass the intersection. At the 3-way intersection, turn left. Walk about 100 meters on the road above the playground and walk towards the road on the right side. " taemin read along .

" yeah , we almost got  bitten by a dog . " mir commented . Imitating a dogs woofed  , refreshing his memory on their way  . myungsoo tried his best to ignore mir and kept leaning over taemin .

"Walk about 500 meters . " Taemin continuing his reading .

" man ! Almost ran by a van!! " Mir said , thinking how a van passed them and almost hit Taemin . " stupid driver . " he added with a grinning sound of his teeth and punching his wimpy fist up in the air.

" until you find the coffee shop on the right. " Taemin paused as he reached the end of reading the direction . the three of them turned to their right and found the coffee shop they've been looking for .  

They walked in a hurry .

No .  More like running .  

The three of them stood in front of the cozy  inconspicuous looking shop . They could see customers enjoying their coffee of choice from the outside . the waiters were buzy jumping from one table to another , working hard to accommodate everyone .  

Mir chuckled  , sipping the smell of coffee in the air . " ayaaaaaaa. .  still pack with customers like yesterday . " he took a step inside the lawn wiggling his head , but his head almost fell off when Myungsoo pulled his not so long hair .

" WHAT  you've been here ??? " he asked , his nails digging beneath mir's shirt . he knew he will not like Mir's response .

The younger boy looked up at his hyung with a crazy laugh as he kept struggling off Myungsoo's killer hands . " of course ,  nana took me yesterday here!  boy their coffee is to die for . " he said dreamily  , unclamping Myungsoo's claws under his skin .

Taemin got in the middle in a blink of an eye before Myungsoo even think of Harassing the younger one . " GEEE thank you for not telling us . We really appreciate it . we looked  like FOOLS  asking for directions . " Myungsoo snarled .

insert Myungsoo's intended sarcasm here .  

" no pressure hyung . " Mir softly said .  reaching over Myungsoo's head and  petted him like a chihuahua before galloping his heavy feet inside the coffee shop .  Leaving Taemin calming his hyung's erupting nerves .  

" THAT ASSHO-----ASTRAY! --------- " myungsoo caught himself . His replace- curses - into- something-it- sounds-like- caps-on . Realizing  the innocent 16 yrs old ears of Teamin were inches away from him . He gulped the curses he was prepared to shout as he recalled very well how key and onew imposed to each and everyone of them to never ever swear and curse in front of  the innocent minor Taemin , they didn't want him to end up like the talker Mir who got corrupted by jonghyun when he was 7.

And since then ,  Mir was a different case .

All he could do was sighed all his frustrations out .

Taemin sniggered and scrubbed his hyung inside the shop . " let's just get inside hyung . I want coffeeeee !!! " the younger sing-song .


A  staff which looked more like a Bouncer from a gay bar than a waiter,  welcomed them . " annyeonghaseyo ! Welcome to coffee prince .   hwang Min-yeop , here to serve you . " the guy bowed . his muscles were protruding and even twitching to myungsoo's disgust . He could tell he's been living at the gym probably 2 ,3 or 4 years more .

" table for three . . ? " the staff asked in a rough monotone .

" hyung ! There's minhae noona and Siwan hyung . " the youngest reported after spotting the two in a table beside the sunflower mural wall on their way inside .

Myungsoo snorted seeing the two chatting like love doves , and  doves were never his favorite flying animal  . " yes , table for three and , can we take that table ? " he pointed the vacant area  2 tables away from minhae and Siwan's spot .

The  waiter followed his pointing finger  before nodding and guiding them to the said area .  

The three of them crawled their way to the table  much to the Waiter's weird shock when he looked back only to see their new customers waggling like fishes on the floor . The staff left them when the three of them settled down .

 Myungsoo Assessed the fine and well designed interior of the cafe, he must say he is quite express with the choice of color and light materials . He glanced  at the counter and saw an old man  busy fumbling with the creamers , probably the professional barista   . one  staff looked like a rock star  who never knew hair salons ever  existed  with his shoulder length hair,  he was absorb making waffles as fast as he can . He  heard the barista calling the rock n' roll guy as  Sun-ki   . Myungsoo squinted his eyes when he caught black nail-polish all over the guy's fingers , which is so key who is so obsessed with  nail-polish and nail arts  a lot worser than EUN ah .    

" what can I get you ? " a waiter suddenly came in the picture .  

Myungsoo felt the edge of the menu beside his elbow as two more menu's were placed on the table . He flipped it open and scanned it , not really interested since coffee wasn't the reason why he was there .

Taemin  was humming down the menu and choosing what to order . " one waffle and ummmmm--- aghh ! This one ! " he pointed at the picture . " Espresso Macchiato . " he read , pouting at the end .

the waiter kept jotting it down on his pad .

" Dry Cappuccino . " Myungsoo flipped the menu shut and struck the two tables away lovey doves a glare   . he heard the waiter asking Mir for his order .

 " ummmm . . One Chow Mein, tofu , Yangchow Fried Rice , Wu Lo Yuk, Ku Lu Jou and green tea please . " Mir said confidently watching the waiter jotting it all down .

Myungsoo  .

wanted . .

to collapse . . .

From  hearing Mir's orders . . . .

 " WHAT THE MIR .  Chow Mein ? Really ? Who on earth would Oder Chinese foods in a freaking COFFEE SHOP?! " he made a snarky remark , yes .  totally throwing key and onew's don't-swear-infront-of-the-minor-mental-note  out of the classy window . He grin sheepishly  at the waiter thanks to mir's idiocy .  

" umm me ??. " Mir answered back with a shrug and made a face Myungsoo would love to kick out of the cafe .

 He  closed his eyes , tapping his foot down under and  controlling his mood . " go out and find yourself a Chinese restaurant . " he ordered in a controlled voice ,giving Mir some cash on the table and waving his hand to shoo him    off  earth.

" ummmm .. Actually sir , " the waiter spoke reluctantly .

" it's---  in the menu hyung. " Taemin said warily .  

" what . . ?!

He fumbled with the menu and came gaping at the Chinese food list at the back of it .

The  waiter scratched his head with the pencil  . " we had plenty of weird customers for the past two days  so our manager decided to place some other cuisine on the menu in case these kinds of scenarios happen . " he explained , erasing Myungsoo 's forehead creases .

" uh. . O-key? " Myungsoo mumbled , finally closing his wide opened mouth .

" right back at you hyung ! hahaha " Mir shouted , giving Myungsoo shoot gun bullets with his hand like a troll 3rd grader  .

And just  hit Myungsoo with 2 bullets of shame and one bullet of embarrassment .

" that would be all thank you noona !  . " Taemin gathered and handed the menu's helpfully . The waiter gasped hearing Taemin and  leaning closer to Taemin .

" how did ---- please don't be too loud . " she pleaded.

" The HILL  your a GAL?! " Mir also in His replace- curses - into- something-it- sounds-like- caps-on !, shrieked  much to the others  content . The waiter unconsciously  smacked Mir with the menu and secretly glared .

" ouch ??. " Mir , rubbing his head making Myungsoo grin broadly with high pleasure .

Myungsoo stared at their waiter keenly , he smirked at her . " you know Eun-chan, " he read her nameplate . " Your  feminine features is quite  obvious to be mistaken as a guy  , only retard dummies can be fooled  . " he said , in a low tone only the 4 of them could hear .

" noona don't worry we won't tell . PROMISE . " Taemin swore that somehow made Eun-chan sighed in relief .

" life is a and I'm in money crisis so ---yeah . " she whispered .looking over her shoulder and eyeing a particular tall lean guy in casual clothes , probably the cafe's manager .

The three of them nodded in understanding .

" il get your orders very quickly !   . " she said , mouthing a thank you on her way to the counter .

" Well that was weird . " Mir murmured .

" no . Your weirder . " Myungsoo argued before staring back at the two lovey doves.

" noona is so pretty hyung . . " Taemin complimented, resting his chin over his palm and staring at her with orbs of adoration .

Myungsoo held his breath when he saw minhae smiling .  he couldn't help but be drowned with that smile . The way her face glows with laugher Every time . .

" FU--PACK  that Siwan . " he cursed , gripping his hand Tightly  around the table napkin from seeing Siwan giving out jokes that made minhae laugh hilariously .

" can't hyung , I'm into girls . not guys hahahahaha . " Mir who understood his * curse * answered with a laughed , slamming taemin's arm in the process .  

" here's your order . " the waiter , EUN-chan came back after some minutes and placed all their goodies on the table . She observed the three looking somewhere .

" their cute huh? " she commented. " they've been here for like 2 hours already and they look so lovely together  . I guess that handsome guy is her boyfriend huh ? What do you guys think ? " she asked the three looking at minhae and Siwan .

" I think Someone will lose their  job when I get a small talk with the manager . what do think? " Myungsoo murmured through his gritted teeth .

" ah. . ! Okey ! I'LL --go !! Enjoy the coffee --- Annyeong ! " she bowed and scooted before Mir  even counted 1 .

" tsk . . lovely couple ?? Them ??" Myungsoo mocked ." please . . They don't share anything in common . " he continued talking while Taemin and Mir started muffling with their food .

" but she's right , they are cute hyung . . plus . Siwan hyung is a true gentleman . " Mir said , wobbling with the fried rice .  

The older thought for awhile . " I can be a gentleman . "

He shook his head frantically . " hell what am I thinking ? "


Minhae  stirred her frappe espresso with her dainty hand while Siwan was sipping his Americano giving it a blow before  letting it drain down his throat .

" so how do your find the frappe ? " he asked , placing the cup down and watching minhae's expression .

" actually , I'm not really a coffee person . but -- frappe is good ." she gave her honest words . she was fidgeting with the glass the entire time hoping siwan didn't noticed she almost dropped the glass when he tell corny jokes . Siwan's eyes just melts  her heart away .  

" aghh I see . . " he smiled at her and chucked softly .

minhae tapped her fingers on the table . She's been nervous as hell , she wanted to keep the conversation going , she swore she will  jump off a building if Siwan finds her boring . " ummm -- how about you , you love coffee ? "

Siwan smiled guilty " to be honest , I like milk more . "

She almost screamed . " really ?? Me too . "  no way . .  

" milk with ice ?? " they both asked at the same time and eventually gasping at each other with shock .

" hey   seriously ? You too ? milk with ice ? " Siwan asked , amazement written all over his face , he leaned forward and his eyes, round with amusement and lips smiling so  warmly .

" yes - yes --- I liked it since I was 7 . " minhae was beyond happy . " my god we have something in common . IU!! " she thought excitedly .

Siwan nodded . " my mom used to prepare milk for me when I was a kid  , just before bed . and I always request ice cubs in it . " he recalled . " but some people find it weird though . " he laughed , talking another sip .

" yeah , someone like Myungsoo . " minhae said , thinking how Myungsoo gave her a crazy look when she was asking for a milk with Ice .

" coincidence ? " Siwan asked .

" I -- think so ? " minhae took one full waffle and chewed it . she didn't know what to say anymore . And no, it's not a coincidence , it could be something they call . . Destiny??

Siwan took the table napkin and extend his hand near minhae's lower lip . " you eat so messily . " he chuckled , wiping that spot .

Minhae could choke to death right now , Siwan's warm hand was giving her shivers down her spine . " I -- umm -- sorry . " she fumbled with her words but kept still .

Siwan placed the napkin down and checked if her face if there was any left . " no -- I think it's cute . " he smiled down , shly coughing and looking away from minhae .  

she might be imagining or not but she just caught Siwan blushing .

Minhae wanted to ran to the nearest comfort room and scream as loud as she can . Doesn't matter if she breaks their new windows and mirrors which probably cost a lot or   Her squeal  will cause an avalanche  . She couldn't take this squishy feeling anymore , her cheeks felt so heated it could turn into a flame any moment .

And  Siwan 's warm smile just made things worse .  


" did --- did you saw that ?!! how that Siwan wiped her lips and -------- !! " Myungsoo's was shaking the entire table with frustration , that gesture just made his mind twirl .

and he felt like flipping the table over when he swore he caught minhae blushing and even gripping the side of her chair , obviously preventing a squeal to come out .  

" hyung , I just spilled my coffee ! " Taemin complained and pouting hard , he picked a handful of tissues and wiped his  stained his shirt .

" yep I saw that . boy they look so in love with each other . They should just get married . " Mir said , looking up with mouth open,   a fork with a bundle of noddles hoisted  high ,  letting the long strands of noddles slowly slid into his mouth .

Taemin leaned back seeing the way Mir was eating . his appetite just left him .

Myungsoo clenched the cup tightly and was about to drink it , when he finally noticed a heart shaped latte art over his coffee . " agrrrrhhhhhhhh. . " he grabbed the spoon and stirred it vigoriously . he felt less stressed when the H-E-A-R-T shaped art disappeared .

" OH LOOK THIER KISSING HYUNG OH MY OH MY !! " Mir exclaimed , his mouth was wide open that strands of noddles were coming out like live worms squirming  , chewed sushi and other small black particles myungsoo didn't wanna know .  Just eww .

" WHAAAA---------- ??!! "

Myungsoo turned fast that he  felt his neck breaking not to mention that he almost had a sudden heart attack  . " YAAAAA ! " he threw the center table vase at mir when he found them not-really-kissing to his wide relief .

Mir laughed widely that Myungsoo and Taemin could see his tonsils bulging which normally shouldn't be like that . " OH HYUNG YOUR SOO -------- DORKY ! I can't even ---- OMOOO AMMFFF !! " he bang his forehead with a thug and clenched his stomach that were probably hurting from so much laughing .

" shut your mouth before I chop your tongue into bits of pieces  . " myungsoo deathly threatened with a murderous eyes just to make it more convincing .

which worked because mir deliberately closed his mouth and held it sealed Tightly .

Taemin d the paper he prepared earlier and clicked  his pen open . " hmmmmmm let's see . make noona laugh , check . Make noona comfortable  , check . gentleman and kind , check . " he looked back at them while wiggling his pen .

" what are you doing tae ? " Myungsoo asked , looking down at the checklist .

" it's a checklist i made . if Siwan hyung got all of them then he deserves to be with noona . " he explained with  pen  up .

Mir took the paper . " is he thoughtful ? Is he understanding , is he honest ? WTF TAE ?! Can he give free banana milk ?! -- hell--  this is crap! " he snatched  Taemin's pen and started writing something .

Taemin held  his hand out " YAAAA hyung . . Stop that ! " he argued , taking his pen back .

" Taemin , calm your baby balls okey ? Your checklist just lacks a lot . il just add some important  things . " he grabbed  the pen back and went writting .

" owwww . . Okey . "

Taemin and Myungsoo leaned close to Mir and read his writing .

Checklist .

1. Make noona laugh  

2. Make noona comfortable


3. Kind and gentleman


4. Is he thoughtful ?

5. is he understanding?

6. Is he honest ?

Mir 's add- on 's

7. Is he good in bed ? gentle ? Rough ?

8. Practice safe ?

9. Can he make her moan within 3 onds ?

10. Is he impotent or not ?  

11. Good stamina  ?

" YOU FUC--- PLUNCKING --BASTAR---BASKEETT ! " Myungsoo " cursed . " still in His replace- curses - into- something-it- sounds-like- caps-on ! .

he ripped the entire paper into pieces before pushing Mir down the floor .

" THE HILL HYUNG?! " Mir snarled , getting up and settling back to his chair .
Myungsoo wondered if jonghyun's spirit was inside Mir's body or any close because he could strongly feel his cousin's erted soul nearby .

" what's so wrong with my add on's ?? It will make the checklist more reliable ! " he squeaked roughly , his eyes asking Taemin to agree with him .

The maknae shook his head .

" shut up chul yong . " Myungsoo , as calm as he can ,  dusting the papers off the table .

" my list . " Taemin pouted with a saddening expression.  

" oh look-- their leaving hyung ! " Mir Sputtered .

The other two watched minhae and Siwan walking out of the cafe .

The  corner of Myungsoo's lips twitched in vexation . the way Siwan held minhae 's elbow is making his skin itch .

And the maknae  smiled incredulously when he noticed Myungsoo's reaction .

" I wonder where they're going ? " he asked , not looking away from his gritted hyung .

" owww ! Why don't we ask noona ! NNOOO------- " Mir's Hollered words was  cut by the sharply object prodding his stomach .

" go ahead , ask her and i'll make sure your meet our great-great-great ancestors tonight . " Myungsoo whispered , poking Mir with a knife below the table .

Mir pushed the knife away from his crying baby fats and patted Myungsoo's nape. " hyung , calm down . . I won't . " he smiled , not reaching his ears and eyes eyeing alertly at the knife Myungsoo was placing back on the table .  


" aghh .. Where are they going ? " the maknae asked , walking along his cousins .

Myungsoo rolled his sweater into 3 folds and gaze down at his wrist watch . " it's 10:40 . what's that swan thinking ? " he asked , voicing his wondering mind while glueing all  his attention at Siwan and minhae who were walking together ahead of them .

" or we could just call her ? " Mir tried again , bringing his phone and and pushing it back to his pocket when Myungsoo tried to grab it .

minhae and Siwan walked along the free market with probably more than a hundred vendors . Then 3 sneakers were following the from behind .

" chul yong , DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING . " Myungsoo wailed when he saw mir drooling over the car toys along the vendor they just passed.

" I was just looking gessshhh! " Mir snapped and got pulled away by Taemin.

" where exactly are these two going ? We've been following them for the past 30 minutes . " Myungsoo impatiently complained . his eyes never leaving Siwan 's hands he considers felty .

" hope it's not in a motel or something . " Taemin cried with hope .

" hey stop guys . " Mir called,    Dawdling along the street .

" what is it??! " Myungsoo peeved at the Mir . he saw him looking up at the dark sky with his right hand palm facing up .

" I felt some rain droplets hyung , holly sheet ! i thinks it's going to rain ! " he panicked , looking around for an umbrella or maybe a shade  .

Myungsoo rolled his eyeballs and Hauled Mir back to his side .  

" no , it's not coming from the sky . It's raindrops coming from you dead fish smelling mouth now c'mon ! " he dragged him along the way .

Mir breathed over his palm and smelled it. his face instantly  contorted by the stinky smell even Taemin hurled beside him. " well sorry if I was thinking how to save toothpaste  for all of us ! " he snarled .

" but key hyung just bought a box of toothpaste and it's a 6 months stock . " Taemin transferred to Myungsoo 's left side away from Mir , he could feel his stomach going up because of mir's smell . 

Myungsoo just blow mir a mocking  stare .  


after 15 minutes of walking , the three stopped at the open stage people gathering .

" hyung I swear noona and Siwan hyung went through the crowd . " Taemin tiptoed and try to extend his neck to see minhae through the crowd  people .


" I think they went that way . " Mir pointed at his left with lots of girl with their mini skirts . " hyung , let's just separate so we can find them fast and them just give me a beep If anyone finds them . " he's voice trailing off as the girls was scurried away , he stepped father to follow the girls but --

" NOPE. No can do . we should stick together . " myungsoo linked his arms around the two maknae , much to mir 's disappointment .

" fine fine ! They went that way . I think at the back of the stage or something . " Mir said .

" let's go . " Myungsoo tagged Taemin  along  while Mir was leading them through the crowd .

In the middle of the crowd .

tall guy was stomping his long legs in annoyance . " YAA DAEYEOL !  how can a KPOP cosplay filled  with a bunch of  crazy kpop wannabes,  exactly heal my broken torn  into pieces of heart ?? " the older one asked mockingly towards his younger brother who he strongly shares the same features with . (but still considers himself as the most ever good looking. He believes that eldest children are always greater than the next child born after him . Yeah . )

" trust me hyung it will !! you won't be thinking of your 3 months  ex who left you for a drop out gangster , even making out  in front of you and ----

" do you really have to remind me about THAT?!  And the last time I trusted you we ended up at the police station . ." the older one glared , his big owl wide eyes just got wider with anger  .


Daeyeol wrapped his arm around his brother who was just inches taller than he is . " Jesus , take a deep breath and stay calm hyung , and we were not  completely ! We had briefs on  . hyung , I swear  you will meet your dream girl tonight . " he winked at his not so pleased hyung .

" yeah , I bet i'll meet her tonight . In my dreams so let's go home so I can sleep and meet her  ------- or maybe a cup of Americano will be -----

"  what are you going to do at home ? Cry yourself to sleep ? or sit beside an old man at a coffee shop and narrate your flipping awesome love story ?? Oh c'mon hyung ! we stay here . . . Please ? " his brother beg, trying his best to make his eyes twinkle , rubbing his head over his brother chest like a cat , only to his brother's  fury .

" FINE ! I'm staying , not because your hideous aeygo got into me but because I'm broke and you have to treat me some Americano's later ! " he said through his chubby huffed cheeks .

" yeah yeah americano got it ! " Daeyeol thumbs up and tuck his older brother around him  to keep watch in case he just magically disappear .

Backstage .

" you said they were here !! " Myungsoo was beyond furious . Mir was pointed at random places with lots of ladies but no Siwan and minhae .

" hyung . . Please relax . " Taemin , shrugging his hyung's shoulders .

" THEY WERE !! " Mir insisted , looking over the crowed people and spotted the two love doves . " there see ! " he pointed at minhae and Siwan 'a direction .

Myungsoo and taemi sighed in outmost relief seeing minhae .

Mir was rolling his eyes the entire time . " seriously . "

He  felt a hand shrugging his shoulder  forcefully that he felt his clavicles crushing. " what ?! " he turned .

a young and y lady with cleavage bulging out was In front of Mir . " are you the three Guys ?? " she asked , peeking over Myungsoo  and Taemin then back to the nose bleeding Mir .

" yeah -- yeah the three hot gorgeous guys who came from heaven to meet you . " Mir drooled over the lady 's cleavage and got hypnotized by her smile.

" really ?? then WHAT ARE YOU THREE STILL DOING HERE ?! Your up !! BOYS !! " she called 3 big muscled guys and ordered them to grabbed the three .

" ha . . ? "

dresssing room .

they were thrown  inside the empty dressing room .

" WHAT THE HILL ?! Mir what is this ?! " Myungsoo demanded when he found himself having some intimate moment with the floor .

" how would I know ?! "

" hyung , what are we doing here ?? " Taemin asked shivering .

the door opened and 7 stylist came . They gasped seeing the three of them , two of which were nearly choking each other .

" what are you three still doing not dress ?! Your within 15 minutes !! " she stomped her foot , only gave the three a  river of confusion .

" okey ? What are you talking about ?"

" I --- think your mistaken we ----- "

 " hyung , let's just go home please . . . ??" Taemin cried .

The  what looked like the head stylist flicked her fingers . " go on , strip them were running out of time !! " she strictly ordered , making all the remaining 6 stylist moved in accordance .

" WHAT?! STRIP?!! " the three shocked chickens squeaked .

the 6 stylist never gave the a second to even protest . they lavished their well clothe Body and strip their sweater , jeans , scarf , jackets , leaving them only in their boxers .

" THE PACK ?! GIVE US BACK OUR CLOTHES !! " Myungsoo screamed . Probably the loudest he ever let out in a long time .

" please have mercy on us ! " Taemin begged , covering his bare chest and Winnie the pooh boxer .

" what do we have to do ?? " Mir asked , shamelessly stood upright not covering anything and sounding confident -- too confident .

Stage --

Myungsoo heard the entire crowd of probably less than a thousand people  screamed and gave them a lot of warm applaud the moment they were forced by the three bouncers to get up on stage .

but the crowd was the least of Myungsoo 's worry . his major dilemma was .

" HYUNG WHY ARE WE IN HEELS ?!! " Taemin asked , almost tripping over the stairs up .

Myungsoo swear his long never-seen -before -milky -legs were showing because the three of them were APPARENTLY wearing red fitted y dress with a long side slit that Myungsoo was hell sure the slit were from their hips reaching down to the dress toe  length  . the heels were killing his feet it will surely swell . Their glittering make-up looked too thick , bright and shocking that anyone who knew them  would surely jump off a building if they saw them on close up . The black long wig he was wearing was giving him tickling itches that he badly wanted to scrape his own skin off .

Mir pulled the stands of his LONG CURLY NEON HAIR and tucked it behind his earlobe gracefully ,since the thoughtful (sadistic)  noona's made them wear long wigs that stuck inside their mouths when they try to speak . their clothes were sleeveless revealing their flawless arms . but Myungsoo and taemin wanted to laugh , even roll down the stairs from seeing Mir and the dress and his muscles ??  


Taemin was probably the most decent looking one among them .his fake eye flashes , red pursed lips and tinted cheeks almost made Myungsoo and mir even the other guy drool like dogs  . Taemin's body was actually lean and  without much muscles (yet), the dress fitted well around his small waist , slender arms and legs that any women would envy and trade with the devil . they won't  deny the fact that their  maknae is  " way too  pretty to be Born as a boy . "  key will surely be rushed in the emergency room if he was witnessing it , and taemin's short pixie pink hair just   complete his  transformation .

" sheeettt tae your so preeewwttyy . . . "Mir almost whistled with love struck .

" Ehhh??  hyung. . ? " the pretty one innocently bit his lips with Mir 's words ( Mir squealed ,  drowned with Taemin's effortless aeygo)  that confused his minor mind . he was pouting ,   noticing his cousin were giving him PEDO love looks .

The two snapped from their thought becoming a bit nasty .

" wait a minute you three are not the guys I practiced with ! " another gay -- umm guy came up with the same costume , pointing at them in surprised .

" YESSS IT'S NOT US SO CAN WE LEAVE ?! " Myungsoo Roared , startling Taemin behind him who was Hiding all along  . He turned his back and went to the stairs trudging out and hauled Taemin with him .

" NO WAIT !! you can't leave !!! the original guys are not here and plus , our organization really needs to raise  funds and my mother  is in the hospital and ------

" we will help you . " Mir said , shaking his shoulder and giving him sympathetic nods . Totally buying the guy's drama .

" WTF CHUL YONG ?! What help are you saying ?! " Myungsoo pulled mir's wig and collar he almost came rolling done the stairs . though, Myungsoo wouldn't really mind If ever .  

" hyung ! He needs our help ! his mother is in the hospital . " he pulled his hair back and straightened his cramped clothes from Myungsoo 's tight grip .

"okey fine . . We'll just watch you form a far . " Myungsoo dragged Taemin out with him but got stopped when he felt a tug at the tip of his *clothing  * . He turned and --

It was  mir , stepping on his long dress.

" you can't leave me hyung !! We're a team ! All for one and one for all ! " Mir cheered hyperactively .

" we're not the three freaking musketeers chul yong don't drag us into this ! " Myungsoo gripped Taemin's tightly that he heard him yelped in pain .

They almost reached the stairs when the stage suddenly brighten . all the limelights were focused on them .

Mir pulled Taemin back to his side while Myungsoo was pushed back by the director .

the other guy huddled with them . " I bet your familiar with the song , just follow my lead . " he positioned himself and pointed Mir and Taemin with Myungsoo to their places .

a y , slowly alluring music came playing in the entire area :

Whoo whoo whoo whoo  (i don’t wanna cry)
Whoo whoo whoo whoo (please dry my eyes)
Whoo whoo whoo whoo  (i’m fallin’ down)
Whoo whoo whoo whoo (without you, i’m fallin’ down).

" OMG HYUNG I KNOW THIS ! This is sistar's ALONE I've seen key hyung danced this when his showering ! . " Taemin hopped on the spot, though he sniffed in pain with  his heels .

" yes !! I know the steps ! Tae let's do this ! And oh Myungsoo hyung , just . . Errr follow . " Mir said , but the older was already on his way down the stairs .

" where are you going ?! Go back ! " the director was blocking Myungsoo 's way . He pushed Myungsoo back ( for the 2nd time ! , miracle he didn't tripped  .) to the center stage like a china doll , chipping his heels and dawdle beside Taemin .

" hyung , just follow me okie ? " Taemin cooed making himself helpful to the now panicking Myungsoo .

" was i a criminal during my past life that I'm suffering like this right now ?!! " Myungsoo said through his gritted teeth .

The dance started , Myungsoo tried not really his best to move along Mir's exaggerated  fiddling steps and Taemin was gracefully swaying his hips like he forgot he was wearing a 4 inches heels .

" this and my life," myungsoo exasperated .

dancing with his cousins .


The taller boy stared over his younger with a sharp angry owl stare . he was wondering the entire time how his brother kept his interest at the performances he just loathes on sight . " yaaaaa since when did 2ne1 become small midgets ?! since when did big bang had a 6th member and danced like a ually frustrated 70 years old grandpa ?!  since when did Kara ---- SERIOUSLY?! aisssshhhhh!!!!! " he swiped his foot in annoyance after criticizing the performances he was *forced * to watched .  much to his brother's laughter .

" hyung , just wait for a moment I'm sure --------

" NO ! My eyes has never been this traumatized before!! I'm going H-O-M-E! " he marched away , shoving his  brother's arm and rumbling some ancient curses  . If he stays for another 15 minutes he'll choke with his own saliva .

" how about Americano ??! " his brother shouted through the crowd , obviously luring him back to his side .

the Older one nuzzled his nose  . " i'll just stir some cheap instant coffee ! I can still hold my Americano cravings up to 6am ! " he shouted his cracked loudly through the crowd , not really sure If his brother heard him .

He was only feets away from his brother when he .  .

Whoo whoo whoo whoo  (i don’t wanna cry)
Whoo whoo whoo whoo (please dry my eyes)
Whoo whoo whoo whoo  (i’m fallin’ down)
Whoo whoo whoo whoo (without you, i’m fallin’ down).

The tall boy stopped on his tracks . a strong urging feeling was over whelming him , forcing him to look back .

he turned and paste his eyes on the stage . The enchanting song of sistar's alone was pulling him back to his brother's side .

" okey ?? I thought you left . " his Brother sniggered , seeing his brother beside him with a constipated Expression .

The 4 dancing * ladies * received the loudest applaud ever heard since the first performance , the way the four sway their hips with pursed up , the moment they crouched down their slits almost tearing their dresses into two were suffocating the tall owl eyed guy . he finds the 4 ladies very charismatic and everybody in the open area were gulping all their thirst down .

but his eyes were focused on one particular dancer . " dae-Daeyeol , I --  I think Aphrodite came down from mt. Olympus to Seoul just to ---- meet me and --------- " he was splattering  With words that his brother had a hard time understanding .

" WHAT ?!! Aph?? APRON? " he asked . cringing at the splattering drool his older brother was unawarely giving out  for free .  

the older one face panned his brother away from  his sight since he was blocking the magnificent view . " SHE IS SOOO -------- " he couldn't say more when the one he was drooling over was  timidly gliding  her pale slender legs and foot in circles before raising it up so ily that the tall guy was already sweating . " AH!!?" he squealed betting the girls with his high croaking  voice .


Na honja gireul geodgo
Na honja tv reul bogo
Na honja chwihae bogo
Ireohke maeil ulgo bulgo
Sarang cham dalkom haesseo
Ibyeori ran geurimja aneseo
Oneuldo jam motja
Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!


Their performance was ending and they couldn't believe the crowd got so elated with their messy trolling Dance.

the moment it ended , Taemin and Myungsoo immediately ran down in a hurry but --

" hyung !! stop ! It's chul yong hyung ------ " Taemin held Myungsoo elbow , tugging him back up stage .

" WHAT?! " he asked scornfully yelling . but when he looked back at the stage , he realized why Taemin was shaking with worry .

mir having his runaway cat walk and stopped at the center  stage , all the limelights  were on him and -- Myungsoo and Taemin felt their impending shame and humiliation .

Mir did a wild grinding motion , holding his crotch , ing it exaggeratedly  with a hand and twirling in circles like the late Michael Jackson and when he positioned his feet apart .

" CHUL YONG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! " Myungsoo screamed pulling his hair off with his bare hands . Taemin was covering his embarrassed face when Mir did a wide split with arms held high all so proudly .


The slit at the side of his dress got worse , running towards his armpit and ripping it all .

The crowd grew louder and louder even the backstage staffs were howling .

the two were having some mental breakdown with Mir's provocative exhibition . The wouldn't be shocked if Mir 's boxers ripped into three uneven piece of s .

" OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH YEAH YEAH !! " Mir sang . Myungsoo and Taemin dragged Their insane cousin off stage , Their face dropped on the floor with nothing but humiliation .


At the backstage .

the tall guy rushed at the backstage , extending his neck and looking everywhere for his Aphrodite .

" mr, your not allowed to enter . " the Boucer said . Looking down on his skeletal body .

" hey hey hey !! You ! " he called the guy who was wearing the same outfit with his aphrodite .  

" DEH ?" the guy asked , still in his custome and sweating .

" what was the name of that girl your were dancing with ?! You know --- the timid , pale ,  prominent jawline, perfect nose and a greek goddess pretty face with her long black silky  hair !! WHAT'S HER NAME ? IS SHE WITH YOU ?! WHAT'S HER NUMBER ? IS SHE SINGLE ?! IS SHE MARRIED ? WHERE IS HER PLACE ?! TELL ME !!! " he demanded , frantically  shaking the poor guy's shoulder , he was glaring so widely his mouth was shouting open that he will definitely eat the guy's entire head if he wouldn't answer his questions .

" errrr -- I don't know where --- they just appeared from no where and --- I gotto go . " the guy ran inside the dressing room and the tall guy crying was stopped by the beast looking bouncer .

" NO --------- " the tall guy cried in despair .

" hyung what are you doing here ?! " Daeyeol came and was startled seeing his brother whimpering .

" HELL --- hyung are you okey?! " he asked , helping his hyung up .

" Daeyeol- ah ! I knew it !! She's my Aphrodite ! I have to find her !! I have to court her ! Marry her ! have cute little kids with her !!! DAMN I can ---" he trundled Away rubbing his entire face and leaving the face palming  Daeyeol .

" great I just turned my brother into an obsessed freak  . . " he cursed . " WAIT --------------

" Sungyeol hyung ! ! " he called out , running to his brother .


 The three poor teenagers were running for gold , getting their jeans, shirts , scarf , and sweaters on while their running for their life .

" that was ---- DAEBAK ! " Mir cheekily laughed , putting on his jeans and jumping around , the adrenaline rush was still up high .

" DAEBAK?!! really ?! All of this happened because of you ! If this goes broadcast all over seoul , I swear to god I will take you to the tallest bungee jumping area and pushed you off the building without  wearing a BUNGEE ! " Myungsoo snarled , wrapping the scarf around his neck in a hurry .

" my fault ?? How is this my fault ?! I was just being helpful with the poor guy and --------

" YEAH AND HUMILIATED US ON THE PROCESS THAT WILL GO DOWN  IN HISTORY ! " Myungsoo was flaring , Mir was just too lax in front of him that gives him the fireballs of anger .

" listen , bipolar dude !! it's not like I did it on purpose !! "

" Myungsoo hyung . . Mirue hyung . . Please stop . . "

" oh really ?? You want me to believe that crap ?! If you'd only know how to SHUT YOUR MOUTH then we shouldn't have gone through this all and ---------- Mir cut Myungsoo off .

" THE HELL !  WELL YES !! I AM A VERY CONSIDERATE PERSON UNLIKE YOU MYUNSOO !!! -!  " Mir shrieked , he was now determine to have a heated chitchat with his hyung .

Myungsoo clenched his fist together ,  ohh . . Mir just pressed the wrong button . " you know what ?? THIS CURSING BAN !! Wanna know why I hate being with you ?! you always turn things into a dangerous zone for all  of us !  SUCH A NUISANCE ! " he shouted , breathing harshly And face flushed in anger .  

" hyung . . . I'm still here . . I ------- "

Mir smirked mockingly . " aghh . .  so you want to have a trash talk with me ?! Bring it on MYUNGSOO ! your attitude just I can't even breath like a ing normal person when im around with you .! " Mir popping his mouth and preparing some swearing words  to throw .

" ummmm . . Guys . . ?

" HA !!! OHHHHH I SEE ! THEN STOP FOLLOWING ME YOU LUNATIC ! do me a favor and KILL YOURSELF ! " Myungsoo defiantly  turning his back and picking up his thrown phone .

" can't ! I guess im born to piss your stinking and bug your damn BRAIN !  ." Mir walked to the nearest tree and picked the biggest rock and handed it to Myungsoo . " GO AHEAD MYUNGSOO ! JUST KILL ME YOURSELF !! YOUR RETARTED FREAK AND------

" please . . Guys . . The words . . Is . . Just, " Taemin pleaded , covering his ears With his hands .

Myungsoo 's ears just flamed hearing how mir kept on disrespecting him and dropped honorifics down the canal . the kid was asking for a full blast talk from him   . " you know ? A ROCK WOULDN'T WORK , your head is ten times harder than a raspy metal , why don't you get me a SHOTGUN SO I COULD BLOW YOUR ING HEART INTO PIECES OF DIPS! YOU BASTARD YOU DARE TO USED CRAPY WORDS AT ME ?!  BULL THE GO DIE ALONE ! " it was Myungsoo 's final blow , it was already bad that minhae was enjoying siwan's company , and Mir just got into his bad side .

" you . . Don't mean that . . " Mir , sniffled , dropping the rock as it came rolling down the ground . "HELL  I HATE YOU !! " he cried hard , half- hurt with Myungsoo 's sharp words .

" haha , you hate me ?! beat the dirty words chul yong ! Remember how you confessed your love for me when you said I was your favorite hyung figure and -------

" I only --- said that -- because -- I THOUGHT YOUR GAY AND MADE ME SAY THINGS THAT I DON' T ---- ENTIRELY MEAN !! AND NOW PROBABLY YOU REALLY ARE GAY!"  Mir was shouting at him but couldn't hide the red tint flushes across his cheeks , he cursed himself when those confession words  ever slipped through his mouth . " DIPWIT, SNARKY -------


" WILL YOU TWO STOP SWEARING AND CURSING IN FRONT OF ME !! GODDAMMIT !!! " Taemin yelled in between his two hyung , pushing them away from each other . He had enough .

" THERE ! WE JUST LOST THEM !! BULL MOTHER OF ES!! " the maknae added .

Taemin walked out . .  

and there was a total . . .

SILENCE . . . . . . . .

" did Taemin just ---------- "  mir went to coma .

  " talked  us ? " Myungsoo , his bleeding brain was bursting all over the place from great trauma .


After running around the bushes , they found the two lovey doves walking around the park , they followed them along when the two got into Siwan 's car  and drove off to --

" Han river . just ing romantic . " Myungsoo sat on the wide , sharply grass .

" pretty view . " Mir smiled charmingly as he gazes along the beautiful scenery in front of them .

" are you guys okey now . . ? " Taemin asked , he was sitting in between his hyungs just in case things get out of hand again .

" yes . . " the two answered in unison.

" just , don't utter those words again tae it's a great freak show . " mir ruffled the maknae 's hair and leaned over his shoulder .  

Myungsoo chuckled at the two .  

Myungsoo 's eyes shifted back at minhae and Siwan . the two of them were sitting on the grass just like them . they were sitting with each other , too close to Myungsoo's displeasure .  

he chewed his lower lip , looking at minhae occasionally staring at Siwan and smiling in between talks .

Was she smiling like that when she's with me ?

did I made her laugh even just once ?

was I kind and gentle towards her ?

Myungsoo found himself thinking about Taemin's checklist and realized that he didn't have any check marks at all .  

was that the reason why she  likes him more than me ?

because I'm such an I keep on screwing everything .

hundreds of thoughts flooded his mind , questions he only asked himself for the first time .

he buried his face on his palms and rubbed it , just in case the weird feeling will be wiped away .

but it didn't . .

" damn it . " he mumbled frustratingly sighing hoarsely .

" hyung are you okey ? Taemin inquired , hearing his hyung  cursed, he looked at him with  worry .

Myungsoo smiled but not wide enough to reach his eyes .

" I'm fine tae , just headache . " he lied.   He didn't want to bother the two kids with his feelings he can't even figure out .

" hyung , we would like to buy some ice cream , there's a convenient store nearby .  . " Mir pointed at the not too far store .

Myungsoo checked the store out before nodding .  

" just go without me . " Myungsoo shortly said , returning his gaze back to the doves he just hate seeing .

Taemin scratched his nape , " hyung . . We don't have our wallets with us so ---------- "

Myungsoo handed his wallet over willingly and sat quietly . The two maknae's stared at each other, thinking if they leave their hyung behind or just dragged him with them .


" go . I'll be fine . " Myungsoo stated , noticed how the two were standing like statutes beside him .

the two nodded , but before they even got a chance to walk away .

" chul yong give me your phone . " Myungsoo held his hand out .

" EGH ?!! but hyung ! I promise I won't call noona or anything -- " Mir pleaded , holding his phone Tightly .

" and I promise I won't kill your phone now hand it over . " he said in a monotone . Taemin hunched mir to just give the phone .

Mir handed the phone reluctantly with pouting lips before leaving . He prayed his hyung won't throw it over the river .

Myungsoo kept the phone close . he glanced back at the two . the breathtaking Han river would have made him happy or calm . but seeing minhae around Siwan feels like his looking at the river of misery  .  

Whenever  Siwan and minhae ever get a little too close , Myungsoo kept on using Mir 's phone , calling minhae 's number and just long enough to disturb the two .

Ohhhh how he was evilly delighted inside , until moments passed and he wasn't happy seeing the two any longer .

his eyes hurts seeing her smile at him like that , that smile he finds pure and innocent , lively and cheerful .  

was it because he hated Siwan ? Or was it because he wanted to be the guy sitting next to her ?

" this . " he stood upright , because he was slowly feeling his chest clenched .

And he didn't like it one bit .

he gulped the lump along his throat and looked away for a second .

" HYUNG !!! "

Mir came running towards Myungsoo , he was carrying a plastic of Popsicles .

" what's the matter ? " he asked , noticing Mir 's panicked face . he peeked behind him . " where's Taemin ? " he asked , not seeing the mushroom head around .

Mir was gasping for air . " that's --- the -- problem -- hyung , his -- MISSING !! " mir helplessly kneeled down in exhaustion .

The word MISSING just hit Myungsoo 's head like a canon ball .

" WHAT ?! "

" we  were together in  choosing what popsicle but when I got to the counter he just disappeared hyung ! Hyung I'm sorry I -------- " Myungsoo cut Mir 's explanation .

" let's just search the area . " myunsoo said , his voice was trembling . as much as he loves to sit back and kept pestering Siwan and his suppose to be suave moves , he has to find Taemin . key will definitely KILL HIM and don't forget his Entire family haunting him down .

" let's go . " he ran to wherever with Mir, he kept calling Taemin over the phone .


 it's been 10 minutes , the two of them kept running in circles , searching everywhere but no Taemin . . And Myungsoo wasn't liking this one bit .

he bent down , his hands propping over his knees . " god Taemin where the hell are you . ?" he cursed , gasping for air .

he felt mir collapsing beside him .

" hyung . . " he called , his voice shaky and he was tearing up .

" what's wrong ? " Myungsoo immediately asked in worry .

mir sat down the ground , his Tightly stuck in between his heels . " HYUNG --- my stomach is ---- IM ABOUT TO POOO AND I can't take it any longer !! " he cried , bitting  his lips hard .


Mir's eyes widen , " GOD HYUNG IT'S COMING OUT I CAN'T ---- AGHH ---- HELP ! " he cried , almost rolling .

" WAIT ! Stay put and il go look for a comfort room , just . . . Hang in there . " he cooed before leaving the blue colored mir hearing him " hurry hyung " as he was running away .

Taemin is missing while Mir is having some stomach problems .  

" these kids are making me crazy . " he breathe out .


Myungsoo spotted a comfort room . FINALLY . for minutes of searching , he could see the comfort room shimmering like gold .  

he ran back to Mir and help him walk . Mir ran inside the cubicle immediately , with Myungsoo waiting outside .

the adjacent cubicle slammed open shocking Myungsoo .

A mushroom head boy came out smiling widely .  

Myungsoo wanted to punched the mirrors . " TAEMIN?! "

Taemin was surprised seeing him on the comfort room .  " OH HYUNG ANNYEONGHASEYO ----- "

Myungsoo gritted his teeth , he was confused whether to feel relief or mad . " WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DO YOU KNOW HOW ING SCARED WE WERE ,!!" he yelled out his frustration .


Taemin bowed instantly . " I'm sorry hyung !! call of nature ! and I can't hold it anymore , i think it's the coffee , it has a diuretic effect to the body that ------ "

" makes you pee more than the usual I KNOW . " he snorted . " YAA ARE YOU DONE ?! " he asked at Mir knocking the door .

" ULLLLMUUSST HYUNG------------------ " mir , in between talking and withdrawing all his whatever out .

After a few moment . .

Mir got out smiling broadly with full relief . "  AGHHH ATLAST . " he sang .

Taemin took a Popsicle and opened it . " Popsicle hyung ?? " he offered it to Myungsoo .

Myungsoo  snatched it harshly  and walked out in heavy footsteps .

Mir tear his Popsicle open ," you think hyung preferred mocha than strawberry flavor ? " he asked taemin and the popsicle on their way out .


They got back at the han river , a lot of people were still enjoying the lovely view , the Wonhyo bridge over the han river was so calming to look at with it's structure and street lights above .

Myungsoo was glad still seeing the two right where he left them . And their still talking like they never ran out of topic .

" wonder what their talking about ? " Taemin boringly looked at them while wobbling with his Popsicles .

" probably their future together . " mid grinned , pulling another Popsicle out .

" what future are you saying ??! " Myungsoo glared , pulling mir's collar but got blocked by Taemin .

" WHAT ? HAHAHA -- "

" hyung stop picking up fights with Myungsoo hyung . " Taemin scolded .

Mir rolled his eyes , " I'm not picking on him ! his just being very sensitive . . " his voice wearing off at the last word .

They stared at Myungsoo when he got up with his phone on hand .

Myungsoo scrolled minhae 's number and heard it ringing .

it took her away before picking up , she was actually looking so hesitant to answer his call , just made Myungsoo agitated .

" waeyo ?? " she answered , annoyance in her voice .

Myungsoo his lower lip and bit it. He didn't like how minhae talks to him sounding angry while she squeals like a crazy fangirl with Siwan .

" do you have a watch ? " he asked .

He saw minhae looking down on her wrists watch .  " ummm yeah -- why ?" she asked , Siwan was glancing at her side . . Looked like eavesdropping .

" so you do , and I assumed you know how to read the time , ARE N'T YOU TIME CONSCIOUS ?!  JUST SO YOU KNOW IT'S PAST 12 if you can't read ! " he tightly held his phone , he wanted to slammed it on the ground .

minhae moved her ear away form the earpiece , Myungsoo just yelled at her though her phone . " do you have to yell ?! Yea yea I'm coming ! " she hang up on him .

" THAT WRENCH---------- " Myungsoo stopped his words because the two Maknae's were looking up at him .

he sat back and waited for minhae and Siwan to leave . but all their popsicles were wiped out and the two were still there .

" WHY ARE THEY NOT LEAVING?! " Myungsoo spattered , tearing the plastic into two .

" maybe their discussing something important hyung , " Taemin said , lightening the mood .



" like their next date, duh ! " Mir sneered , aware of Myungsoo 's raging hormones and wanted just want to push his hyung off the edge .

Myungsoo struck him a glare of death . " shut up and don't get me started chul yong . " he warned .

Mir laughed all out beside Taemin when he suddenly felt like choking . " OH MY GOD HYUNG I THINK THE POPSICLE WENT DOWN MY LUNGS ! AHH------ " he chuckled , hands clenching his neck his sprawling his entire body down .  

Myungsoo and Taemin rolled their eyes .


For what seemed to be an eternity with Myungsoo , he cheered in happiness when the two finally got up and walked along the way .

and he got an understanding smile from Taemin and a hyung-can't-you-get - any- weirder mocking laugh from mir .

they followed them from behind, Myungsoo thought within himself that he will surely ran wild if Siwan wouldn't drive her home this instant .

Taemin paused when he felt a wet something fell from up above . " hyung, it's going to rain ! " he said , tugging mir and Myungsoo 's shirt .

Mir covered his mouth , " i swear it's not coming from my mouth this time  . " he mumbled . Talking through his cupped mouth to express his point . but Myungsoo couldn't care any less .  

raindrops , one by one fell on the earth , making the viewers get  up and search for a place to stay until the heavy ran passes .

but Myungsoo was stuck on the ground .

He felt something being twisted inside him when he saw Siwan taking his leather jacket off and used it as an improvised umbrella above minhae .

that twisting feeling got a thumbing pain along with it when he caught minhae moving close to Siwan and probably , he was praying that  probably she  unintentionally  hug the guy he despise at the moment because she was getting wet .

He was hurting deep in his Core that he didn't even know what was hurting  ,

his pride ??

no .

His liver ?

his not a drinker .

 his lungs ?

his not a smoker .

or his heart ?

and Siwan intertwining his hand along with  her's just answered his question , because it was indeed his heart aching , the excruciating pain was directly prodding his heart that he can't kept his hand from clenching his chest , the pain was becoming unbearable when minhae smiled at the other .

the  drops of rain which were gentle a second ago now felt like Nails sinking to his skin that he felt numb all over  . . Except his chest .

his hands tremble with the feeling , something hot  at the corner of his eyes were b to fall . he took his almost paralyzed feet and went straight to them , he wanted to yank her away from him, he wanted to punch and kill Siwan but -----

" HYUNG STOP ! " Mir and Taemin pulled him away when he was close to the two .

" LET GO DAMMIT !! " Myungsoo struggled hard . But Mir and Taemin were determined to dragged him away .

 They pinned Myungsoo against the tree . " hyung !! why don't you just admit that you like her ! " Taemin shouted , he was drenched on the spot .

Myungsoo leaned , the heavy rain was cold but he was burning in rage that he just want to punch anything . " stop this . " he pushed Mir aside and begun walking .

" It's the only reason why your jealous !! " Taemin shouted again but only got ignored .


It stopped raining , but the three trouble makers were silent in Clothes soaked with rainwater , shivering  at the corner , their lips fidgeting . but none had the courage to break the silence . they were sitting on benched below a shade . Mir and Taemin were sitting together while Myungsoo was a space far from them , quite .


the two youngster exchange looks , deciding who should dare to talk to their sulking hyung . . But Mir's phone came ringing and broke the ice for them .

" hello ? " he answered in a groggy voice , not checking who the caller was .

" chul yong-ahh. . "

Mir dropped his phone in shocked , squealed like a girl , and picked it up in less than a second . " DAD !! " Mir called , getting so much excited just hearing his father's voice .

" you rascal , where are you ? " his father asked in a deep tone he was proud he inherited .

Mir was in a hazy thought  , he can't tell his father that OH- DAD -WE-LEFT-THE HOUSE -WITHOUT - PERMISSION- WE BOUGHT -POPSICLES - AND HAD A RAIN SHOWER BATH AS A FINALE -OH FUN . his father will surely give his jinki hyung a call and they're death will be waiting in front of their main door at home .

" ummmm -- I'm at home ?? " he lied .

His father laughed on the other line . "  YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO LIE TO YOUR OWN FATHER !" he chided . they heard consecutive horns from a far , it was coming from a parked ash colored Lamborghini Reventon  car . a tall pale man got out from the luxurious vehicle ,  his frizzy brown hair was tousled like a bush .  he looked like a man who haven't  heard of the  human's greatest  invention , the * hair brush* and that cold and slippery thing they call the * hair gel * .

Mir got up to his feet . " DAD !!! " he ran straight to his father and jumped into him , wrapping his legs around his father   like a month  old monkey .

" HOLLY---- chul yong get down your not a toddler anymore . " his father said , pushing his son off him  , dusted  his thick and wet coat before turning to mir and ruffling his wet head with a wide grin.

Taemin greeted their uncle while Myungsoo just gave him a bow before getting inside .

" nice wheels dad , " mir praised , checking out the car before getting inside the passenger's seat .  


Mir was sitting beside the driver seat, Myungsoo and Taemin were settled at the back . it was so quite and their uncle is not really a quite person . he tingles in boredom if it's quite .

" SO ----- what are you guys doing out here ?? at this time ? " he peeked at his watch , seeing its almost one . " I thought jinki have that curfew thingy imposed at home ? " he asked , glancing over Myungsoo and Taemin at the rear view   mirror .

" dad please don't tell jinki hyung's about it , we kinda sneaked out through my wonder tunneled room.  " mir beg and sounded a little bit like boasting at the end .

" unless you tell me why the three of you looked like drenched abandoned chickens at the corner . Where you three clubbing ? Or some party ? Chasing girls ? " he guessed .


Mir shook his head , " nope . . It's . . " he peeked at Myungsoo before leaning close to his father ." you see -- Myungsoo hyung is having these feelings for this someone, but this someone is sorta dating another someone , so hyung is angry with someone's other someone  and now his pissed as hell . " he whispered .

" ohhhh so it's about a girl , is she hot?? " his father whispered back , his lips curving into a cocky smirk.

Mir hummed , thinking how minhae looked and dress like , " ehh --- she can be if she wants to . " he shrugged .

his father came nodding , turning the car to the left lane, " what's her name ?? " he curiously asked his bubbling son .

" minhae noona and she's actually living with us dad . " Mir giggled , couldnt hold his laugh anymore .

" WHAT THE FU? what living with you guys ?! Wait --- did they , already ?? Ummmmm , you know -- dip the beans on a hot milk?------ " his father wiggled his brows in a malicious way making mir LOL-ing in his seat .

" If you guys will continue talking about me , you could at least pull over and go gossip outside .  I'm right over here and I can hear your words clearly . " Myungsoo shortly said , his eyes still darted outside .

the father and son burst out like a bomb laughing , their thick voices is making Myungsoo 's ear cringe .  if he could only jump off a fast moving car and didn't give a damn about dying , he should have been rolling down the street 2 minutes ago .

" Myungsoo -ah , If you have heart problems , don't be too demure  To ask  me , back in the happy days when all of you were still a mistake waiting to happen, your dad always come to me for advice ! " his uncle glanced back at him with a smug, and Mir was just sitting beside him listening like it was the newest fairy tale fluff .

Mistake and in front of his own son . WOW
now Myungsoo recalled why mir's father was never his favorite uncle in their family  , no scratch that  . none of  his 5 uncles was his favorite . he'd rather live in an orphanage than be dumped in a house with them . If his cousins were a bunch of obnoxious toddlers  running around the fence , the generation before them was certainly the worst. he's still figuring out how their halmuhnee kept her sanity up to now .

" no thanks , I think I can handle it on my own . " he coldly said , not giving his uncle a look .  

His uncle chuckled on his seat , " sounds so much like his father . " he said , almost Inaudible for everyone to hear .

his uncle glanced at Taemin , who was leaning his head on Myungsoo and almost dropping his head down drowsy . " Taemin-ah  . . " he called , making the younger pop his head upright and looking at him with squinted eyes .

" yeh uncle ? "

" your father told me he'll take you out for a weekend vacation at a strip club , bet he'll call you first thing in the morning . " he said , already sniggering and giving the maknae a head start .

Taemin almost screamed , mir looked jealous while Myungsoo kept his emotionless face on .

" EHHH?? Strip club ?? I -- can't , I'm -- too young for that and key hyung won't be glad and ---- " the baby boy almost went to hyperventilation World .  

their uncle wanted to stuck his face into the steering wheel when he heard his nephew stuttering  . " WHY NOT ? It's about time ! you know how old your dad got laid ?? " he asked like its a very important trivia all of them should take note .

" ummmm . . 30 ? " Taemin guessed .

his uncle nod , " yeah , but -- just drop the 0 and add 1 before the 3 . " he said , speeding off .

Mir looked amazed said " daebak." , Taemin was less happy and Myungsoo was now considering the idea of jumping off the car and to hell with his life .  

" don't tell him I told you . hahahhahaha " their uncle said . " WHERE HERE ! " he shouted , stepping on the brakes .

Myungsoo got up immediately , helping the paled Taemin out of the car .

Mir pecked his father on his cheek before going out , " thanks dad ! " he slammed the door .

" night kiddo . " he said , before driving off .

The car haven't  even left the neighborhood  when Mir's dad 's phone came ringing .

He gave it a glance before tucking an ear-set and pressing the answer button .

" WADUUP DOUCHBAG ??  " he answered rapping along the lines while keeping his attention on the round .

" YAA , you know we've been waiting for you  for 3 hours already , any thoughts of showing up ?? " the deep sarcastic voice From the other line said it like the bossy dude he had fun bullying.

Mir's father laughed over the conversation . " easy , I had lots of papers back at the company and i had to drive the kids home . " he explained . he had an appointment with his brothers at the country club he owns , and hearing his brother * WE*, everybody is obviously gathered and  waiting to beat him at the club .

" kids ??? At  this hour ?? " the other guy asked , shocked . " what's the kids doing roaming around the city at 1:30?" he asked , some grumbling at the background .

" oww don't sound so clean , we were worser back in the old days . and yah --- JONGIN ! are you sure Taemin is your son ?? he's too innocent considering what kind of a derpface you are ! there must be some switching babies happened 16 yrs ago . " he sneered , imagine jongin's reaction  , flaring his nares life a balloon .

" coming from someone who have an ADHD son and gangster daughter, Taemin  sounds a lot normal ! HAEJIN!!  . " Jongin snarled , emphasizing the last name in a mockery .

" DROP THE STUPID NICKNAME you invented decades ago KAI ! "


" Why?? sounds tolerable than your offensive name ! hahaha " Jongin laughed even louder than drums .

" you know , you  should really think about that taking Taemin  to a strip club I suggested , hey don't take it to heart but -- I don't want him to grow up like a whippy YOU . And tell kyungsoo , that moooder pucker wannabe to seriously stop ! Pampering Taemin , that kid won't survive in a war if he kept on babying that kid. He'll be bullied in his military service and using our name is just a NO NO . same goes to his son kibum  , I mean -- your son kibum whatever "  he ranted , a little bit puzzled with their family tree and  tapping his fingers over the wheel .

" CHANYEOL YOUR ON SPEAKER PHONE ! " kyungsoo roared at the other line ,  a thunder of laughter broke the silence , he could imagine kyungsoo 's soccer  eyeballs rolling down the floor in rage .

Chanyeol puffed his mouth , grinning broadly , " OPSS, hahaha good ! I wanted  you to hear that . "

" he's 16, don't treat him like you , when you were 15 and running around shamelessly , haejin!! " kyungsoo yelled , probably breaking the phone into two .

Chanyeol snorted at the nickname, " how many times do I have to tell you freaks to stop calling me that . Seriously ! " chanyeol nagged , pouting at himself .

" remind us a million times again and then it will probably sink  in . " Kai said , wobbling with a burger .

Chanyeol shook his head , he was having a migraine just by talking with his brother . " where's joonmyeon hyung anyway ? Is he there ? Or sleeping since its way pass the senior citizen's bedtime ? LOL " he laughed at his own joke with no one laughing .

" his outside waiting for you with his baby gun loaded . " kyungsoo answered his question a little too serious .

" no way . . " he exclaimed in disbelief  earning some insulting plus degrading laughs from the other .


" yeol, can  you turn the volume up ? we can't hear your voice very clearly . " Kai  requested , making Chanyeol rolled his eyes .

" DEAF . and I thought suho was the white haired grandpa with a walker  . " he reached out for his phone , pressed the volume up full blast . " there,  AH- AH LOSER KAI -AH. " he said , giving the other line of what seems to be a mic test , he leaned back to his seat sneering .

and the next thing Chanyeol knew , he almost ran  his car into a bakery shop , because of the loud ringing sound that almost  cracked his eardrum . it was kai who pressed a number key too long , enough to make him yelped like a goat dying due to the loud prolonged glass breaking tone.

"  AGHHH ! , YOU PEOPLE ! " Chanyeol yelled through the other line , breathing up and down , rubbing his chest to steady his frightened heart and brain , praising god he stepped on the brake on time . he lowered the window down and checked if he caused any damages .

more than 2 voices came laughing like psycho's on the other line , he could hear some foot stomping and hands clapping .

" Almost died channie??! ha-ha !  Good ! Why don't you die for real ?  So I can reclaim the properties you STOLE and get your inheritance transferred to us . " a high pitched laughed echoed , that Chanyeol just wanted  to arrive at the country club and murder all of them .

" dream your OFF JONGDAE !" he pressed the end button , gripped the wheel tightly and drove like madman .


 Myungsoo helped Taemin changed into comfortable clothes he borrowed from mir . Mir prepared his bed since Taemin was too sleepy to even climbed upstairs , he decided to let him sleep in his room and just face key 's shouts and screams tomorrow morning .  

" hyung . . ? " Mir called , stopping Myungsoo from leaving his room .

" what . " in a weak voice, Myungsoo ly to be welcomed by mir's warm embrace .

" w-what? " he asked faltering despite feeling exhausted from an entire day of chaos .

" thank you hyung . " mir said sweetly , letting go and looked up at him , smiling like an idiot .

" for what ? " he asked .

" for not leaving me when I was about to explode back there . " he giggled making Myungsoo rolled his eyes he swore his eyes were hurting from too much rolling .

" yeah . " he answered , turning his back again .

" hyung !! " Mir called again . Myungsoo hummed in response and look  at mir  fumbling with his hands and  a bit nervous .

" about the trash talk we had and the things I --- said , ummm . . I didn't really mean -- any of those -- and ---I'm --- ummm -- sorry hyung . " Mir , looking down at his feet and sounding like a shy lamb .

The corner of myungsoo's lips slowly curved into a sly smirk . " I know . but I'm not sorry with what I said so . . " his voice trailed off when mir looked up looking worried .

Myungsoo chuckled softly telling Mir that it was okey and he was also * probably * sorry through his laugh .

Mir smiled and hugged him warmly . " I love you hyung ! " he said , instantly giving Myungsoo a peck .

" ya! " Myungsoo wiped away the peck much to mir's delight . "  aghhh . . . night . " Myungsoo walked out immediately .

" hyung . . About minhae noona . . "

Myungsoo paused , but didn't faced the younger . " let's not talk about it . " he climbed up leaving mir .

he sighed heavily , he felt bad seeing his hyung hurting but  don't even have the guts to admit it . he sat on his bed and slowly lay down beside the sleeping Taemin .


Myungsoo kept staring at the clock and constantly looking outside his window every time he hears a car passing by .

minhae was still not home .

he paced back and forth , rubbing the back of his head , tapping his phone over his palm after checking if there were any text messages from minhae  .

which was none .

" where are you ?? " he asked, but the darkness of his room gave him no response .

he glanced back at the clock .

he continued pacing , his heart was unsettled and filled with worry .

he kept calling her but got directly dumped to the voicemail .

" . . . . dammit ! " he cursed everything he hears the busy tone . he tossed his phone over his bed and closed his eyes .

his imagination was pulling him down .

What if that Siwan took her somewhere ? what if he lock her inside a room with him ? What if there ------

Those images of the two happily talking , laughing , hugging , holding hands ---- it was driving him nuts . he wanted  to punch the wall until his hand bleeds .

" what's wrong with you Myungsoo ?? Don't let some random girl make you feel . . . . . . . . . . " his heart clenched Tightly , he felt suffocated and restless that he wanted to shout His lungs out . He hated this  feeling that he never felt before , his jaw tightened when minhae 's voice talking all about Siwan was running through his ears like a broken disc almost making himself deaf .

his heart was shutting down on him . he felt it being squeeze and torn apart whenever her smiling face for Siwan came inside his head . that hot painful liquid waiting to brim from his eyes , he fought hard not to give into it.  even biting his lips , hard enough for it to bleed . but the  agonizing pain he felt coming from his chest was unbearable up to the point that , his heart was breaking into pieces  in front of him .  and he couldn't  even do anything about it .

he  got up , grabbed his car keys and stormed down the stairs . he opened their door and slammed it forcefully .

" Onew and his LAME RULES . "

he got into his car and stepped at the accelerator and speeding off not minding whether his car crash or he hits someone .


minhae walked upstairs , her hair was still wet but she's glad Siwan took her home and lend her some of his sister 's clothes .  her phone went empty and she was more glad that siwan lend her a charger .  leaving her phone for awhile while they had a nice cold milk before he drove her back home .

he promised to explain things to Onew in case he came complaining about breaking rules and his words .

she smiled widely when she scanned the funny pictures she took with Siwan .

she was about to twist the doorknob on to EUN ah's room when she remembered Myungsoo .

she slowly walked at the end of the hall to his room , but when she touched the cold doorknob , she paused and sighed . " he's probably sleeping . " she stepped back and walked to EUN ah 's room . giving Myungsoo 's door a last glance before going in .

3:15am .

minhae kept rolling over her bed . she couldn't sleep . She wanted to but her eyes were still not in the mood for bedtime .  

she took her robe and went down to have a glass of milk . she sat for awhile and kept looking at the owl wall clock with it's eyes shipping left to right .  

" haaaaay . . . " she got up , and froze when she felt her phone vibrating .

imstupidassmyungsoo calling . .

She answered it immediately , " Myungsoo ------ "

" are you the significant other of the owner of this phone ? " the other line asked , minhae was surprised hearing an unfamiliar voice  , she didn't know but her heart did an uneasy heartbeat .

" why ?? Where is he ?? What happened ? " she asked ,

after the other line talked , she went to the door immediately and took a taxi .


Minhae almost tripped and rolled down the stairs , Myungsoo was so heavy and his frequent shaking didn't gave  any help .

When the bartender of the runwild club called her using Myungsoo 's phone , she felt her heart beats  in relief . she thought he got into some kind of accident ,  getting into the club and seeing Myungsoo almost wet in  alcohol was better rather than seeing him at the emergency room and probably dying .

" Myungsoo what has gotten into you ? " she asked , wrapping her dainty arm around his waist , holding his arm securely tossed over her neck and pulled him up . His head was dropping down and kept murmuring some incoherent words she didn't like to  translate . he was heavy for a small girl like her but tried hard to pulled and dragged him as much as she can .

she heaved him along the hall to his  room , as quite as possible because even though  he drank himself out , she didn't like Onew and the others to see him in this current state .  

She opened Myungsoo 's room and hauled him inside .

She slammed the door using her foot, " Myungsoo wake up for a minute . " she pleaded , feeling her shoulders breaking with his weight leaning over her .

" hmmmmmmmm . . . "

She unwrapped his arm and slowly laid him down his bed .

" aghhhh . . . " she titled her head to the side and sighed , relieved that the heavy weight was off her . She massaged her aching shoulders while looking at the wall clock .

she didn't waste any time and unknot his shoelaces , pulling his shoes off . she stood up and stared at his leather jacket . Hesitant to take it off or not .  

she shook her head and decided to take it so he can sleep comfortably .

" I'm going to take your jacket okey ? " she asked , not really expecting any response .  

She ped it and pulled his arm slowly , and the other one.  When his arms were finally off , she leaned over and pulled Myungsoo  up to get the jacket out .

she took a pillow and placed it comfortably under his head . she reached for the blanket and spread it over his body .

she wanted to go out but, her inner self was pleading to stay by his side for awhile .  

she gazed over him . she felt heavy looking at his face , worn out and tired . like he's been struggling over something that even drove him into drinking .  

" Myungsoo . . What's wrong ? " she asked softly , tempted to shove the strands of hair .  

But forced herself not to.  

She stood up and walked towards the door .

but before she even reached out for the doorknob , a cold hand held her elbow and forced her to turn around .

" m- Myungsoo . . " she gasped , surprised to see him standing in front of her .

Myungsoo placed a hand over her shoulder and pulled her into him with the other . hugging her securely closer to his heart .

minhae 's eyes widen feeling Myungsoo 's cold arms , embracing her so tightly  making breathing a little bit difficult .

she tried to pull away but he kept her in place.

" Myungsoo . . I can't breath . " she complained half- heartedly,  she wanted to stay in his arms but she knew she wasn't meant to be lock in his embrace  .

she felt his Arms loosening . she stepped back to see him only to find   swang open  when she saw Myungsoo silently tearing , drops of crystal tears were b from his eyes .

" Myungsoo -- why are you ------- "

" do you like Siwan that much ?" he asked , his voiced cracked and his face looked heavily down and broken .


" I --- I ---- " she could give a decent answer to his question . Myungsoo stared at her , his eyes pleading something she didn't know what.

minhae sighed and pushed Myungsoo a bit farther .

" your drunk Myungsoo , you don't know what your saying . " she said shorty .

he gritted his teeth , his eyes got sharper that left her  trembling . "ANSWER ME ! " he demanded in a shout.

minhae gulped , frightened . " let's talk when your sober . " she turned her back on him  a little too fast and opened the door .

but to her shocked , Myungsoo slammed the door shut , turned her around and pinned her against the door .

" yes or no . " he said , his breathing unsteady  and harsh . She  smelled that fragrance she found so familiar .

" where is this conversation going Myungsoo '?! " she yelled , Because she felt scared what words will come out from his mouth next .

" what does he have that made you forget me ?! HUH?! " he shouted , shaking her shoulder to the point of hurting .

she bit her lips , " what are you saying ?! Please . . Lets just stop this . " she tried to push him off but failed .

" did you forgot the words you wrote on a piece of PAPER?! " he slammed the door behind her , her tears were only waiting for another word from him and it will come rolling down .

she looked down , placing her hands over his chest to push him , she couldn't stop her tears from falling anymore . " if you don't , then stop going around with him . " he said , sounding so hard and domineering .

minhae immediately looked up , with gritted teeth she pushed him with all the energy she has left . " WHY . Who are you to tell me what to do ?! " she yelled , she was angry on how Myungsoo seemed to love controlling  her too easily without even considering how she feels .

He frozen seeing her crying . " you wanna know ?! YES ! I DO AND YOU CAN't DO ANYTHING ABOUT ----------- "

Myungsoo hauled her waist closer and pulled her neck with his right hand . he crashed his lips into her , stepping forward and pinning her back against the wall .

minhae 's words were left cut .

She found her self  slowly closing her eyes when she felt Myungsoo 's warm thin lips pressing against hers , his right hand that rested around her nape made its way to her jaw , caressing so tenderly hypnotizing her numb hands to reach over and bring him close.

but the sound of her phone vibrating inside her pocket brought her to her senses .

She opened her eyes and pushed him that he almost stumbled over .

Myungsoo watched her leaning against the door and breathing a bit faster , he heard her sniffed . the tears steaming from her eyes were crumpling his heart in a way he couldn't understand . he stepped closer wanting to wiped those tears , but held back when she flicked away, looking scared .

Only made things worst for him .

" don't . stop this Myungsoo. " her voice came out begging , and Myungsoo couldn't take those words . telling him to stop when he's at the peek of bursting his heart out .

" you wanna  how it feels ?? " he asked , becoming a little out of balance due to the alcohol .

" when your with him and my stubborn heart is acting so freaking lazy that It stops beating . " he took one stop closer to her , biting his lips to prevent himself from yelling all the words he had a hard Time expressing .

" that smile your giving him just left me breathless .  i felt so betrayed that my own lungs  is failing me and my heart is going up against me . " he took another step , trying to sound as calm as possible , only few steps left to reach her .

" do you know how frustrating that feels ? " his face , contorted in agony .  Myungsoo took one last step , only inches away from her . Their Bodies ,  almost too close he could feel her warm breath against his cold skin .

She looked away , gripping her pajama tightly at the side  . " don't say things you don't really mean Myungsoo  . . You don't know how ---- "

The loud slamming sound cut her words, Myungsoo frustratedly punched the door behind her , making her tears spill and whimpering sounds  coming out.

Myungsoo couldn't take it anymore , "  THE HELL --- IM JEALOUS !! " he roared , "  IM JEALOUS SO MUCH  THAT I WANT TO KILL MYSELF FOR BEING SO . "  he gave the door another punch but with less force .  he bang his head against the door, his body pressing over her  .

minhae was stuck on her feet , she couldnt move even if she wanted to , her lips where parted , wanted to say anything  but she  couldn't find her own voice . she felt Myungsoo leaning over her shoulder ,his hands that were propped  at the door on either side slowly slipping down . he gradually straightened his back and Carefully cupped her cheeks .  

Myungsoo's cold hands felt like melting over minhae's warm and delicate skin . he liked the feeling , it's making his wild restless heart at ease . he gently raised her chin with his warming cupped hands , and stared at her warm and innocent eyes he find so blindingly alluring . his feelings were slipping off his heart , he couldn't restrain himself anymore . .  

What for anyway ?

They stared for awhile , breathing in the same rhythm .

 he stared down at her red tinted lips , that slit in the middle of her lower lips looked so inviting making him lean down with his hand tilting her head a little enough to capture those plump lips  but ,  minhae looked down At the cold ground .

Myungsoo felt a heavy thug dropped over his heart .

he closed his eyes and opened his mouth to utter ,

" Minhae . . "

That  moment she heard her  own name coming  out of his mouth . minhae's eyes widen , her tears blurring her sight . she slowly looked up, gazing at him with her lips parted in haze.

" you . . Said my name . . For the very first time . . " her groggy voice echoed around the room , her tears fell like pearls falling  as her lips curved into a genuine smile .

Myungsoo gingerly wiped the traces of tears and smiled .

he took her hand and rest it over his chest .

" I uttered your name in here many times , but I guess it wasn't loud enough . "

Myungsoo  guardedly leaned over her for the second time , as minhae tiptoed up to him to meet his wanting lips .

Myungsoo felt that tingling feeling over his chest the moment he felt her warm thin lips again . he couldn't help himself from smiling in between pecks . he grabbed minhae 's arms and wrapped them around his neck .

minhae s her arms around him just like how he wanted it . closing her eyes tightly that tears kept flowing . Myungsoo would constantly  wiped those tears lightly , never breaking the kiss .

Myungsoo stepped back , pulling her with him as they walked towards north .  

He kissed her lower lip . nibbled it , particularly the vertical slit he just can't stop staring at for the past weeks . when he asked for a gentle entrance , she parted her lips willingly . he slowly slipped his tongue , careful enough to not surprise her. he smelled her minty breath as  He felt every corner of her caven in a tenderly chaste manner  making her moan a little .  

it sounds sweet in his ears .

minhae gasped feeling Myungsoo as he pulled her into a deep kiss . With traces of innocence , gentleness ,  and lovingly gradual . she moved along with him like a docile student , feeling her knees weakening  . his warm breath smelled something she didn't only smelled before , she tasted  the alcohol he just drank and she finally figured what it was . .

tequila , of course .

Myungsoo felt a thug as they reached his bed . he gradually hauled her down with him . His back landed on his warm and soft bed , as minhae ended up on top of him . her weight  wasn't much for him . he could sleep with her like that for a decade and he will not budge . they rested ,  only breaking the kiss for a second to grasped some air and continuing  on .

 minhae's raven  locks felt so soft and fine around his  fingers . he always wonder  how they felt and smell . And now it smelled like jasmine . probably her shampoo , he thought .  now he can tell he deeply adores it , long or short he liked her  hair .

He pushed her a little , he feeling his own heart fluttering under her . he figured she probably felt it too when he saw her smiling .

she rested her ears over his chest and listened to his heart , beating fast and alive .

He wrapped His arms around her and closed his eyes , before planting a good night kiss over the crown of her head .


OH MY GOD WHAT DID I JUST WROTE ?!! HAHAHA > pulling hairs out <  I think this is one of the longest chapter I ever made .

hahahah , okey so many things happened in this chapter and more than 2 characters made their first appearance . haha

And I'm sorry for too much swearing and curses hahha , just want to show how loving Myungsoo and Mir together . Haha

I hope I gave their first real kiss a justice . hhaha nope , it's not a dream and not an imagination . haha  TROLLS .

TEASER ! oh I know how you guys  love teasers . :p


Myungsoo pressed the answer button . his head was twirling and aching like a gun kept shooting him .

" hello ? " he said in a groggy voice .

" AYOOO BESTFRIEND ! how was your sleep ?? Lovely ? " the other voice said , more like screaming like a siren .  

The voice was unfamiliar and a bit familiar ??

He glanced at the screen and read the registered name .


His brow  puckered into an ugly frown .


He never met someone by the name ,"hornyhotwildB.ef.ef " .

" who the hell is this ? And my head is not in the mood for guessing games  " he said  , a bit irritated .

" owwwwwww temporary amnesia ? Told you the drink works . but any way , don't worry . what happened last night will be between YOU-ME-AND THE 10 tequilas . " the voiced laughed like an idiot on the other line .

And  that idiot just hang up on him .


he walked out of the comfort room still puzzled .  

he pulled his drawer to get his charger , his phone was dying . he unintentionally glanced at his laundry basket . paused when he noticed something green and bulky .

he lazily walked close to it and pulled it out . it was like a book , only a bit lighter , it has a keyhole in it but the book was unlocked .

When he stared at it longer He realized it was minhae 's . " diary ?! , how did this end up here ?? " he questioningly stared at it in Daze . Thinking hard how he got it .but blank .

his phone beeped , as a text message came . he tapped it opened and gaped when he saw a picture of him wrapping his arm around some dude who was stucking his  tongue out and doing a ridiculous piece sign . He stared  at his own self . he  looked like and holding a bottle up like he just won a soccer competition . he was smiling broadly , --- Broad enough that his entire gums is showing , and a face he will NEVER SHOW in front of a camera , considering that the picture was a actually a JUMP SHOT .

" WTF ?" he squealed .

he scrolled down and there was a text attached to it .

" oh and by the way , HOW DARE YOU FORGOT MY HONORABLE NAME?! BUT WELL , since you 'l be looking for me like a stupid jerkface , guess il just tell you so you won't break your brain ( if you even have one) with a shovel  .

. . Dude , this is the most high . .

. . AMBER . "  

he dropped his phone .

 someone walked inside his room and found him like that .

" Myungsoo . . . "

he looked up at her .

" WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT ?! " he asked so eagerly confused.

and those words were not the things  she expected  to hear from him after what happened few hours ago .  


ohhhh well , all I can assure  is , it wasnt a dream . but  i wonder if Myungsoo remembers  it ??

hahha shooooot me !

Another teaser !


Myungsoo walked away in heavy steps , with clenched hands and gritted teeth . he wasn't feeling a good time and he badly wanted to punch SIWAN straight into his lovely face .

"Myungsoo ! " uee shouted , she was trailing behind Myungsoo . she ran to his side and shook the hell out of him.

"what is wrong with you ??! " she asked urgently . Myungsoo was standing in front of her but his mind seemed to be somewhere else . " Myungsoo ! " she placed her hand around Myungsoo 's neck and cupping his cheek with the other to steady him .

Myungsoo closed his eyes , trying to find the precise words to describe what he was Currently feeling .  But his mind was jumbled all together that --

" I DON'T KNOW. " confusion was evident in his voice .

the both of them twitched When footsteps came and stopped a few feet from them .

two crescent eyes looked at them in that position , not knowing what to think ----- or feel .

" oh, I'm sorry . " Minhae apologized and walked back .


are you sick of this teaser ?? yeah me too . hahahaha and thank god it will be on next chap . hahhaa I'm gonna nail everything on feb14 .

comments ?? Please . . :(


k . 
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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen