when all tables are turned : the script

The Kim's

Myungsoo was frightened seeing Onew in the kitchen . His back facing him as he was frying some eggs . He widened his steps and pulled Onew by his collar .

" MYUNG-- Good morning yo--- " Onew was coughing all his words because of Myungsoo 's tight grip around his collar . he gaze at him weirdly . " BWO-- BWOya?? " he asked , dropping the pan .

Myungsoo held his chin and turned it from left to right . " aghhhhhh jinja---- thank god it's just a freaking dream . " he mumbled , letting him go .

" dream ? What dream ? " Onew inquired .

Myungsoo shook his head in an instant. " nothing . " he said monotonously . he doesn't feel like explaining his DREAM on how Onew , and the rest of his cousins looked like  minhae . he already have big troubles with her and  seeing 7 of her in his waking life would break his sanity open .  

key and Mir came in their well ironed uniform after Myungsoo sat down on his favorite stool .

" hyung, I'm sorry I got trouble waking up early .  If you ask me why It's ALL JONGHYUN's FAULT ! " key gritted his teeth remembering how he kept coming in and out of jonghyun's room attending to his nonsense needs .  

Onew placed all the foods he prepared for breakfast . " it's okey kibumie , jonghyun's needs help anyways . " he smiled . mir beside key , his hands clapping in pure delight . " AMEEHRIIKAAHN  BREEKFASTT !! " he laughing happily and drooled over all the food .

Myungsoo giggled hearing key and mir talked on how jonghyun kept pestering them all night .

" YAHH Kim Myungsoo . " a hand slammed in front of Myungsoo 's table . he jumped off his seat . Well almost . Even key and Mir were also startled.  

Myungsoo turned and saw minhae looking mad about something he was yet to know . she was talking to him but all he did was stare at her . that dream he had just hours ago came creeping inside his mind  . he remembered how her raven hair moved when she walks and her eyes that ---

" YAAAAAAHHHHH !! " minhae shouted slamming her hand again creating electric shock at key , Mir and Onew . she was pissed seeing Myungsoo staring at her like a wall . She was telling him something important and he wasn't even listening .

Myungsoo flicked back to his normal state when he heard the Loud slammed that left his heart shaking in  surprise  . " W-AE? " he asked in a low tone .

Mir nudged key , sending silent message telling his hyung to pay attention with the two who were about to get into a morning argument .

Minhae blew her freely raven strands that were blocking her vision . She wanted to stab Myungsoo with a knife if Onew and the rest weren't in the same room . " I sent you a text last night . Telling you to wake up early . we need to get to the theatre arts building before classes starts . Is it so hard to wake up early ??! " she Angrily said . she was worried what the rest were thinking about her . She was scolding their cousin .  

In their  own house .  XD

She slowly checked up on their expression and found Onew smiling , his eyes telling her . " good good keep going . scold him!! " he smirked . key and Mir were biting their lips to stop their evil laugh from coming out .

Myungsoo looked lost for a moment . he d his phone and saw her message . " I didn't checked my phone last time so I didn't get to read your message and ------------ " Myungsoo's explaining words were cut off when minhae leaned over and came 2 inches face to face with Myungsoo .  

He breathed in holding his air seeing her this close to him . her squinted eyes were shifting from his Right eye to the left with superiority . he even clenched his hand tighter to prevent himself from falling off the stool .  

" you better show yourself later or else , YOUR DEAD. ! " she threatened him .  she straightened her back but still looking down on him .

Myungsoo coughed when minhae was a space away from him . his nervous heart was slowly relaxing inside his chest .

" ARASO?! " she yelled when she didn't heard any response from him . She sat next to him with her hand folded across .  

he blinked 3 times while slowly nodding like a robot . " ye--yeh. " he was stuttering and dropped his sight on his plate to avoid her stares .


Onew , key and mir covered their mouths and even looking at each other with questioning eyes .  

It was the first time they saw Myungsoo acting like a submissive housewife . during normal basis , Myungsoo would yelled back at anyone who was yelling at him in any time of the day .

" looks like someone woke up in the other side of the world this morning . " key whispered .

" trust me hyung , Someone inside the house is a lot worser . " Mir whispered back to key .

they stared at each other and nodded thinking only one person .

The atmosphere between minhae and Myungsoo  was getting darker and darker when jonghyun suddenly shows up .

" GOOD MORNING GUYS!! " he greeted reaching high notes .  Key and mir clenched their fist seeing the energetic jonghyun .  Onew got up and checked up on him . " hey Jong - you shouldn't be walking around , and why are you even wearing your uniform ? " he eyed jonghyun who was spinning like a princess showing off his pretty gown .

" aneya hyung , I'm all well now ! " he said raising his right hand .  

key gritted his teeth . " well you should be because we sacrifice our entire night walking in and out of your freaking room !! " he roared . Mir just nodded nonstop remembering how the blonde boy's endless buzz  woke him up 3 in the morning just to switch  the lights off for him.

Jonghyun stood in between key and mir . He embraced them together . " Ohhhhhhh .. I love you too guys ! " he kissed their cheeks . key and Mir just wanted to puke in front of him .  

Eun ah came . Her hair is still dripping wet and her uniform wasn't properly tuck, key gave her an displeased look . " ehhh, you'll flood the entire kitchen with your hair . " he pointed at her wet hair with water dripping down on the table . he offered a towel for her to use .

Eun ah dry her hair fast and grabbed her chopsticks . " look guys , I'm kinda late for something so----- "

" guys where's Taemin?" key cut eun ah off , he scanned the kitchen and was dismayed seeing no Taemin . jonghyun rolled his eyes . " where else ??  Still sleeping in his lovely crib . " he grinned that earned some dramatic stares from key .  

before key and jonghyun starts arguing , Taemin came calmly and was surprised seeing all of them still not eating . " I'm sorry ! I overslept hyung . " he apologized to each of them .

the second Taemin sat down , everybody reached out for the foods Onew prepared when .


all of them froze up and looked at jonghyun with their " what ??" expression .

" guys before eating , we should pray first right ?? " jonghyun said looking at them with that serious face .

they looked at each other and withdraw theirs hands that were almost grabbed something. They dropped their chopsticks and gazed at jonghyun . key was a bit irritated but how could he go up against god ??  

Jonghyun cleared his throat and closed his eyes . he did the sign of the cross . " bless us oh lord and these thy gifts , which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our lord -------

All of them immediately picked up their utensils and ready to grab a food when jonghyun was about to say amen but then --

" lord , thank you for giving us  so much blessings  , thank you for giving us a wonderful home and these foods , we will certainly enjoy them . . Please those who are ---- "

jonghyun was still going on and on with his prayer . Mir and Taemin were both eyeing for the hotdog , Onew was his dry lips and drooling over the chicken , EUN ah was tapping her fork on her plate while waiting for jonghyun's prayer to end , Myungsoo was now crossing his arms and chopping jonghyun's tongue in his mind , minhae closed her eyes and imagined herself enjoying an ice cream while key was gripping the table knife Tightly while listening to jonghyun 's words .

" and please keep watch over all needy Africans who were ----------- "

key finally couldn't held it any longer and smashed the table . " YAAAAAAA WE ARE THANKFUL FOR THE WONDERFUL BLESSINGS, we got it already !! " he was about to threw a  plate at him when jonghyun finally opened his eyes and said . " Amen ! " and probably didn't heard key's nagging .he clapped and pick-up his chopsticks . he paused when he noticed how all the people in the table were killing him just by looking . " aren't you guys hungry ?? " he asked nonchalantly.  

They wanted to grumble at him but then , decided not to because all of them were now starving .  they stared  at jonghyun while chewing their foods . jonghyun just shrugged his shoulders . " weird people . " he whispered to himself .  

in the middle of their eating , minhae cleared and called their attention . " Ammm guys , I'm really thankful on how you Guys welcomed me here . but , I talked to iu and she said I can stay with her so -- " minhae 's voice trailed off when she was feeling uncomfortable saying it . Myungsoo slowly froze ./p>

Everyone stopped eating and looked at her with wonder . Myungsoo wanted to ask why , but held his words back and just anticipate any of his cousins to ask .

" but noona why ?? " taemin asked sounding hurt .

" yeah , why stay at iu's ? " key asked .

" sweety pie , why are you leaving me ?! " jonghyun asked , a little bit exaggerated . like on kdramas when a boy was left behind by his girlfriend because he was caught cheating with his girlfriends bestfriend ... Which is a boy .

" WHY ON EARTH ?! " EUN ah hissed .

" minhae WAE?! " Onew asked almost teary eyes .

" when are you leaving noona ?? " Mir asked whilst biting his bread . eun ah beat him using a spoon hearing his lack of concern .

See .. Myungsoo doesn't need to open his mouth to ask her why . His cousins just said everything . 

minhae sighed remembering her nana . she was supposed to be here days ago . But her nana asked her If she could stay in the Philippines a little bit longer . how could she say no ?? her nana missed her family back in the Phil .

Minhae observed their expressions . " because . . I feel like I'm burdening you guys . " she confessed .

Key laughed hearing her reason ." what burdening are you saying ?? your not a burden minhae-shi!" he shook his head shoving the idea off .

Onew looked at her with not to go begging eyes . " we don't see why you see yourself as a burden . you help around the house plus you scold Myungie for us . we are actually glad . " he said earning some nod from everyone but Myungsoo glared at him realizing what his last words meant .

" are you uncomfortable staying in my room ?? " EUN ah inquired , guessing a reason why she wanted to leave . minhae's eyes widen hearing EUN ah . " NO NO NO! EUN ah of course not . " her hands strongly objecting .

jonghyun's eyes lighten when a reason came inside his brain . " oh I know ! maybe she is uncomfortable in your room full of weird dolls EUN ah ! " he said , EUN ah frowned at his reason . " minhae-shi ! you can transfer in my room ! you'll feel more comfortable with me ! " he Said blatantly . Myungsoo coughed immediately and gave jonghyun a piercing stare. but jonghyun was too busy looking at minhae .

Mir , in the middle of scrunching with his bread prod jonghyun to look at him . " yeah hyung I guess your right . " he agreed .

" WHAT?!" EUN ah wanted to pull mir's hair . how could he  insult her lovely dolls?? At the opposite Side,  Myungsoo made a mental note to torture Mir  tonight for taking jonghyun 's side while watching him  did a high5 with jonghyun  .

Mir laughed at his cousins reaction ." noona can sleep inside jonghyun hyung's room while hyung , go pack your things up and sleep outside the house . that's a great idea right? " he asked . key laughed and applause in agreement.  his happy expression made him look like he just won a trophy at the oscars .  He did a high5 with Mir for the very first time . " I like what your thinking chul yong-ah!! " he cheekily smiled .

" HEY!!! " jonghyun wailed .

They burst out laughing while continuing to enjoy their breakfast . Onew reached out for minhae's hand across the table . " minhae-shi , nana actually called me . She wanted you to stay here . She said shes at ease knowing that your here with us . and we don't mind . you can stay here as long as you like . " he used his eye charm and lure her to say * okey I won't leave . * minhae tilted his head . " jeongmal--- yo ? " she gently asked .

Myungsoo brought his fist to his mouth to clear his throat casually . " eherrrmm.. you should .. Ummmm stay here until your ..... errrrr... nanny comes back . " he was gulping the entire time . it took him minutes  to even think of more sensible words to tell her .

the bickering key and jonghyun paused from almost hitting each other . Mir who was playing the referee between the two slowly looked at Myungsoo like in the horror movies . EUN ah  , who took a glass of water stopped mid-air , Taemin blinked more than the Normal count and Onew was just beaming his Bright smile at Myungsoo .

and minhae wasn't sure if those words really came from Myungsoo . or probably some ghost living in their house .

Everybody eyed Myungsoo  , making him gulped a rock down his throat . He reluctantly got up . " ammmm .. I got to go , il go ahead . " he gave them a nod of farewell and left the rest of the family in an iced state .

They watched him leave in a hurry .  

" was that even Myungsoo hyung? " Taemin asked his hyungs who were still back in north pole .  


{ hope you listen to Jessica and Krystal's to the beautiful you ost * butterfly * }


all the new cast were asked to line up . Heechul stood beside them on the stage  while flipping some papers on Hand . mr lim arrived and sat on the vacant seats intended for the audience . he flung his fan open and eyed all the new cast . he smiled like a fan-gay  seeing Myungsoo in the flesh .  

" eherrmmmmmn !! Okey guys Listen up , I want you to meet mr. Lim . He is the theatre arts  faculty and to his left is mr. Lee Chanchan . our director and of course me as your lovely coordinator and our very own writers ms soo minhae and IU . " he introduced , the mentioned people stood up and bowed . the people up on the stage bowed at the same time .

heechul coughed while he noticed how mr. Lim kept eyeballing the oblivious  Myungsoo . " Sir , I present to you  the new cast . " mr lim got up and walked his to the stage .

" Kim Myungsoo will be playing the lead role .  " Myungsoo stepped out and bowed at all the staffs . mr lim eyed Myungsoo from head to foot with adoration .he circled around him and even sniffed like Myungsoo was some kind of aromatic flower . even the rest of the cast were giving him weird looks .

But Myungsoo wasn't paying much attention . he was looking down intently at --

" minhae , I guess you guys need to do some editing in these parts . " Chanchan pointed the script which minhae and iu were focused on .

Minhae checked which part it was and called iu to see it . " DEH oppa . " the two obeyed after discussing what to do . Minhae unintentionally glanced up the stage and was surprised seeing Myungsoo looking .. At her .

her head boils and rolled her sleeves up showing off her nonexistent muscles . " Kim Myungsoo ! stop spacing out of the mortal world and pay attention to heechul oppa ! " she mouthed at him with scolding doe eyes .

Myungsoo who was shocked of getting caught , pretended to be blind and gaze everywhere . his felt his heart flunk in embarrassment .  

iu noticed minhae 's weird gestures . " are you okay ? " she asked in between flipping the script and looking at her .

Minhae tousled her short raven hair and just focused her attention on the script . " I want to knock Myungsoo 's head open . he is so not paying attention . " she hissed . iu   looked at Myungsoo who was just staring blankly at the script . " errrrrr .. maybe he's going through something minhae . " iu observed how Myungsoo .

minhae gazed back at Myungsoo . " going through something ? " she mimicked .  

iu sighed and returned her eyes on their work . " yeah . " she took her pen out and started lining ."  So we edit this part and this .. ----- " iu was talking by herself since minhae was still looking at Myungsoo .

" I wonder what . " minhae deeply thought . She does noticed how Myungsoo Look  , act and talk differently these past few days . " OMMOOOOO!! it's not the jonghyun's disease is it ?? " she innocently .  

" disease what ? " iu asked hearing her mumbles .

Minhae gave her a never mind smile and got back to their paper .

ON the stage .

heechul  stood beside a slender and tall girl .  Her long straight blonde hair looks so shiny she can pass as a shampoo commercial model . she was pretty and flawless " and this is Angelique song . she will be playing the lead actress  . " the girl step out proudly .  

" annyeonghaseyo! " she bowed politely that only got ignored by mr. Lim .

another girl who looked so much like Angelique step out beside her . " and This is Angela , Angelique 's identical twin sister . she is  her sister's  understudy . if unfortunately her sister wouldn't make it due to unknown forces , she will be playing the lead role . " heechul said . angela bowed and said her greeting .


" wow , they're so pretty . " amber who appeared from god knows where clapped in admiration . she was actually drooling .  minhae and iu looked at her , If someone asked them who this drooling girl is , they will definitely deny her . XD

iu leaned over amber with her elbow on amber's  right shoulder . " amber have you eaten ? you look like a hungry beggar . " she sniggered .  

amber even tilted her head and checking out the chicks long legs . " wheeewwwww .. those legs man . those legs . " she hyperventilated .

Minhae just covered amber's mouth before anyone threw her out . XD.

ON  stage

heechul grabbed Siwan forcefully . " and this is Siwan . He will also be playing an important role . " he introduced Siwan proudly .

Siwan bowed and smiled charmingly . " Annyeonghaseyo , please take care of me . " he said . the staffs ,even the twins seemed to have fallen with Siwan's suave smile . They were all whispering and giggling as Siwan stepped back and just wore his innocent smile .

" ha..." Myungsoo snorted with eyes rolling.  

After introducing the minor characters , mr lim personally gave each of them a copy of their script. " practices will be after classes and on Saturdays . we are actually behind the schedule --- "

Heechul leaned beside Chanchan . " geeesh I wonder why . " he whispered sarcastically only to be shhhhhhh by Chanchan .

" so don't be surprise if we'll  have rehearsals during Sunday's . We have important guest so all of you should work hard  on this . am I clear ? " he asked gardening some " deeehhh " from the people around .

mr. Lim went down and gave heechul , Chanchan and minhae a good pat on the back . " good work . " he praised and sat on the other end to observe their practice while fanning his feather fan that made the three sneeze .


After class

after an hour of practice , Chanchan called for a break time . all of the cast went down and grabbed a snack or a moment to rest on the chairs with legs sprang in exhaustion .

meanwhile , Myungsoo looked around high and low . He saw amber and iu talking but minhae wasn't with them . he thought maybe she's at the backstage . he walked fast and even glancing at his back like a spy afraid to get caught .

the moment he set foot at the backstage , a lot of staffs who were working on big promps earlier were all leaving to take a quick break . he occasionally bowed in respect when some seniors walked passed him . he stood behind the wall and waited for minhae to come out .  

but  all the staffs were all out but even minhae's shadow was nowhere . He sighed impatiently . " is she even here ? " he asked the wall .

he decided to just go inside . he walked slowly not to step on the promps the staffs spent hours working on . after minutes of searching , he found minhae standing beside the table and leaning forward . She was busy checking some papers . " probably the script . " he thought seeing how focused she is .  

he hid himself behind the wall when minhae glanced towards his direction . he waited for a minute before looking back again . she was still busy with her pencil . Myungsoo just leaned against the wall with crossed arms and watched her every move . " why did I even dreamt of you ? " he murmured .  he knew tons of women but still couldn't figure out why it was her . And looking at minhae he knew it was really her in his dream . and the way he feels now in his waking life was far too different  from the way he feels in the past . he couldn't explain it .  

minhae pouted like she was not satisfied with something . she bit her pencil and scratched her head .she took a spoon of chocolate cake that was on the table and indulge herself with it . That simple gesture somehow made him smile for some unknown reason . " immature , innocent ----- "

minhae crumpled the paper and threw it on the trash can in anger . " AHGGH JINJA!! " she whined sounding hopeless . even threw the pencil .

" --- and temperamental . " Myungsoo added . he paused for a second realizing how he was smiling and staring at her like a stalker . he immediately erased that smile on his face and composed himself . " eherrrm.. " he cleared his throat . He was about to leave but froze when he noticed how minhae was gulping and her lips . he thought for a moment , and walked out fast .


he d some coins and stopped . " water or juice ? " he thought .

he sighed ,  Still in deep thoughts ." If I give her some juice , she will only feel more thirsty after , but If I go with water , water is actually good for the health and natural . " he reasoned , talking it out with the vending machine .

he dropped some coins . " how could she eat without some water?? she'll choke . " he said recalling how minhae the cake while looking pissed at the script . he took the two cold mineral water and held it tightly before running back and made his way where minhae was .


he took a quick peek and saw that minhae was still there and glaring at the papers . he cleared his throat and leaned back against the wall . " amm hey. you want some water ? " he practiced , pretending some minhae hologram in front of him .

he thought . " aneya .. I sounded too obvious . " he said while still looking at the cold bottle he was holding .

he cleared his throat again . " YAAA  don't you know that water is important when your eating ?? " he tried again  and . " no no no , I sounded  like key  . " he shrugged the idea and think again.  

" aren't you thirsty ? oh hey , here I have an extra water . You can take it . " he said sounding cheerful that his voice cracked at the end .

he sighed on frustration . the coldness of the bottle of water was wearing off .

inner self : dude just go out there and give her that water . What's so hard about that ?!  

" right , i should talk in my normal manner . " Myungsoo gathered himself before walking out there like he's going to war .  

he was taking his steps slowly . with bottles of water on either hands , he was actually a bit nervous but thought that it was probably just the cold water . minhae was so absurd with what she was doing that she didn't noticed Myungsoo standing beside her .  

" agh otttoeke ??! " she panicked while fuming with the papers .

" eherrrmmmmm . " Myungsoo purposefully bumping his shoulder with minhae 's to made his presence known .

minhae almost screamed seeing Myungsoo beside her . " YAAA YOU SCARED ME ! " she shivered with goosebumps and gave him a quick pat

Myungsoo just gave her a soft chuckle and looked at her . " what are you doing ? " he asked , looking at the papers but his mind was thinking how the heck will he give her the water . the cold bottles were slowly heating up around his hands .  

minhae sighed in exhaustion and returned her attention on the papers . " script . " she said looking all tired and weak . Myungsoo felt a bit down seeing her worn out , he wanted to cheer her up somehow or share show corny jokes her heard from onew . But she probably just give him a * get lost ! * face .  So he decided to just shut up  .  he was listening to her complains when he suddenly  remembered the bottle he was fumbling earlier  .

 Minhae's eyes widen when a bottle of water suddenly  Occupied her vision. she stared at Myungsoo who was holding it out for her with a serious face  . " what is this ? " she asked innocuously .

Myungsoo held it out more . " haven't seen a mineral water before ? " he asked sounding sarcastic , and his suppose to be smile just curved into a cocky smirk .

inner self : wow Myungsoo , great words man , great words  . > claps<

Myungsoo mentally slapped himself .

minhae ears smoked with anger . " WHAT ?!! " she yelled at him so Loud that he made a step backwards .  

" Ummmmmmm.. eh. " Myungsoo grabbed her hand and made her hold the bottle and walked out without looking Back .  

minhae watched him leave in a hurry . " what's gotten into him ? " she glanced at the bottle with wonder . she rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottle . " aghh I have enough problems to deal with than to think about Myungsoo 's weird behavior . " she said .


Myungsoo hit  his head against the wall 3 times . "  STUPID  . IDIOT    . " he scolded himself for sounding rude  out there . his mouth got in the way alright . talking like his normal self was a bad idea after all .He popped his head out to check on minhae . But he did it with outmost cautious .

he watched how minhae twisted the bottles cover and slowly brought it to her lips when --

" minhae- shi .. still not done ? " a handsome guy came and joined minhae looking at the papers . minhae giggled at him and showed him the script . " yeaaa a lot to edit . " she said . Putting the water down the table .

Myungsoo dug his fingernails against the wall like a mad witch and imagine himself clawing at Siwan .  

Siwan smiled showing his faint dimple . " why dont you stop for a while and rest . " he took out a cold can of juice . " here, I bought this for you . " he offered.  

minhae couldnt utter a word seeing Siwan being so thoughtful and even begging her to take the juice and rest for awhile . " this -- is for me ? " she asked Hesitantly .

Siwan opened the can and held minhae 's Hand and made her hold it . " yes  , go on . " he insisted . Grabbing the paper and the pencil she was holding with frustration .  

minhae shly nod and took the can ..

on the other side of Myungsoo 's gloomy world , he gritted his teeth with massive anger seeing the two . Specially how minhae took the can and . " NO NO NO DON'T YOU DARE ------ " minhae took the can and drank it , even laughed afterwards . Myungsoo 's shoulders dropped down seeing her enjoying her drink while his mineral water already lost its coldness and just laying down on the table . outcast .

His  jaw dropped , almost at the peak of dislocation . he couldn't believe his mineral water got ignored by a juice !!

 he breath harshly with bitten lips . his temper was rising up again . he clenched his fist and walked out before he decided to throw a cannon ball at Siwan ." that scumbag seriously wanted to die early . " he scoffed .

he  was cussing as he trundled out of the theatre . " AISSSSSSHHHHH !! " he loosen his neck tie up that was growing tighter around his neck . Almost choking him . XD

Practice was about to start . Everybody settled on their positions , the cast went up while the staffs resumed on their assigned work . minhae looked at all the cast on the stage . she was calmly watching when she heard two girls talking .

" aghhh jinja ! We're doomed . I cant believe they picked Myungsoo as the lead . They could have just picked Siwan .  " she complained while whispering at the other .

Minhae got curious hearing Siwan and Myungsoo 's name . she didnt want to eavesdrop but her ears were too sensitive to play deaf . she tiptoed and stood a few spaces from the two .

the other short girl with braces nodded and went on with their subject . " deeeh.. It's quite obvious that he got the role because teacher lim has a 3 years crush on him ! I heard Chanchan oppa begged in front of Myungsoo . " she gossiped .

Minhae  grinned at the memory .

" jeongmal- yo?? " the other asked skeptically .

" yeh !! aghh .. just look at Myungsoo . He's not even interested on reading the script . " she pointed at Myungsoo .

minhae looked at Myungsoo . She bit her lips in annoyance seeing Myungsoo just sitting and looking at the script blankly , he was yawning and even closing his eyes and rest his head on the table . " oaahhhh you lazy dummy! " minhae hissed quietly .

the two girls eyed Myungsoo with disappointed eyes . They glanced at Siwan and both squealed . " but Siwan ... Aghhhh look at him . he deserves the role better . he's showing effort . " the braces girl praised .

Minhae gazed at Siwan only to found him walking back and forth while intently reading the script . He was saying the lines out and memorizing it . He was nodding and lining some lines with his pencil . Minhae looked at him  with so happy  eyes that Siwan was working harder  . he never failed to impress anyone and everyday their together , she just can't stand not to like this new guy . well , no one can probably resist that face with righteous attitude .

Unlike Myungsoo who's irresponsible when it comes to other things than soccer . she sighed in depression noticing Myungsoo who has fallen asleep while leaning on the table . " what am I going to do with him ?. " she was troubled with Myungsoo 's attitude since day one !

" and we have important visitors . Haaay otttoeke ? " the other girl said anxiously .

" who are these important visitors anyway ? " the braces girl asked .

" mola .. " the girl shrugged .

minhae was actually wondering the same thing . she decided to stop eavesdropping and fix Myungsoo herself . she creeped up and grabbed the drowsy Myungsoo and pulled him at the dressing room where they can talk privately .

Myungsoo was surprised realizing the it was minhae who dragged him out like some puppy . " WAE ?? " he asked, blinking his eyes open .

she badly wanted to bite Myungsoo so hard . " YAAA Myungsoo ! " she yelled hard and Loud .

" WHAT ?!" Myungsoo yelled back .

she grabbed Myungsoo 's shirt and pulled him close . " yaaaa , everybody is working hard so please show some interest and effort . " she chided angrily .  

Myungsoo raised his brows . the picture of her and how she ignored his mineral water just woke him up from deep slumber . " I'm already here aren't I  ?? What else do you want me to do ? " he grunted .

" Myungsoo . this is really important to me and the entire school . " she looked at him seriously . " so please .. Do it sincerely . " she said pleading .

hearing this , Myungsoo actually felt a bit insulted . " what .. You think i'll show my face here and screw things up ?? " minhae sighed in frustration hearing Myungsoo .  now they were on their way to arguing . AGAIN.

" Myungsoo ----------- "

Myungsoo handed her the script . " If you think Siwan can play the  role better than me , then why don't you just beg that old gay faulty teacher to  pick him . And that would make you happy seeing Siwan on my place right ?? I'm just wasting my precious time here . "  he  struck her a blazing stare before walking away without another word .

the last thing she heard was the strong slammed door .

Great . She just pissed Myungsoo off . Now all of them are doomed . with exhausted legs , she sat on the nearest chair and was feeling so down and hopeless .

" now what . " she croaked out .

AFTER PRACTICE -- * Kim 's van *

Minhae laid still on her seat , with Myungsoo's script on her lap.  she was constantly sighing while looking outside the car . Myungsoo left the theatre after their heated conversation .she had to make some lame excuse for his sudden disappearance and now everybody thinks Myungsoo doesn't really deserve the role .

everyone inside the car were hyper except her . Mir noticed how minhae was silent since she got inside the car . he elbowed Taemin who was busy playing with his cell . " baby boy , is minhae noona okey ? She kept sighing and sighing that she could sip all of us if she won't stop . " he said feeling worried and scared at the imagination of being sip into someones nose .

Such a horrible sight to see .

Taemin Frowned seeing his noona so gloomy and down . " Myungsoo hyung  got mad at her . " he reported .

Onew heard the two and glanced at the lifeless minhae . he wanted to talk to her but held back . " they should fix this by themselves . " he mumbled. He did saw Myungsoo walking out of the theatre looking so hard like he wanted to kill someone . " aghh these kids are really ------------- "

" HYUNG WATCH OUT !!!!!!! " jonghyun screamed like a damsel in distress while pointing out the red light and their car is only seconds to crashing someone's vehicle .


Onew instantly stepped on the brake making all of them slammed onwards .  Thank the heavens their car stopped before all of them say bye2 to their parents and love ones .

with all their hands on their chest and heart almost jumping off the car . " HYUNG WHERE IS YOUR EYES WE ALMOST DIED  ! " key shouted hysterically .
" GUYS IM SO SORRY !! " Onew apologetically said while looking at all of them . " everyone's alright ? " he checked .

Key wanted to get out and just walk home ,minhae was trembling ,  jonghyun fainted , EUN ah looked so pale she immediately looked for a plastic to puke on . Taemin almost peed on his pants while Mir really peed on his pants .

after a spur of a moment , everybody was calm enough to lay back . Key offered to drive them home and forced onew to sit back .

minhae looked down and saw the script . it must have fallen from that strong brake . she leaned forward and took Myungsoo 's script . she laid back and flipped the pages open .

her Tired eyes widen when she saw the writings . Myungsoo 's lines were all high lightened with a green high lighter . she flips some pages and some were lined by a pencil . he even wrote some side comments .some pages were even crumpled . Mostly was with Siwan 's part .  There were even devil smileys beside siwan's lines . he even draw a tomb . Probably siwan's . she flipped further and realized that Myungsoo have been reading almost more than half of the paper .

she covered in shocked . remembering Myungsoo 's words .

. " what .. You think i'll show my face here and screw things up ?? "  

"If you think Siwan can play the  role better than me , then why don't you just beg that old gay faulty teacher to  pick him . And that would make you happy seeing Siwan on my place right ??  I'm just wasting my precious time here "  

her lips were already bleeding . now she felt bad for thinking of Myungsoo so wrongly . " aghhh !!!! " she snorted . Her guilt was eating her up .

the moment they arrived , minhae got out in a hurry leaving the rest of the family looking puzzled .

[ [ plss listen to jay-park 's  : happy ending ] 

* Kim's residence * 

Myungsoo's room

Myungsoo threw himself on his big bed after taking a cold iced bath just to cool his erupting head down to 0 deg .  He reached out for his forehead and massaged it gently . he was feeling some mild headache " aghhh jinja , my head . " he shrieked . He badly wanted to close his eyes and just sleep early , but minhae's voiced  Just wouldn't let him .

"Myungsoo . this is really important to me and the entire school . "

"  so please .. Do it sincerely . "  

he chuckled with distraught . " what -- she thinks I'm unware of that ?! " he scoffed .  he laid down again and closed his eyes .

loud explosive knocks suddenly echoed inside his room . he glanced at the closed door for a second before grabbing a pillow and covering his ears to ignore it . let them knock till sunrise he won't be moving to open it .

But he forgot that he forgot to lock the door .

he grinned in annoyance hearing the door slowly opening . but he remained still on that " don't talk to me " position with his closed eyes .

even when his bed muffled slowly when someone sat beside him , he stayed motionless and ignored who ever it was .

" Myungsoo-ah . "

Myungsoo eyes opened and found out it was minhae who entered his realm . he gulped and continued playing dead .

minhae gave him a gentle pat on his arm . " Myungsoo- ah are you awake ? " she asked . her voice sounded like a child at the peak of crying .

Myungsoo held his breaths in and tried hard not to be swayed by her aeygo and that warm hand sending insects inside his stomach .


He hardened his waffle heart and really ignored her . but when he heard her sniffling and whining he realized that he couldnt tolerate it any longer .  " WHATTT ?!!! " he Shouted . sitting up in an instant that due to shock, minhae fell on the floor .

She immediately kneeled before Myungsoo and well prepared to beg for his forgiveness . Myungsoo was frightened seeing her bowing in front of him like he was some lord .

minhae held out the script . Still head down . " I'm sorry . please for give me Myungsoo- ah . " she fakingly cried .

Myungsoo eyes warmed . seeing her with his script and begging him to take it back .she probably now realized that he actually read it .

" I'm sorry , I never thought you were actually reading it and ----

" DEEEHHHHH ! your shocked that I was actually paying attention ? I read my sappy lines that my eyes just felt so tired and watery !  " he exclaimed . He sounded like a dramatic princess being accused of stealing a cupcake . XD

minhae wanted to Flick a finger at Myungsoo ." SAPPY LINES ?! " she thought wildly . She worked her off and he just called it as SAPPY .she calmed herself since she was the one at fault at the moment  . XD

" I'm sorry okey ? I thought you were sleeping most of the time . " she said still in that bowed , kneeling position and bearing it all in . she actually looked like a servant begging his highness for forgiveness . XD

Myungsoo gripped his hands on his knees . " BWWWOOOOO ?!! " he stamped his foot and yelled loudly that minhae bowed even more with fear . " you thought I was sleeping ?! " he paused and chuckled . " YAAAAHHHHH ! i spent hours reading that thick paper and was merely closing my eyes and memorizing  my  lines . I even memorized those lines that weren't mine for you own satisfaction ! and BWWWOOOOO ??? everybody is working hard so please show some interest and effort .???!!!  " he reminded her of her words earlier that probably hurt his feeling . XD minhae glared secretly . " does he have to remind me that ?! I'm already sorry ! " she thought to herself .

" you think I'm stupid not to realized that ?? " Myungsoo scolded like he was minhae's father . " just ask Siwan ! Since being a prince who is saying some mouth watery words Is his very style , he can portray it better .  Beg him to take the role so everybody is happy . KAAHHHHHH !!!!! [GO]" he pointed at the door asking her to leave .

minhae pouted her lips . " how can I do that ? mr. Lim won't agree and this play won't be happening without you . " she said .

Myungsoo sneered . that fact is actually making him viciously happy . XD

" KAAAHHHH ! I'm not interested in joining . il make my vacant time more productive . " he wailed  

Minhae closed her eyes . " AGHH MYUNGSOO-ahhh .." she whined .

" SHIROOOOO! " he firmly said .

" waaaaaaahhh myungsoo and key can now have a nagging competition of the year . " she mumbled , her ears now hurting with Myungsoo 's endless words . her legs and knees were now hurting . " sorry so please .. " she begged .

Myungsoo noticed how she was on that position uncomfortably . He  looked away because his eyes couldnt Bear seeing her grimacing . " Aissssssshhhhhhhhhh !! " he hissed . He took the script and stood up .

Minhae smiled and got up in seconds . Myungsoo was still sulking , his back facing her and arms crossed . " Myungsoo .. were now okey right ? " she asked cutely , poking his left cheek . Myungsoo turned to his right avoiding her . minhae laughed how he acted immaturely . " right ?? " she poked at his right cheek . but Myungsoo was like an old-maid playing hard to get . XD

 minhae jumped in front of him. " Myungsoo ! you like cake ? Or Juice ? Il get anything for you ! " she Glady offers .

Myungsoo's ears flamed hearing that "juice "word . from now on , he will never drink juice . even stare and think of juice . and juices are no longer allowed inside the house and everyone is forbidden to drink juice . He'll kill anyone who will defy him .XD

" I want a gigantic whale with a Mickey mouse spots . Can you get that ?? " he said arrogantly with forehead crinkling .XD

minhae laughed and pinched his cheek . " AIGOOOOOOOOOO ! stop sulking ! You look less handsome ! " she joked , " il get some snacks . " she said and walked away of the room hopping .



minhae closed the door and smiled . atleast now their okey . ^_^ she swore not to think of him wrongly without investigating keenly . she burst out laughing remembering how myungsoo talked his hard feelings out .


She let out a euphoric sighed and 
walked down to prepare their snack as her peace offering . XD



Myungsoo was frozen . he gulped 3 times before gathering his courage to feel his cheeks . He gulped even more when he felt how warm it was . his cheeks slowly ascends into a shly smile .  

he slapped himself the moment he realized he was smiling alone like jonghyun . he coughed and composed himself and sat motionless .  

but he couldn't really hide his happy heart much longer .  



Minhae came back with a slice of chocolate cake and an iced tea . Myungsoo sighed in relief that it was iced tea and not Juice . she placed it on his table and smiled at him . " please enjoy your snack . " she bowed and patted his head like a pet .

Myungsoo shrugged her hand off his head . " il be Going now . " minhae waved goodbye . Myungsoo looked at her " isn't she going to eat with me ? " he thought . he wanted to invite her but --- he'll only sound weird to her and to himself .

he nodded and watched her leave . he stared at the cake . he felt like a total loner eating it by himself .  

" aissssshhhhh .. " he took the spoon and indulged himself with it .

after 30 minutes .

Myungsoo yawned . he was scanning through the script and his eyes were feeling heavy already . he gaze at his bed and the script , bed and script , bed and script , bed and script .

he blinked his eyes wide open and continued reading with his sleepy eyes .

After a minute , he decided to kill some time downstairs with his cousins . he walked towards the door with the script on his right Hand . He stopped when he saw EUN ah and minhae outside their room .

and he was dazed seeing minhae all dressed up . she was wearing an above the knee pink dress , marched with a gray cardigan . she was even wearing heels and her hair was set up . " where is she going ? " he said .

he leaned his ear a little forward to eavesdrop .

" aghhh minhae ! I'm so excited for you !! you should tell me every detail of you date !! " EUN ah said . Shaking her .

minhae laughed . " it's not a date EUN ah . Siwan just asked me out to try this newly opened Chinese restaurant and drink some juice  . " she clearing though she was blushing imagine Siwan before even seeing him .

EUN ah looked disappointed . " oh my god your so clueless . it's obviously a date ! a handsome pretty beautiful guy like siwan , asking a cute girl like you for dinner ! it's a date alright ! " she hissed .

Myungsoo Almost dropped the script . " DINNER+ JUICE + SIWAN = DATE . " Myungsoo thought thoroughly . He did heard Siwan refusing an invitation  from some guys he probably befriended , " i already have plans for tonight . I'm sorry . " those were Siwan 's words .

His brow flunked up . " PLANS HUH??" he mocked .

He got out and slammed the door loudly on  purpose . EUN ah and minhae  looked at him approaching them .

he eyed minhae from head to heels . " where are you going ? " he asked bluntly .

" dinner out . " minhae smiled while checking her phone .

" with who ? " he asked .

minhae was hesitant to tell him ." si----wan . " she said reluctantly .

Myungsoo chuckled rudely . " YOU CAN'T GO . " he said exasperatedly.


Minhae turned to face him with  a confused expression . " eeeh?? "

" your not going . "

minhae thought she heard wrong , but now that he said it twice , she just squinted her eyes . " WHAT.. Why not ?! " she inquired . "who is he to tell me
To go and not to go ?! " she murmured.

" ummmmmmmm....because ------------You ----need to help me with something . " he nodded .

minhae watched Myungsoo jumbled up with his own words ." with what ? "  she asked curiously .

Myungsoo looked around . at the ceiling, frames , EUN ah , minhae 's heels , looking for an excuse to keep her from leaving . Until he saw the thing he was holding  . " AHHHH . . . . . . With this . " he pointed at the script .

" script ? What about it ?? "

EUN ah quietly walked back inside her room , giggling at the two .

" ummmmm .. You need to read some lines with me . YES -- that . " he flattered .

minhae slipped her handbag  . " EHHH ??!! " she exclaimed .

Myungsoo nodded nonstop . " yessss !! you said you wanted me to show some effort and for the success of this play , so read some lines with me so I can practice my --- ummmm acting. " he convinced , satisfied with the thing he came up with .

she placed her hands on her hips . " your suppose to be doing that with your leading lady Angelique and not with me Myungsoo . " she glared , she scrolled on her phone . " il give your her mobile number so you two can meet and  ----- "

" NO . she's annoying . " he frankly  said . because earlier at the theatre , they've only met like 30 minutes  ago and the girl was already clinging around him . Asking him  about his height , weight , blood type , address ,phone number , his ambition in life and his crush . She's like a walking slum book .

" so I'm not annoying ? " she asked with a sneer .

Myungsoo coughed . " an inch less . " he confessed .

he looked at her still in her doubtful thoughts . " you don't want to see me trolling up there right ? " Myungsoo said threatening her with a cockly smirk .

minhae just find Myungsoo  unbelievable ." it was quite obvious  it's because of Siwan ! what's wrong with him ?? He's always acting like a total jerk when it comes to Siwan ." she thought . Blowing off some strands of her hair . she was startled when Myungsoo held her by the wrist .

Myungsoo dragged her forcibly inside his room while minhae kept pulling herself back refusing to obey . " I DONT WANT TO ! " she said with sheer vexation  .

Myungsoo just hauled her more, heading to his room  . " choose, SIWAN OR THE SUCCESS OF THE PLAY ? " he asked .

she didn't even think . " can  I have the best of both worlds ? " she said pouting .

Myungsoo laughed like a villain . " don't be too greedy . " he opened his room .  

they were almost inside when minhae stopped on her spot and gently removed Myungsoo's fingers which was gripping her wrist tightly . " CAN'T WE JUST DO THIS TOMORROW NIGHT??? " she asked , begging all the saints to do some miracle inside Myungsoo 's Brain and say YES .

" NO . " he strongly said with his poker face up again . " I have tons of things to do tomorrow .  I want this tonight . " pointing at the script .  

"  BUT ------------ "

" NO ! "

They both glared with intensity until minhae got tired of glaring and just agreed with Myungsoo .

Myungsoo let her go and walked towards his now opened room . he glanced at her and gasped .

" Yaaaaahhhhhhhhh !!!" he yelled seeing minhae running away . XD

he gripped the Script securely and ran after her . The moment he got a hang of her , he pulled her closer to him making them hug on the process .

" this is also important to me . Yah I'm your master and I'm ordering you to let me go ! we can read lines together tomorrow , even until sunrise okey ? just not ----------- "

" don't go . . . "

minhae stopped struggling and looked up at him . his suddenly suddenly looked warm and pleading . His voice came out whining . she felt that big lump in that she couldn't gulp it down .


minhae and Myungsoo trembled seeing jonghyun beside them . he was already in his pajamas and was holding a book . he looked at them with his bulging eyes .

the two of them realized their position and deliberately pulled themselves away from each other while diverting their eyes somewhere else .

" we were just talking !! " Myungsoo stuttered while fuming with the script.

she glanced at Myungsoo and quickly nod . " YE-- YEHH . " she gulped once more . Sticking some
Freely stands of her raven her behind her earlobe feeling highly embarrassed  .

jonghyun was holding his giggles back while looking at the two like red tomatoes. " Ohh don't worry , just don't mind me and continue with your skinship . " he stared at them with his malicious eyes and dawdled Back to his room  whistling some love tune .

the two finally relaxed when jonghyun was out of their sight . when minhae stepped away , Myungsoo blocked her immediately .

she raised her eyebrow . " don't worry ! I'm not going anywhere ! " she exclaimed , looking so irritated at the now smirking Myungsoo . " AISSSSSSHHHH ! " she hissed and walked back to her and EUN ah's shared room to change .  

Myungsoo escorted her back and stood outside , guarding her door and waiting for her to come out . he smiled broadly when minhae got in . he looked at the script and felt extremely thankful for having it with him .


he laughed evilly while imaging Siwan 's waiting sorry face .

EUN AH's room

EUN ah was flipping pages of a fashion magazine when minhae trudged inside and was mumbling incoherent words .

" what are you doing ?? your suppose to be out there with Siwan right ? " she asked , wondering why minhae 's was changing her clothes.

"MYUNGSOO HAPPENED!! " she cried out .  

" aghhhh jinja !! now I can't have some alone time with siwan because of him ! Aghhhrehnhbjlclakeohakwodjbabsjd s his driving me crazy !! " she murmured .  

EUN ah looked at her with an 0 mouth and with a not- so- surprised expression . deep inside she was laughing hilariously . >:D  


she got out . when she saw Myungsoo waiting for her outside , the corner of her lips just twitch with annoyance . she stormed towards his room. He even opened it for her and was annoyed even more seeing two Chair facing each other . " after you . " he smiled cunningly .

minhae was teary eyes while walking inside .  she's like seeing her own electric chair .

" Siwan . . . " she cried out .



[ plss listen to kilgu and bonggu " shine " ] 

minhae was cuddling warm under her, she got extremely tired reading lines with Myungsoo , " that jerk . " she sulked once more remembering her failed date with Siwan .. " AGHHHH ! " she rolled over .

beewwpppp bewwwwwwpp!

she grabbed her phone when a text came in . She squinted her eyes to see who it was .


she read his message immediately .

[Siwan ]  : it's okey , we can reschedule our meeting next time .. Ummmmm .. How about tomorrow ? Will you still be reading lines with him ?

she bit her lower lips with joyful eyes .  

[minhae ] : I'm really sorry about not meeting you . tomorrow is fine , ANEYA ! I won't be reading lines with him even if he kneel  and cry a river .  XD

[SIWAN ] : jeongmal-yo? ^_^

[minhae ] : deh . ^_^  

she was jumping on her bed not minding the sleeping EUN ah .

but her smile got swiped away when someone texted her .

[Myungsoo ]: come down at the pool side .  

she gritted her teeth . " hahhahaha never . " she said . she Locked her phone and ignored his text . he'll probably think she's sleeping if she wont reply .

but her phone lighten up again with a new message .

[myungsoo] : yaaaaaahhhh ! I Know your still awake . come down . NOW . QUICKLY !

" BWWWOOOOO ??! " she punched her pillow imagining it was Myungsoo .  

[myungsoo ] : stop glaring at your phone and come down here ! or you want me to carry you ?? >:/

" WOW . " she exclaimed . her head was blazing with fire . " FINE ! " she yelled at her phone . she took her rob and went out to meet Myungsoo downstairs before he flood his inbox.



she found Myungsoo calmly lying down the beach chair . Both his arms were raised up and hands under his head . He was wearing his usual thick hoodie and gray pajamas. his eyes were closed .

" What is it ?! you pestered me to watch you sleep ?! " she prodded him in the arm to stir him .

he opened his eyes and pouted his lips , pouting it up the sky motioning her to look up . minhae followed his gesture and gasped seeing all the bright and twinkling stars .

" WOOOOOWWWWW . " she exclaimed , and lied down on the beach chair beside Myungsoo 's

myunsgoo smiled seeing her grinning with sheer delight . seems like her mood gotten better .

" I thought you don't like stars . " she said , still with that smile across her face and looking up .

" I don't believe with wishing stars . Not that I hate stars . " he snorted .

she stared at him for a moment and looked up again. they both stared up like that for 3 minutes , until a fast shooting star fell for them .

both of their eyes widen. " YAAAHH LET'S MAKE A WISH PALI! " minhae said, shaking Myungsoo vigorously .

Myungsoo felt dizzy for a moment . when he looked at her , she was already bringing her hands together and closing her eyes to a wishing gesture .

He chuckled at her immaturity , but did the same anyways .  XD

after wishing , Myungsoo poked her gently . " what's your wish ? " he asked curiously .

minhae shook her head . " not telling you . " she said firmly .

" ehhhhhhhh... " he said disappointedly ." il tell you mine if you tell yours . " he said to compromised .  

she gave him a quick glance and stared up again . " I wish our theatre play will be successful . :) " she shared , her eyes hopeful .

Myungsoo nodded , " aahhhhhhh ... "

" so what's your wish ? " she asked curiously .

he his lowers lips and thinking how will he tell her without sounding .... scary . " ummmmmmmmm ---- I wished for -------- "

" for ?? " she said , prompting him to say it .  

he smirked like an Assassin. " Siwan 's death . " he said shortly .

minhae nodded . " ahhhhhhhhhhh I see ------- wait WHAT ?!! " she screamed .

Myungsoo laughed even more . " HOW COULD YOU WISHED FOR SOMEONE's DEATH ! ? " she exclaimed .

" mind your own wish . " he said stubbornly .

she glared at him from head to foot. " your driving me crazy you dummy ! " she yelled . " never mind , I'm going out with him tomorrow anyways , il make sure he won't DIE EARLY . " she emphasized .

Myungsoo got up in a flash . " WHat?!! "

" WAE ? you think he wont ask me out again ? Bleeeeehhhhh !! were this close ! " she raised her ring finger and pinky finger together and stick it closely side by side  . " and I'm comfortable with him . " she said .

Myungsoo laughed hilariously , making her feel insulted . XD " for  how long  do you know  him ? 24? 48 ? 72 hours ?! Hahaha " he scoffed .

" doesn't matter , we communicate well , and talk all the time . we spent a lot of time together since we're seatmates and ------- I'm still going out tommorrow wether you like it or not ! " she shouted .

" and YAHH , your living with us so you have to follow some rules . No activities after 9pm . " he added

" dont lie ! it's after midnight ! Onew oppa already told me . And I'm not spending the entire night with him ! your not my father so stop acting one ! Plus .. WERE NOT CLOSE !" she yelled .

Myungsoo giggled crazily . " BWWWOOOOO ?? , hey .. We're close ! " he raised his pinky finger and laced it with minhae 's pinky finger . " we're this close . " he said , his laughing Voice trailed off into a calm monotone .  

minhae looked at their fingers intertwined and back at Myungsoo .

Myungsoo was slowly feeling minhae's warm skin transferring towards him , he felt the need to pull away immediately  before its too late for him .

He pulled away and sat back , breath in and out to calm his nerves . " do you . . . Want some milk ? " he asked  at the now stunned minhae .


After their talked , both of them decided to sleep since it was almost midnight . but Myungsoo went to a short visit at Onew 's room . he knew he was still up at this hour .

he knocked loudly and heard Onew telling him to come inside .

he found Onew leaning over his table with papers on hand . he removed his eye glasses when he saw it was him .

"OHHHH MYUNGIE !! what's up ??! " he excitedly left his table and pulled him down to sit on a chair .

Myungsoo wasn't certain If what he was about to do was a doing of a sane person , but some forces were pulling him to do it . " I need your help on something . " he asked .

Onew cocked his head ." call me hyung first . " he requested sweetly .


Myungsoo got up immediately . " il just ask someone else to help me . " he was about to walked out when Onew dragged him forcefully back on his chair .

" hahahhahaha okey okey okey ! What can i help you with ? " Onew asked . Myungsoo coughed and started telling him what he came for .


Onew smiled so brightly hearing his request .


MORNING * at school *

The class was settling down when their teacher came in . she stood in front of the entire glass to relay an announcement . " okey listen up , the school is receiving a lot of transferees this year . all the sections are almost  full , so some students from other sections will be transferring here today . " everybody  started buzzing with each other . " 2 students will be your new classmates . " she said , she motioned the two to come in .

 a girl came in , she was blonde and slender and she was " Annyeonghaseyo ! I'm Angelique song ! " she greeted seductively , they boy's eyes got all glued at her legs , and amber was already howling like a wolf at the back .  XD

Minhae laughed with iu and Minho , Siwan was just smiling at the girl . Their teacher look outside ." please come inside ." she said .

a flawless boy came in with his black back pack , he walked lazily with that arrogant aura he wears anywhere .all of the girl started squealing like wild whales .

he stood straight in front of them and bowed .

" Annyeonghaseyo . .

. . KIM MYUNGSOO- imida . "  


thank you for reading . ^_^

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saranghe !

k . 
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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen