New school, New friends and..... New haters?!

The Kim's

While the students were walking in a hurry, I was taking my time looking around the school

" wooowwww this school is HUGE, well, its an  international school and one of the top schools here in Korea  and-------- mu thoughts were cut off when I suddenly bumped with someone .

" oh god I'm very sorry !!"

" it's okey " he said in a deep tone, I immediately bent down and grabbed the things he accidentally dropped and gave it to him.

" hey u don't have to do that " he said and took the stuffs, I looked up as if I was looking at a tall street post! I mean, the guy is tall. With good body built ,  big kerokerope eyes and thick glasses, he looks more like a charming geek.  

" it's---  okey, I bumped u anyway " I said almost laughing as he was also smiling

The bell suddenly rang and the guy left after apologizing for the second time.

I was about to walk when I noticed a paper. I took and looked at it.

" heeeeyyyyy!!! You dropped your studyload! I said as I was calling out for him.


I caught up with him and gave him his studyload. " you left this " I said

" owwhhh thank you "

I glanced at his studyload and noticed, " heeyyyy! We're on the same class! We're classmates! "

His face lit up " Chincha???"

"yeppp! With a nod " I'm SOO MINHAE by the way, I'm a transferee student " I cheerfully said  and held out a hand

" we'll this is a coincidence, I'm CHOI MINHO, and I'm also a transferee student " he said and shook my hand.

The bell rang for the second time, and both of us immediately went to our first class


We introduced our selves to our teacher and to our new classmates

"Amn miss SOO , you sit beside miss lee and------ ( our teacher didn't finished her sentence since she noticed 2 vacant seats beside miss lee ) miss lee , where is miss lui?? "

  " ammmm miss lui is---------- miss lee didnt finished her sentence .

" PRESENT!!!" said the newcomer who was grasping for air and wiped away the sweats on her forehead ,

" miss lui, you look like you just had a thousand miles marathon run and got chased by gangsters, you were almost late " our teach said and the students giggled .

"miss lui" walked towards her seat lazyly while looking down.

Our teach let out a heavy sigh ". Okey, so miss SOO you seat between miss lee and miss lui, while mr choi, seat behind ms SOO ."

We nodded and went to our respected seats , moments later, someone knocked at the door and a brown haired guy came in, the students started squelling . The guy talked to our teach in a low voice . After a moment, the guy faced us.

" annyeong!!  I'm lee jinki (Kim) u can also call me onew. I am a senior student and I am the student body president " he said and flashed us he's bright smile that could light a dark gloomy room.

* wow! His smile can totally cause permanent blindness * I thought while the girls started squelling their lungs out. Miss lee beside me was also giggling as if she was electrified or something

" I am actually here to pull out some transferee students, are there any transferee students here?? " he said , still smiling.

Me and Minho raised our right hand

"Please follow me outside " onew said


The student body president gathered all trasferee students at the lobby, a total of 23 transferee students., onew finally called our attention.

" as what I have said  earlier, i am the student body president and I am here to  give you all a warm welcome ( he said and smiled) I will be your faithful tour guide for this morning and give u a quick tour around the school "


Onew showed us what Seoul international HS can offer, with good facilities, the wide and elegant cafeteria, library etc.

He was actually throwing corny jokes while showing us around, and I don't know If the girls were squelling and laughing with his jokes or because of his good looks?? :)


I was chatting with Minho on our way to the cafeteria when I suddenly bumped with someone AGAIN!!

"I'm sorry!!!" I immediately apologized, I looked up and I bit my lip so hard it was almost bleeding.

The girl i bumped into was a pretty girl and her expression was so scary I think SHE'l eat me for lunch if it was possible, she was holding a cup of juice , well,  actually, she was holding an empty cup since all the juice spilled in front of her.

" yaaaahhhhh!! How dare you!!! Do u even know who your dealing with right now???'!! " she shouted. Her voice seemed to echo in the entire lobby and all the students suddenly disappeared !

" I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. "

" are u blind or just plain stupid??" she said and suddenly pushed me to the wall so hard the wall almost crack. " who is this ???! " she asked her minion . Her minion took an IPAD out and scrolled

" miss SOO minhae . A transferee student from America ."

She pushed me for the second time , I swear my bones will break!

" yaaah, are u deaf?? she said she was sorry, and she didn't mean it so stop bullying her" minho said an yanked the girls arms .


* MINHO! Huhuhuhuhu*

"stay out of this you giant!" she said and faced me .

Minho's expression hardened obviously controlling his temper and didn't want get into an animal fight with a girl.

" SOO MINHAE. Il remember that name! The next time you'll bump me , it will be your last day on earth! " she said an flip her hair before leaving.

  " are you okey?? " Minho asked and helped me get up .

" wow, I just gained a hater on my first day " I said as I was shooking my head .


The entire cafeteria was filled with students and we were standing like idiots.

" there! There are two vacant seats there" Minho pointed a table with two student and with two vancant chairs .

 We immediately approach the table .

Two girls were sitting , the other one was eating while the other one was heads down on his arms.

  " hi!! Do u mind if we share tables with you?? " I politely said

" oh sure!! Ohhh hey!! You two, your the transfere's " she said, and I just noticed, she was my seat mate, miss lee.

 I sat in front of her , while Minho was sitting with ms lee.  " oh yeah! I remember :), I'm SOO minhae by the way, and this is Choi minhoi " both of them shook hands.

  Miss lee have long ponytailed hair and wearing thick glasses but she is pretty and charming .


" I'm LEE JI-EUN, but u can call me IU " she said  .

 I looked at the guy I was sitting with, he was sleeping

" hangover " iu said and laugh


The guy started mumbling something, I moved closer and poked him

" heeyyy mister, are you okey?? " I asked

" yaaaaahhhh!!! Don't mister me! Do I look like a whimpy guy to you??!! She shouted I almost fell from my seat ,waiiiiitttt!!! That words, I swear I heard it before !

Both of us are squintting our eyes and suddenly widened

" YOU!!l" both of us pointed at each other  

" your the count all the stars twinkling girl!!! " she said

> " your the crying insecure lesbian girl!" I said

" yaaaahhhh!!!!" she shouted and both made us laugh

" wait! You Know each other?? " Minho asked

  " Amn we met by chance " she said

" minhae , this is my best friend, AMBER JOSEPHINE LIU " iu said

" just call me amber " amber said and shook hands with me .

" wait---- so, It was not a dream after all ??? " I said

Amber smacked me lightly

" of course it wasn't a dream you dummy head!!" she said and laughed .

" if it wasn't a DREAM THEN------ my eyes popped!!!

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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen