When all tables are turned 3: what's wrong with myungsoo ?!!

The Kim's

Ep. 73 

RING... RING.... RING.... RING..... !!

Aghhhhhh .....

I rolled over and reached out for my crazy alarm clock .

" ahhhhhhhhh !!!! " I got up and yawned . I looked around my room before rising up . I went straight to my comfort room and took a quick shower.

After 5 min

MINHAE !! Hurry up ! Your gonna be late !!! " my nana shouted from the outside .

 , I wrapped my towel hurrily and got out " NEEEEHHHH !! " i came out while humming some random nursery rhymes , and paused when I saw the box of strawberry was thrown over . Leaving some berries on the floor . "
What the ?? " I picked it up and thought confusedly . " did I sleepwalked ?? " I thought for a second . " or Mybe I bumped it when I got up earlier that ----


My thoughts were interrupted . " DEH DEH... " I ignored the weird thought and changed into my uniform . I went to my personal library and grabbed my bag . I glanced at my shelves before going out when..

"WAIT ----------  " I tilted my head and bit my lips confusedly . I looked around , under the table and - " WEIRD , where's TOTOMATO?? I swear , I placed him on the shelves ... " I sat for awhile , started refreshing my last memory and unintentionally caught a glimpse of something bulging out from my trash can .  

" bwoya?? "

 I walked over and open the trash can and ----------

I gasphed . totomato was dumped inside the can and he was too chubby to fit inside,  that one of his ears was bulging out . " waaaaaahht---?? " I took him out and dust some dirts away . " Did I ?? DID I  really SLEEP WALKED OR WHAT ??  Wait -- how on earth would i suppose to now that  anyway ?? Did i threw him ???hmmmmmmmmmmm....  aneyaaaaaaa ... ( shakes head) but  --- nana wouldn't throw toto-----

" MINHAE --------- !! " my nana called for the 3rd times .

" DEEEHHHH ! Coming !!! " I ran outside my room , leaving totomato on the table ..




the number you dialed is not yet in service .. Pls try your call again later ..

whatttt????  (0_o)

I've been trying to call myungsoo , but  he's out of reached .

wait a minute ! Don't tell me he's doing it on purpose to avoid some wonderful errands I prepared for him ?!HUH?? HUH?!!! ! aghhhh !!

I took my checklist out.. Hmmmmm let's see ..

Myungsoo 's errands .

1. clean my locker

2.  Buy 3 gallons of ice cream

3 . carry my things

" Hey , I think I'm being too easy with him ! hmmmm ... i should --- " I took my pen out and some words ..

4. Piggy back from school to my house

5 . Clean our comfort room  hahaha.

6 .  Rob a beauty store ..

7 . Pabo dance in front of the public .  

8 . Run , from their house to the Han river , then back to their house then to the han river without resting .

There !! Better !!  Ehhhh .. Are the last 3 can even be considered errands ?? XD hahahaha

Just wait myungsoo -- today is ---

" MINHAE !!!!!!!! " I turned Around upon hearing my name .

Iu came running towards me , she placed a hand on my shoulder while kept on panting " YOU--- got -- to ------------ " she clenched her chest and deep breath .

" wae ?? Something happened ??? " I asked . She started to jump around like a toddler and kept on squealing like a high school who got kissed by her crush .

 Wait ! She is a high schooler ! . XD

" MINHAEEEEEE !! My god !! Agghhhh let's go !!! " she grabbed my hand .

" EHHH ????????? Iu ----- " I almost tripped over because she was literally running like a olympic athlete.

After 3 minutes of running ..

Iu stopped in front of the drama clubs bulletin board with me . " waaaaaahhh... Waeyooooooooooooooo ?? " I asked panting .

Iu pushed me in front of the board . " MINHAEEEEE !!! Can you see that !!!! ?!!!!! KYAAAAAAAHHHH !! " she screamed . She said while pointing on something ..

" HUHHHH ??? " I followed her gaze and read the one she was pointing ...


   Miss SOO MINHAE ,     YOur story had been selected !!

see me  RIGHT NOW !  

                  Drama club president,

                            Kim moodswing

" HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!! ---------------"  I almost ate iu due to shocked ! I looked at her with mouth opened wide . " HEEEE ???? MYYY STORYYY ??!!!! MEEEEEEEEE ??!!! "
I pointed at myself .

Iu nodded happily . " Your the ONLY SOO MINHAE HERE ! So YEAAAHHHHH !!!! " she rejoiced .

I covered my face while squealing ! * I can't believe I was chosen !! That was just some crappy story I wrote to ------- *

Iu grabbed my wrist again . " PALIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -------------- !!!!! " she dragged me again to somewhere . XD


iu brought me inside the arts building ,  a lot of people were inside . She pushed the people blocking our way and faced me in front of ..

3 guys were talking on their seats and got interrupted with iu . " OPPA !!! Here she is !! " she excitedly said . the one seating in between the two , stood up and starred at me from head to foot ..

I looked at him awkwardly , " ehhhhh ... Heechul sunbae ?? " I said . He caressed his chin and walked around me while under his assessment phase .

He stopped in front of me and held my chin . Turned it from left to right , upward and downward with squinted eyes . " immature body built , petite , But ---- hmmmmm , pretty brown eyes , good complexion , amazing big curls . " he touched my Hair for a second , and nodded . "
Hmmm .. I can work with that . " he said and leaned over the table .  The girls mourn at my back while iu was grinning infinitely .

the other guy came to me . "  call me Eunhyuk oppa , and -- CHUKAHE ! " he shook hands with me .

The other brown haired guy rolled his eyes at Eunhyuk and pushed him aside . " call me kyunhyun oppa !! " he greeted .

" HAAAAA ------- Heechul sunbae cut me off .

" I'm pretty sure you already read my post , so ! From now on you will be working with us . " he said and winked at me .

another guy came with a , what seemed to me a manuscript . he looked at me and smiled . " is this her ?? " he asked the rest .

The three of them nodded . he looked at me straight and smiled . * waaaaaaaaa he's gentle looking * I thought while spazzing in front of his kind eyes . he held his hand . " I've been looking forward on finally meeting you Soo minhae . by the way , I'm -------------

Eunhyuk and kyunhyun embraced him . " just call him GUY NUMBER 3 .!! Hahahahaa ! " they both said .

" ha ??? Guy no. 3 ? " I asked , puzzled . Who on earth would a mother name his son after a number ?? XD

Guy no. 3 said smacking the two . XD , he looked at me with denial eyes . " don't mind these crazy people . call me DOnghae oppa . " he giggled .

We bowed in front of him . " Annyeonghaseyo , DOnghae oppa .. "  I greeted . DOnghae laughed like he just heard an angel's voice calling him . XD

" HEEEYYUYY !!! " Eunhyuk exclaimed .

Heechul immediate pulled me away from the 3 . " okey boys !! Give her more love later .. " he gazed at me . " you ! Come with me , and also you ! I heard your the one who edited her story . " he talked to iu .

Iu on the other hand , was star struck and was just nodding . " DEH ... Neh.. That's was -- I mean -- I edited her .. Yah . " she stuttered . I snickered beside Heechul sunbae . XD

he nodded " good good , welcome aboard . " Heechul sunbae welcomed iu with a handshake and dragged me inside the theatre .

Iu was left with disbelief. " jeo----jeongmal ??? " she asked shocked . " AAHHHH WAIT FOR ME ! "
After 2 minutes ..


the place was huge ! The last time i saw the theatre , was when ONEW gave all the transferee students a general tour around the campus . it was wide enough to accommodate probably close to a thousand . Heechul brought me at the center of the stage , my eyes widen seeing all the red covered chairs spreading across the theatre . the spotlights were all focused on the stage . " wooeeeeeeehhh............. " I exclaimed with mouth opened .

" DAEBAKK!! " I added .  

Heechul held my chin and closed my mouth  XD " come here . " he said .

I was so absurd with the theater that I didn't noticed all the people in the stage. They were already building some for the props .

he introduced me to all the people who will be working with me . " guys guys ! This is iu > glanced  at iu < the scripts editor. and of course , our very own writer . The girl behind the story . Soo minhae . " he introduced .

iu and I bowed " plss take good care of us ." we both said .  

while the rest of the staffs did the same and congratulated us  . after our short greetings , they went back to business .

" this is it for now , come back after lunch , we have so much to discuss . ARASO ??? " Heechul said with a y grin .

we nodded none stop . " NEH NEH NEh oppa ! " he nodded and went outside the theatre .

we looked at each other and " OH MY GAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW !! " we cheered , squealed and hug each other with happiness . XD  


@ Kim 's residence ..

ONEW came down from the stairs with jonhyun " GUYSSS --- c' mon ! We're going to be late ! " he screamed  to call the rest .

key , eun ah , Mir , taemin all came down one by one with their things .

" I'm ready hyung !! " taemin said smiling . " taeminie , how many times do I have to remind you to comb your hair properly ? " key took out a comb and fixed the younger's hair . " mian hyung ... :) " taemin said ..

eun ah went to their main door . " let's GOO !! " she said ..

all of them walked towards the door when ---

ONEW paused when he noticed something " CHANKAMAN! " he called the rest .

They all stopped . " wae hyung ?? " Mir asked .

ONEW did a mental head count among his cousins . " where's myungsoo ?? " he asked .  The rest of them glanced around and shrugged their shoulders .

" he' s STILL SLEEPING?!!!! " JONGHYUN guessed with big eyes .

All of them looked up . key stomped his foot . " IL GET HIM ! " he said and ran fast upstairs .

Eun ah face palmed herself . " will he ever change????!! " she hissed making Mir chuckled .

after 2 mins ..

key ran down looking all bewildered . " he's not here . " he said all puzzled .

The rest of them family struck him a dumbfounded look . " WHAT ? What do you mean he's not here ??! " ONEW asked .

" yaahhh kibum ! " jonhyun glared .

Key gave them a look . " I SWEAr !! he's not in his room . " he defended .

" BUT ------------ eun ah was cut off by --

" HYUNG IS ALREAY OUTSIDE ! " taemin said and went out of the house hopping like a bunny .

" HHHHHUUUUUUUUHHHHH ??!!!!! " they all walked outside and shocked ..

Seeing myungsoo beside their family van , in his complete uniform and hands on pockets .

" NO WAYYY !! He's always the last one to come out of the house . " JONGHYUN exclaimed .

All of them hurrily ran beside myungsoo .

" Yaaah myungsoo . " key called . But myungsoo didn't respond , even an " AHH " at him .

They all looked at him weirdly , myungsoo was quite and kept on looking at the grass like he was contemplating about something seriously .

ONEW starred at myungsoo " myungie ?? " he placed a hand on myungsoo shoulder and shrugged it slowly .

Mir smirked and " YOOOOOOHHHHHHHH HYUNG !! " he smacked myungsoo 's arm in an instant that even startled the Rest of them family ..

myungsoo jumped in fright and " YAAAAAHAAAAAHJCKSOOEOSCHJANXNAKWJDBDJWODJAKORVBBANW !!!! " he grabbed mir 's collar and was about to give me a consolation Of his actions when --

ONEW came in between them . " HAJIIIIMMMMMMAAAAAA ! " he stopped the two and pushed them apart , Mir was laughing hard while myungsoo wanted to push him off the nearby pool . XD

eun ah cupped myungsoo 's face and " myungsoo kwen---------- ?? " she suddenly burst out laughing while pointing her finger at myungsoo 's face .

All of them gazed at myungsoo as to what's eun ah was laughing all about and --------

all of them started laughing . myungsoo looked at them dumbfound . " WAEE ??? " he innocently asked .

JONGHYUN wrapped him arm around myungsoo . " Yaaah Kim myungsoo , were you beaten up last Night ?? Ahahahahaha " he laughed .

Myungsoo unwrapped JONGHYUN 's arm . " EHHHHHHH ???? "

key handed him his favorite mirror . " did you even close your eyes even for just a second last night ? HAAHAHAHAAHAA " he gave JONGHYUN  a high five --

myungsoo grabbed the mirror . " Bwooooya ????? " he asked no one in particular and checked him imagine in front of the mirror ..

And was shocked with his reflection -----

The rest laughed even more . myungsoo eyes were a bit red, with dark circles below his eyes and he's eye-bags were a bit puffy .

myungsoo caressed his eyes . " THEEEEEEEEEEEE HECCCCC---------

The rest laughed even more with he's reaction . " what have you been doing last night hyung ?? " Mir asked .

myungsoo suddenly coughed in front of the others . " AMMMM --- nothing ------ ahhhh ------ " the glanced at the van . " we're --- WERE LATE !!! " he reminded them .

all of their eyes widen and got inside finally realizing the time . XD

, myungsoo sat beside ONEW and sighed in slight relief .

ONEW starred at him intently with suspicious eyes . "  where were you last night ? . " he asked .

myungsoo tensed a bit and looked away form ONEW . " I was busy doing-- Ammmm ---  something . " he excused .

" YOu------- ONEW was cut off my eun ah --  

she sat in between the two and faced myungsoo . " let's cover that black eyes of your myungie-ah . " she said laughing and made myungsoo turned to her .

Mir and taemin laughed on their seats while observing eun ah applying some concealer at myungsoo 's dark circles . XD


after LUNCH .. > theatre <

I was sweating an ocean while carrying all the boxes that the staff asked me to transfer to the stock room . i placed it on the table and " AHHH THIS IS SO heavy  ! " I spoke to myself and rest for a while --

I gritted my teeth when i suddenly remembered something . I took my phone out and scrolled myungsoo 's number . " the number you dialed is out of Coverage area , plsss try ------- aghhhh !! " i starred at my phone and tried calling him again .

KIM MYUNGSOO ! Where are you when i NEED YOU ! ??

 I the " callback button " and kept on trying ---

a girl came to me holding a box . " who are you calling unnie ?? " she asked while looking at me killing my phone .

I smiled at her , kyunie , a sophomore who is a part of the drama club . " I'm --- im calling ---

I'm calling my slave .

" I'm calling iu, she said she'l come . Hehehhe . "
I excused . XD , she nodded and asked me to follow her to the stock room .



myungsoo 's POV

The faculty in charge called me and handed me a slip . " Kim myungsoo , I know your a sleepy head BUT SLEEPING ON MY CLASS is a MORTAL SIN ! " our arts teacher scolded .

i grimaced hearing his shearing voice that really Pained my inner ears . I grabbed the slip . " deh deh --- " I walked out of the room while the fat teacher kept on shouting at me .

I slammed the door .  

I  was caught sleeping on my arts class.  -- and this is actually my first time visiting DETENTION !  

" aghhhh.... " . I bit my lip and flipped the slip open and read the writings on the slip . 


" BWWWOOOOOOO ??!!! 5 -- ? Theatre ?! That placed is the size of a concert hall ! Is he CAZY ?!!! I gritted my teeth and ripped the paper a part .

 I rubbed my face and stood still . I feel like collapsing due to lack of sleep .

" ahhhhhhh ..... " i leaned against the wall and pressed my temples . i closed my eyes for a bit . Still feeling very heavy . " AGHH.. I already feel so stressed out .. " I shook my head and breath calmly with my hand behind my neck .

when ---------

I heard footsteps coming .. And stopped .

" KIM MYUNGSOO !!! " A loud familiar shout shut my eyes widely open -----


minhae 's POV

I stopped on my tracks when I saw someone oddly familiar , he was leaning against the wall with closed eyes " is that myungsoo ?? "
I asked kyunie , who was carrying boxes beside me .

She followed my stares and squinted her eyes . " yeah , it's myungsoo oppa . " she said giggling .

I gripped the box tighter with gritted teeth . * I am so tired and BADLY NEEDED HIS HELP ! I CALLED HIM FOR THE HUNDRED TIMES ALREADY AND HERE HE IS -- ENJOYING HIS TIME SLEEPING ?!!! how could he even sleep on a standing position ?!! I swear his sleeping habit is getting weirder and weirder ! Ahhhhh this pain in the guts ----------

" YAAAAHHHH KIM MYUNGSOO !! " I shouted while walking towards him .

i only got to take two steps close to him , when he frightfully stood still with eyes wide open when he heard me .

" Yahhh ---- do you know ???? ------------- I didn't get to say more because myungsoo looked so shocked seeing me . Like he just seen a ghost in the middle of the afternoon ! He walked in the opposite direction like a panicking chicken !

" what -------- KIM MYUNGSOO !! " I dropped my boxes and ran after him ---

I ran towards him , but he also ran off so fast , he was even looking back and bumped at 2 or 3 students .

i stopped and gasped some air  " HA ---- HAAA --- HAAAAA ---- HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ------------- that --- dummy ---- how could he ran off like that ?!!  " I stomped my foot in anger .



I went inside the men's comfort room and bent over the wash area while panting heavy ---

" HAAAAA ---- HAAAAA ---- ahhhh JINJA !!! " I switch the faucet open and splash some water directly to my face to wake MY CONSCIOUSNESS !!

Why did i even ran away from her ??? it's just -----

Flash back of last night all came to me ..


"  deh . I do , I do like KIM MYUNGSOO . 😊 "

"deh . I do , I do like KIM MYUNGSOO . 😊 " 

"deh . I do , I do like KIM MYUNGSOO . 😊"


I brought a hand over my mouth and " SHE -- SHE LIKES ME ?!!!! how could she like me ?!!! "  


I walked away from the table and started facing back and front inside her library .

I stopped . " ANNNEEYAA--- ANDDWWEEEE ! Yahhh how could she like when i treated her like my own personal maid and made her life a living hell that ----------- I paused realizing how stupid i look talking to myself .  I went back to the table and stared at the page . STILL ! The same words are written ---

"  deh . I do , I do like KIM MYUNGSOO . 😊 "

"deh . I do , I do like KIM MYUNGSOO . 😊 " 

my hand suddenly felt cold and  clammy . I felt some sweats running down my forehead .


I shut the diary closed and walked out of the room , I stumbled over THE DAMN BOX but got up immediately and trudge out of her room ---


i couldn't even remember how i safely got down from her balcony !

I sprinkled some more water and ---

deh . I do , I do like KIM MYUNGSOO . 😊 "

"deh . I do , I do like KIM MYUNGSOO . 😊 "  
I shook my wet head and gulped in front of the mirror, I looked so much in a mess  ..

Sighed .

I'm going crazy .


" ONEW oppa, have you seen myungsoo ?? " I asked ONEW over the phone .

" myungsoo ?? Nope . I was also looking for him . He didn't ate lunch with us . " he said .

what ??! the big mouth myungsoo didn't ate lunch ??!

" ahhh --- okey Ammmm ------ I stopped when i magically saw myungsoo not too far from me . He was walking slowly with a mineral water on hand . " ONEW oppa , he's here --  " I said over the phone .

" ahhhh jeongmal ?!! Plss tell him to see me immediately . " ONEW oppa sounded worried .

" deh .. Deh ..oppa . " the ended the call and slip my phone inside my pocket .

I rolled my sleeves up and focused my attention at myungsoo . " your SOOO DEAD MYUNGSOO ! "

after 30 seconds . XD

I faced him with hands on hips . " YAHHH KIM MYUNGSOO ! Why on earth weren't you picking your phone up ?! I need your help I --------------  

Myungsoo suddenly spilled all the water he was drinking when he saw me , he coughed so hard like the entire mineral water just choked him !  

" hey !! " I gave him my handkerchief and help him dry his shirt , but paused when I noticed how he stared at me without blinking . he gulped slowly that ---

" yah? Are you okey ? "

He snapped out of it and looked away . " AHHH I --- better GO CLEAN THIS ---- ahhhhh ------- " he dropped the empty bottle   and just left in a hurry ...

did myungsoo just stuttered in front of me ????

I was left dumbfounded . "  what's wrong with myungsoo ?? " 😳


after school ---


I plunged myself on our sofa and spread all my extremities  . " ---- ahhhhhhhhh I'm Soo tired !!!!! -------------- " I closed my heavy eyes  .

I opened my eyes when I heard footsteps . I got up when I saw my nana sitting on the sofa beside me , looking all sulky .

I sat properly . " nana ?? Are you okey ?? why do you look so sad ? " I asked .

She reached out an envelop . I looked at her while opening it - " what is this ?? " she just prompt me to read it .

I looked down and read :

Mrs .Corazon ,

 We are deeply grateful for your participation on our GRAND DRAW . You are one of the lucky winners !

Here is one round trip ticket to Philippines , for 3 days with hotel expenses free  !



" HAAAAAAAAAA !!! " I almost crumpled the letter because of happiness ! " NANA !! KYAAAAAAAAAAA YOUR GOING HOME !! NANA YOU SHOULD GOOOOOO !! YOU SHOULD YOU SHOULD !! " we stood up and jumped together .

she stopped . " ahh pangga, are you sure ??? How about you ?? " she asked .

I giggled . " ehh .. 3 days is not that long nana ! You go ! Have fun ! I can take care of myself ! " i said confidently . nana walked to the kitchen.

" nana ! Il just asks amber or iu to ---------- she cut me off .

she smiled . " no no .. I ALREAdy asked someone to look after you . " she said while taking her apron off .

I was stunned . " you did ?? who ?? " I curiosity asked .

A car suddenly stopped in front of our house -- and 3 loud knock were heard at our main door .

I went to the door and opened it with -----

" ANNNNNYEEONGGGG NOONA !!! " taemin waved at me .

My eyes widen seeing taemin , ONEW and jonghyun in front of our doorstep .

" hey --- what are you guys doing here ???? " I asked .

But both ONEW and JONGHYUN walked passed me like they didn't saw , or even heard me .

Taemin hugged me . " we're here to pick you up noona ! " he announced .

" pick me --- ?? What ?!!!! " I turned around and saw ONEW and JONGHYUN were both holding 2 luggages .

" are these all her stuff ??" ONEW asked nana .

My stuff's are all packed ??

nana who was dressed in an kitchen attire earlier , was now wearing shades , a skinny jeans and a rock n roll shirt . With a stroller on hand . " YES that's her things ---

my eyes popped out realizing what was happening in front of my EYES !! " YAHHHHH NANA ! Are you saying your leaving me with the KIM'S ?!!!!!!! And ---- your leaving NOWWWW ?!! " I screamed while looking at her fully dressed .

ONEW and JONGHYUN looked at me . " minhae -- you don't want to stay with us ?? " ONEW asked softly and faked a cry .

JONGHYUN was looking down feeling hurt , while taemin was frowning ..

I Gulped . " BWWOOO ?? Oppa ANEYA !!! Im not ! Of course I like to -- BUT ----------

JONGHYUN 's face Lighten . " OKEYYYYY LET'S GO HOMMMEEEEEE !! " he dragged me out of our house while taemin and ONEW was pulling my luggages along ...

Nana excitedly went inside the other car while singing a Pilipino song .

They pushed me inside the car . " YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ---------------- ONEW closed the door and JONGHYUN who was grinning widely started the ignition.  



@ KIM 's R

the moment I stepped foot outside the car , key and eun ah welcomed me and even dragged me inside their house in a hurry -- " what 's wrong with everybody ?? " I thought .

Eun ah faced me . " minhae , you stay in my room , okey ?? " she offered .

I was still under trauma with what just happened . " ahhh --- deh euh ah ------ " i said .

Mir walked passed me looking all dressed to go out " I'm ready !! Let's goooooooooo !! " he said and got out .

My forehead furrowed when I just noticed that both key and eun ah were dressed up , eun ah was even dressed lady like .. that attire she usually wear when --- when------------- !!

eun ah and key were about to go out when -----


I turned and came face to face with myungsoo .  

key smiled . " oh myungsoo , minhae will stay here for awhile --- you guys take care of each other araso ??? " key said and led eun ah out .

Myungsoo and me stood and nodded while watching key went  out leaving the two of us in the leaving room . We were  there processing the whole thing that -----

" WHAAAAAATTTTTTTTYTTTYTTTTTTTYTTTYTTTYTTTY ??!!!!!!!!!! " we looked at each other with mouths wide open .

both of us looked at the closed door and immediately opened it together in a hurry .



the car door was about to closed when myungsoo came on time to slid it opened . " YAAAAAHHHHHH WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOINg ?!! " he was shouting at them

key snickered . " myungsoo , we're going to visit halmuhnee tonight , she kept on calling us . " key explained .

" yah!! Dont tell me you 'l leave me with him ?!! " I asked them .

Myungsoo glared at me from head to foot .  " hey -- IM COMING IM COMING COMING IM COMING ------------ ! " myungsoo yelled 
He slid the door opened for him to get inside ,

 but mir pushed myungsoo out not giving him any chance to get insideXD

" MIANHE HYUNG!! halmuhnee doesn't Want to see you . like --
HONESTLY HAHAHAHAHAHA !! " Mir said looking serous but was obvious that he was about to Brust out laughing . XD

ONEW popped his head out . " take care you two ----- " JONGHYUN closed the door -----

" EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ?!!!!!!!!!!! " i hissed .

What was left for us was car smoke. We were both frozen and quite . 
 left outside their house feeling all abandoned . XD

we looked at each other .. And to the main door of their house -- and to each other -- and  at THE DOOR !!

We quickly ran , competing with each other who gets in first . XD

we reached the door on time but even fought who should  went in first --

Myungsoo ran Straight to the comfort room while i immediately grabbed my phone . " I Can't stay here !! WITH MYUNGSOO !!!???? He's the last person I wanna BE WITH RIGHT NOW !!! " i scrolled iu 's number and --

Iu: yeoboseyo?? "

Me : IU ! I NEED YOUR HELP ! ADOPT ME ! I need a place to stay tonight and -------

Iu : AHH MINHAE SORRY OUR HOUSE IS too small for the two of us and ------ the line was suddenly cut off.

" WHAT THE HECK ?! what small house is she saying ? Her mom is a doctor and her father is lawyer ! They have big house and -- AGHH ! Never Mind !! ---- amber ! " i scrolled amber number --

" IM SORRY . i can't pick up the phone right now .. I'm busy partying and looking for love !! LEAVE A Y MESSAGE !! "

i stomped my foot . " OH MY GOOOOOOODDD !! T . T " I was literally crying !  

oh yes !! Minho !!! I scrolled Minho 's number and waited --

Minho : minhae ??

 Minhae : Minho-yah! Help me ! Can I stay at your place tonight ? Pls ??

Minho : errrr .. Minhae , I'm staying at an all boys dormitory . all the boys will go wild if you'l stay here .

i face Palmed myself - * KILL ME NOW ! *


MYUNGSOO 's POV  comfort room .

I took out my phone and scrolled JONGHYUN 's number .

J: DEEEHHHH ??? Myungieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewee ??

M: what ever you guys are planning, you better stop before ----------I BURN THE ENTIRE HOUSE DOWN !!!  

They all laughed at the background .

Someone grabbed the phone .

ONEW : myungsoo.  Calm down okey, we'll be back tomorrow, well hug halmuhnee for you --


M : drive back ----


I held my phone in front of my mouth.


I shouted at my phone before the line was cut !

I gritted my teeth and opened the trash can to REALLY THROW MY PHONE !!

wait -- i just bought this !  Aghhhhhhh !

I sat on the bowl with hands clenching my head feeling the entire weight of the world was on me  . " i SWEAR I'm going to BURY ALL OF THEM ALIVE !!!!!!!! " i stood up and walked around the limited space --

she's the VERY REASON why i couldn't sleep well LAST NIGHT -- I MEAN HER DIARY -- and NOW SHE'S STAYING OVER ?!!!!! ------- ahghhhhhjjj !!! JINJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!' I messed my hair up and kicked the trash can .



Meanwhile ..

The van stopped 4 houses from their house . XD

all of them got out and went inside the house they rented only for tonight .

They sat on the long sofa in front of the 4 big screens .

ONEW glanced at key and JONGHYUN . " did you guys placed the cameras correctly ?? " he asked .

Key and JONGHYUN grinned and clicked the mouse , activating ALL the cameras implanted inside their house ..

13 cameras showing the kitchen , rooms , living room, comfort room, garden , studio , outside their house .
eun ah pressed a key . " AUTO LOCK !! " she giggled , locking the main doors around the house .

All of their  eyes glittered seeing myungsoo and minhae at then screens .



When evil cousins  FINALLY TAKING OVER . XD  


How do you find myungsoo in this chapter ?!! Hahhahaha 

Im not suppose to update tonight , but despite my tight schedule  plus I was so touched seeing wonderful number of comments ! There an update   XD i can't really reply to your comments right now but I will when I'm finally free ! :) feel free to message me about anything :)

Always  for my subbies !  thank you SOO MUCH GUYS !!AGHHHHHHHH DAEBAK ! plsss do comment :)  heehehe comments ........ :)

Ahhh I'm sleepy .. Good night !


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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen