when All tables are turned 1 : slave boy

The Kim's

IM A BARBIE GIRL ! UNDRESS ME ANYWHEREEEEEEE- er ! It's fantastic ! It ----------

my eyelids were still heavy that I can't even raise it a little , and my phone kept on vibrating and ringing on my side table ..

I removed the pillow on my head and reached for my irritating and noisy , MUCH more noisy than my alarm clock !! . " hmmmm .. Yoboeseyo??" my voice was dry and huskier than our school janitor's voice . GOD !

" Hae-shi !! "

Hae-shi?? Oh !!!

I opened my eyes and stared at the screen phone figuring out its was a video call . " Junhongie?? " I called , junhong was smiling cheekily with his eyes smiling .

I deliberately got up and fixed my hair , he Burst  out laughing while observing me for a second . " ohh.. Mian !! Just woke up and ---- waeyo ?? Hehehe " I asked , I sat on my carpeted floor and leaned my back against my bed . junhong was in a room , probably his hotel room . He was wearing red sweat shirt , he wasn't wearing any mask , and his curly hair was straightened .

he leaned  his phone against a firm support and cleared his voice , he kept on giggling looking shy all of the sudden . " junhong ... Wae-------- I was cut off when he suddenly ..

 saeng-il chukahamnida ,
 saeng-il chukahamnida , 
saranghaneun hae-shi  , 
 saeng-il chukahamnida

he sang it slowly and sweetly while keeping an adorable smile across his face .

I almost dropped my phone when he started singing and the moment he finished singing . " YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA JUNHONG!!  " I squealed louder that I think my voice disappeared at the the very end . XD

he clapped his hands and was laughing with my reaction . " happy birthday Hae- shi ! " he greeted happily making me laugh even more .

I nodded simultaneously , " thank you ! Thank you ! " I said gratefully to him .

He pouted disappointedly . " I'm sorry . I can't be there today .. I really wanted to spend your birthday with you . " he depressingly said while scratching his head .

" ani ! Junhong .. It's okey . At least you remembered my birthday ! Hehehe it's the most important thing . " I honestly said to him to make him feel less disappointed .

" I promise , il make it up to me when we get back . Promise . " he said seriously with a straight face .

I rolled my eyes . " Dehhhh .... You better make it explosive and ------

The door at junhong's room suddenly opened revealing the flawless himchan in his black shirt and PJ . " yaaaaaaaa .. Zelo . It's breakfast time and -------- he's face brightened seeing me . " MINHAE !!!! ANNNNYEONg !! " he said loudly pushing zelo behind and taking over . XD .  

I waved my hand . " oppa annyeong ! XD good morning ! " I greeted . another guy arrived looking more fresh with his cap styled at the side . " ahhhh minhae !! Today is your bday right ??!! "  yongguk's  cave like deep voiced vibrated throughout my room . XD

 " whose bday ?? " the chubby cheeks youngjae asked behind yongguk .

" MINhae's  " yongguk answered with his gummy smile .  

Youngjae made zelo moved to another chair , he sat. on zelo 's place comfortably. XD " how old are you ?? "

" what are your plans today ?? " himchan asked . Zelo was just glaring at his hyung's with arms acrossed while yongguk was just amused with the maknae's expression .

youngjae snapped his fingers . " hey hey .. Let's sing her a birthday song ! " he said pulling himchan and yongguk to stand up .

daehyun came with a pizza box on hand " yaaahhhh you guys not eating ??! Fine ..  I'm gonna eat all of these , don't whine later in front of me . " he kept stuffing some food inside his mouth .

Youngjae sighed seeing daehyun. XD " hey , it's minhae 's birthday , let's sing her a song and Yahhh  WILL PUT THAT DOWN?!! " he scolded at the busy chewing daehyun and snatched the pizza away . XD

Daehyun wiped some sauce around his lips and smiled at me . " ohhh im sorry !! okey ! Wait --- jongup's not here --- he glaced outside the room and " jongup!!! Come .. Pali-wa ! " he urgently called the younger .

Jongup came in topless and sweating , he was holding A small Dumbbell On his left hand . " waeyo hyung ? " he innocently asked the others like a clueless little toddler . .

" YAAAAAAHHHHH ! " I screamed seeing the topless jongup . He got startled hearing me scream .. XD " mianhe ?? " he asked looking closely .

Yongguk covered jongup behind . " PUT SOMETHING ON !! " himchan scolded . XD.  " ohh mianhe ! " jongup pulled the thick  blanket on the bed and wrapped it around his chest making him look like a guy in a wrapped clothe. XD

Zelo faced Palmed himself and burned his face on the bed looking red from embarrassment . 😁 XD

5 of them stood straight , himchan pulled zelo to join them . XD 

 saeng-il chukahamnida ,
 saeng-il chukahamnida , 
saranghaneun Minhae-shi  , 
 saeng-il chukahamnida

 saeng-il chukahamnida ,
 saeng-il chukahamnida , 
saranghaneun Minhae-shi  , 
 saeng-il chukahamnida

they sang it with sincere harmony , daehyun was also inventing some high notes to make it sound different than usual , he looked like he was standing on his solo stage debut , yongguk was singing it in low tone , youngjae and himchan were both singing with hearts ,  looking like their filming an MV in the middle of a hotel room with a dancing topless Jongup . XD , zelo was the only one who decided  to shut up to not aggregate the situation . XD

I was covering my mouth while laughing so loud that even made me roll over the floor . XD they ended their performance with a bow and had a marathon run on who gets to grab the phone first . XD " BAP OPPA's kamsahamnida! "

Himchan took the phone all
For himself . " minhae !! What kind of present do you like ?? Oppa will buy it for you !! " he was smiling wide while daehyun got back to his eating , jongup was smiling like an innocent puppy behind himchan . " oppa , it's okey .. You don't have to buy me one . " I said .

He shook his head . " ani ! Il buy you one ! But for now , il  give you a birthdays kiss from meeee -------- he pursed his lips and advanced his lips to the screen .but ---

Zelo shove himchan's head aside and grabbed the phone . XD " aissshhhh HYUNG ! " he annoyingly hissed and looked at me . " I'm sorry minhae in behalf of himchan hyung . XD " he was shrugging his shoulder and walked around .

youngjae appeared behind zelo . " minhae ! I'm sure zelo prepared a wonderful gift for you . " he said giggling . Himchan immediately got back . " oh I know what it will be !!! He'l finally tell you to ---------- zelo's expression suddenly panicked hearing his hyung . " tell me what ? " I curiously asked .

himchan looked Evily at zelo . " he'l
Finally ---------- a clothe suddenly wrapped around himchan's head pulling him away , it was jongup and yongguk dragging himchan outside the room like fisherman's catching a big angry shark ! XD

they all laughed hilariously even infecting me . XD " Hae- shi ! Happy birthday again , you should get going ! You'l be late . " zelo softly said with a relief expression all over his face . youngjae was just grinning beside him .

My eyes widen . (0_0) 😱 " OMO !! SCHOOL ! Snap! I'm late !! " I jolted up .

" see ?? Hahahahah , il call you back when I have the chance . " he said . The handsome busan boy daehyun came beside with a soda on hand . " annyeong ! " the 3 of them said with a wave of farewell .

I smiled brightly , " dehh ! Annyeong ! " I waved back . Until they disappeared on the  screen . I flopped my phone on my bed and grabbed my towel . I paused on my tracks when I saw the presents I received Just hours . I smiled happily seeing them . But my happily turned into a tricky smirk remembering a the interesting gift I ever received . XD


amber and iu was looking at me from head to foot and focused
Their eyes at my  hands . "
MINHAE ?! are you selling books or what ?!! " amber asked .

I  placed 7 big books on the ground and wiped her sweats .

Iu scratched her head . "
Why did you brought all the books ? And history is on Friday . Why did you brought it ? " she took the book.

Amber rolled her sleeves up . "
You dummy head !! Il help you ! " she acted like picking each book when ..

STOPPPP !! " I   said making amber dropped the book . " someone will carry Those for me . " she said Evily .

Amber and iu looked at each other . "
Dugoe?? > who ? <

Minhae snickered and looked behind . " YAHHHHHHHH SLAVEEEEVVVVVVVVVBOOOOOOOYYYYYYYY !! " I screamed with both my hands encircled around my mouth to make it sound more louder . XD

amber and iu turned to see who I was calling out ..

a tall boy in his uniform came walking with a dark irritated expression . He was carrying his backpack from behind and his black shinny hair was styled at the side .

amber and iu 's eyes turned all white seeing . " KIM- KIM MYUNGSOO ?!! " they said stammering on their feet .

I crossed my arms and Waited for myungsoo on my spot . " Yahhh slaveboy walk FASTER !! " I screamed with my left tapping the ground impatiently . Myungsoo stopped for a while hearing how I just addressed him . XD

He gritted his teeth and walked faster towards me . " yaaa. STOP CALLING ME THAT . " he said under his gritted teeth . XD

Iu and amber looked at each other with jaws slowly ripping their mouth apart . XD " slaveboy ? Myungsoo ?? How ??! " amber asked that made me and myungsoo looked at her  with the memory of -- hours ago ??XD ---


4hours ago

" before granting my wish , you should
First dance to Super junior's SORRY SORRY ! " I smiled and giggled .

he almost choked . "BWWWOOOO ?!! Yahhh .. I'm
Not going to dance to SORRY SORRY ! " he sounded more like begging . xD

I laughed . " you will , because that's my first WISH !! Hahahaha hahahah " I laughed .

I looked up with face flushing . " YAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHJJHHHH !!! "

" bwo ?! You'l grant my wish remember ?! Hahahahah . " he walked towards me with his head toss to side ..

I smiled viciously . " and my second wish IS -----------------------

HAHAHAHAHA !! Omo ! What should I wish ?!! oh I know !!

Evil me : I KNOW I KNOW !! ask him to jump off a building ! Yes yes !! Or make him crossed the street until a 6 wheeler track hit him !!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !

Yeah !!! I should I should ! aaaisssh .. Ani ani !!

Good me : just ask him to be by YOUR side . Hehehe > blushed <

Evil me : HUUUWHAAATT ?!! > glares < WHAT A PATHETIC WISH !! minhae ! Ask him to poison himself ! Ahahahahaha yeah ! PALI ! XD

Yeah yes ! Ahhahaahahahh !! I mentally laughed evil while looking at him with dark vicious .

Myungsoo probably smelled how my mind was working evilly in front of him . XD " don't ask me self- destructing wishes or else il sue you ." he said with a half smirk .  

AISSSSSHHHH !! > sighed <

I turned around to think * what should I wish ! Something that would make him ----- ohh !!!!! - an idea lighten like a light bulb on top of my head . XD

myungsoo shook his head in boredom and turned away " I'm going to sleep . " he said and was about to climbed down when .

I turned to stop him . " I know what to wish ! " I said . He turned back and stared at me with sleepy drooping eyes. " Bwo? " he asked while yawning .

I smirked . " " from now on, YOUR MY SLAVE, and you will answer ONLY to me ". " I spoke slightly animated sounding imitating his voice . XD

Myungsoo 's half sleeping consciousness was startled and woke up . XD . " hah, bWOO ?!! Your sLAVE ?!! " he gazed up and laughed  Sarcastically " what kind of a wish is that ??! Haha " he giggled .

I watched him giggling with an evil orbs " a wish that you'l enjoy ! Hahaha now , you'l be a slave for a --- 5 MONTHS ! " I excitably said .

He glared at me from head to foot. " 5 MONTHS ?! Hah - hahahaHAHAHAHA ! " he laughed hilariously until he straightened his expression back into a serious face ." think properly . " he threatened .

BWOO ?!! I stomped my foot . " yaahhh ! 5 months is 5 moths !! " I glared at him which made him glared back at me . XD " what kind of a gift wish is this ?!! This ! Aisssshh !! " I turned my back on him with a pissed of face . I kept on grumbling " how could he give me 7 wishes and he's not even willing to grant ? Bwo ? 7 wishes ?! Pssssssshhhh !! Lame gift of all , and cooaksofhiawhiqdhbckaiq,$-&28;&&/2$$:8-:!&2@1&/!,  " I mumbled loudly not minding that the person I was rumbling about is just right behind me . XD

I heard myungsoo sighed in exhaustion behind me . " ehhhh ..... Araso araso .. " he said feeling defeated .

I laughed silently so hard and composed my face before  looking back at him . " but .. one wish will be deducted every week . " he said nodding .

My eyes widen . " BWOO ?!! Yahhh !! that's so unfair !! " I hissed . He grinned widely and moved a bit closer . " take it or leave it . " he spoke finalizing our deal .

Aissshh ! That's too Much ! I don't have enough --- > sighed <

" a month . " I said . He thought for a second , " 4 wishes ? Are you sure ?? " he asked , BWOO ? He thinks il change my mind ?! Hah !

I nodded strongly . " DEH !! " I said , he smirked while nodding . "
Okey " he said and walked away when ..

I grabbed his wrist to stop him . " chankaman!! " I stopped . He sighed for the last time and gazed at me with a WHAT FACE .

I smiled very joyously and d an IMAGINARY pen on my pj pocket and handed it to him . " bwoya ? " he asked looking at me weirdly .

I gave him the imaginary pen before I rolled my sleeves up . " make a statement that you solemnly swear to keep our deal . " I said showing my inner forearm .

He face Palmed himself while looking at me . " AHH PALIWAH !! " I said impatiently . He held my hand and the imaginary pen on my skin , he looked at me while uttering his words : . " I , Kim myungsoo , unwillingly submit myself for a month of servitude to a childish , annoying , lemon head , thoughtless unidentified female alien  specie on earth . " he imaginarily affixed his signature on my skin and throw away the pen . XD " happy ? can i sleep now ? " he asked with eyes closing .

I jumped on my spot while looking at our " invincible contract " only we can read . XD. he scratched his head and walked away when I stopped him for a Hundredth times again . " WHAT ?! "
He irritatingly asked . I smiled widely and reached out for his right hand , his small to big eyes stared at me weirdly " yaaaah .. Bw----------

I abruptly  launched my ivory teeth on his hand and BIT his skin  just below his thumb in between the surface and the palm of his hand .

His eyes popped out feeling my painful bite " YAAAAAHHHHHHHOVKSLWFNSMPSCJAKOSCIISBcklalwochaknxkajxlrioqjcnxkaiwfhajjq !!! " he pushed me away making me stopped . XD

He's face was
Grimacing due to the sharp pain i gave him . XD , both of us stared at my  reddening bite mark quite obvious on his flawless fair skin . He kept on whipping with pain . " I pointed my forefinger on his forehead . "now Kim myungsoo ,  ! You've been marked ! HAHAHAHAHA  !!my mark ! And you  Can't escape from your promise now ! Hahha goodnight slave boy ! XD " I climbed down on the ladder fast while myungsoo was left whipping in discomfort . " aghhhhhhhhhhh chicha! " he grunted XD


amber rolled over the ground with her arms clenching Around her stomach , iu was suppressing her laugh but can't help it  . XD myungsoo looked away looking red from embarrassment . XD

Amber got up . " hahahaha oh my god ! I can't imagine this --- hahahahahahahahahhahaah ! " she was laughing hysterically that the students who were passing by glanced at us curiously . XD  

iu grabbed ambers arm " hey , let's go .. Let's give them a quality slave - master time . XD " she giggled .

Amber composed herself and gave myungsoo a pat on the shoulder . " myungsoo-ah , eat well and have fun , okey ?? hahahaha ! " she winked at me before leaving with iu . Myungsoo was giving me angry stares . XD

he starting taking his steps pass me . " wait !!! " I said with a hand around his arm . he stopped and waited for a while . I looked down  on the 7 books laying on the ground . " huh ? " he looked down and saw the books .

I walked passed him . " Carry them all slave boy . " I said coldly while walking ahead of him .

Myungsoo was dumbfounded for a minute and chuckled . " SHIROOOOOO ! " he yelled and walked passed me .

BWOO ?!! Shiro ?!SHIRO !!?! Bah ! AGHH !

I dragged him back . " YAHHH ! You promised ! How could you not keep a SIMPLE PROMISE !! YOU LIED TO ME ! you said you'l
Do it and now -------- he bent down on the ground and Grumpily pick each book on the ground . He carried all of the 7 books forcefully .He sighed . " what floor ? " he asked in a weak voice . XD

Hahahaha hahahahha ! XD oh im so happy . XD

I flashed my sunny smile . " don't worry myungsoo . My first class is just in the 3rd floor .  " I giggled . I turned my back and walked happily , XD I watched him from behind for a sec and saw how he was struggling with the books . xD I cleared my throat . " AH MYUNGSOO PALI! IM GOING TO BE LATE! PALI !! " I scolded .

myungsoo gripped the books tighter . " THESE ARE HEAVY ! CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT ?! " he yelled back while walking . XD

I looked up ahead . " YOUR PROBLEM, NOT MINE ! " I said while snickering . XD

myungsoo gritted his teeth . * oh , so you want revenge huh ?! * he thought . XD


all the students were shocked seeing myungsoo carrying 7 gigantic books and following me from behind . XD

" omo ! What's myungsoo- oppa doing ?! "

" oppa ?? You want my help ? "

Why is he following that ugly junior ?! "

while all the boys who's anti- myungsoo were all rejoicing . XD

I stopped on my tracks , myungsoo also did the same and both of us stared between the the elevator and the stairs . XD

myungsoo was already sweating from carrying the books that he's eyes widen when he noticed my gazed was focused on the stairs . XD

I looked at his worried eyes . XD " don't worry myungsoo , I'm not that harsh like you think , we'll take the elevator . " I announced , myungsoo sighed in relief . xD

we rode the elevator , even the janitor who was riding the elevator with us was looking surprised seeing myungsoo with the books . XD

we arrived at my home room . Myungsoo dropped all the books on my table and sat down on the nearest chair and fan himself . XD

Hhmmmmmmm ..... XD

" OMO !!!! " I exclaimed faking a shocked face while looking at the books . Myungsoo glanced at me . " wae ?? " he spoke in a faint voice , probably from exhaustion . XD

I picked one book . " myungsoo , these are the books I borrowed from the library and -- OMOOOO !! -- I glanced at my wirst watch , " and I have to return all these heavy gigantic books right now ! Or else the librarian will give me penalty !! Omo !! Let's go ! " I said forcing him to stand up . XD

Myungsoo closed his eyes and started hyperventilating with anger . XD " library ?! can you VISUALIZE HOW FAR THE SCHOOL's library is FROM HERE ?! " he nagged frightfully . XD


I nodded . " deh . I can clearly visualize it . It's --- ammmm " I focused my eyes upward from thinking fakely . XD "
It's 2 building away right ??" I dropped my bag . " Pali . "
I said and went out of the room and waited for myungsoo . XD

Myungsoo bit his lower lip ,rubbed his face and slammed the table beside him  . XD  


I walked towards the elevator , myungsoo was carrying the books and walking so fast . XD we stopped in front of the elevator  , a big fat student got inside the elevator ahead of us .  Taking the remaining space .

Myungsoo 's mouth open . I smiled sneakily watching the full elevator . " myungsoo , I think we should just take the stairs . "

" BWOOO ?!! "  myungsoo looked at the Stair and cussed in annoyance .

the elevator closed leaving us . " and we need to walk down fast , the books can't be late .. MIIIAAAAANNNHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ?? " I said the last word slowly and softly but probably irritating to myungsoo . XD

myungsoo walked fast and took steps down the stairs ahead of me . XD " hahahaha ... Yeah . Feel every suffering myungsoo . XD "
I snickered and followed him . XD



We arrived at the library , myungsoo help me returned the book at the front desk . I asked him to accompany me from a moment , " il just need some few
Books . Pls ? " I begged .

Myungsoo gritted his teeth but said nothing . " eodie? " > where ?< I pointed the middle shelves . " at the arts section . " I said . XD


I pointed the 2 books ahead of me " those books . Can you get that  for me. ? " I asked while searching for a random book I was fakely looking . XD

myungsoo reached out for the books and handed it to me . " these ones ?? " he asked .

I looked at it . " NO ! " I looked up , "those two books . " I actually pointed. Nothing in particular. XD

Myungsoo immediately grabbed the books reaching high since it was placed in the 2nd to the highest shelve . XD


2 shelves away from minhae and myungsoo's ..

Key and JONGHYUN were both searching for history books .

Key found the book he was looking for and moved his fingers to flip the pages . " jongie, I found it .. let's go and ------- key paused when he noticed JONGHYUN was concentrating his eyes on a particular book . He stepped closer and checked what he was busy reading and ----

Female anatomy of the reproductive system

fallopian tube 
Canal through which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus. Fertilization of the egg by the spermatozoon normally takes place in the upper section of the tube. 

Female gland that produces eggs and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. 

cervix of uterus 
Lower narrow section of the uterus through which it connects with the .

Muscular canal located between the neck of the uterus and the vulva enabling ion.  

Key gripped the book he was holding and HIT JONGHYUN's head with it . " you ! Even in the library you !!!!?!! Your such ah -----

AHH AHH AHH ! Ayh !!!!! " JONGHYUN stepped away dropping the anatomy book . "
Oh wae ?! It's science !! I'm just curious !! " he defended . XD key rolled his eyes .

" yea that curiosity of yours  will give you early offsprings  next year . " he scolded .

The two stopped when they heard two students arguing not far from them .

they squinted their eyes " is that myungsoo and minhae ? " JONGHYUN asked .



I pointed my finger " that one .. And that one ! Oh and I also need this and that ! " myungsoo 's hands were shaking from 4 heavy books while I kept on adding another and another ..

Myungsoo was Now giving me bloodshot gazes that was already started to burn . XD

I Leaned my arm over the books myungsoo was carrying . " and this one an ------------- myungsoo dropped all the books on the floor while breathing heavily . XD

" hey !! Why did you dropped the -----

myungsoo 's jaw tightened . " I'm not gonna carry  books you don't even NEED ! "   He yelled.  the room was AC centralized but myungsoo was sweating a river . XD

I placed my hands on my hips . " BWOOO ?! Yahhh I need those books !! Get them ! " I commanded .

" YAAHHH ! Chigul- lee ?!! > wanna die ?! < " myungsoo shouted that echoed at the entire library . XD
I looked down and bit my lower lips from snickering . I change my face back to being serious . 

" BWOOOOO ?!! CHigul-lee ?!! " I yelled back the same words . XD
a lady wearing a formal attire with big glasses came over to us . "
IS NOT A LOBBY !!! Bring your LQ moments outside !! " the librarian scolded us . XD 

Myungsoo ignored me and left me . he trudged out of the library with a dreadful look on his face . XD


Key and JONGHYUN laughed by themselves after seeing myungsoo suddenly burst his anger out . XD

key covered his mouth before the librarian scolds them next " ahahahaha myungsoo , he just can't hold his temper that long . XD " he laughed .

JONGHYUN was stuffing and chewing  the pages of the anatomy book to stop his mouth form laughing out loud like a siren . XD " hahahahahahahahahhahaah,&/@;$9-$,@-2829&;$/&//@ !! "

Key grabbed JONGHYUN 's arm " let's talk to minhae and ----- they paused when they saw  their ONEW hyung standing beside minhae .


ONEW tapped minhae 's shoulder . " looks  like you made him mad minhae ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! " he giggled .

minhae raised her forefinger over her lips  " SHHHHHHHH ..... " she was giggling with him ..

ONEW looked around and covered his mouth . XD . " yeah .. He deserves it, oppa ..myungsoo gave me 7 wishes and he said he'l grant them . Hahaha " she explained .

ONEW came closer like he didn't heard it right . " he what ?!! " minhae nodded . ONEW was silent for a moment like he was processing some important files inside his head . " and you asked him to be your slave didn't you ? " he asked .

Minhae laughed . " deh ! Hahhaa but don't worry oppa , he'l be fine . " she promised .

ONEW cleared his throat . "  do you still like myungsoo ? " he suddenly asked out of the blue that made mianhe glanced at him .



they both looked at each other . " MINHAE LIKES MYUNGSOO ?!! " they both said . (0_0)


after class 5pm  --

I was looking over the small stands selling cute stuffs . " oh myungsoo , look its so cute ! see ! " I raised the phone accessory , it was a silver sling with a  small black cat .

Myungsoo shook his hands looked away . " aissssh ..  ! " I turned to the seller . " il buy this ! " I said , she nodded and gave the cute thing to me with my change .

Myungsoo was walking lazily with me . " can we go home ? I'm really tired . "
He complained , he placed his hand inside his pocket and gaze around the stands of vendors . The sky was getting  darker than usual .

I took my  white iPhone out and struggled on placing the sling at the case of my phone . Ani -- we 'l go to -------- i didn't finished my sentence since a KID  SNATCHED MY PHONE !! -- " MY PHONE !! " I screamed . Myungsoo immediately turned to me . " what ?? What's the matter ? " he asked with worry .

The place was filled with people so only few understood our situation . " my phone ! A boy wearing a red cap took my phone ! Myungsoo , my mother personally bought that phone ..  ! " I was already tearing up thinking that my mom bought something she personally picked rather than asking someone to buy  it for her like she usually do .

myungsoo stared at the path the boy took . " stay here . " he instructed before running ..



I ran as fast as I could while my eyes were scanning around the street market . I stopped on my Tracks to catch some air . " ha .. Ha ... "
I squinted my eyes when I spotted a boy wearing a red cap running into a stop .

I smirked . " there you are . " I ran sneakly behind the kid and grabbed his collar .

" YAHHH ! Give me back the phone ! " I shouted . The boy was shocked struggled free " let goo ajusshi !! " he shouted .

My eyed widen as I gripped his clothe tighter . "
BWOO ?!! AJUSSSHII ?!!! " I glared at the boy but he just chuckled at me .

He nodded . " deh  . AJUSSSAHHIII !! " he raised his knee and -------------

Hit me bullseye .

I fell on my knees screaming with intense pain on my  " YOUUUU I SWEAR IM GOING TO BOIL YOU ALIVE WHEN--------- ack!! Aghhhh !! " they boy stuck his tongue at me and ran away .

I clenched my fist and stood up slowly , " your so going to get it !! " I gritted my teeth and ran to the boy's direction .


The boy stopped beside a fountain gasping for air .

" YAAAAHHHHH ! " I called while walking near to the boy .

His eyes widen seeing me in front of him . " ohhhhh !! " he tried to run but I blocked him . I chuckled while looking down on him . " give me the phone . " I demanded with my hand held out .

The boy took the phone out and held it out into the flowing fountain . " YAH YAH YAH YAH STOP ! " I exclaimed . The boy laughed at my expression .

He crossed his Arms . " il give it back to you IF !!! " he thought for a moment and Looked at me from head to foot . until his eyes focused at my jean's pocket where a bulging rectangular shaped was obvious . " give me your phone in exchange of hers . " he negotiated .

I laughed at his proposal . " YOU CRAZY ?!! " I shouted so loud that my veins were about to Burst .


The boy shrugged his shoulder . " okey . " he let go of the phone above the flowing fountain that -----

" FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE !!!!!!!!!!!!! " I stammered  on my knees looking at the phone almost fell on the water if it wasn't for the sling the boy held back .

the boy chucked broadly and held out his hand . " give it to me . And il give this to you . Pali ajusshi  .... " he said impatiently ..

I closed my eyes suppressing my burning temper . I gritted my teeth while taking my phone out of my pocket .  

the boy moved closer to the fountain while  looking at me .

I paused when I remembered her words .

" my phone ! A boy wearing a red cap took my phone ! Myungsoo , my mother personally bought that phone ..  ! "  

Agh!!! the moment I get my hands on this boy  il PUSH HIM INTO THAT STEAMING FOUNTAIN ! I gripped my phone tighter .

I came closer while the boy held
Out the phone . I held out my black Samsung S3 to him .  We met at the center and exchanged phones , he ran immediately but kicked my leg before flying away . " THANK YOU AJUSSHI !! " he shouted while waving my Samsung s3  " ahhhh ! My phone " OTL .

I messed my hair " AUGHHH THIS DAY IS MAKING ME CRAZY ! " hissed  and kicked the nearest trash can I saw .  



I kept looking back and forth while my hands were sweating with anxiety .  myungsoo , where are you ???

I stood there quitely ,  until i heard footsteps approaching me . I looked up and saw myungsoo . He was sweating heavy , some strands of his hair were already wet and dripping , he looked he just took a quick swimming . he was grasping for air . " myungsoo-ah .. Kwenchana ?? " I asked , he bent down on his knees while regaining his normal breathing . with shaking hands , he pulled out my phone from his pocket . " here . " he said slightly faltering .

My trembling hands , I took my phone from him .  

He caught the boy and got my phone back ??  

I stared at him straight , he was still panting and his sweats were still streaming . for a moment , I felt a bit guilty for torturing him all day and he still helped me .  " myungsoo.. Thank you . " I sincerely said .

Myungsoo's breathing calmed when he heard me . He blinked consecutively with his eyes a bit suprised with the words I uttered , he bit his lips and looked away . " ehhhh .. Your such an irresponsible owner , you should watch your valuables and ----------- myungsoo was cut off by ..

" HUAHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHHUUU-- myungsoo ! I was worried my phone will be gone forever huhuhu my mom bought it for me and ------- myungsoo covered my mouth Because all the people passing by and the vendors were all eyeballing us . XD  

Embarrassed myungsoo glared at me "hey ,  stop crying , you look worser than that street boy . " he said while dragging me away from the scary people . XD

Myungsoo stared at me while stopping myself from sniffing  

I wiped all my tears . "
Let's go to your favorite lame place . " he said chuckling .  

My eyebrows furrowed . " favorite lame place ?? " I tilted my head to the side , " eodie? " .

A half smirked crept across his Lips .


@ the KIM's residence ..

@ MIR's room ( XD )

Mir was facing back and forth seriously  thinking , taemin was just sitting on Mir's bed looking a bit blue ..

" Tae , I'm so sure !! She likes myungsoo - hyung ! I'm sure of it !! Yah, do you think we should inform this to the rest ?? " he asked .

taemin crossed his legs and shook his head while his cheeks were bloated and he looked slightly bluish

" eh ?? NO ?? WAE ?!! this is a HOT ISSUE ! Hahaha or !! We should spread it at school ! What do you think huh ???!! Let's ??! "
Mir was hyper all over . Taemin's eyes widen and shook his head strongly with his hand gesture.

Mir stopped in front of taemin , " NO ?!! Then what are  we supposed to do ?!!  And ----- Mir paused when he noticed taemin was pale , he was clenching his neck and " YAH BABY BOY ARE YOU OKEY ??! " he asked with worry .

Taemin collapsed to the ground like he was suffocated . " YAHHHH !!! " Mir bent down and came closer to taemin 's " WHAT ??  ?? " taemin was saying words incoherently .

" I CAN't BREATH ! HYUNG's  ROOM IS FILLED WITH nitrogen and carbon dioxide  very toxic i could--- hahhh --- ahhhhhhh !!!!!!!! " taemin was losing his breath . "
WHATTTYYY ?!!!!! "
Mir Immediately rushed taemin outside his room. XD

Taemin gasphed some fresh oxygen . XD " ha - ha - ha ----- " he's bluish color was slowly disappearing .

Mir glared at the youngest "
Were you holding your breath the ENTIRE TIME ?!! " he asked . Taemin smiled and nodding . XD

" mirue hyung , i think we should not tell anyone  that minhae noona likes -----------

taemin shut his mouth when he saw a shadow behind mir " minhae noona like ---- ?? What Tae ?? "
Mir asked the muted taemin .

Mir's hair went up when he felt a dark aura behind him and -- "
WHO ?!!! Minhae likes  who ?!!! "

The two boys trembled seeing "
EUN AH NOONA ... it's no one !! "
Taemin said .

Eun ah grabbed mir and pinned him against the wall . " WHOOO ?!!!! "
She demanded . XD  the two boys looked at her with trembling hearts .



I clapped my hands together while gazing at all the new flavors laid in front of me . " pls give me this one ! And that! And this ! And ----- ohh ! That one also !! " I kept giggling , the staff nodded and prepared all I asked for , I paused when I noticed myungsoo was giving me looks . " WHAT ?? " XD

we went to the counter . " myungsoo , you pay . "
I confidently said , myungsoo abrupt struck me a deathly eye balls . " am I your treasurer or your bank ?? " he asked .

I pinched his cheek . "
I left my wallet . AHH Pali !! It's already melting !! " I demanded while whining beside him . "
Plssss ?? It's still me birthday ... "
I reminded . XD

Myungsoo sighed and pulled out his wallet . XD

 After paying , we  chose a table near the window , my favorite table . :) , I started eating all while myungsoo was just giving me disgusted looks . " yoUURRNOOT.ENJOYINGUR ICEKREAMEE ??? " I asked , myungsoo chuckled and started paying attention to his ice cream ..

"minhae - shi ?? " a husky voice made the two of us turned .

I stopped eating and "
OHHH !!! HARABUHJEE !! Annyeong ! "
I said and stood up together with myungsoo , we bowed in front of the elder .  

he sat beside me . "
How are you ?? "
He asked .

I smiled at him . " I'm well ! Harabuhjee ! Today is my birthday ! eat ice cream with us ! "
I begged , he's face lighten hearing it was my bday . "
Kurie ?? okey , il
Order for an extra ice cream . "
He said , he called a staff .

Myungsoo stood up . " where are you going ? "
I asked .

myungsoo took some tissue . " il be right back . " he said and left .



I walked along the streets , scanning each store I came across , " where Is it -- ahhhh ! " I stopped in front of a Samsung store and went inside .

I scanned all the displayed mobiles . " good evening sir , how my I help you ?? " a man came over to assist me .

" give me a black Samsung s3 . " I ordered , the guy nodded and took the phone I was looking for .

He handed it to me . I chuckled remembering that street boy I encountered . " il buy this one . " I said and gave my credit card .

after a few minutes , he gave me the phone and my credit card . I d into my pocket and pulled a white iPhone4s . " pssssh , she didn't even noticed I took it , " i smirked , I scrolled over her phone , she didn't even placed a password , agh this girl . I scrolled over her contacts and kept on scrolling and scrolling and "
What ?? Where's my  contact number 
I thought confusely . I tried searching for " Kim " and all my cousin's number   Appeared , but mine wasn't . "
Bwooya?? " i entered my name and found :

- Imstupidassmyungsoo -

My jaw dropped even the staff was disturbed with my reaction  .  

I gritted my teeth . " imstupidassmyungsoo ?!! she named me
This that  ----- " I controlled my temper Because the urge to throw the phone was very TEMPTING !

I worked my thumb and edited my number , replacing it with my new digits before she figured out that  my phone WAS TAKEN BY A STREET BOY IN EXCHANGE OF HER's !!!

i went out and returned back to the store .  



> car <  

I focused my attention on the road while listening to " bad- by tablo ft junsil " playing on stereo .

I stopped the car in front of their house ., I glaced over at the girl who was resting beside the driver 's seat . " hey , were here . " I said and shook her lightly but didn't even woke her .

I got out and went to the others side , slowly opening the door .

I found her peacefully sleeping On her seat , her head resting comfortablely . I inched closer and almost laugh seeing some chocolate Ice cream stains were still at the corners of her lips .  

looks like she wont open her eyes even if  the world ends tonight ..

I turned around that my back was facing  her . I held both her arms and carried her out of my car . " aissssh , if you keep on loving Ice cream you 'l be a fat pig in a month . "
I mumbled . I carried her gently not to stir her sleep .

I unintentionally caught countless of stars .

  " il give you 7 wishes . "  .

. " 7 ?? 7 wishes ? " She clarified

," wish for 7 times and il try to grant each one of them for you . "   

GRANT THem ?!! JEONGMAL ?!! CHINCHA ?!! " she exaggeratedly said .

she mumbled some words while wrapping her arms around me, still sleeping .

" saeng-il chukahamnida "

I bit my lips before a smile slowly spread across my face .

:) ☺ 

AFTER 1 hr @ Kim 's

myungsoo was growling with body pains while ONEW was playing some
Back around his bare arm. 
" myungie , what have you been doing all day that pained you like this ?? " ONEW asked .

Myungsoo just laid down "agh, I don't want to remember . "
He said .

ONEW held myungsoo 's right hand seeing a bluish mark . " what's this ?? Were  you bitten by a dog ?! "
He asked his anxiety was slowing raising .  Myungsoo chuckled . "
not a dog , a very BIG ANNOYING CAT . "
He said and closed
His eyes .

ONEW nodded ."
Oh really?? We should
Ask our resident doctor to check it  tomorrow  araso? "
ONEW switch all the lights off
Going out ..

ONEw was heading towards his room , when a hand grabbed him and dragged him to a dark room .


@ the Kim 's headquarters . XD

The room was dark . ONEW was forced to sit on the chair and was his hands and feet was tied fast . "
YAHHH ! What's is this ?!! YAHHH ! Ahhhh that hurts !! "
He exclaimed when the rope was knot tightly .

Someone switch the hanging bulb on . ONEW 's eyes widen seeing all his cousins , eun ah , key , JONGHYUN , mir and taemin in front of him and was looking at him like he was a convicted person . XD

Yaaaah ! What's with all of you  ?! untie me Pali !! "
ONEW begged . XD

Key and eun ah came over to him . "
You've got some explaining to do hyung . " key said . ONEW was confused . " BWOOO ???? What do you mean explain?? " he asked .

JONGHYUN shook his head with disappointment . "
I can't believe you hyung , " he said , ONEW's face was crumpled with much confusion . " YAAAAHHH I DON'T KNOW WHAT ALL OF YOU ARE SAYING , yah ..
Kibum , I'm your hyung ! Untie me right now . " he asked but key ignored him..

Eun ah stood behind ONEW and bent down to his ears and whispered . " secrets like these are never allowed in our family . "

" secrets ?? What ? "

eun ah grabbed ONEW by his collar frightening him . " we'll ask once and you better tell the truth !! Or else .. Someone will die . " she said .

ONEW looked at her " YAAH DIE ?!! This is not funny anymore ! " he said .

JONGHYUN came . " one question hyung . "

" WHAT ?!! " ONEW asked

Key crossed his arms . " MINhae likes myungsoo for months and you didnt said a word . is this true or not ?! YES OR NO !! " he demanded .

ONEW suddenly turned pale with his sweats over his forehead . "
Well --- I --- she ---- ammmm --- "
He zipped his mouth for a moment .

Eun ah gritted her teeth . " OH SO YOU WANT SOMEONE TO DIE FIRST ?!! DEH OPPA ?!! " she signaled mir and taemin to come over .

ONEW's small eyes came out from its sockets  seeing his two dongsaeng. /p>

taemin was  holding her  very firmly almost suffocating her , Mir was holding a kitchen sharp knife and was an inch closer to her neck ..

ONEW's started crying . "

CHICKIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
He called out his pet chicken " chicki" who was held hostage and was  cracking for help . XD

eun ah , key and JONGHYUN smirked . " WELL HYUNG ? TELL OR KILL ?? " they asked .



I hope I didn't disappoint you guys when I said that todays chap will be exciting , heheh I hope it turned out a bit exciting . Heheeh ..

Oh yeah ! Ahahahahaha ahaha myungsoo 's first day of walking through Calvary . XD  it's MINHAE 's reign and myungsoo 's unfortunate downfall is just beginning . XD

And now that the  rest of  the famly members found out minhae 'a secret , even putting ONEW and chicki on a very hard and deadly situation . XD HAHAHA WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THEY FINALLY CONFIRMED IT ??  

oh I don't  know ?? XD

GUYS ! Tell me , what do u think about myungsoo and minhae 'a new relationship ?!! Heheehe how do u find myungsoo in this chapter ?!  Are u feeling something ?? I wanna know hehehe .. Pls tell me :) 

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHA. Guys ! Are you guys well ?? How are you guys doing ? Heehee  


Guys ! TODAY IS  yss14 's BIRTHDAY !! She's a very friendly person , heheeh ! Lets sing her a happy birthday song ! Okey ?? Now - NO KILLJOYS ALLOWED . - XD you have to sing with me or else your crush will never talk to you ever again ! XD > KIDDING ! < kekeke now .. Hana .. Dul .. Set !!

saeng-il chukahamnida ,
 saeng-il chukahamnida , 
saranghaneun alyssa-shi !    , 
 saeng-il chukahamnida

Again again ... XD

saeng-il chukahamnida ,
 saeng-il chukahamnida , 
saranghaneun alyssa-shi !    , 
 saeng-il chukahamnida !  

Yehey ! There thank you for singing with me [ Ur Crush will still talk to u  dont worry . XD ] I'm sure our bday girl will be very happy . Hhehe !  

Alyssa- shi ! I'm sorry , I don't have anything to give you today but ! I hope this chapter made u smile . XD as my bday gift . Hehe

Sarangheyo !!,

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Thank you!
I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen