Anti-like/love medication

The Kim's

with a slightly nervous hand , I gripped my hold on the envelop my left hand was holding . I sighed and took a deep breath before knocking ..

I gulped as I was tapping my right foot  waiting ..

" come in . " a sweet voice from the inside of the room said .

I held the door knob and opened it .

The moment I was inside , I ran my eyes as I observed the entire room, it was an all white room , with an bed at the side, maybe for inspecting the patients proposes , it was a clean and well maintained room  , there was a door leading to another room, I wonder what kind of room it leads to ..

There was a marble table at the center with a swivel chair , the person I wanted to talk to was sitting on the swivel chair but his back facing me ..  

The woman who told me to come in, gestured me to sit beside the marble table on the empty seat .

The woman was actually very pretty , she have that angelic smile and a calm ambiance . She was wearing an all while uniform , and she has her own desk inside the room .

I sat on the chair and made myself comfortable . But .. None of this is actually making me comfortable ..

My hands were shaking and sweating , ahhh ! I hope this isn't anything serious . 😰

3 phones on the table suddenly rang all at once on . The women came and took one call ..

" yess .. Good morning ma'am .. Deh .. Ahhh ... He is actually --- " she reached for the person sitting on the swivel chair .

" your girlfriend is looking for you , " she said .

I heard the guy chuckled " tell her I'm busy and working whatever  . "

The woman nodded a did what she was told , she answered the second phone . " deh .. Ah , he's busy . Yah il tell him .. " the sweet woman with angelic voice was now looking annoyed answering all the calls .

The guy sitting on the chair , his back facing me was still in that position , is he sleeping or what ?

The woman , picked the third call " HE'S DEAD . DEH .. You can pay him a visit at the funeral . " she slammed the phone down almost cracking the entire phone into pieces .

The other phone started ringing again, she glanced at the guy with irritable glare and picked the phone up . " he's -- BWOO ?? YAHHH .. Me ?? Your the crazy one !! Why don't you ask  him yourself !! " I was shocked with the woman , last minute she was sweet and now she just turned into a scary unnie .. She kicked the chair where the guy was quietly siting " YAHHH ! ARE YOU GOING TO AVOID THEM ?!! WHY DONT YOU TALK TO THEM YOURSELF ! And , what are you even doing ?!! " she spins   the chair to face us ,  

The guy have a blonde shade hair , he was wearing an all while suit and he was looking down on his phone , earphones were on , his attention was all sticked on his phone like he was watching an exciting movie .. And and giggling at it and suddenly whined in protest like he was hungry or something .

The now monster turned woman grinned her teeth looking at the guys phone " YAHHH !! YOUR WATCHING AGAIN!! " she snatched the phone away and slapped it on the floor tearing everything into pieces .

" yaaaahhhh !! " the guy screamed cried over his torn into ashes phone " HOW COULD YOU BROKE IT ??!! It's was the best part !!" he screamed .

" will you fix all your girlfriends?! And you have a client ! " the woman sat on her chair .

The blonde guy wanted to say something but " ehhhhh ... Be thankful were related !! Il fire you this instant if you weren't ! " he mumbled to himself but I clearly heard it . 😝

He picked the phone and sat again with a scowled expression .  He cleared his throat and even glanced @ his mirror and fixed his hair " ahhh.... Owwww sweetie, mianhe .. I was doing something important. ... Aneyo !! Your the most important to me ! Ahahah deh .. Tonight ??! Sure ! Same place ? Araso ... Il call you . Deh .. Sarangheyo ! " and he kissed the phone imagining to be kissing the girl .

Me and the assistant looked at him with disgust ..  

He hang and stretched his body , he glanced at me and leaned over with he's flirty face " what can I do for you ?? Pretty lllllaaaaaadyyyyy .... ?? " he said the lady too long and y .

I rolled my eyes " Amm I brought the lab results with me . " I said and raised the envelop I was holding since I got here .

He nodded " good , let me see . " he reached for the envelop and stopped for a second " haha oh my god ! Forgot my manners ! By the way , I'm DR. KIM  JONGHYUN , I'm a LOVE-viologist, a an expert in matters of the heart and ( he glanced down at his ... ) there . " he bit his lips seductively .

" ah - HAHAHAHAHA ! I'm Soo minhae ." I laughed and bowed in front of him .

He sat comfortable on his chair and opened the enveloped and checked the lab results .. He fixed his eye glasses like he was shocked for a moment and smiled at me while giggling .He  stood up and sat infront of me crossing his legs .

" wae ?? Is there something wrong with the results ?? Am I okey ?? " I asked anxiously at him.

" before we talked about that , let me asked you some questions , how old are you ?? "

" I'm 18 . Wae ---

" boyfriend ?? " he asked while seems to be taking down notes .

" ehh .. None but ----

" still a ?? What's ----- the woman hit him on his head with an ashtray .

" Yahhh !! Why are you asking her your favorite questions and ---- dr jjong, screamed in pain like he was dying in front of me ." ahhhhhhhhh my head ! I'm bleeding !! "

The girl ignored him and shook hands with me " annyeong ! Forgot to introduce myself ! I'm go eun ah , I'm his lovely assistant ! " she was smiling so sweetly I couldnt help but smile also .

" aissssshhh !! will you disappear forever ?!! I'm busy doing my thing here !! " he said pushing the girl away .

Eun ah sat on the marble table , JONGHYUN glanced back at me " anyways .. Tell me how you feel about me --------- eun ah slammed the book at jonghyun and said " be normal . " she said with a glared .

dr . JONGHYUN scratched his head and turned back at me " i mean , how do you feel about this guy . " he asked becoming serious .

I Bit my lip shly " Well -- I am , feeling like my heart is crazy when I see him and then ... If I'm close to him also , but I really really HATE HIM AT THE SAME TIME His the most evi person met !! and ----- " he gestured me to stop .

" is this guy , dating ?? " he asked ,
I sighed and looked down . " dehh .. Although , he's only dating Uee because of a dare . "

Eun ah clenched her head " arrghh !! UEE . I hate that name !! " she said .

" and how do u feel when you see them together ?? " dr asked while biting his pencil .

I sighed . " I feel -- awful " I admitted .

" interesting . Hows your stomach , are you feeling butterflies when he's being nice to you ?? " he asked like he was a girl gossiping in the market .

I blushed " Ammmm deh ." I said with my heart getting excited with the thought of him being a normal person to me .

" did the two of you already kissed ?? " he asked and eun ah leaned over like a bed time story was about to start .

The two of them were anticipating my answer , " well ??!! " eun ah added .

I popped my mouth and bit my lower lips , I felt like giggling and I was feeling ticklish " ammmm .. Deh . " I covered my face of embarrassment . 💙☺

Eun ah started jumping around with happiness while JONGHYUN was just nodding " was it , smack or something deeper , torrid kiss ?? Or ?? "

My eyes widen "
Yahhh ! Do I have to tell ??!! . " I asked , he just threw  a bomb at me .

" hahhahaha !! Araso araso ! " he was laughing at me and behaved himself like a profession after a sec " okey .. Your signs and symptoms only lead to one thing , basing on your , over all behavior , I already come up with a conclusion and a diagnosis . " he hand me over his paper .

I checked and it was a checklist .

Patient :Soo minhae..... Age: 18 y.o  

ity : 👍  

Circulatory symptom :blushing talking about him : 👍

GI symptom: cocoon And butterfly 👍

Psychological : jealously : 👍  insecurity : 👍 happy thinking about him : 👍 gets too affected with a close contact : 👍 in denial :

Kiss : 👍❤

heartbeat :

Lab results :


My eyes disappeared ! " BWWWOOOO ?? Like him ?! Yahhh ! Are you sure ? Aneyo ! U haven't even checked my lab results . " I said and gave the paper back, how could he conclude something with a lacking checklist ? .

He squinted his eyes " ehhh .. I don't have to checked it . It's obvious . You like him and it's written all over your face . Look at yourself in the mirror . " he gave me a mirror .  I took a quick glanced at myself in the mirror .

And shocked with a " I LIKE MYUNGSOO " literally written on my forehead .

I immediately wiped it " ANEYO ! " I said .

" your in denial : 👍 HAHAHHA " I sang while playing with his pen .

Eun ah was giving me teasing looks .i frowned . 😣

JONGHYUN opened the envelop " okey , so your soul will be in peace , let's check your lab results .. OHHH MEEYYYYY GEEERRDD !! ". He gashed as he was looking at my heart x- ray result . He raised it to the light to see it clearly .

I scofffed close to him " WHAT ?? Something wrong ?!! " I panicked ! " Something wrong with my heart ? Am about to die ?? What ?!" I said shaking him .

" gezzzz ! Calm down ! Okey .. Look at your heart . " he pointed one particular big circle on the x- ray result . " you see that big thing circle something ! THAT'S YOUR HEART . " he said .

" ehhhhh ?? " I checked it myself .

" cardiomegaly , it's the abnormal enlargement of the heart ! ( he formed his hand into a fist ) human heart is as big as our fist , and it's not even a perfect circle ! But in your case , ---------

I looked at him with wary eyes " what ?? 😭"

" your heart is Soo big it's as big as a WATERMELON ! " he exaggerated with a shocked face .

" jeongmal ? ( really ) " 😭

He nodded and took some lab results " okey , let's see your hematology And  --- JESUS CHRIST !! " he screamed while holding my lab result and checking .  

" WAEYO ?? " I asked anxiously .

He adjusted his glasses properly " you blood counts and others are normal BUT ! your LIKE hormone is way too elevated ! see , ( shows the paper ) the computer couldnt even count it accurately  since its at it's peak , the entire paper is not enough with its numbers! And ! Your love hormone is also tailing along ! give it 2- 3 months and I'm pretty sure LOVE is in the air for you . " he said grinning . He checked the checklists : lab result : abnormal 👍

I grabbed the paper " LIKE ? Love myungsoo ?!! ANDWEEEEEE !! " I screamed  in frustration .

He took a stethoscope " let's check your heartbeat . " he said and wore the earpiece and placed the chest piece over my chest . He listened for it for a while After seconds He's eyes widen  " I knew it . " he said laughing . Eun ah also came to check .

" omo !! " she said and looked at me .

" WHAT ?!!! " I'm almost crying with all this speculations .  

JONGHYUN gave me the earpiece . " tsk.. Tsk.. Your heart is calling out for that guy . It's pretty desperate . " he said .

I wore the earpiece and listened to my own heartbeat .

Myungsoo.. Myungsoo ..myungsoo..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo .myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo .. MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO !!

I think my jaw dropped wide enough for a human head to fit in  with big my eyes ! 😱 .

The two laughed at my reaction " see ?!! Your heart is LITERALLY calling out that guy's NAME . YEAH ! " he said and checked the checklist : heartbeat : crazy heart calling out myungsoo 👍❤

I looked at him with teary eyes .

" at this point , your @ stage two of the " I LIKE HIM DISEASE " . " he gave me a encouraging pat and sympathize with me.

How .. How many stage are there ?? " I asked .

" two . " he said calmly .

" MWWOOO ?? 😭 "

" and , eventually .. It will lead to a more upgraded stage . " he said .  " the LOVE STAGE . 😝"

I kneeled infront of him . " plssss help me ! I don't want to fall inlove him !! " I begged .

The two sighed in pity and nodded in agreement  . " okey , il prescribe medications for you . " he sat back on his swivel chair .

Eun ah came back with a tray of medications . SHe placed it on the table .

JONGHYUN took a bottle and opened it , and picked a table " now , this is an ANTI- LIKE TABLET . You have to take this every 5 minutes , 10 tablets every 5 minutes . Araso ??  Or just the P THERAPY !

" P THERAPY ? What's that ?"

" THERAPY ! Hahaha here are some playboy magazines if you like or --- JUST DATE ME ! I'm sure you'l forget the guy ! " he recommend .

I strongly shook my head ! 😝

" okey fine . " he said frowning .

I looked at him talking out a syringe and a vial . " now , this is more effective than the tablet . It blocks your LIKE neurotransmitters to your heart and prevent LIKE  leveling up into big love hormones . You have to inject this every time you see myungsoo . got it ?? " he explained .

I nodded " how am I gonna inject that ?? "

JONGHYUN smiled and clamped his hands , the door opened and a guy with big adorable eyes came . Eun ah immediately stood beside him , smiling . The guy said his sweetest " hi " to eun ah .

" il demonstrate it ! " eun ah volunteered . And took the syringe , " Minho .. Amm take off your shirt . She commanded .

" WHAAAT ?? Yahhh ! Minho why are you stripping ! " I covered my eyes with my hand . As Minho took his shirt off showing his bare chest .

" Minho- ah , your body built im-- improve ! " eun ah said mesmerized with Minho 's topless body .

" been working out . " he was teasing eun ah with his body and looking proud  .

JONGHYUN rolled his eyes . 😒

Eun ah cleared his getting focused " so , minhae .. You have to inject the syringe / injection right through your chest . " she said as he injected it slowly to Minho 'a chest . and both of them were blushing with the close contact .

" sheeeeshshh ! THAT'S NOT THE PROPER WAY ! Give me that ! " JONGHYUN took the syringe from eun ah and shoved eun ah .  

He immediately pierce the needle right through minho's right targeting his heard and pushed it deeper .

Eun ah was shocked " Yahhh !! Your
Killing him !! Eun ah almost at the side looking at Minho in pain.

"you have to STAB YOUR HEART and inject the medication , it's
Like your murdering the
Greatest enemy you ever had . Then make sure you injected everything . " he withdrew the syringe and Minho collapsed like a falling paper
To the ground .

" MINHO- ah !!! " eun ah kneeled beside the unconscious Minho , she was shaking Minho to wake up .

I was just dumbfound looking at them .😨

JONGHYUN sat on his king like chair , he dialed a number and talked to the other line " yes , morgue department ? There's a dead man laying on my office kindly take it away and cremate his body afterwards .Thank u . " he hang up .

Eun ah stood up and gave JONGHYUN a murdering look " how could you this to me ??! " he yelled .

The door opened and some dudes in black took Minho away .. " Yahhh !! " eun ah followed them out .

"that's right boys , take him away . 😁" JONGHYUN looked at me smiling " so, that's the proper way . Okey ? " he gave me the medications .

" but , what If it won't work ?! Is there any alternative prevention ? I asked , cause what If it won't work ?! I can't fall in love with him ! I thought .  

JONGHYUN sat back and pressed his chin with his thumb and forefinger , thinking . " Well there is , but -- it's the last resort . But I can guarantee You that it's 100% effective . " he clamped his hands together and the other door opened .

As the door opened , I looked carefully at the scene inside the room , there were 4 person , all in white , with surgical gloves and mask . there's a girl lying on the operating table unconscious . , it's was an on going operation .  

The surgeon  who was browned hair  held out his hand " Kelly curve . " he said asking for an instrument .

The boy who was laughing like a hyaena passed him the Kelly curve .
The other surgeon, fair skin guy with his feline eyes stopped cutting some tissues and  glanced at  the smiling boy beside him " baby Tae , could you fix my bangs , it's blocking my eyes . " he asked . Taemin nodded and did what he was asked to.

The browned hair surgeon sighed in exhaustion " chicken pls . " he said .

The cunning boy who was beside him " or thigh ??😂 "

" thigh . " the surgeon said , the boy pulled down his mask😷 and fed him with chicken thigh.

The surgeon was smiling so much brighter than the operating lights 😃.

" EHERM ! Hyung ! We're in the middle of something here!! "!he said glancing at the girl with opened chest .
The other laughed " OHH ! Yeah hahaha . " he remembered and back to seriousness .

I glanced at JONGHYUN " what are they doing ?? "

JONGHYUN smirked " wait for it -----

The two surgeon pulled out the girl's ---- " HEArt ?!! "'i shouted .

The two surgeon came To us .

"annyeong ! I'm dr. ONEW , and this is my intern key .. " he said and shook hands with me with his all bloody hands .

I shook hands to show respect ..

" so ?? You mean --- my heart will be ....

" taken out , yes .. This procedure is done to people who are not willing to fall in love or to those who suffered enough . " key explained and placed the STILL beating heart on my hand .😰

JONGHYUN stood up " through this operation, you will prevent youself from falling in love with myungsoo . This is a VERY effective preventive and curable measure . You will never 
feel or hear your heart beating . AS IN NEVER ." he explained .

I nodded and placed the heart on the table , "'as long as its 100% sure ! "

OF COURSE !! " all of them smiled with a 👍 hand .

They made me signed the consent form and placed me at the operating table .

All of them took knives and some sharp instruments " WAIT !! You haven't even gave me an anesthesia !! " I reminded .

Taemin and ONEW scratched their brows "

Oh right ! Mianheyo noona ! 😊" taemin said and injected an anesthesia .

All of them started working .

HAHAHHA , myungsoo -ah , il never fall in love  with you .it would be insane ! 😂

But wait ------ 😳

If they'l take out my heart ---- ❤


I sat up " wait !! Stop ! I changed my mind ! I'm not gonna do this ! " I said .

Mir and key forced me to lie back " sorry dear minhae .. It's too late . We already opened your chest . " 😱he said and smirked .

" WHAT ?! Yahhh !!
Stop ! " I struggled . 😖

ONEW adjusted his gloves " hold her guys , let's finish THIS so I can have my chicken for dinner .😃 " he took a chainsaw And powered it on . He raised it up to me .

All of them held me tightly . " don't worry sweetie pie , this is for your own good " JONGHYUN said besides giving me moral support ?! 😃

The noisy loud  sound that the chainsaw produces with its teeth Moves around the edge of a blade made me screamed !



The noise was getting louder I immodestly sat up screaming !

I opened my eyes and gasped for air .

It was getting lighter and the sun rays was coming inside my room .

I glanced at the crazy alarm clock beside me .

I gulped . " THAT WAS ONE HECK OF A CRAZY DREAM !! 😨 " I wiped my forehead sweats away  

" MINHAE !! It's time for school !! " my nana said .

" deh !! " i moved fast to the shower room .



It was 20 mins before class starts so i sat on the empty bench , I sighed remembering my dream ...

I glanced up as I heard the students squealing at the newcomers  . I stood up and joined the students .

It was ONEW , key , Mir , eun ah , JONGHYUN , taemin  were walking along the hallways .

I smiled looking at them smiling and greeting everyone . 😊

And the last person who was walking lazily behind them ..

ONEW came to him and wrapped his arms around him " lets walk together myungie !! " he said and dragged  him along .

He smiled and made all the girls squealed more .

I paused . Seeing that smile he rarely expose willingly , his dimples were showing since he was giggling at mir's goofiness  beside him .

I reached for my chest -- my heart .

Myungsoo.. Myungsoo ..myungsoo..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo .myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo ..myungsoo .. MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO MYUNGSOO !!

I breath out . " if only I have that jonghyun's anti-LIKE/LOVE   medication , but I guess ---

 it's too late now . 😍



Hahaissst ... Minhae's struggles even in her dreams 😝

Il update soon 😄 ahhh , I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter .

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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen