
The Kim's


I was half asleep while sitting on the chair infront of the dinning table .

My nana corazon clapped infront of me making me shout in fright . XD

" nana !!! " I hissed while reaching my chest .

She poured some warm milk on my glass and looked at me " are you okey pangga ?? You look like you haven't slept at all . " she said and sat beside me .


I glanced at the mirror hanging on the wall .

My eyes looks tired and there were dark circles under my eyes , my hair was everywhere and I look like a stressed panda . :|

I turned to her and smiled " I'm fine nana !! Amm just had a hard time sleeping heheeh , but I'm fine !! " I said with two thumbs up , I took a bite on the innocent pancake and drank my milk .

" omo!! Hard time sleeping ?? Do u want to see a doctor ?? " she said while holding me both sides with her concern eyes .

My eyes widen " NO! hahahaha ! Nana , ( glanced at my wrist watch ) I'm late for school! Gotta go ! Love you !! " I said , stood up and ran my way to the door .


It was still early and I still have 30 minutes before our class starts , so I decided to just walk and take my time .

Some students were already running to their class and some where just chatting with their friends .

I glanced at my phone .

No new messages .

I sighed . Well at least myungsoo didn't call or even texted . He'll definely ruined my mood early in the morning . :/

I yawned and shook my head ,

" MINHAERELLA!!!! " a loud shout just called my attention, and I already knew who's the shouting student .

Amber .

She wrapped her Arm around my neck and messed my hair with her free hand " oh !! How is my dummy head friend doing ?? HAHAHAHAHA ! " she looked at me and even laughed more .

" what ?? " I asked

" are you drunk ?? Cause you look like you are . Hahahah " she said and stopped me from walking .

I scratch my head " I'm fine , just lack of sleep . "

She squinted her eyes " waeyo?? Who were you thinking of last night huh?? " she asked suspiciously .

My eyes widen . " ya- YA!!  I  wasn't !! " I said and stomped my foot while shooking my head .

She laughed at my expression " okey! HAHAHHAHA I was just asking , why are you reacting like that ??!! " she said and wrapped her arm around me again .

" we'll ------

. " I don't see any reasons  not to like her . "  

I bit my lips. Those words can't seem to disappear and just kept echoing inside my head over and over again!!

And I Couldn't sleep well last night because of those disturbing words . :/

Why am I like this ??!! ;(

Amber stopped and looked at a particular girls crying at the corner , they were all looking at their phones .

" what's with them ?? " amber said with curiosity and went to find out , pulling me with her .


The girls were wiping their tears and comforting themselves . Amber poked one of them .

" why are you all crying ??? "

" did someone died ?? " I asked looking at 6 girls crying , tissues were scattered all over the ground .

The girl with a heavy make.up kept crying and showed us her phone " it's -- it's ----- " she couldnt even finish her sentence and just continued crying at the corner .

Amber and me looked at the phone , it was a picture , it's was myungsoo and Uee ! It was taken during their date last night .

Amber rolled her eyes looking at it " WHAT ??!! This is the reason why all of you are crying ?!! Myungsoo dating ?? Psshhhhh !! What a waste of tears ! " she said .

The girl with small eyes stood up while wiping her tears " yah !! Don't talk like that about myungsoo oppa !! Huhuhu ! He's dating Uee ! And we -- we don't stand a chance with her !! " she said , the girl beside her gave her a pat .

Amber rolled her eyes and checked the next photo , it was myungsoo and Uee at the Japanese restaurant .

I gulped as I remembered how Uee wiped myungsoo 's cheek .

I grinned my teeth as that familiar annoying pain on my chest was starting to spread all over my body again .

I looked away and breath deeply . This is not happening to me right now ?!!  I'm not feeling this again am I ?!/p>

Evil me : hurting much  ??? Hahhahaha

Good me : * glared *

Amber scrolled the images again and a picture with myungsoo putting his jacket around Uee was  sparkling infront of us .

Amber  was just grinning while i had this urge to just throw the phone away !! Or drop it and stepped on it  until its torn into pieces !!

I paused .  , did I just thought about that???

Evil me : yes you did !! Go on !! Destroy it !! XD

I shook my head to shoved that idea . Amber was suddenly laughing and pointed something or someone at the picture.

" whatda? !! Who's this purple specie with them ?? HAHAHAHAHA !! " she kept laughing .

I Frowned when I realized why  she's cracking up .

" that's me amber . " I said while looking at myself , I mean at the picture, it was the scene at the ice  castle .

" BWOOOOO ??!! " all of them looked at me .

I told them the e entire story since myungsoo 's fangirls threatened to cut me into two If I won't start telling .  

After our story telling , I think I just made myungsoo 's fangirls cried even more . XD

" they didn't kissed right ??!! Right ?!! " the skinny girls asked .

" well ------ I paused .

I left early  , so .. I don't know if they did or ...

Did they ??

" I -- don't know . " I answered  , all of them glared at me and grabbed me again . They were joining forces  all together ./p>

" Yahhh !! Tell us !! Are you protecting your master ??!! " they yelled , and shook me like a stick .

Amber immediately pushed them away " yah ! Will you get over of yourselves ! JESUS !! " she grabbed me away from the angry girls and walked ourselves to our class leaving myungsoo 's fangirls grieving XD

Amber patted my back " girls now a days are quite stalkers , why are they even head over heels with that myungsoo ??!! Thank the heavens I don't have a friend who feels that annoying pain on her chest and spreads across her body upon seeing those pictures and knowing that myungsoo 's dating  !! " she said and patted my head .

I looked at her

 , hey .. I jut felt that . (• .•)

" hahahaha !! Of course !! No one ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! I said sounding a bit guilty .

Amber laughed with me " thats right ! Cause if there is , IL BURN HER ALIVE ! HAHAHAHAHA il take out her heart and crush it with my bare hands !! And il feed it to my dog HAHAHAHAHAHAHA  " amber added and slapped my back .

I gulped and reached for my heart  " HA - HA . Yeah, we'll -- Ammmm burn her together and that  " I mentally slapped myself with what I said .



As usual, the cafeteria were pack with lots of students , taemin  was still having class while JONGHYUN was flirting with the half American girl at the other table .

MIr was sitting uncomfortably beside eun ah .

Eun ah was holding a spoon with a slice of meat on it , she held MIR's mouth open and said " ahhhhhhhhhhhh !! " .

Mir was grinning at her sister but ate  the meat his sister served like he has no choice .

Eun ah was smiling so happily and sliced another meat and was about to offer it to Mir , when Mir glared at her .

Mir scoffed and leaned to eun ah " noona , yah .. Will you STOP BABY- ing me infront of my girlfriend ?!! " Mir said in a whisper trying his best for nana ,( who was actually sitting next to him and calmly eating ) not to hear . XD

Eun ah looked at Mir with her big eyes , she dropped her spoon and glared at the innocent nana " SO WHAT IF YOUR GIRLFRIEND is seeing this ?!! Since shes gonna stick around with you she better get used to our sibling love ! " eun ah said turning into a tiger . XD

Nana just smiled at eun ah and glanced at MIr " it's okey with me really " she said which made mir smiled in embarrassment . XD

All of us laughed at mir who wiped his sweats forming in his forehead .

 I was siting beside myungsoo , ONEW oppa was enjoying his chicken infront of us while key was drinking his water beside ONEW .

I smiled when I noticed that myungsoo was about to finish his plate full of nutritious food .

I quickly took the bottled of  vitamins form my bag and placed it beside myungsoo 's plate .

ONEW smiled as he saw what I did .

I was waiting for myungsoo to finish up , when I saw Uee a few spaces from  us with a tray of meal in her hands , she's probably looking for a table or for bekah.

" UEE !!! " key called Uee 's attention , even waving his hand . " come and sit with us !! " he said and pointing at an empty chair beside myungsoo .

Myungsoo glanced at Uee for a sec while chewing his food .

Uee smiled when she saw us and waved back , she glanced at bekah who was sitting with lizy . Bekah gestured Uee to just sit with us and its okey with them .

I frowned .

Bekah .

Of course . :/

Uee sat next to myungsoo and placed her food .

" hi  , Amm are you sure  it's okey for me to join you guys ?? " she asked and looked at us .

Key nodded with ONEW " Uee it's really fine , actually you should start sitting with us from now on !! " key said while glancing at myungsoo and back to Uee .

Uee smiled and turned to myungsoo " really ?? I can ?? "

Myungsoo smiled at her and just nodded .

Uee bit lower lip while smiling " Ammmm araso , " she started eating her meal

" so , are you guys -- Amm going out tonight ?? " ONEW asked myungsoo and Uee , key was also excited to know .

" we ----- eun ah cut myungsoo off .

" he's not going anywhere tonight . Right ?!! Myungsoo ? ( glared at myungsoo ) " eun ah said while slicing mir's meat , she looks like she was really killing and slicing the meat together with the plate . XD

Key screamed in his diva- ish high pitched scream " waeyo?!! You guys should really go out !! " key gave myungsoo a " RIGHT ?!! " look .

Uee waved both hands " no no no ! It's Amm really cool with me . " she said but dismay was evident in her face .

Eun ah smiled with Uee 's reaction .

Myungsoo glanced at Uee " eun ah asked me to do something tonight , so ammmm ( paused and bit his lower lip ) Mybe we can hang out tomorrow night ?? "  

Uee looked like she couldn't believe what she was hearing " you -- actually , Ammmm ---- Uee was stuttering and can't form the exact words .

" but If your busy , it's okey with me .. We can reschedule it " myungsoo said   Giving her options .

Uee shook her head " no no ! Amm I'm free tomorrow . " she said and smiled .

Key just squealed like he was watching a romantic movie .  Eun ah flipped her hair and looking pissed off with what she heard , Mir and nana were having their lovey Dovey conversation , ONEW was just observing while me ...

I suddenly lost my appetite .

It was a 7 days dare day . And myungsoo seemed to be loving this dare .

I popped my mouth , I glanced at my friends  on our Table and felt the urge to stand up ,  sit with them and never look back .

"  and Uee ! You should really come to our house , come to think of it , you used to before and u just stopped visiting . Why ??" key asked Uee .

I think I just saw eun ah mouthed the words  " thank god she stopped visiting"

Uee cleared " well -- I was busy with school stuffs . " she said .

" but  still !you should come ! Right ONEW hyung ?? " key glancing at ONEW seeking approval .

ONEW looked at key and glanced at myungsoo " of course , I think myungsoo , would , like that ?? "

Myungsoo nodded " if your free , you can come . "

Key giggled " so Uee -------- eun ah cut key off .

" I think our house already have enough people and having some random visitors will just make things messy and irritating . " eun ah said and stuffed meat into .

Myungsoo and key both glared at eun ah and I was even shocked with what she said  , Uee on the other hand looked like she was already used to eun ah 's attitude towards her .

Key dropped his spoon and faced eun ah with an irritated expression " WHATT ------ ONEW cut key off .

"key , eun ah , why don't you two finish eating , lunch  break is almost over .and we need to get back to class  " ONEW said preventing an almost heated argument between eun ah and key .

Both of them grinned at each other and continued eating .

Uee glanced at a bottled on the table " hey , whose vitamins is this ?? " she asked as she held it .

Myungsoo suddenly kept quite like he was embarrass to admit it was his . I think il just tell her it's taemin's  XD

" that  is ---- key cut me off .

" oh that's myungsoo 's !! You know he's really stressed these days  . " key said .

Myungsoo suddenly cleared his throat and glared at key . Key just gave him a naughty smile .

Uee giggled " I totally agree with you key , I also take vitamins and stress tabs , did you already took one today ?? " she said looking at myungsoo .

Myungsoo scratched his head " I - Amm haven't yet . " he shly said .

Myungsoo ?!! Shy ??? Wow .

Uee opened the bottle " you should really take it !! It's really a big help , especially for us " she said and took a tablet .

My eyes widen " Uee -- I ---- key cut me off .

" go on myungsoo !! " he said .

Uee placed  the tablet on myungsoo 's palm , myungsoo took it without complains .

I can't believe this ?! Myungsoo 's actually giving me a headache just to make him take one single tablet  while Uee ?!!  

I clenched my hand while looking at myungsoo . >:s

I glanced at the glass of water ,

I was about to hold it to give it to myungsoo , but Uee held it first . She gave it to myungsoo and he drank everything .

Myungsoo just awkwardly smiled .

" Uee , come to think of it , why don't you keep that for myungsoo ? He usually forgets it , and I think he'll definitely won't miss a tablet if you'l be the one to remind him . " key said while clapping at himself for thinking of such a wonderful idea .

I immediately looked at key ! ONEW oppa also did the same .!!

ONEW softly kicked me under the table ( as If telling me to speak up)  as he  gave key a pat on the shoulder " but you know key -- minhae is actually --------- Uee cut ONEW off .

" sure !! It would be nice if I can be a big help to myungsoo . " she took the bottle of vitamins and tucked it inside her bag .  

I think I just turned blue .

But ..

That's my

Job . :(

Evil me : well honey, key obviously fired you and took Uee as a replacement . Hahahah come to think of it , I think Uee will do her job well hahahaha .

Uee tapped myungsoo " hey , our coach for the upcoming math competition wants to meet us after lunch , I think we should go since she have a class at 1 " Uee said and stood up. Myungsoo also did the same and grabbed his bag .

" your also a part of it ?? " ONEW questioned Uee .

" yes , she was newly added to our group . " myungsoo answered for Uee .

ONEW was a bit shocked with his facial expression " IM THE PRESIDENT AND I DIDNT KNOW ? " I always have the master list of all the clubs , and no one told me about this ??  ONEW thought .

Uee bowed and left , myungsoo paused and glanced at me , like it was the very first time he noticed me sitting with them .

" yahh Barney , return this to the library for me . " he said and gave me a history book .

Did he just called me BARNEY?!!> :s

I took the book and watched him left with Uee .

Eun ah gave Uee a killer look "WHO's that coach / teacher whatever that added Uee to the group ?!! " she said slammed the table and looked at the clueless ONEW .

Key who can't seem to hold back anymore looked at eun ah " WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ??

Eun ah looked at key sarcastically " how could you push myungsoo with her ?? You dare take her to our house , you will go through me !! " eun ah said .

Key laughed " you bet I will !! And Uee 's not a random person ! She's a family friend !"

" BWOO ??!! " eun ah was now standing up .

ONEW immediately sat in between key and eun ah " guys pls . Stop this right now . " he said shoving the two away from each other .

And I just  sighed while looking at the book .



A taxi stopped infront of the prestigious school , and a boy came out after paying for the fare .

He smiled brightly as he saw all the students walking home , laughing, chatting , gossiping and crying ??

HeI took some steps and entered the school . Feelin excited and a bit anxious .



I'm at the field and wearing my purple shorts and a plain tshirt , I tied my hair into a bun , I was walking lazily while looking at the girls who were warming up .

I yawned as I slapped my both cheeks to wake up , now I feel really sleepy and  ...

In a split of a second , I felt an object hit my head causing me to hit on the ground .

" AHHHHHHHH !! " I groaned in pain while looking at the soccer ball bouncing infront of me .

someone approached me .

" yah . Slave girl , why are you absent minded lately ?? " he said chuckling .

He grabbed the ball and looked down at me .

" how could you HIT ME with that ?!!" I shouted at him .

He smirked " well. You looked like a nice thing to hit on "

" MWOOOH?!! " I yelled at him which made him laughed at my reaction.


He stopped laughing and held out his hand offering help  " are you okey ?? "

I gulped as I looked at him looking down on me and offering a hand to help me stand up , I felt some worms just crawled into my stomach giving me a bit tickles .

Arrghhhh !! I think I need to see a doctor specialized in gastro diseases !!  

I slowly held out my hand .

I was about to touch him when ..

" YAH !! Minhae !! What are you doing sitting around ?!! Are you here to have a picnic ?!! Stand up !! " bekah yelled in front of me with her hands on waist .

I stood up immediately and shook my head .

Myungsoo left grinning and whistling back to his boys .



Soccer practice was heavy , specially when a team Mate is purposely pushing you to the ground !!

after 2 hours of playing , our practice finally ended . I immediately went to the shower room and  after cleaning up , i changed into a pair of shorts and a light blue shirt with a big heart on it , my hair was all wet so just let it down to dry .

I applied some lotion on my left arm when I suddenly felt pain on my forearm. " aisssshh !! " I looked at it and saw a wound , it was all red , and I saw some minimal bruises . I touched it , only to feel more pain .

I blew on it and gave the bruises some light pat , since I felt a nagging pain coming from it " myungsoo , you jerk, mean , heartless wiixjuavxhaudhejifyahuajaichus ! " I mumbled in anger .

How could he hit me with a ball ?! He even had the guts to ask me If I'm okey !!

I looked at my arm on my reflection . And frowned .

I have a fair skin so the minimal bluish 
Discoloration and the redish wound is quite obvious . And I'm wearing a tshirt .

" yeh myungsoo , I'm okey . " people might think I got beaten up .  

I sighed as I carried my bag and left .


All of the boys and girls were leaving . I was glancing everywhere to see if myungsoo was around , I glanced at the table , Mybe he left his things and still showering like he usually do , and asks me To wait for him .But his bag was not around .

I saw Raina and immediately approached her " unnie,  have you seen myungsoo ?? " I asked while adjusting my sling bag .

She was also drying her hair with her towel, she paused for a moment , thinking back if she saw the guy  " he left awhile ago .  " she said and took a brush to combed her hair .

" he left ? Already ?? " I mumbled .

Raina grabbed her bag " yes , he left with Uee . "

With  Uee ?? He left with her ?

She gave me an odd expression" need a ride home ?? " she kindly offered .

I smiled at her while shooking my head " oh no no , thank you . :) my friends are waiting for me. "

She gave me a warm smile " take care . "

I nodded . She left humming .

Wow . He left . Without me .

I smiled , well atleast I'm not gonna wait for him anymore , and I'm not gonna remind him about his vitamins since .. Well since ..

Uee's already by his side .

It would be less workload for me right ?? I think I should celebrate for that .

I stopped walking . I reached for my heart as I felt someone just pinched it with the idea that Uee was now at myungsoo 's side .

I think  my heart is not really happy about it . ;(

I was about to take a step when A WALL just passed through me totally pushing me away . I dropped my bag , I cried in slight pain as that WALL. Just hit my injured arm .

I looked at the girl who passed .

The blonde girl who can't seem to end her day without giving me headache . " BEKAH "

She tuck her tongue out " all alone ?better get used to it from now on . Hahahah " she left with her evil laugh .

I grinned . Arrghhhh !!! I picked my bag and stormed out of the field .



I reached for my phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID .  

" WHAT?!!!" I yelled on the phone startling all the student who was walking with me .

The person on the other line laughed in amusement " bad day ?? "

The moment I heard that voice I stopped on my tracks , I closed my eyes as if his voice just gave me a slight relief .

" yes . You have no idea what I went through ! " I said and stayed on that same spot .

The guy on the other line sighed with sympathy " yeah , I can see how messed up you are . " he said with concern .

Hearing him say that I felt like crying ! " Yahhh !! Where are you huh ?? " I asked changing the topic before I start crying over all my never ending suffering !

I heard a foot steps coming closer behind me  . " I'm right behind you . " he said .

My eyes widen as I heard what he said and tried to process it as  fast as my brain can!

I slowly turned around .

I gasped in shocked ! (+o+)

I dropped my phone , and my sling bag just slid by itself and landed on the ground .

My mouth just swang open as I felt my entire body was under shock . I couldn't believe my eyes !

There he was , standing right infront me , his other hand was still holding his phone beside his ear .

He slowly tucked his phone into his pocket as he took a step closer to me , he smiled showing off his eye smile . He pulled down his blue mask revealing his ivory teeth and  playful smile I haven't seen for long .

He raised his hand and held  my chin with his thumb and forefinger .

" yah hae- shi , Close your mouth will you?  . A dragonfly might fly  in . " he said giggling and still amused with my shocked expression .

Hae-shi , he's the only person who loves calling me that and hearing him calling me in person just made me realized how I missed him .

He was wearing a faded jeans , a signatured shoes and a big loose hoodie with some crazy sequence on it , definitely the usual get up since he debuted , his black hair before was now dyed into blonde , just made him glow because of his natural fair skin . And I smiled looking at his ramen hair that is hiding under his hoodie , but some curls were poking out . XD

He popped his mouth giving me his aeygo " yah . You'l just stare at me like that till the moon raises ?? " he said and laughed .

I felt my throat stuck  up I can't even say his name . XD

I cleared my throat.

" jun---------------


TALK ABOUT KEY AND EUN AH Fighting ?? kekekekekk

now now now .. The most awaited mr eyesmile finally revealed himself ! XD  now you know who he is !! Kekekek

I hope you guys will love him also !! Kekeke kekekek  

Now that mr . Eyesmile is finally back ?? Hahhahaha will he change anything ?!! Kekekeke  

Uee and myungsoo are developing into something ??? Or is it ?? XD

Owww how I hope you liked this chap !! Plssssssssssssss comment ! That's all I'm asking for . XD

Did Uee pissed u off ?? Or did myungsoo made you grinned in anger ? Hahahah did you felt like pinching key?? Hahaha or are you on eun ah's side ?? Did mr . Eyesmile 's presence made you a bit anxious for the upcoming chap ?? Or do u feel like slapping minhae with all her feelings  pouring ?? !! He hehehhe

Oh and welcome to my new subbies (hugs) !!! Whehheheeh welcome to my crazy fic !!  Hope you'l leave your comments kekekeke ! Muah !

Till next time !! Il update soon !

Sarangheyo !

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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen