The Kim's

I looked at myungsoo's back, he was kneeling before me .

I was dumbfounded ! " ya-Yahhh what are you doing ?!

"  what do u think im doing ? Defecating ? c'mon, il carry you . " he said sarcastically .

My eyes popped! He will what?!!

I think he noticed that i turned into a stone and not moving .

" Yahhh ! Are you just gonna stand there ??" he yelled .

" I'm -- I'm really heavy !! " I said cause I don't think a piggy back is a good idea ! The last two times I was with him was , eherrmmmm , 1. Car crash , 2. Almost became a riot with the gangster and now .....

" would you rather walk with heels or bare footed ? It's gonna be a 1km walk to the parking lot . Now HURYY UP BEFORE I CHANGE MIND . " he said obviously getting irritated .

" a-- araso ! " I said and climbed on his back . He stood up , I was barely hugging him because I was ... Nervous ?? Shy ?? Ahhh I dont know!!

" , did u ate an entire cow alive ?your so heavy !" he complained .

" I told you !! " I said , and I heard him chuckled .

He started walking to the parking lot . I'm really that cautious to make much body contact so I didn't wrapped my arms ..

" Yahhh ! Do i have a very contagious disease? Could you hold on properly ? Your making it hard for me to carry you . " he said .

Wow , kim myungsoo is also a great complainer . il add that to myungsoo's bad character on my diary . XD

I grabbed his shoulder with my two hands ..

He stopped walking . " do it properly or il drop you . " he said .

I pouted , and without warning , he suddenly loosen his hold on me and ....

" yaaaaahhhhh !!!!! " I screamed . Yep , I LANDED ON THE HARD GROUND !

" I told you to hold on properly , your not listening ." he said with a smirk .

" aiiissssshhhh !! " I cried in pain and tried to stand up , he didn't even help me get up !! Arrggghh ..

He crossed his arms and walked away .

" yaahhh !! Myungsoo- Yahhh !! " I shouted .

" I changed my mind , I'm gonna carry you so walk yourself to the parking lot . " he said while walking .

Lesson learned : never pissed myungsoo off when his being nice and generous !

I tried to walk but groaned in pain , because my feet is really hurting big time !! I can't walk barefooted cause there are rocks everywhere ,

Myungsoo 'POV

" ahhhhhhhh !! Aisssshhhh! !

I stopped walking when I heard her cried in pain . I turned around to look at her ,

She was looking down on her hurting feet .

aisssshhh ! This girl is really giving me headache!

I scratched my head and sighed . I walk towards her and kneeled down AGAIN .

Minhae POV

Myungsoo went back And kneeled again, i didn't waste my time and climbed on his back.

He stood up immediately , I wrapped my arms around his neck , he shook his back to balance us but to my surprise , because he shook with a bit force pushing my head forward , and the worst is ........

He was on his side view ...

So my face landed on his side view face ... No,no , no ! What I meant was ...

My lips landed on his cheeks !!!

:* muawh!

I eyes widen and pulled immediately ! Both of us were silent for a while .

" Yahhh -- Yahhh !!! Is this how you show your gratitude ??! " myungsoo started shouting . XD

" a-- aneyo !! U shook forcefully making me move forward and the--n youwnhcklaxklajckan" i said completely making no sense !

He chuckled " you really did it on purpose !! You kissed me !! " he said .

Now I felt all the embarrassment when he said I kissed him .

" yaahh ! I did not ! " i said almost punching him at his back .

He laughed . " fine . " he said and continued walking .

The kiss was just nothing to him while I was drowning in embarrassment here !!

I wrapped my arms tightly before he drops me again ! >:s

" Yahhh .. You want to choke me to death ?? " he said .

I rolled my eyes and loosen my hold a little .

He chuckled and continued walking .It was a bit dark and the atmosphere was cozy .

Myungsoo was quite and all I could hear is the sound of his footsteps , I rested my head on his back , and I can't help myself but to smile . :)

Myungsoo was warm , and because the atmosphere was a bit cold , it feels nice to lean on his warm back , I could smell a sweet fragrance, I wonder what kind of perfume he uses?? Or is it his natural scent . I enjoyed myself hugging him from behind and closed my eyes .

And for a moment I felt my heart flatter , .... Wait .. My heart what??!!! No !!! It's just the weather!! Yes ...

I bit my lips cause my heart was running wild again .

Why the heck am I feeling this ?!! I thought in confusion .

" enjoying yourself back there ?? " myungsoo said and chuckled .

I frowned , but smiled  a bit .

" of course ! It's the first time my master carried me on his back ! Might as well enjoy it right ??" I said and can't help but giggled .

" ha, this is the first and the last time I'm gonna carry you ." he said and end with a chuckle .

I stuck my tongue behind his back . HAHAHAHAHA XD

" it's good that you helped Mir .." myungsoo uttured while silently walking .

I smiled with what he said .

" even if I know that you helped him for something in return .  " he added and even chuckled .

I frowned with what he said , geeezzzz he's suspicion radar is well activated .

I'm going to have that contract myungsoo ! And I'm gonna rip it all apart ! Hahahahha ( evil laugh )
We arrived at the parking lot , he dropped me infront and the car and didn't even bothered to open the door for me ! ARRRGGHHH ! So ungentlemen!  

He drove quietly , until he parked his car outside a drug store , he asked me to seat on the vacant benches outside the store and he asked me to stay and guard the car ,am I a dog ?!
Grrrrrrrrrr !!!

I sat at the bench quietly and looked up the sky ..

It was a clear night sky and there were so many stars , but because of the bright city lights , I could only see few stars twinkling so brightly .

I pouted , " so hard to count the stars tonight . " I sighed .

after a few minutes , I saw myungsoo walking and carrying a plastic bag .
My forehead formed into million creases !

He placed the plastic on the ground and removed his leather jacket ..

And to my surprised , he placed his jacket on my lap and kneeled before me .

I gaspsed ! " myungsoo - yah, what are you doing ?? " I asked while looking at him with an owl's eyes !

He ignored me and opened the plastic bag , he pulled out an alcohol ,ointment and two band aids.

" let me see it ." he said referring to my feet and held out his right hand.

Is he going to ??!! Ahhh ! I hid my legs under the bench .

" ANEYO !! " I screamed , he was holding an alcohol and I hate those ! I always end up crying when my nana applied some of it on my wounds.

He looked at me with a smirk.
" your gonna let me see it or I'm gonna break your legs?" he asked with one brow raising ..

" aissssshhh ..... " I mumbled and showed him my feet .

He held my feet and startled me with his touch . (0_0)

He chuckled , and unhooked the straps of my heel .

He removed my heels and placed it beside him .

He looked at my feet .

" your feet is badly injured ." he said  my examining it .

I looked at it and saw some red marks , and my heels were scrapped .

I bit my lips while looking at myungsoo opening the alcohol and about to pour some on a cotton and apply it to my feet !

My eyes widen . " chamkanmanya ( hold on!)" I called out and Made him paused and looked at me .

" I -- I don't like alcohols !! plsss don't apply it Plss ?? " I pleaded , I'm already sweating looking at him holding the cotton with alcohol .

He just gave me his poker face and looked at my feet again .

" I'm gonna apply it slowly so just bear with it . " he said and without warning , he brushed the cotton into my wounds making me groarned in pain .

And to my shock, he pouted  and slowly blew air on it to somehow ease the discomfort .

I was stunned looking at him like a girl who'd seen a ghost !

Lubdab ,Lubdab,Lubdab, Lubdab, Lubdab ..


I reached for my chest Feeling my heart beating fast ..

Myungsoo .. What are you doing to me ?? Are you helping me or TURTORING  ME ?!!

His warm touch and the way he blew air into my wounds made me deaf and mute for like ... 15 minutes ??!!

Arrrgghhhh !! If I could only open my chest and stop my heart from beating this fast I'd do it !!

He was now done with the alcohol and applied ointment next , he applied it slowly , while I was literally holding my breath !!  

This is .. This is the first time he showed kindness to me .. And I never thought even in my dreams that he'll do this .

I eyed him while putting the bandaids with an animated cat print .

He chuckled while looking at the printed bandaid .

While I was just looking at him with awe .

I suddenly remembered ONEW oppa's words .

" minhae, don't hate our myungie. If you stick around longer , you'll meet the real Kim myungsoo "

aneyo,  behind his cold exterior is the thoughtful, honest , gentle and kind myungie ."

Kind , gentle, thoughtful and honest .. I never believed ONEW oppa's words until now , I never saw him taking care of someone , even his cousins, his always distant at times and acts cool . No not cool ,cold ,He acts Cold ! Yep , that's the word . I thought .
He was now done and sat next to me .. And ...


I heard my stomach growling and held  my tummy , I just realized I haven't eaten anything for dinner .!!

I looked at myungsoo ," myungsoo -- Yahhh " I called out in a sweet way .

" waeyo?? " he looked at me irritated .

" hehhe , are you really that tired ?? because I'm really hungry ... " I said and pouted infront of him .

" I'm not hungry , I'm tired and I wanna go home . " he said and about to stand  up , but I grabbed him by his sleeves and tried shooking his arms .

" yahhh master ,Let's eat plsss ?? C'mon , I always follow all your commands and orders all the time . "

He looked at me with his ARE YOU KIDDING LOOK??

" okey ! I complain at times but I never said no . Plsss ?? Can't you treat your slave even just this once?? Kekekeke I'm dying of hunger !! Master! Pls !! " I begged him with my big dreamy eyes .

He looked at me and rolled his eyes . " aissssshhhhh !!! " he said and yanked my hand away . He walk to a store and came back with a slippers and dropped it infront of me .

I was smiling but when I looked at the slippers I frowned instantly . He brought a purple slippers with a head of a crazy cat bulging on top , it's like a child's slippers !!

" yaahhh ..... " I said with my complaining eyes .

" you want to walk bare footed ?? Fine with me . " he said and about to throw the slipper away ..

" okey okey ... " I said and wore the slippers .

He looked at me and tried to hide his laugher . HAHAHAHAHA

I crossed my arms and pouted .

 We walked around the streets and went to a meat shop .. We sat on the chairs , he was seating infront of me while waiting for our orders .

After minutes , beefs and rice where served and I started grilling some beefs ,after a few seconds, I immediately stuffed some into my mouth .

" aahhhhhhhhhhh !! " I screamed dropping my chopsticks and spilling the beef out . " hooooootttt "" I said and drank water right away.

Myungsoo was smirking at the moment " yaaahhhh , are you a beggar ?? Can't you wait ?? " he said sarcastically and grilled some beef .

I pouted" well I was busy thinking how to kidnap hongki and forgot to eat anything . "I said innocently

And myungsoo started giggling infront of me , he was smiling so cutely his dimples were showing .

I immediately looked away before my heart started beating like a drum  again . XD .

He gave me some grilled beef , and stuffed some of it into his mouth , while looking at him, I think he was also hungry . XD

I was busy eating when I noticed some people were staring at me from head to toe and will start giggling .

Well who wouldn't?? I was seating with a good looking guy who dressed good while I was in a pretty cocktail dress but  wearing a childish cat slippers !!

And myungsoo seemed to noticed  the people too ,but just sat infront of me smirking !!

I stopped eating and dropped my chopsticks and looked at him with fearless eyes . He looked at me with puzzled expression .

" yah, myungsoo , can we stop this ?? Can't you be nice to me everyday and let's just be friends ?? " I asked him with full confidence and in a badass tone ..

He paused for a moment and " HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAA !! " he was laughing so hard infront of me,he was even slamming the table , he was turning red, and it was the first time I saw him laughing because of me like a madman ! " was there something I said that made his this crazy ??" Everybody was now starring at us.

" bwooooo ?? Friends ? Me and you ?? Hahahaha , keep on day dreaming slave girl . " he said and continued eating .

WHILE I AM  FEELING HUMILIATED INFRONT OF HIM !!  aisssshhh ! How could he reject my friendship !!?? He was the very first ALIEN who rejected me ! Aissssshhhhh this guy is just so much !.

I continued eating because I already looked like a fool being laugh at . >:s

After eating and paying for our meal , we started walking for a while .

And my eyes glitter when I saw the ice cream store ( the store where I met Harabuhjee ) .

I stopped infront of the " ICE CASTLE ice cream store with dreamy eyes and pressed my hands together as if I'm wishing .

Myungsoo looked at me and dragged me ." let's go it's getting late . "

I looked at him with dreamy begging eyes and pointed my pouting lips at the store .

He looked at me with disgust and rolled his sharp eyes . XD .

He sighed and open the door for me .

" yehey !!! " I screamed and went inside the store like a child while myungsoo was lazily following me .

I went to the counter and ordered two banana splits  .

The staff gave us the banana splits and myungsoo took it and looked for a table .

" myungsoo -- you forgot to pay . " I called .

" I'm not paying ." he said while looking at me with an irritating look .

" I don't have my wallet with me !!" I said ,

" it's okey ,il leave u later and  just wash all their dishes here. " he said and sat on a chair .

The people started giggling at us even the staffs .

" yaahhhh ... Myungsoo ! " I said stomping my cat bulging slippers and went to him .

He was giggling nonstop because everybody were whispering .. " look at her ?? " did she forgot to look at a mirror ?? "Greerrreeee !! >:s

He stood and walked to the counter and paid for our order .

Myungsoo 's POV. .

I was eating my desert when I got startled looking at this drunkard slave girl infront of me .

She was attacking the banana split nonstop ! Some were  already left a stain on her dress .

I looked at the people who was starring at us .

I face palm myself , why am I even with this childish girl ?!! Arrrgghhhh '! Look at her , she eats like a 5 yrs old .!!

" yaahhh ' will you eat that like a normal human should?? " I said and gave her table napkins .

She just stuck her tongue out and continue eating .

I smirked and smiled with amusement for a while looking at her .


I dropped her infront of her house .

" master myungsoo , gomawo !! " she said cheerfully and went out .

" il get going , and yah.. U have lots of things to do tomorrow so wake up early . " I said .

Her smile faded and frowned . " arasooooo .. " she answered whining while pouting .

I drove off , and for a while I stared at my side mirror and saw her waving goodbye like a crazy clown . XD I couldn't help but giggled for a sec .


" Drive safety myungsoo-Yahhh" I mumbled while waving goodbye . XD
I walked to our house with my cat bulging slippers . XD .


Next morning ...


I was in myungsoo 's room with mir .

" is it done ?? Have u open it already ???" I said to mir impatiently . We were trying to open the safe vault .

" be patience Noona hahaha " he said and pressing numbers on the security control .

CLICCCCCKKKK ... I smiled from hearing the sound of my freedom !! XD

We opened it and I started looking inside ..

" hey , it's not here ! " I said frowning

Mir was also looking , all we could find were papers and pictures and files , WHATDA ??!!

" errr noona , I think he hid it somewhere else . " Mir said .

" bwwwooo ??!!! Andwe !!! " I screamed in frustration .

I heard a cracking sound from behind and saw myungsoo leaning on the door and smirking at us .

Our eyes widen and stood straight up like soldiers who got caught by their general !

" what are you two doing and ravishing my safe vault ? " he said raising on brow .

I looked at Mir but found no one beside !!! How did he got out so fast ?!!!

I looked at myungsoo with courage ! " I'm looking for the contract !! Give it to me !! " I demanded .

" hahaha , owwwwwww the contract ?? Is that why you helped mir?? " he asked .

" where is it ?? " I said ignoring his question .

He walked to his dresser and pulled a drawer where he placed his underwears and pulled out the contract and wave it high ." here it is ." he said smiling naughty .

WHHHAAATYYY ???!!! My jaw just dropped to HELL !  I've been looking for that everywhere !! And it's just right under my NOSE !! Well , I didn't checked THAT Drawer cause I know that's his private things .

I face Palm myself !! He knew that I wouldn't  Dare to look for it in there !! Rrrrrgggghhhhh !!

He was smiling at me who was defeated !!

" your not wise enough you know ?? " he said. .

That's it !! I ran to him and attempted to grabbed the paper , but he was waving it high .

" give it !! " I said jumping while he was just waving it high  effortlessly!!

I smiled  when an idea hit me !

I kicked his OWWWW SO PRIVATE PART. And snatched the contact . XD

" yaaaahhhhh !!! Aissssshhhh !!! " he cried in pain while I was running outside waving the paper up high !


HAHAHHAHA I hope you enjoyed reading XD  so , will minhae finally have the freedom she's dreaming of for weeks ?!! Hahahahha guys , I'm so sorry for updating a bit late , and to those who waited :( hey , I'm gonna start reviewing today for our NLE , so I'm not sure if id still be able to update regularly like I used to but I will try ! Kekekeke I hope u guys will  still continue  to support my fic . Kekeke don't worry I won't abandon this fic EVER hehe so Plss comment , subscribe and stay subscribed kekeke I love u all my subscribers and readers !!

Sarangheyo !! :*

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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen