Eunshin, the girl in the picture .

The Kim's

I was with my friends at a coffee shop when my phone suddenly rang and I rolled my eyes when I read the caller ID .  .

Imstupidassmyungsoo calling .

 I pressed the answer button .

" wake me up around around 7 tomorrow , I have soccer practice at 8 so you better wake me up on time. "

Woowww no hello's ?? I thought " but---but tomorrow is Sunday ! Even Maids have their sunday off days ! " I said * I mean ! Can't he give me a little bit of rest ?! *

" then you shouldn't have crashed my car and just applied a job in a lousy family as their maid so that you'll have your Sunday off  day. " he said even chuckled on the other line  !

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! I want to choke him !!

" araso !! " I said screaming in anger !

" are you shouting at me now? Want me to call mommy ??? " he said even have the guts to threaten me ! Arrggghh !

" aneyoooooo ! ( smiles ) il wake u up on time master myungsoo . " I said sweetly >:s

He just hang up on me!! I threw my phone inside my bag and bang my head on the crystal wall for like 5times while frowning  !

" hahhahaha ! Yahhh ! Minhae , how much money are you earning from serving myungsoo ?? Can I have you as a maid when your contract with him ends ? XD " amber said while looking how I'm suffering .  

Iu elbowed her " will you stop it amber ? She's already suffering " . She said and gave me more cake .

I continued banging my head .

" minhae , will u stop that ? Your brain will squash After a minute . " Minho said , I looked at him with teary eyes .

He sighed at my expression , " we could have won the soccer game and your already free right now . " Minho said while thinking about how we lose the game :(

" I'm sorry , I didn't guard well :( " I said and stuffed a spoon of cake .

" hey ! Will you stop bringing up the past ?? You didn't won but all of you did great . " amber said while eyeing me .

" hhmmmmmm she's right , but you know If you only  jumped  a bit higher you might have catched the ball , I could have a last blow chance to success and we could have won big time ! Aaiiiissssshhhh ! " Minho said in frustration and slammed the table .

All of us looked at him .

" Yahhh ! That event happened a decade ago ! Move on Minho !! " amber said .

Iu rolled her eyes " minho and he's greed for victory ! Hahah "

I looked at Minho , he has the right to be frustrated , he actually played well , I can't even believe under those thick glasses is a sporty person .

" mianhe ,Minho-Yahhh ;( " I said , he came closer and patted me at my back .

" it's okey ............ But you know we could have really won that game. Really . " he said and iu and amber looked at him .

" DROP IT MINHO ! "both of them said . XD , and made us all laugh .

" I'm really sorry for not being around much, you guys :( I really miss you all :( " I said cause I really feel bad not hanging around with them much .

" Naahh we understand :) just finish your 3 months of servitude and your all ours " iu said smiling .and all of them nodded .

I smiled at them :) . We were talking when someone suddenly came .

 " unnie !!! " the girl said and came to our table .

All of us looked at the newcomer , she was tall , I think she's taller than me ! I think she's about 171 cm ,she's slim and fit , she has blonde hair like a n ice  princess and she's really pretty . She was holding a notebook .

" ohhh your here ! " amber said while looking at the girl .  

" I just finished copying your last year notes , gomawo unnie ! " She said and smiled politely .

" Nahh it's okey ! Hey guys , this is my first cousin Im jin ah " amber introduced .

" but you can call me NANA :) " she said .

" annyeong !! " all of us greeted and made her seat beside amber .

" what year are you ? " I asked .

" I'm a sophomore :) and were schoolmates :) " she said , Minho offered her a cake and she accepted .

" Oww really ? How come amber didn't mentioned u ? " Minho said looking at amber .

" what ?? She's pretty busy yah know! " amber said .

" I'm minhae ! " I said .

" yeh.. I know you , your Kim myungsoo oppa's slave . " she said .

I stopped my spoon of cake mid air and everybody were laughing hard !!

" wow minhae ! Your pretty much popular hahaha " amber said .

" yeah, as myungsoo 's slave ! Hahahahha !! " Minho laughed and hi-5 with amber while iu was forcing not to laugh  .

Ggrrrrrrrrrrrrr !! >:s

" everybody knows?! " I asked her .

" Amm  yeh, some of my classmates actually wanted to beat u up and ------- I cut her off. .

" STOP!! I don't wanna know ! " I said while all of them laughed , nana also . Arrgh .


After our bonding I went straight home and sleep early since I have to wake MY MASTER early in the morning !! Arrggghh !



I was walking my way to the Kim's house , I actually feel like I'm sleep walking ! I glanced at my watch .

6:00am .

I yawned . Great ! I have no rest even Sundays , haaay ..

I arrived at their house and found ONEW at the kitchen .

" oh, minhae , your here early ?? " he said looking at me .

" yeehh ( yawned ) myungsoo , asked me to ( yawned ) wake him up . " I said while looking back at him .

" Oww really ?! That kid is really --- kekekekeke. " he said .

" your up early oppa? " I asked while looking at him preparing breakfast .

" actually , I haven't sleep yet kekekeke " he said and shocked me .

What he said totally woke me !

" wae?!! Chincha?? But it's 6 am! You've been up all night ?? " I asked him . He just smiled and took a glass .

"You want some milk ? " he said while preparing it .

" il do it ! " I said and stood up .

" no Its okey :) " he gave me a glass of  warm milk.

" I was busy doing paper works I have to submit to the principals office  tomorrow :) " he said and glanced at the thick files on the table , I just noticed it now .

" wooowww !! ONEW oppa you should sleep now . "I said * I'm really impressed with this guy *.

" yes, I'm just preparing breakfast for the rest , anyways , kibum will be up any minute now . " he said smiling .

And suddenly ...

" good morning guys !! " the newcomer said ,

" oh key , there you are,  I already prepared breakfast but ------ key cut ONEW off when he glanced at the unfinished breakfast .

" sure hyung , il finish the breakfast you prepared , I know u haven't  closed your eyes for a sec since last night , il do it,I'm also going to prepare taemin's lunch and his banana milk since he'll be visiting his friend in busan this morning  , you should (yawned)go and rest , you eyes is already complaining " key said in his pink sponge bob PJ :)

I just smiled , key will forever be the umma around here ;)

" gomawo ;) " ONEW said and I went upstairs with him .

" oppa, can I ask you something ?? " I said while helping him carry all the files .

" sure ! You can really really really ask me anything !! " he said smiling .

Woowwww !! His stressed and all but still afford to smile this brightly !

I cleared my throat " halmuhnee said that she reminds me of someone, someone she loved , do you know that Person ONEW oppa ? "I asked ,cause what halmuhnee said got me curious .

ONEW looked at me for a sec , " let's go to my room , I'm gonna show you something " he said .

His room ??!! Ow my eyes just glittered hahahah


ONEW's room

We entered his room and whooooeeeehhh ! It's like a library in here !, I looked around , his room was big and wide , I think much bigger than myungsoo's , there's a big comfy bed , there were big book shelves , there was a table with all the files filling up . Jesus !

" you can put that there plss" he said pointing the table .

While ONEW oppa was looking for something in his closet , I looked around more , I smiled looking at the chicken eating competition TROPHY where he got first . XD , some where trophies he got from singing competitions, math comp, some certificates . " woooww " .

And there were family pictures everywhere , :) his room was really well organized and clean .

He came to me holding  something, he sat next to me , " I think she's referring to Eunshi " he said and gave me the pic , I took the black in white picture and looked at it ,

The girl in the picture was smiling brightly in here pink lace dress , She was sitting at the gardens while holding a cookie and a milk , she looks young .

" what - what happened to her ? " I asked ONEW oppa who was looking at the picture .

" they said she drowned at the lake when she was 10 . " ONEW said .

What he said brought goosebumps !

" drowned ??! No one helped her ?! "

" they said Eunshi was a very active girl , she was the youngest in the family and she likes sneaking out during afternoons and went to the lake behind the mansion  swimming, no one was with her when It happened , everybody was worried when she mysteriously disappeared , especially halmuhnee , she was discovered the next day , floating  at the lake ...

.......dead . " ONEW said .

I gasped ! And I suddenly felt scared ! But I looked at the poor child , she was too young to die :(

" everyone grieved  over her death , specially halmuhnee , she was depressed for 5 yrs over eunshi's death . " ONEW said and looked at me .

" 5 yrs ?!! " I gasped ! That long ??!

ONEW nodded , " for 5 yrs halmuhnee spent most of her days at the lake , ........ crying, while holding eunshi's pictures , she missed her every sec and everyday , she'll talk about Eunshi nonstop, and she'll sleep at eunshi's room everynight  " ONEW said in a sad tone , I actually felt like crying !

Halmuhnee is very kind, sweet , cool and caring , losing her daughter must have hurt her so badly!

" because of that ,some family business were  left unattended , so few of our relatives stepped up and took over some of the business for a while, halmuhnee 's  been like that for 5 yrs , she refused to eat and just stay at eunshi's room and at the lake , few maids even heard eunshi's crying voice for a fews weeks  after her death , it's like her soul was sad and not at peace ."  ONEW said .

And I didn't noticed I was already crying !  T_T

" hey! Why are you crying ??! " ONEW asked hearing me sob .

" it's just so sad , halmuhnee really misses her . " I said and sob , ONEW gave me a warm smile and patted my back " hey ! Mybe someone drowned her or something ." I said .

" they thought of that also , so they did an autopsy . But It was negative , she really drowned by herself , no one choked her to death . " ONEW explained .

" then what happened ? " I asked .

" my dad , and the rest of my uncles and aunt decided to close eunshi's room, together with all the stuffs connected to her , or anything that would remind them of their lil sister . Because the memory of her is only making things worse for halmuhnee , they asked psychological help , and halmuhnee was in treatment for a year , but still not responding well , until the day someone came and nursed her back to life and a few months later , with that person's help ,she was back to her normal self . " ONEW said and took the picture from me .

" who was it?? The person who helped halmuhnee recovered? " I asked , and I wonder what that person did ?

ONEW shrugged his shoulder , " I don't know who , no one ever talked about Eunshi or about that person since then , so our family seemed to have forgoten all about her now . " ONEW said , " i just accidentally found this picture at halmuhnee 's room, and I think she's still hiding some of Eunshi's pictures , cause I've seen her once in her room looking at something and silently sobbing . " ONEW said with his sad voice .

" halmuhnee really loved her, and still continues to love her up to now..  " I wiped my tears .

" if I was Already alive then, il help aunt Eunshi , her death is a great loss  . " ONEW said .

ONEW is really kind , he wanted to save her long dead aunt if god would send him  back in time . :(

" yeah , i just noticed it now ,You do look a bit like her , you have the same eyes I guess  and your smile is a bit similar . " he said and I looked again .

" yeah-- god and his miraculous hands  " I said . ONEW got up and hid the picture back in his closet .

" you should go , u have to wake your master up , it will take you time to wake him hahahah he's the sleeping prince around here . " he said. And I snapped out of it !

" shhoooot!! I almost forgot  my devil master !!! " I got up , " I'm sorry oppa, you should sleep now !  " I said and went to the door . "

" good luck ! Kekekeke "


MYUNGSOO 's room .

I saw myungsoo lying on his bed and still in this deep sleep .

LOOK AT HIM! Sleeping like a baby !

I poked him .. " myungsoo !! "

Silence .................

I shook him a bit harder , " hey !! Wake up you sleeping beast ! " I shouted and shook him nonstop .

But he didn't even move a muscle !

I thought of something and smiled. Hahahaha , I went to his cr and brought a plastic dipper filled with water ,

" myungsoo ! Wake up !! " I said and splashed all the water infront of his face ! XD

But he just moved a little .. Still asleep !??  

God ! Is he dead or what ?

I dropped the dipper  beside him and it created a noisy sound

but myungsoo was STILL SLEEPING !

I sat on the floor , " aaaiissssshh! .. " I looked at the clock and it was almost 7:30 ! Ive got to wake him up before 8!

I stood up and slapped his face a bit softer  .. But nothing ..

Slapped a bit harder .. But still sleeping .

I slappeD him harder but he was still sleeping !

Hey ! Slapping him actually felt nice ! Hahahahhahh !


" YAHHH!! Is thIS how you wake up someone ?!!! " he shouted with his hair all wet XD i immediately ran out side HAHAHAHAHA .


I ran downstairs laughing XD " next time I'm gonna punch him! "

I saw eun ah readying a magazine , key was still cooking and JONGHYUN was eating his cereals, I sat beside him .

" want some sweetie pie ? " he said and offered a meal but I shook my head " no thank u :) " I said .

I elbowed JONGHYUN, " I'm curious , what's ONEW oppa's sleeping habit ??" I asked him .

He looked around making sure key and eun ah wont hear him , " he sleep walks ! But it's more worser than eun ah 's !  this is a top secret so don't tell anyone .. " JONGHYUN wisphered .

" I wont ! Promise ! " I said .

" he sleep walks !! He'll walk to the nearest chicken farm and sneakly murder all the chickens using his bare  hands ! He is the mysterious chicken murder , every tv news is broadcasting about ! " he said .

" hey.. I've heard that on tv.. The chickens were all missing in a big chicken farm since last month!!OMO!! " I said and covered my mouth !

" sssssshhhhh !! Yeah , thats ONEW hyung's illegal business , that's why we have unlimited chicken supplies ! Because he turns into the famous chicken murder at night ! And all of us will wake up in the morning with chicken blood stains outside his room .... " JONGHYUN whispered .

" omo!! ONEW oppa.. I can't believe this ! ." I said shocked .

" dehh.. We erased all the possible evidences that would point to ONEW hyung , of course , we still love him despite his " evil ways ." and we decided to protect him forever ! But the chicken police kept coming back with a chicken search warrant ..! But we blocked them , so u better zip your mouth when they'l come back again and ------------- JONGHYUN didn't finished his words since key hit him with a pot and eun ah smack him using her rolled magazine .

" Yahhh. ! Don't you have any better things to do JONGHYUN ! " eun ah said .

" stop making stories you jerk ! " key said with a pot on hand . XD .

I looked at JONGHYUN who was in pain , " yaahhhhh !! You lied ! " i said . He suddenly started laughing hard and slamming the table .

" hahaha sweetie pie ! Your easily fooled hahahah ! " he said and I pouted .


I was lazily looking at myungsoo while he was playing with his soccer mates .

I yawned . " this is so boring " I said while seating on the grass with an umbrella on hand . Someone suddenly walked by and I recognized her ..

" nana !! " I called her and stoop up.

She smiled when she saw me , she was wearing a soccer jersey ,with her hair pony tailed , she came to me and god I feel like a miniature in front of her !

" annyeong unnie ! What are u doing here ? It's Sunday . " she said , I frowned ! And gaze at the playing myungsoo . She giggled when she got what I'm trying to say .

" owww your master is here! Kekekek "

" how about you ? What are u doin here ? Waitt.. Your a soccer player ??" I asked cause based upon her clothes .

" yeah,  I am a member of the women's soccer team :)" she said .

" wow !! Good for you :) kekeke il watch your tournament for sure ! " I said .  I glanced at my right and saw mir talking to someone . " Amm hey I gotta talk to Mir , il see u around " I said ,

She looked at mir and " unnie-- that's not --- "

I ran straight to mir, " MIR !! " I called but he wasn't looking back and continued talking to the guy . Arrggghh this kid . XD .

" hey ! " I called him again and grabbed him, " hey , mir!  Thank god your here ! I was getting bored and -------- but he cut  me off.

" Ammmm noona, I'm not mir. Kekekekeke " he said while scratching his head .

I looked at him from head to toe and my mouth just swang open , a soccer ball could fit inside my mouth !

" minhae NOOOOONNNAAAA !! "

I glanced at the guy coming and it was the hyperactive MIR !

He went to us " yooeeee wazzup noona ?!" he said in a rap . He was standing beside the guy who looks like him !

" you ! Him! You-- you look like twins ! " I gasped while pointing at them . Both of them giggled .

" hahahah ! This is my best buddy in the world ! " Mir introduced .

" annyeong minhae noona ! I'm lee hongki :) " he said smiling and shook hands with me ,  

" you look so much alike ! " I said .

" Naahh we got used to it really :) they think his me , and I'm him , happens all the time :) " hongki said .

I sat down with them we we started talking nonstop ! Hongki was also funny and he kept talking about music, and such , he even showed his singing talent ! I bet he'll become a singer one day .


Not from a far , a women who was in a fit sport uniform with a cup on, was looking at minhae with interest . She called one girl from her team.

" yes coach?"

" nana, do you know that girl? I saw you talking to her awhile ago . " the women said . Looking at minhae

nana followed her gaze , " deh, I just met her last night , she's my cousin's friend kkekee " nana said .

" she's the one who challenged myungsoo right ?"

" dehh , kekekekeke ! That's her XD " nana confirmed .

The coach smiled , " can you call her ? I want to talk to her one of these days " . The coach said .

" Ammmm , sure coach . " nana answered in curiosity .


I threw myself on myungsoo 's bed .

"ahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!! Kill me now !! Let the earth open and eat me alive !" I screamed in frustration . :(

I looked at the " TO DO LIST " myungsoo gave me , there are  more than 30 things he ordered me to do ! ;( how could he be so merciless ?? I already apologized ! But he can't seem to drop his hobby of tutoring me ! Huhuhuhu :( .  

i got up and my face lit up when I saw myungsoo 's phone .

I immediately took and about to enter when an "ENTER PASSWORD " appeared on the screen .

" aaaaiiissssshhhhh!!!! " , I put it back  and I lay down on the floor ,

even if I found out his password and delete my mother's number hundred times  , it's no use because he basically MEMORIZED HER NUMBER !! arrhhhh !!

Good me : hang on minhae ! 3 months is not that long ! :) fighting !

Evil me : fighting yourself ! Im gonna fight you ! Can't you see she's stressed out already ?! Stupid.

Good me : but it's true ,3 months will be over soon, stop fighting it , just enjoy . :)

Evil me : ENJOY?! What kind of a conscience are you ?! Yahhh minhae ! I got an idea ! Look for the contract !!

I stood up in a flash !! That's right ! The contract !! I got to find it and RIP IT ALL APART AND BURN IT TO ASHES HAHAHHAHA !!

Evil me : that's my girl !! Do that and you'l be half free ! We'l figure out about your mom later but the contract !! Burn it to the ground ! Together with his room ! Hahahaha

Good me : minhae! Pls don't do it , u'l get in trouble again ! Listen to me ( pleading )

Evil me : you know why she never listened to you ?? Because all of your ideas ........JUST !! :p

Good me:  T_T

I started looking around his room for the contract , " hmmmm if i was myungsoo , where would i put the contract ?? " i asked myself . I looked around again , until I found something behind his big frame .

It was a small safe vault .

He must have hid it here ! I looked at it but there's this security control . GREAT! I NEED TO KNOw THE COMBINATIONS ! Tsk , seriously myungsoo your ---------

" what are you doing ?!!! " a loud voice said , my soul almost left me with shocked !!!

I looked back and it was mir , smiling .

" you almost killed me you now !! " I said while hands on my chest .

He approached me , " what are you planing noona ? Whehehehehe ! " he said with his hyaena laugh .

" I'm trying to get the contract ! You know the one i signed .  " I said while looking at the vault . " but I don't known the combinations . "

" i do .hihihihi ! " Mir said . I looked at him and grabbed his collar .

" honest?! Yah , be serious ! I'm desperate here ! " I said .

" I swear ! I always sneak here and I've seen him unlocked this safe vault many times . I know the combination , . " Mir said and smiled .

" what is it ?!! Tell me !! " I said with pleading eyes .

" of course , you have to do something for me first . " he said grinning .


" fine ! What is it ?? "

He gave me his naughty smile .

Oh no .. I know that look .. Myungsoo and jonghyun used to have that expression when their thinking of something ........................ ........

.Deadly .

Oh yeah , nana of after school and hongki of FT island is here as guest kekekeke kekekekeke  nyhahahahahahahahaa!! Comment and subscribe hehehhe hehehhe  


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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen