Jonghyun's ridiculous theory

The Kim's

Next morning :)


We started packing all our stuffs and   Walked our way back to halmuhnee's house, I mean mansion XD .

I was walking with key when I saw taemin and my sweetie pie talking ANd giggling , I few moment , taemin begged my sweetie pie to let him carry her things, now I squinted my eyes. And I can smell something between them !

I grabbed key , who was busy looking at his reflection on his favorite mirror . ( this guy is really confusing at times ) XD .

" yaahhh ! What do you want jonghyun ? Your disturbing me ! " he said looking so irritated .

Tip 1: never disturb key when his having his" Me Time" . He'l end up nagging the entire day . XD but I just love bugging him HAHAHAHAHA wait, back to business

" don't you feel anything about your baby and my sweetie pie ? "

He looked at me with puzzled expression " what do u mean ? "

" well, didn't you noticed anything ? Taemin is weird lately , like the other day before we left , he looked extremely happy that my sweetie was coming with us ."

" we'll of course he'l be happy I was also happy ! " he defended

" and how can you explain his reaction last night about Mir's dare ? He was throwing tantrums I haven't seen since i stolen his banana milk when he was 8 ! and his sudden changed of mood when my sweetie pie was crying ! And he was even pissed knowing that my sweetie pie and that . myungsoo just shared their FIRST KISS together " I told him giving him strong evidences .

He was silent for a moment and was thinking back .

" yaahh ! Are you saying my baby Tae is hitting on your sweetie pie ?? " he asked with his shocked expression .

" exactly kibum !! " I snapped .

" yaahh ! Your wrong ! Taemin is just glad to have minhae around, he has a another noona to call other that eun ah . " he said totally defending his baby bro .

" I know a puppy love when I see one kibum ! I'm positive !" I said cause I'm very certain !

" no ! I knew taemin since we were okey ?! We were rommies down there . " key said looking at his ,  do you still want me to blurt out the words ?!! Hahahah

" wanna bet ??!! " I said

" no no no, I'm not gonna bet on this ridiculous theory of yours . " key said while shooking his head .

" oh c'mon ! I thought your confident ? Since you knew him before I knew you two ? C'mon ! Your having second thoughts are you ?? "

" no ! I'm sure ! That's why I'm not betting , but fine !! il prove to you that theirs nothing dirty going on . " key finally said .

YES ! :D

" if I win, ----- your gonna strip off ALL your clothes while dancing in a pole inside my ROOM ! XD I said .

 he immediately smacked me so hard! " are you crazy ??!!! "

" what?? Hahaha I thought your were confident ? Hahahah "

" fine ! But if I'm right , you ll------------- il tell you on the day you'l lose . " he said , raising the thrills .

" got your self a deal ! But it looks like my ridiculous theory is true . " I said and looked at taemin who was carrying some MINHAE's stuffs . Key was also gazing , noticing the two for the first XD

Jonghyun : 1 key : 0

I laughed at him and left . Key was stomping his feet .



All of us arrived at the house -- I mean the mansion XD .

Halmuhnee and eun ah welcomed us back .  

" how was the camping ? Was it fun ?? " halmuhnee asked

" TOTALLY ! " Mir said

" MIND BLOWING ." jonghyun said .

" how about you did you had fun ??" she asked me .

I gazed at myungsoo who was yawning , and I saw ONEW's teasing eyes !! " ammm yeah it was ,FUN kekekeke "  I said .

" yahh, I hope I was there with you guys :( " eun ah said

" Naahh ! It's actually a good thing you weren't there , we actually had fun without you " mir said .

" and besides ! If you were there things would be BORING !! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA " jonghyun laughed .

" SAY THAT AGAIN AND IL PUCNH THE TWO OF YOU !! " eun ah suddenly shouted hahaha

" whose shouting in there ?? " halmuhnee asked and checked on them .

" no one halmuhnee ." eun ah said sweetly . But the 2 boys were pointing at her at behind her back XD .

" hyon jin, what did I told you about shouting ?? "

Sighed " educated people are not suppose to shout like street thugs " eun ah said , halmuhnee nodded and left  . Eun ah turned to the two boys laughing .

" I swear the moment we'l get  back and regain my power I will crush the two of you ! " eun ah gave them a life threatening statement XD .

" halmuhnee ?? Would you mind if we stay here for a MONTH ?!! " Mir shouted .

" no dear, it's absolutely fine ." she shouted back .

" YOOOUUU--------------- !


I was busy talking to taemin, he was smiling very cutely at me and I can't help but pinch his cheeks ! " aigooo your soo cute Tae ! " i said and he blushed hard ! XD .

" hi sweetie pie !! " Jong said while wrapping his arm around me " yahh taemin, I thought i was the only flirt in the family, why are you flirting with my sweetie and stealing my title huh ??" he eyed the innocent taemin.

" I wasnt flirting hyung , i swear ! "

" yess you were :p "

Jong teased while taemin was shooking his head nonstop .

" yah, stop bullying him. " I said .

" okey ! il stop, but on one condition . " he said .

" what ? "

" sleep with me . " he said in a very seducting voice .

" WHAT ??!!!" I was shocked and so was taemin . Taemin was looking angry .

" YAHH JONGHYUN ! Take yourself and your erted mind somewhere else ! " key said who smacked Jong XD .

" whatever key ! And , just so you know , it's 2:0 . " HAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Minhae left I was left with taemin .

" yah Tae, I've got a question for you . "

" sure hyung , wait , is it an educational question ?

" no, more like situational , okey , what will you do if you saw me and minhae almost  falling off a cliff and you only have to save one of us . " I  asked , he Better answer this ! Cause I'm losing to Jong already . AND I CAN'T !I WON'T !

" do I really have to choose?? Oh I know ! il ask ONEW hyung to help , so you two will be saved ! :) " taemin said .


" no Tae !! You can't ask help! You have to choose between me, and her . " I said , you better think wisely taemin !

" i really can't ?? Ammm this is a bit hard , because you are my brother and noonnaaaa is -----------


"il save NOONA ! " taemin said .

" WAIT WHAT ??!!  YOU CHOSE HER OVER ME ? YOU'L LET ME DIE AND SAVE HER !? YAHH TAEMIN! " I said , I was really furious ! How could he turn his back on Me ?!!! Me ,who takes care of him every second!

" you don't understand hyung, your good at hiking and I'm sure you'l get off by yourself because your the ALMIGHTY KEY ! But noona is a girl and she doesn't know anything about hiking and stuffs, she needs my help so I chose her hyung . " taemin explained XD .

" the kid got a point you know .and if I was in taemins position , il save no one ! il left you two and just pray for your souls HAHAHAHAHA " jonghyun interrupted .

I looked at him with fury !!

Jonghyun : 3 , key : 0


  We were having lunch

" kids! I decided to have " treasure hunting " tonight ! " halmuhnee said .

And all of them just went wild !

" treasure hunting ... Treasure !! " hahahah my eyes gilterred .


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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen